Robert, I would be careful with "reasonable interpretations" of McConnell’s statements. Remember this one after Jan 6: “There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the event of that day.”
I agree. Because McConnell had polio he understands the danger while post people don't, and think of it as no more serious than the measles. If I remember correctly, McConnell refused to go to the White House during covid because the mask protocols were ignored there.
You have point, of course. All the more disappointing though, that for somebody who spend a good part of his life in Congress protecting the Constitution and the most basic values of his country doesn't seem personal enough to take a stand.
Just think how different the last 4 years would have been if he had just voted to impeach. McConnell has been a curse on America since Citizens United!!
It's McConnell’s last term in Senate, he is just trying to keep up the appearance of being reasonable. He sold out a long time ago and has no control over his party anymore. They even booed him at the RNC.
McConnell's remaining influence is based on the campaign funds he's accumulated over the years and still has the power to spread around. The real concern is the recent fall he sustained and how long he'll be able to function. With the constitutional concerns over Gov. Beshear's ability to appoint a replacement in the event of McConnell's incapacity, replacing him could take a while. I don't know what happens to the money if he dies with it unspent but I'm guessing it doesn't go to Mrs. McC.
Robert, I have a macabre sense of humor. Tonight I watched a video about human composting when someone dies. The process is called “terramation” and it appeals to me. So why am I looking into this? I want to be a part of feeding our planet’s soil. I do not want to be buried in a pine box and set way down in the ground. If I am lucky, my family won’t be facing that for a long time but with the havoc and chaos DJT and Company will bring, who knows what time remains? Things will get pretty ugly and our hearts will be torn open. It will only get better if we hold proverbial guns to the heads of the MAGA Repubs and billionaires and demand decency along with immediate change. All bets are off.
I want to also say that DJT isn’t headed for dementia as people think. He is naturally mean and cruel. We should be eternally grateful for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for giving us respite between the insanity of two DJT terms!
Beverly and Marlene, I am am also very interested in being composted. Better for the planet. My daughters aren't so sure they want dirt from mom...They will ultimately decide what becomes of me after death because only their needs matter when I am gone.
I looked at two companies: Earth Funeral and Return Home. You can google them easily. I think it was Return Home that had a video I watched. Very informative and I just found it kinda peaceful. Our daughters have always known my wishes were not to be buried. My sister too, has already received a mushroom suit to be buried in and she has a plot in upstate NY all picked out. California, believe it or not, has not approved terramation which is baffling to me but I read that we will get it in 2027. In the meantime, one of these companies is located in Las Vegas (go figure!) and everything is arranged for transport. Totally fascinates me…hope I can convince my conservative Democrat husband to do the same.
It's an interesting idea but not widely available yet. When I updated my will recently, I had my attorney put in a clause stipulating that if it was available, that was my choice for disposal of my remains if the Medical School I've gifted them to doesn't want them.
I also like the idea of terramation. And I am also very thankful for the 4 year respite from trump. He was in our faces way too much even then. I want one of those smart tvs that change channels the moment his face or voice comes.
I am appalled at the conduct of RFK jr. In assuming that he will be confirmed and deciding who will be in his agency. Hopefully he is over playing his hand and will be defeated. I was in the very large trial for the Salk vaccine in the 1950's (I am 76). I know people a bit older who almost died of polio and, like Mitch McConnell, still bear the effects. I cannot believe that the Senate Republicans will allow Kennedy to head this agency that is critical to public health.
Opportunistic politicians like Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley have no experience with suffering. Those, like McConnell, who survived polio are passing away. The collective memory of hard times is disappearing. Cotton and Hawley are in office for their own benefit; forget their constituents.
My husband was born and raised in Pittsburgh, where the trials were conducted. He and his older sister were among the first children to receive the polio vaccine.
It is up to those parents to speak up, along with the people old enough to remember the time before the polio vaccine, and then after that the rest of us. Call our senators, and also voice our outrage wherever we can.
I think it would have been wiser for Kennedy to be low key until after he is confirmed. Bringing in Sira now sends up lots of red flags. Saying that, I'm glad he is doing it now, so that there is no doubt of what he will do, and hopefully, people will stop him. I can't help but think of the Supreme Court nominees who said they would withhold Roe during their confirmation hearings, and then did the opposite.
“There is no chance that Robert Kennedy Jr. or Aaron Siri will succeed in revoking FDA approval for the polio vaccine.”
