Urgency in tonight’s Daily Edition! Good! Action is the antithesis of anxiety. And thank you for the links to the various legislations and other so our knowledge is accurate and we are not acting upon misinformation or misperceptions! Focus! Weigh information and options. The clock is ticking and more and more it’s vital to choose and act wisely, all based on fact as accurate as possible.

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The public discussion about National Popular Vote may be clouding people’s understanding of selection of electors. At some point it would be helpful to distinguish these efforts from what you discuss today. A loyal follower, ccc

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"To be clear, the cooperators are not saying that members of Congress or the Trump administration helped plan the assault on the Capitol." Not yet, anyway. I expect that we'll learn eventually that Trump's usual cast of shady, background operators were out there agitating and coordinators with the organizers. In other words, Trump was orchestrating in the background. But as you said, we have not heard that. Or that Putin continues to coach Trump.

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Today's Edition Word of the Day: "pendency."

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A question. Under the new state laws are legislatures empowered to change electors in the event of what they consider to be voter fraud? That is the way I've been reading the news stories. In that event they would not (in their estimation) being breaking laws or the Constitution?

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