
Here at Lake Chapala south of Guadalajara in Mexico, our Democrats Abroad chapter is hosting a debate watching party. We expect to have 60-70 people.

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Today's thought on tomorrow's debate..

As Trump rants about all the ways in which the debate " is being rigged", at the top of his list should be:

#1. Allowing a convicted felon to participate.

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Donald complains (projects) that Biden is taking performance enhancing drugs. Good. I want some too if they’ll make me smarter, more energized, stronger, etc.

And if there is a drug that will make Donald a decent, nonviolent, person I hope he would take it.

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We all know The Don always projects…my guess is he’ll be the one amped up on Red Bull and Coke!

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Plus Adderall and diet coke and no telling what else.

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I have been writing Field Team 6 postcards to register Women in NC-01 to vote. I downloaded another batch on Monday and noticed that the script had been updated to change "... Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans..." to "... convicted felon Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans..."

We should all be prefacing "Donald Trump" with "convicted felon" every chance we get!!

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Great idea, Cheryl! Is Field Team 6 targeting both Democrats and Republicans?

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@Dr. Fahy, thanks!

I'm curious - do most end up voting in a home state, or as ex-pats for the federal offices?

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Very few return to the states to vote, Beverly. That is quite expensive. One of the primary missions of Democrats Abroad is to facilitate LEGAL voting for every expatriate. We encourage ALL voters to register. We don’t ask party affiliation. We simply want people to participate.

Each state has its own rules. With the extraordinary Republican drive to suppress votes by inventing the idea of wholesale voting fraud (when in fact it is quite rare), it becomes quite the task to help new expats figure out how to vote. As you can imagine, in some so-called red states, the rules are quite labyrinthine.

Lake Chapala’s Dems Abroad has one of the highest participation rates (% votes cast of population of expats) of any chapter in the world - yet it’s only 32%.

There’s a great deal yet to be done.

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My parents used to go to Lake Chapala!

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Thank you for offering up a community chat. I am 6 hours ahead in time, and will probably sleep during the "debates." However, I will want to know what people have to say about the "debates." They are not as important for me since I am not an undecided voter. Democrats Abroad Germany was happy to see that Democrats Abroad Canada in BC were in a Canadian news story. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/democrats-abroad-begin-mobilizing-american-voters-living-in-b-c-1.6939544

We know of the 9-11 million Americans living abroad we can make up the difference. If anyone knows anyone living abroad who still has their US citizenship, please encourage them to join their country's Democrats Abroad, or Vote from Abroad if there is a branch. It is said the mailed in ballots from Abroad put Georgia over the edge for Biden in the last election.

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@Linda Weide, thanks so much!

Americans Abroad deserve to have their voices heard and their votes counted!

(I know there are arrangements for citizens on the International Space Station to vote.)

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Thanks for being active in an initiative that might well make a difference in November. On a related note: do you have any info on where to get hold of nice Biden/Harris t-shirts in Germany? My online search so far was pretty inconclusive.

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If you find something that's only available in the US I would be happy to send it to you.

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Thanks, that's very kind of you, Paula. But I'll try it first in Germany. Dems would be well advised to make campaign t-shirts easily available abroad. The sentiment in Europe is overwhelmingly in favor of Biden and Harris – and the survival of democracy in the US. Many would wear those t-shirts. And by doing so it might have a positive effect not only on American ex-pats but also the 100.000s of American tourists flooding Europe this summer.

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This is what I found online.

