May 18, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thanks so much for keeping us well informed! I thought you might care to read an email I sent to my Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) this morning.

To quote you, “... no reason to be complacent!”

Dear Congressman Cicilline:

So very proud of you, once again, for seeking support for a resolution to censure several Republican lawmakers who made misleading comments last week about the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Excited to see you address this issue on “All In with Chris Hayes”.

Also, during this interview, you brought attention to the National Commission to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol Complex Act (H.R. 3233). Kevin McCarthy’s response to this was to accused Pelosi of having "played politics with this for a number of months." McCarthy cannot grasp the reality that you can’t “play politics” when seeking the truth!

The newly emboldened reTrumplican party has taken to lying to spread fear, division & violence among its donors. This is blatantly anti-democracy. The GOP has always embraced this power over its donors, the difference now, is that these pumped-up insurrectionists have lots & lots of guns/arms!

Meanwhile democrats encourage community, equality & tolerance among its donors. Definition of democracy. The difference is that Democrats & their followers are anti-semiautomatic weapons and for enforceable background checks... basically unarmed!

It is of significant comfort to know you are tirelessly working to defend truth and our democracy.

Thank you! Susan

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As for Trump: I picture Republicans dragging around a dead elephant by a rope attached to their necks. They just haven't figured that out yet. For those who have, the ones still doing the heavy dragging are dragging them down as well. Be patient; there will be a reckoning.

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Thank you!

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Thanks for providing links to analysis of the SCOTUS situation with Mississippi. Many seem to be avoiding it other than showing clips of Jodi Ernst and Susan Collins saying there is no way Roe will be overturned!

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