I’ll be honest, Robert. I am not sure I believe this. Yes, McConnell has put out a strong statement, but McConnell has also led a party that promotes delusional, lying, conspiracy theorists and con artists. That is just the truth. My dear husband, probably the most honest person I’ve ever known, has always said that once someone lies to him (mostly from his business days), he was done with them. McConnell has lied to us so often, why should we take him at his word here?
And that is one of the biggest tragedies. It has always been our job to let our elected representatives know our opinion on issues. Now, we have to spend precious time begging them not to hire nuts.
Not sure yet what my letter to the editor will be today, but probably something along those lines.
I agree, I believe that all of his nominations except maybe Tulsi and Hedgseth will get confirmed. I just have no faith in the short attention span of the average American, and between now and 45 days from now we all know that Trump will do at least 5 more things that are absurd so this will get buried. At the end of the day there is only so much Democrats can do to limit the damage over the next 2 years.
Billionaires think that they can massage and game MAGA, they must've forgotten how it went the first time around. I predict a lot of performative outrage from the GOP while they go along with MAGA, and then I predict a lot of infighting. Democrats need to get their messaging, platforms and policies ready behind collective efforts to communicate to people what is going on. They need to be on Fox News, and Joe Rogan and wherever it is the average median voter, and independent people get their information to counteract all the bad info. They need to be giving interviews to outlets and constantly bring up the facts. We also need to support grassroot efforts and get outside of our bubbles, I'm not seeing enough Democrats or Legacy Media holding Trump and the GOP accountable right now imo.
Philly - You’re correct about Americans’ attention spans, but probably even more regrettable and scary is their pervasive, insouciant, determined *ignorance*.
Good letter, thanks for sharing. But I am more concerned about trump's picks for the DOJ and FBI because they are openly supportive of trump using the Justice Dept. and the FBI to go after his enemies. We are on the brink of becoming like Russia under Putin.
Robert - Based on a number of what seem to be well-grounded stories in Nature and Science, along with some other science focused sources, the H5N1 avian flu virus is steadily mutating, with real experts getting increasingly worried that it will develop the ability to jump from human to human. Some seem to be holding out hope this doesn't have to happen. If it does it's good to know that Trump will bring to this new threat the same wisdom and intelligence he displayed the last time. Ha! ha! Just kidding about that part! I can already imagine the whining he's going to be doing about how "It's very unfair" if it happens, and his focus on denial. If Mitch McConnell devotes his last 2 years in office to opposing Trump it will be a very small - very small - down payment on the penance he owes us for his role in inflicting Trump 2 on us. The tech-bros are working hard to permanently soil themselves in front of the public, contributing to the slush fund for Trump's inauguration. It does provide more evidence, if someone needs it, that getting filthy rich does not mean you get wise or develop integrity. We're in this weird place where Trump is free to babble at length, on any and all things that flit across his stream of consciousness, and it means little since he's not President yet. Something the major media seems to have forgotten. They clearly have learned nothing from the past few months and intend to continue normalizing him going forward. I don't think the collapse in their readership has fully sunk in. I do find it a good deal easier, after a few weeks of practice, to just check the Guardian each day, and maybe read a few stories from American sources that get highlighted by folks like yourself. That does help the stress level. I also remind myself regularly that a slight plurality of voters wanted this, they have agency, and it's on them, not those of us who tried really hard to prevent it.
As a retired Professor who taught Microbiology, I've also been following this new worrisome strain of Avian Flu in terms of jumping to people and then, worst case scenario, the passing of this disease from human to human. This is bad enough when experts are in charge of the Dept of Health, but under the likes of RFK Jr? That terrifies me. Best stock up on N95 masks while you can.
I checked on my remaining number of masks and I have a bunch still. But I'm considering ordering more in case friends and family need them. Don't forget to check the company lot number on the mask box and check if they're OK by comparing on the CDC list. It's too bad we can't know the specific number we're getting ahead of time.
I just read a report of a vet in California who treated a cat who died of a bad virus from drinking raw milk, the latest crazy trend. Also reports of this bird flu among cats. It's a very bad illness for cats.
Times are tough but we are tougher as our ire is increasingly catalysed, witnessing the mounting wave of insanity like the proposal to prohibit polio and dpt vaccines. We're getting closer and closer to lines, once crossed, that will see no turning back. How many of us were there that voted for Kamala? 69/70 mil? Is there some assumption we're going to crawl in to holes for 4 years?
