It all seemed so exciting to have democracy back when President Biden was sworn in after even AG Barr admitted there was no election fraud. Now it seems with the vote in the Senate that democracy may be doomed. Why isn’t it Constitutional for the majority to rule? We’ve endured so much in the face of the 2016 election interference and the former president’s destructive acts. We need our country back. The armed insurrection against the certification of the vote on January 6 was a crime. There must be hope but there seems to be such ignorance and hate in the way. Please keep writing and show us the way. Right now we just feel like blowing out the candle and cursing the darkness.

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Speaking of democracy, the Senators voting in favor of election reform represented 56.3% of the population of the United States. The Senators voting against election reform represented 43.7% of the population of the United States. The undemocratic character of the US Senate produced a tie vote. The tie vote required a decision by someone who represents 100% of the United States -- the Vice President.

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You are exactly right about the filibuster and the party of no. To save myself time and energy, here is a comment that I made on Political Wire (which I heartily recommend) this morning: "Start now painting Republicans as people who want to let bridges fall down, children go hungry, the rich grow richer at the expense of the rest of us, and are against democracy. What makes it easier is that it’s true. And they hate dogs, too."

As you have observed, there's no secret: We need to work hard. Very hard. We need to dedicate ourselves absolutely to the mid-terms. I'm a good deal older than you, and I'm telling myself that I need to resign myself to spending a few weeks in far-flung places, knocking on doors.

As for Carl Nassib's brave--and why should it take bravery in 2021?--declaration that he is gay, kudos to him, and I am heartened that he has got so much support from the league and the game, including the Commissioner of the NFL and former coaches. He seems like a very bright, personable young man. Having made his announcement, he should now retire before his brain turns to jello.

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

FYI, Emailed to my Senator & Congressman today.

Subject line: Stop casting your pearls before swine!

Wake up Democrats! This is way, way past just differences in policy.

The newly emboldened GOP has become weary of decades of feigning love of a democratic republic. They now openly aspire to work towards what oligarchs across the globe have attained.

When a politician and its political party, says the only way to protect our elections is to:

> Remove citizens from voter roles

> Limit voting times after work and minimizing or eliminating Sunday voting

> Prevent churches from providing voters with water

> Block local leaders from opening additional secure polling locations

> Replace non-partisan poll volunteers with partisan poll workers

> Overturn election results to suit partisan candidates

That politician, and its party, are not trying to protect our democracy. That politician, and its party, are anti-democracy.

They are in the process of coercing the democratic majority towards a minority autocratic, dictatorial or fascist rule.

Your altruism, while admirable, is wasted on their devious and deceptive stealth tactics.

In fact, it may be the end of us!

Sincerely losing faith in our Democratic Party, Susan

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Thanks for ending on a positive note and reminding us of how far we’ve come! The American public has been stressed and upset for going on 5 years now! Ok - I’ve been stressed and upset for that long. But I know I’m not alone. I’m going to look at the cup as half full and work like heck to support President Biden and his agenda.

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In truth, I didn't read anything you wrote about Synema. She's enjoying her 15 minutes of fame and was trying to snatch attention away from Manchin. The truth is that the Democratic leadership in the House and Senate is feckless! I understood McConnell's words when he said his Republican members would "just say no," but the Democrats have kept negotiating against themselves! I'm disgusted, disappointed and disheartened! I had had such high hopes when we had a majority, but I have given up hope. Biden has avoided using the bully pulpit. Does he think that his visit to Europe is the winning ticket? It's already forgotten.

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Are we confident that S.1/H.R. 1 outlaws or otherwise eliminates all the state law suppression legislation being enacted around the country?

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I totaled it up using a website with the Senators by state in alphabetical order and another with the states based on estimates of 2020 population. If I knew how to attack the document I created, I'd do it.

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