On Amazon.de. https://www.amazon.de/Joe-and-Kamala-Harris-T-Shirt/dp/B09YVL8KQQ?customId=B07536XX75&customizationToken=MC_Assembly_1%23B07536XX75&th=1&psc=1

Severel on Etsy.de




There has been a discussion about making "Swag." Democrats Abroad Germany is the only group that has had such a shop and I don't know how successful it was. However, the way that Swag gets sold is that it is paid for as a donation to the campaign, which is not allowed to accept any foreign money. I can buy my husband a t-shirt, but since he is only German and not a US citizen, he cannot contribute money to the campaign. He works in the US, and in the US I never thought about the money I was giving as being a problem since it is earned by both me and my German husband, as well as my being a dual citizen. Since many, if not most of the members are married to Germans and have blended household incomes it is sort of ridiculous, but we want to follow the laws, so we are very careful who is the direct purchaser. So, it will be on my credit card even if my bill is paid from shared monies. As a grassroots organization not every group has the skill set for things like running a shop, or advertising. Our branch is meeting on Saturday. I will let them know there would be an interest for us selling shirts. Among US Democrats Abroad Hamburg and Bremen are close friends. Our branch is called Hamburg and Northern Germany. We have precinct captains in Hamburg, Bremen, Lübeck, and Flensburg, so there is a lot of activity among our groups, such as trips to each other's cities for activities since we are one group as a subgroup of Democrats Abroad Germany. Here are all of the regional divisions. .https://www.democratsabroad.org/de_intro_2020_1

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Good to know, Stefan. My offer stands, however.

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Hi Stefan, I do not know where to get them. I have a lot of Democrats Abroad Paraphernalia. Since I live in Bremen my precinct captain just designed a T-shirt with the Bremen Town Musicians on the cover, with the Donkey symbolizing the Democrats. I will ask in my group and post a link here if I find something.

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Linda, that's a really clever idea using the Bremen Town Musicians' donkey and linking it to the Dems. I like it, though I live in Hamburg and given the love - hate relationship between the two cities I am not quite sure if it would fly here 😉.

But joking aside, I repeat a comment I just made: Dems would be well advised to make campaign t-shirts easily available abroad. As you certainly must be aware of, the sentiment in Europe is overwhelmingly in favor of Biden and Harris – and the survival of democracy in the US. Not only ex-pats would wear those t-shirts. And by doing so it might have a positive effect not only on American ex-pats but also the 100.000s of American tourists flooding Europe this summer.

Currently out of the country I will be back in Hamburg next week and will get in touch with the DA chapter there.

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This is what I found online.

On Amazon.de. https://www.amazon.de/Joe-and-Kamala-Harris-T-Shirt/dp/B09YVL8KQQ?customId=B07536XX75&customizationToken=MC_Assembly_1%23B07536XX75&th=1&psc=1

Severel on Etsy.de




There has been a discussion about making "Swag." Democrats Abroad Germany is the only group that has had such a shop and I don't know how successful it was. However, the way that Swag gets sold is that it is paid for as a donation to the campaign, which is not allowed to accept any foreign money. I can buy my husband a t-shirt, but since he is only German and not a US citizen, he cannot contribute money to the campaign. He works in the US, and in the US I never thought about the money I was giving as being a problem since it is earned by both me and my German husband, as well as my being a dual citizen. Since many, if not most of the members are married to Germans and have blended household incomes it is sort of ridiculous, but we want to follow the laws, so we are very careful who is the direct purchaser. So, it will be on my credit card even if my bill is paid from shared monies. As a grassroots organization not every group has the skill set for things like running a shop, or advertising. Our branch is meeting on Saturday. I will let them know there would be an interest for us selling shirts. Among US Democrats Abroad Hamburg and Bremen are close friends. Our branch is called Hamburg and Northern Germany. We have precinct captains in Hamburg, Bremen, Lübeck, and Flensburg, so there is a lot of activity among our groups, such as trips to each other's cities for activities since we are one group as a subgroup of Democrats Abroad Germany. Here are all of the regional divisions. https://www.democratsabroad.org/de_intro_2020_1

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Yes, it sounds sort of ridiculous to jump through all those hoops but as a Democrat one has to follow the laws meticulously. Reps can receive millions from all kind of shady, often Russian sources, but a 20$ donation from a non-citizen to help saving democracy can, if found out, easily propel you to become a poster boy or poster girl for attempts to rig the elections.