Fortunately we have Robert, and tonight the Eastern Veil in all its magical, spiralling beauty, reminding us of our star nova origins. Somehow, that brings HOPE. We are already writing postcards to VA Democrats asking them to vote in the Jan 7 runoff election. I have stocked up on stamps
Friends, I encourage folks to read Margaret Wheatley’s “Who Do We Choose To Be?: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity.” Here’s a link where it can be purchased directly from the publisher:
The Person of the Year edition of a magazine I will not name leaves me in complete and utter dismay, anger, sadness, and horror but not for a moment able or willing to embrace the insanity of our country in 2024. The magazine along with the appointment of Kari Lake to lead the Voice of America topping off the shameful list of nominees to cabinet positions and beyond is disgusting and sickening.
I can only equate this horrific President-elect and the insanity of leaders kissing his ring with the George Orwell’s fiction: “1984” wherein every news item was washed, published, rewashed and republished to create a world of misinformation and fear. We must face our reality and actively take steps to restore sanity in the United States of America. NEVER could we have imagined what is now happening. Nor can we cower in the shadow of the full on attack on our country, our civil liberties and the values we stand for - liberty, freedom, equality and justice for all.
Dear fellow readers/listeners...I am not sure this is a solution, but the past week or so I have fallen into activities and into communities way beyond my normal routine or expectations. Things I have never done. Simply by listening or observing and following the 'Spirit' to them.
This has included new ways of approaching grassroots activities. And far more engaged and confident in my agency.
Also this was post something medically with me that changed everything (for the good) in Sept. There are welcome new levels of the physical activity. One example,free form group dance.
I share this to bear witness that in these dark times we can build ourselves while also building deep community connection.
Simultaneously also nourishing ourselves, mentally, spiritually, and physically.
I care so deeply so I share. Maybe I will delete it later this morning because of its personal nature, but for now I slip it into the chat.
I am maintaining old connections (a community choir, for example), and, in fact, beginning to have a better connection with my state legislators, developing trust, and an understanding of how they think.
On good question to ask: What brings them to change their mind? A good answer: When they get new information.
And, a caveat on that answer: The new information must be reliably truthful and verifiable.
Thank you to Bob, Patrick, Russ and Helen et al for responding. I was visiting my GF and we later listened to Robert together. A first... And said let's see if folks responded to my share...
The nominations of the most unqualified is by design. It is the upside down world of authoritarianism. If you do not already, read/follow Ruth Ben-Ghiat here on substack; she writes "Lucid".
He has "cult"ivated a list of destroyers (and backups for those who falter), and clearly intends to flood the government with them to thwart any attempts to limit his wealth and power. I think what we're seeing with the Billionaire Boys Club is them trying not to be seen as targets of his enmity.
I think thry ate trying to curry favor with Trump, but I also believe the billionaires have NO interest in this country's well-being. Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Tim Cook are primarily motivated by greed. They want MORE, period.
Realistically many people will grumble but continue to use Amazon because it is so easy. I honestly don't place much hope in a groundswell of anger doing serious damage to Amazon.
Now,if Amazon raises prices, or sells more shoddy, off brand merchandise (bait and switch tactic) perhaps consumers will notice.
I know it seems that way but I'm hoping they will change their tune when they see the turmoil that another trump term will bring. They are only prospering because their employees and our country's rule of law have allowed them to.
Check this interactive map of all of Trump's 78 nominees including Kari Lake. Click on any face for details and links to more information. Search by name? Position nominated for? Connected to FOX? Major donor? Related to Trump? Billionaire?
@Deepak. How about an interactive map connecting Trump appointees with foreign interests?
Biden needs to report on Russian interference ASAP! We are the victims of the Russian war on the USA. Putin admits he did it and demands quid pro quo from Trump. An admission is dispositive and is actionalble and constitutes an emergency.
Of course it was. It still is true. Trump is deeply, deeply in thrall to Putin--I only wish we knew what Putin is holding over Trump to inspire his "devotion".
This year, for our sins, Time has again designated Donald Trump as Person of the Year, a distinction he shares with Joseph Stalin. In 1940, Time wrote that Stalin instituted policies which fomented national division and suffering, carried out mass arrests and deportations, and cultivated a cult of personality. Noting "Joseph Stalin has gone a long way toward deifying himself while alive. No flattery is too transparent, no compliment too broad for him." They might have included that in 1923 Stalin, previously an editor of Pravda (Truth), coined the term "desinformatsiya" for false information meant to deceive public opinion. Today we have Trump and his Truth Social. Soviet-style authoritarianism second hand through Stalin heir Putin as recycled to the Christian Nationalist Republican party through KKK Grand Wizard, GOP gadfly, and Putin fanboy David Duke.
