Thank you for calling President Biden on his failure to honor his commitment to confront the killers of Kashoggi—Biden is a fallible man, not a saint, which is much better than the cardboard flawlessness of 45 (cardboard can not be redeemed, only recycled). Your suggestion to write the White House about the importance of H.R. 1, the necessity of ending the filibuster as well as reforming the Supreme Court is very helpful, as is the reminder to bring hope to our immediate circles in the current impasse.

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Reading the the Biden administration welcomed rep. of MBS (Saudi Arabia) made me ill. (Inside my thought bubble: WTF???) It is very difficult to support this behavior. The hypocrisy is stunning.

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I wrote to the President and told him to declare an end to the filibuster, the "rule" that was put in place by southern white landowning legislators to get in the way of any ideas or moves toward ending slavery or allowing more states who banned it from being created. "Indeed, until the late 1830s the filibuster remained a solely theoretical option, never actually exercised. The first Senate filibuster occurred in 1837 when a group of Whig senators filibustered to prevent allies of the Democratic-Republican President Andrew Jackson from expunging a resolution of censure against him." (wikipedia).

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