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Jeff Jackson is a terrific candidate.

(The national GOP is terrified of him.)

Thanks for supporting North Carolina Democrats!

We have the QUALITY candidates.

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Let’s remember, not so long ago North Carolina was represented by progressive John Edwards, and Arkansas was led by populist Bill Clinton. These states do not have to be Republican! I fear the Democrats have alienated mainstream voters by supporting unproven positions regarding men in women’s sports or gender denying surgery. Both of these last issues could use a feminist and common sense analysis.

No insults please, just letting you know, you’re not alone if you see it this way.

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No insults, but to concentrate on a couple of issues that people may disagree with, rather than on all the other ways Democrats want to protect us, include us, give us opportunities to work, give us medical care etc is to look through tunnel vision eyes. No one is going to agree with all the components of the platform, but are people better under Democratic rule. I say YES.

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No insults. On the other hand, John Edwards certainly had his own issues. Not a great look. I was a fan of Elizabeth Edwards though.

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I guess I missed something, because I'm not sure what you're talking about. TBF, I don't always follow these issues. It is certainly easy to forget Clinton is from Arkansas.

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Jeff is my current House Rep (NC-14) and I really like him especially after meeting him several times in person. He also writes the most interesting weekly newsletters (himself!) I actually read them from start to finish - not something I can say about any other politician who sends me emails.

I can't believe the horror show that is the GOP ticket for NC "Council of State" offices. it makes me very nervous to think of any of them winning their races. Let's all hope (and pray if you are so inclined) that ultra-MAGA movement once again gets rejected in 2024 as it did in 2022.

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Jeff Jackson is great. I've been getting his Substack for several years now and he responds quite personally to serious comments. I've kept him on an ActBlue monthly since his last election and left it there for his AG run. We need lots more like him.

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And the nice thing is: Jackson's a very good alternative to opponent; both for the state of NC and for the country. Let's hope good prevails.

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Good to know about Jeff Jackson.

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Get on his email list if you feel inclined. Always informative and compelling!

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The Borwitz report last week parodied the Louisiana mandate of displaying the 10 commandments in the classrooms by saying that the demand is displaying all the commandments that Donald Trump has broken. I think it might be the same list. One would argue that he has not killed anyone but his mishandling of Covid ( people do have short memories which is our biggest problem in America) and, thou shall not kill also refers to peoples reputation and their objectification. I did not realize this until I was fortunate to hear a sermon by the Jesuit Priest Daniel Berrigan on New Year’s Day 1987 in New York City. Thanks Robert.

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A friend noted that the specifications for printing the posters would not preclude using rainbow colors for the lettering, nor prevent bordering it with the text of the First Amendment.

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I keep sayini' should be in Hebrew.

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Many of my Facebook friends have been posting alternatives to the 10 commandments mandated by LA, and also talking about them very seriously (also, there's a funny one!). I didn't know how many variants there are! Including a Jewish one. I very much like the idea of the Borwitz one - I'll have to look it up. And yes, I also feel convicted felon trump was responsible for MANY covid deaths.

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Here's the link: https://www.borowitzreport.com/p/louisiana-orders-classrooms-to-display

Took me a minute, as it's spelled "Borowitz." Thanks for letting us know - it's short & sweet.

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Sorry about the spelling. Would love to know the other versions!

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It's a shame we can't post .pgs here. There are some wonderful versions.

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They tend to show up as, I don't know, .jpgs or something. I'm not sure I could post them here. :-( If I have time later (ha!) perhaps I could type them in.

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Re “Thou shalt not kill”:

My understanding is that the original Hebrew Tanach (“Old Testament”) forbids *murdering*. The text was not subject to literary interpretations.

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"We can reform the Supreme Court if we maintain control of the Senate, flip the House, and reelect Joe Biden!" If we can do that, and it's certainly possible as long as we keep working together, we can resolve all of these issues by insisting that Congress legislate the concept of personal freedom and equal protection under the law as should have been done in the first place. We are learning now that relying on the Court for action is just as dangerous as relying on Executive Orders to take the place of legislation since both can be readily undone.