Time might have preferably directly designated "disinformation" as exerting the most influence on events of the year. After all, it's what helped put Trump in the driver's seat.
I hope there are reputable news organizations out there still who will shine the spotlight on the grifting that is as natural to Trump as mothers' milk. Watch where the Trump Organization builds hotels. Watch who invests with Jared. Watch whatever new scheme Don Jr. gets embroiled in. The parallels to earlier corrupt times will be unavoidable. Too bad the stakes for thee and me are so high.
Medias Touch Network,an independent news org with ZERO outside financial investors, is shining the spotlight on the grift ! Substack is a major part of their growth so subscribe(available for free), like or share. 📣
They’ve also hit over 5 billion YouTube views and getting more daily than Fox. Obviously MAGA people are not happy and delivering death threats ( via the cowardliness of the keyboard,of course) which only motivates MTN to keep growing the network.
So Mitch came out against any attempt to curtail the polio vaccine. Good for Mitch! I’m pleased to see his concern for children and………wait, what? Oh, he is outraged because HE was personally affected. If he were truly concerned about the welfare of others, he’d be able to see over his crusty old nose that ALL vaccines are important and life saving, not just the one who helped him. Selfish SOB.
The pushback is absolutely delicious! If nothing else, the next four years could end up as a triumph for Democratic opposition to the GOP as the reality of these crazy Trump proposals sinks into practice. Moreover, is we keep resisting attempts to subvert democracy, we could end up on a stronger emotional, ethical, and moral plane than we started. Bravo!
As far as I am concerned Trump killed more than a million Americans with his criminal incompetence at the start of the COVID-19 epidemic. Shine a light on it. Inject some bleach. Covering up facts that people needed to know to protect themselves and their children. Eschewing masks. His support of RFK, Jr. is an indication of how little he cares about others. We can write our senators.
Robert, I would be careful with "reasonable interpretations" of McConnell’s statements. Remember this one after Jan 6: “There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the event of that day.”
You could be right. But polio is personal for McConnell.
It’s more than unfortunate that it had to get personal for McConnell before he stood up – and only on that particular matter.
McConnell is no hero.
I agree. Because McConnell had polio he understands the danger while post people don't, and think of it as no more serious than the measles. If I remember correctly, McConnell refused to go to the White House during covid because the mask protocols were ignored there.
I nearly died from measles. It’s not simply a “childhood disease”.
Same here. There were no vaccines for measles in 1952, I was very lucky to have lived to see 1953.
You have point, of course. All the more disappointing though, that for somebody who spend a good part of his life in Congress protecting the Constitution and the most basic values of his country doesn't seem personal enough to take a stand.
And the laughable one: ~~~ we don't need to impeach, the justice system will prevail.
Just think how different the last 4 years would have been if he had just voted to impeach. McConnell has been a curse on America since Citizens United!!
It's McConnell’s last term in Senate, he is just trying to keep up the appearance of being reasonable. He sold out a long time ago and has no control over his party anymore. They even booed him at the RNC.
McConnell's remaining influence is based on the campaign funds he's accumulated over the years and still has the power to spread around. The real concern is the recent fall he sustained and how long he'll be able to function. With the constitutional concerns over Gov. Beshear's ability to appoint a replacement in the event of McConnell's incapacity, replacing him could take a while. I don't know what happens to the money if he dies with it unspent but I'm guessing it doesn't go to Mrs. McC.
I was so hopeful when I heard him say that...
Robert, I have a macabre sense of humor. Tonight I watched a video about human composting when someone dies. The process is called “terramation” and it appeals to me. So why am I looking into this? I want to be a part of feeding our planet’s soil. I do not want to be buried in a pine box and set way down in the ground. If I am lucky, my family won’t be facing that for a long time but with the havoc and chaos DJT and Company will bring, who knows what time remains? Things will get pretty ugly and our hearts will be torn open. It will only get better if we hold proverbial guns to the heads of the MAGA Repubs and billionaires and demand decency along with immediate change. All bets are off.