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Very important point. The dysfunctional Congress and the slow motion Judicial Branch provides a theoretical and practical underpinning for an imperial presidency. I am happy when Joe Biden enacts an executive order I approve of, but terrified of the executive order as a frequent power of a Trump administration. As we saw when he was President, Trump was eager to use executive orders that were tyrannical and even murderous (the Muslim travel ban and his whining about protesters to his Secretary of Defense Mark Esper: "Can't you just shoot them?" (https://www.axios.com/2022/05/02/mark-esper-book-trump-protesters). In 2016 he was checked in many ways by his own staff and Cabinet and by the Federal courts. In 2024, were he to be elected, there will be fewer checks on his power. Dan Rather is right:

this is not a Presidential Debate. It is joint appearance by the President of the United States who asks for another term to work hard and serve the people of this country and the the Man (or more accurately the Petulant Child) Who Would Be King, who demands that he be enthroned to rule the government and the country as his personal fiefdom.

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Thanks Patrick.

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I can’t wait until the Supreme Court takes up the issue of interracial marriages! I would like to see what Clarence Thomas does on this issue. The Supreme Court is the most reactionary since the 1900’s. Increase the size of the court NOW!

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Note Clarence left it out on his list of precedents he'd like to see revisited. They won't even glance that way until they don't need him so much anymore.

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In anticipation of the impending Biden/Trump debate on June 27, I urge you to familiarize yourself with the concept of the "Gish gallop." It'll bring much clarity to what goes on when Trump talks. Here are some resources:

> Gish Gallop - http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gish_Gallop

> Gish Gallop - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gish+Gallop

> Duane Gish - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duane_Gish

> The Gish Gallop - http://www.skepticink.com/smilodonsretreat/2012/12/04/the-gish-gallop/

> Gish Gallop and Goal Post Shifting - http://www.skepticink.com/smilodonsretreat/2014/08/24/gish-gallop-and-goal-post-shift/

> Gish Gallop (fallacy of the day) - http://blogs.bu.edu/pbokulic/2013/11/18/gish-gallop-fallacy-of-the-day/

> Gish Gallop: When People Try to Win Debates by Using Overwhelming Nonsense - https://effectiviology.com/gish-gallop/

> Gish Gallop - https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/gish-gallop.html

> Journalists and the Gish Gallop - https://nonsequiteuse.wordpress.com/2015/06/12/journalists-and-the-gish-gallop/

> Trump's Gish Galloping Campaign Makes It Hard to Hold Him Accountable - https://washingtonmonthly.com/2015/11/22/trumps-gish-galloping-campaign-makes-it-hard-to-hold-him-accountable/

> Mehdi Hassan, "How to Beat Trump in a Debate" - https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/02/donald-trump-debate-strategy-gish-gallop/673061/?utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share or https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/02/donald-trump-debate-strategy-gish-gallop/673061/

> Gish Gallopers: Dry Up the Firehose - https://successfullawyer.substack.com/p/gish-gallopers-dry-up-the-firehose

> How Joe Biden Broke The Gish Gallop [in 2012] - http://www.nationalmemo.com/how-joe-biden-broke-the-gish-gallop/

> Point refuted a thousand times (PRATT) - http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/PRATT

> One single proof - http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/One_single_proof

> Not even wrong - http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Not_even_wrong

> Gish Gallop - Romney Style - http://cognidissidence.blogspot.com/2012/10/gish-gallop-romney-style.html

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Such an avalanche of links! My first thought: Oh, come on. Then I clicked on one, then the next, then the next. I can't believe I never heard that expression before. Such an accurate description of the MO of the convicted felon and the rest of the MAGA talking heads (Tim Scott being one of the worst).

Jake Tapper and Dana Bash surely are aware of the Gish Gallop. Hopefully they will be able to take the reigns in their ands.

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Thanks for posting this.

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Thank you. This was an eye opener for me. I am sharing this.

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Gish Gallop is simply a form of “Whack-a-Mole”.

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The extreme right uses the full spectrum of techniques in service of pushing lies: http://www.csun.edu/~dgw61315/fallacies.html . It's almost like a game of "spot the tactic", but reading about techniques used in argumentation versus honest information can be extremely helpful. People who find it hard not to address individual lies or deceptions (as I do) fall prey to those over-arching tactics relying on the impossibility of swatting every fly in a swarm and thus appearing overwhelmed, ridiculous or ineffectual and thus "wrong".

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Never heard of this 🤦🏼‍♀️ so thank you for the education. To be a fly on the wall in "debate prep" for Gish galloping....

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Thank you CGW! My 'learn something new' for the day.

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Some sports person once said that what makes teams winners is the strength of their bench. There is no question the Democratic Party is building their bench and Jeff Jackson is an example of a future Democratic leader. Because of MAGA their are a lot of clowns and Trump want a be’s running for office imitating and echoing the rhetoric of the right to get elected. This is why down ballot voting as well as financial support are so important. It’s the grassroots that win or lose elections and we need to continue to support these efforts. Imagine if an Attorney General in a state was a MAGA supporter like in Texas. We cannot afford for this to happen.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

As for the separation of church and state, it is clear to this reader that more attention should have been and must be given by Senators to pause before casting votes of approval. The six are arguably traditionalists playing word games that outdo the Vatican in the name of man’s dominance.

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They are "dominionists" and their religious views should have been on display during their confirmation hearings. Those views, if honestly expressed, should have disqualified them from their profession - let alone serving on the high court.

To those of us who believe in the personal right to any "spirituality" we choose (or not) these "justices" are enemies of freedom, enemies of science, enemies of all who are not White Males. Their world view is a throwback to hundreds of years ago.

The Supreme Court as it exists today is right out of a novel written by Dan Brown or Margaret Atwood.

There are about 4000 religions on this planet. The fact that we allow people in power to tell us theirs is the "best one" or the "only one" speaks volumes about how unevolved this nation really is. To be dominated by religious zealots should be everyone's nightmare.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

I totally agree. The idea that any religious group would say their “god is the way, the only way” is the epitome of arrogance and the failure to question or embrace any self reflection. And yes, being dominated by any religious zealots is a nightmare, one we are seeing globally as well as in the U.S.

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IF the convicted felon does not chicken out

(remember all the rubber chickens confiscated by the Secret Service when he appeared at the Libertarians' convention?)

here is a link to USA Today's set of BINGO cards for the Presidential "Debate."

Dan Rather is completely accurate - this will not be a debate.

MAGA lives in their own "alternative facts" universe anyway.


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Here's how I summarize my expectations for the "debate:"

President Biden will be Compassionate, Competent, and Coherent, while Citizen Trump will be Boorish, Bombastic, and Blathering.

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Well said, Bob. I’ll be returning from a wonderful vacation in Canada’s Banff & Jasper National Parks. My expectations for the debate are as described by others. No need to turn on the TV upon my return.

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Lucky you! Enjoy!

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Those descriptions are not new.

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I loved Dan Rather's statement on 45 now 34: "His extemporaneous speeches have become a mishmash of incoherent tangents. Calling it word salad would be a disservice to lettuce.:

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I like Dan's acknowledgment of the injustice to lettuce, but I characterize his speech(es) as "irony-rich, fact-free word salad, drenched in tasteless window dressing."

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It's a sad commentary when a news org publishes a set of bingo cards for a (supposedly) presidential "debate". I get the humor, but.....

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Huh, I didn’t realize that USA Today is an actual news org.

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You know, some days the commentary on this site really cracks me up.

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I’m here most every day. 😆

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Jun 26Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I couldn't contain my anger at reading the WP's lead on-line article this morning and decided to vent it to Thompson and Murray who are listed as newsroom editors.