I want to also say that DJT isn’t headed for dementia as people think. He is naturally mean and cruel. We should be eternally grateful for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for giving us respite between the insanity of two DJT terms!
I also am interested in terramation.
Beverly and Marlene, I am am also very interested in being composted. Better for the planet. My daughters aren't so sure they want dirt from mom...They will ultimately decide what becomes of me after death because only their needs matter when I am gone.
Me, too. Been thinking about if for awhile. Thinking about it more and more this last month or so.
I looked at two companies: Earth Funeral and Return Home. You can google them easily. I think it was Return Home that had a video I watched. Very informative and I just found it kinda peaceful. Our daughters have always known my wishes were not to be buried. My sister too, has already received a mushroom suit to be buried in and she has a plot in upstate NY all picked out. California, believe it or not, has not approved terramation which is baffling to me but I read that we will get it in 2027. In the meantime, one of these companies is located in Las Vegas (go figure!) and everything is arranged for transport. Totally fascinates me…hope I can convince my conservative Democrat husband to do the same.
It's an interesting idea but not widely available yet. When I updated my will recently, I had my attorney put in a clause stipulating that if it was available, that was my choice for disposal of my remains if the Medical School I've gifted them to doesn't want them.
as a physician, thank you for donating in the important education of medical professionals, and may that date be FAR in the future
Thanks Beverly. That's a hope I share.
I haven’t thought to do that with our attorney so thank you for that idea!
I also like the idea of terramation. And I am also very thankful for the 4 year respite from trump. He was in our faces way too much even then. I want one of those smart tvs that change channels the moment his face or voice comes.
Wouldn’t that be just wonderful? Wonder if we can program our tvs to do that. 🤔
I may stop watching TV altogether!
I have practically done that. I only watch Lawrence O’Donnell 4 nights a week.
I am appalled at the conduct of RFK jr. In assuming that he will be confirmed and deciding who will be in his agency. Hopefully he is over playing his hand and will be defeated. I was in the very large trial for the Salk vaccine in the 1950's (I am 76). I know people a bit older who almost died of polio and, like Mitch McConnell, still bear the effects. I cannot believe that the Senate Republicans will allow Kennedy to head this agency that is critical to public health.
Opportunistic politicians like Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley have no experience with suffering. Those, like McConnell, who survived polio are passing away. The collective memory of hard times is disappearing. Cotton and Hawley are in office for their own benefit; forget their constituents.
This makes me soo sad....
My husband was born and raised in Pittsburgh, where the trials were conducted. He and his older sister were among the first children to receive the polio vaccine.
What are they thinking? I feel like the whole world is collapsing around us. I am concerned about all parents of newborns. This is
outright craziness!
It is up to those parents to speak up, along with the people old enough to remember the time before the polio vaccine, and then after that the rest of us. Call our senators, and also voice our outrage wherever we can.
I think it would have been wiser for Kennedy to be low key until after he is confirmed. Bringing in Sira now sends up lots of red flags. Saying that, I'm glad he is doing it now, so that there is no doubt of what he will do, and hopefully, people will stop him. I can't help but think of the Supreme Court nominees who said they would withhold Roe during their confirmation hearings, and then did the opposite.
“There is no chance that Robert Kennedy Jr. or Aaron Siri will succeed in revoking FDA approval for the polio vaccine.”
I’ll be honest, Robert. I am not sure I believe this. Yes, McConnell has put out a strong statement, but McConnell has also led a party that promotes delusional, lying, conspiracy theorists and con artists. That is just the truth. My dear husband, probably the most honest person I’ve ever known, has always said that once someone lies to him (mostly from his business days), he was done with them. McConnell has lied to us so often, why should we take him at his word here?
And that is one of the biggest tragedies. It has always been our job to let our elected representatives know our opinion on issues. Now, we have to spend precious time begging them not to hire nuts.
Not sure yet what my letter to the editor will be today, but probably something along those lines.
I agree, I believe that all of his nominations except maybe Tulsi and Hedgseth will get confirmed. I just have no faith in the short attention span of the average American, and between now and 45 days from now we all know that Trump will do at least 5 more things that are absurd so this will get buried. At the end of the day there is only so much Democrats can do to limit the damage over the next 2 years.