What an outrageous piece of journalistic claptrap you folks decided to run as your lead on-line story today, "Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters". From the definition and size of the poll to its analysis and interpretation, it's both bogus and - in our current political circumstance - irresponsible journalism. Did anyone think to pose the question as a choice between: 1) a felon convicted of election tampering by a jury of his peers and under multiple indictments for trying to overturn an election and hoarding classified security documents, not to speak of his admiration for thuggish dictators around the world and 2) a man who has devoted his life to public service and on multiple occasions accepted with grace his losses in fair elections? Wouldn't have yielded the spurious results the authors of this article and -- I would hazard -- the new Murdochian Post leadership seems to be seeking. How terribly sad to see what the Post has become!

Shepard Forman

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Thank you Robert for all your support of North Carolina candidates this year. We have amassed an amazing group of individuals running for every office in the State. Too bad we can’t simplify things and just hit one lever for all. Jeff Jackson is just one of those who need your vote. Make a plan to be vote by mail, early or on Election Day. Better yet, help get out the vote.

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The Louisiana Ten Commandments case, and what the Fundiescum want to do the the country is what the "Good Pilgrim Fatherrs" of 1620 were doing in Europe to get kicked out of the most liberal state of Western Europe, Holland, and what they imposed when they got to The New Jerusalem: atack every other variety of religion but theirs as "false." These idiot don't want to wipe out on the 21st century - they want to get rid of the 20th, 19th and 18th and take us back to the religious wars of the 17th century. They should really consider seriously what they want to do and what they think the reaction will be, be, because they are outnumbered, and we might just get pissed off enough to go get the lions and finally finish the job.

The Christian myth of Roman persecution is largely inaccurate other than Nero's minor attempt and Domitian's more serious attempt to rid himself of the disease. But most of the Christians who got in trouble brought it on themselves when they tried to persecute their non-Christian neighbors, who would finally have enough of their bullshit and burn down the church and chase them out of the town as "good riddance."

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TC, Andra Watkins, author and “Christian” Nationalist escapee who has read and dissected Project 2025, agrees and also recounts the history. I think I’ll start asking some questions.⬇️

If Christian Nationalists ever obtain power, they will fight a holy war over whose faith will be enforced as the national religion. Will it be Catholicism? A strain of Protestantism? Non-denominationalism? Dominionism? (It absolutely WON’T be Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Unitarianism, Paganism, or similar.)

How can we use this propensity to claim to be the “One True Faith” to our advantage NOW?

Start asking politicians who profess to be Christians about their faith. Ask specific questions like what are you trusting to get to heaven? and who do you believe is going to heaven? and so-and-so says she is going to heaven; if you disagree, why do you disagree?

This is what journalists should have done in the wake of the recent Dolly Parton controversy. Ask Christian Nationalists to define exactly why Dolly isn’t going to heaven despite her outward Christ-like behavior. That woman is a saint.

Compare and contrast their answers. I guarantee there will be disparities.

Hammer them with questions about those disparities. Which answer reveals who is the “Real” Christian? Why is this person’s answer “wrong?” Mike Johnson said this about “True” faith. Are you saying his faith is “wrong?” Is he really going to hell?

If they start fighting over whose faith is the “One True Faith” in the lead-up to the November election, it could fracture their coalition. They might destroy each other instead of sending our country into a theocratic holy war over whose faith will be the national religion. Because if we learn one thing from history, it is to keep people like them as far from the levers of power as humanly possible.


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Thank you, Robert. Wishing us all the best for the next few days...and beyond!

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Thanks, Robert, for generously offering to “host” with Today’s Edition party goers. I’m debating whether to watch the debate.Evenings are usually reserved for wining 🍷down, putting on the headphones and dancing, to Taylor, of course!💃 Although no finer group I’d like to party with..💙

This guy found the perfect tie for Biden to wear at the debate.😂


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