Billionaires think that they can massage and game MAGA, they must've forgotten how it went the first time around. I predict a lot of performative outrage from the GOP while they go along with MAGA, and then I predict a lot of infighting. Democrats need to get their messaging, platforms and policies ready behind collective efforts to communicate to people what is going on. They need to be on Fox News, and Joe Rogan and wherever it is the average median voter, and independent people get their information to counteract all the bad info. They need to be giving interviews to outlets and constantly bring up the facts. We also need to support grassroot efforts and get outside of our bubbles, I'm not seeing enough Democrats or Legacy Media holding Trump and the GOP accountable right now imo.
Philly - You’re correct about Americans’ attention spans, but probably even more regrettable and scary is their pervasive, insouciant, determined *ignorance*.
How can that be combatted?
They will have to suffer the consequences of another 4 year (or more) trump circus.
Presumably, the ignorance is inversely proportional to the attention span.
Part 2. My letter about this (not believing any assurances from McConnell and others) has been submitted to my local paper. If anyone wants to see (and feel free to steal), go right ahead.
Good letter, thanks for sharing. But I am more concerned about trump's picks for the DOJ and FBI because they are openly supportive of trump using the Justice Dept. and the FBI to go after his enemies. We are on the brink of becoming like Russia under Putin.
Robert - Based on a number of what seem to be well-grounded stories in Nature and Science, along with some other science focused sources, the H5N1 avian flu virus is steadily mutating, with real experts getting increasingly worried that it will develop the ability to jump from human to human. Some seem to be holding out hope this doesn't have to happen. If it does it's good to know that Trump will bring to this new threat the same wisdom and intelligence he displayed the last time. Ha! ha! Just kidding about that part! I can already imagine the whining he's going to be doing about how "It's very unfair" if it happens, and his focus on denial. If Mitch McConnell devotes his last 2 years in office to opposing Trump it will be a very small - very small - down payment on the penance he owes us for his role in inflicting Trump 2 on us. The tech-bros are working hard to permanently soil themselves in front of the public, contributing to the slush fund for Trump's inauguration. It does provide more evidence, if someone needs it, that getting filthy rich does not mean you get wise or develop integrity. We're in this weird place where Trump is free to babble at length, on any and all things that flit across his stream of consciousness, and it means little since he's not President yet. Something the major media seems to have forgotten. They clearly have learned nothing from the past few months and intend to continue normalizing him going forward. I don't think the collapse in their readership has fully sunk in. I do find it a good deal easier, after a few weeks of practice, to just check the Guardian each day, and maybe read a few stories from American sources that get highlighted by folks like yourself. That does help the stress level. I also remind myself regularly that a slight plurality of voters wanted this, they have agency, and it's on them, not those of us who tried really hard to prevent it.
As a retired Professor who taught Microbiology, I've also been following this new worrisome strain of Avian Flu in terms of jumping to people and then, worst case scenario, the passing of this disease from human to human. This is bad enough when experts are in charge of the Dept of Health, but under the likes of RFK Jr? That terrifies me. Best stock up on N95 masks while you can.
Stock up. Done! But I bought KN95 masks.
I checked on my remaining number of masks and I have a bunch still. But I'm considering ordering more in case friends and family need them. Don't forget to check the company lot number on the mask box and check if they're OK by comparing on the CDC list. It's too bad we can't know the specific number we're getting ahead of time.
I just read a report of a vet in California who treated a cat who died of a bad virus from drinking raw milk, the latest crazy trend. Also reports of this bird flu among cats. It's a very bad illness for cats.
Yes but there is not much pleasure in saying; 'I told you so' when the country is engulfed in chaos.
Times are tough but we are tougher as our ire is increasingly catalysed, witnessing the mounting wave of insanity like the proposal to prohibit polio and dpt vaccines. We're getting closer and closer to lines, once crossed, that will see no turning back. How many of us were there that voted for Kamala? 69/70 mil? Is there some assumption we're going to crawl in to holes for 4 years?
Fortunately we have Robert, and tonight the Eastern Veil in all its magical, spiralling beauty, reminding us of our star nova origins. Somehow, that brings HOPE.
As well as the Truth that The Tide Always Turns.
And Grows, in Momentum.
This rising ire is propelling the momentum....... We are already writing postcards to VA Democrats asking them to vote in the Jan 7 runoff election. I have stocked up on stamps
Sent my first batch out and will order more addresses. 🤗
Me too!
Thank you for posting this! I had dragged my feet at re-entering the post carding arena. I will follow your lead and order some addresses now!
Friends, I encourage folks to read Margaret Wheatley’s “Who Do We Choose To Be?: Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity.” Here’s a link where it can be purchased directly from the publisher:
The Person of the Year edition of a magazine I will not name leaves me in complete and utter dismay, anger, sadness, and horror but not for a moment able or willing to embrace the insanity of our country in 2024. The magazine along with the appointment of Kari Lake to lead the Voice of America topping off the shameful list of nominees to cabinet positions and beyond is disgusting and sickening.
I can only equate this horrific President-elect and the insanity of leaders kissing his ring with the George Orwell’s fiction: “1984” wherein every news item was washed, published, rewashed and republished to create a world of misinformation and fear. We must face our reality and actively take steps to restore sanity in the United States of America. NEVER could we have imagined what is now happening. Nor can we cower in the shadow of the full on attack on our country, our civil liberties and the values we stand for - liberty, freedom, equality and justice for all.
Dear fellow readers/listeners...I am not sure this is a solution, but the past week or so I have fallen into activities and into communities way beyond my normal routine or expectations. Things I have never done. Simply by listening or observing and following the 'Spirit' to them.
This has included new ways of approaching grassroots activities. And far more engaged and confident in my agency.
Also this was post something medically with me that changed everything (for the good) in Sept. There are welcome new levels of the physical activity. One example,free form group dance.
I share this to bear witness that in these dark times we can build ourselves while also building deep community connection.
Simultaneously also nourishing ourselves, mentally, spiritually, and physically.
I care so deeply so I share. Maybe I will delete it later this morning because of its personal nature, but for now I slip it into the chat.
Reaching out to new connections is a good idea.
I am maintaining old connections (a community choir, for example), and, in fact, beginning to have a better connection with my state legislators, developing trust, and an understanding of how they think.
On good question to ask: What brings them to change their mind? A good answer: When they get new information.
And, a caveat on that answer: The new information must be reliably truthful and verifiable.
Good news on the medical front for you, Mr. English. Stay strong. Stay engaged. We need everyone at whatever level.
Thanks for sharing. It seems you are using your refund blessing of health in a positive way. You inspire me to get well so I too can be active.
Thank you to Bob, Patrick, Russ and Helen et al for responding. I was visiting my GF and we later listened to Robert together. A first... And said let's see if folks responded to my share...
Thank you Joe
Trump’s ability to nominate the antithesis of leadership is mind boggling.
The nominations of the most unqualified is by design. It is the upside down world of authoritarianism. If you do not already, read/follow Ruth Ben-Ghiat here on substack; she writes "Lucid".
He has "cult"ivated a list of destroyers (and backups for those who falter), and clearly intends to flood the government with them to thwart any attempts to limit his wealth and power. I think what we're seeing with the Billionaire Boys Club is them trying not to be seen as targets of his enmity.
I think thry ate trying to curry favor with Trump, but I also believe the billionaires have NO interest in this country's well-being. Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Tim Cook are primarily motivated by greed. They want MORE, period.
They are soulless,vicious men.
And what happens when all their customers and employees go away? By choice or by death or by the inability to afford what they offer?
Realistically many people will grumble but continue to use Amazon because it is so easy. I honestly don't place much hope in a groundswell of anger doing serious damage to Amazon.
Now,if Amazon raises prices, or sells more shoddy, off brand merchandise (bait and switch tactic) perhaps consumers will notice.
I would love consumers to prove me wrong
I know it seems that way but I'm hoping they will change their tune when they see the turmoil that another trump term will bring. They are only prospering because their employees and our country's rule of law have allowed them to.
The Word of the Year for 2025 (unfortunately) should be KAKISTOCRACY.
Somewhere I read that the Oxford Dictionary Word for 2024 is (and it’s a 🎯) is Brain Rot.
To what gain? Are you excusing them?
No, but I'm suggesting their motivation may be more defensive than pure greed.
I hope you’re right!
Check this interactive map of all of Trump's 78 nominees including Kari Lake. Click on any face for details and links to more information. Search by name? Position nominated for? Connected to FOX? Major donor? Related to Trump? Billionaire?
@Deepak. How about an interactive map connecting Trump appointees with foreign interests?
Biden needs to report on Russian interference ASAP! We are the victims of the Russian war on the USA. Putin admits he did it and demands quid pro quo from Trump. An admission is dispositive and is actionalble and constitutes an emergency.
"Russia, Russia, Russia" was true
Of course it was. It still is true. Trump is deeply, deeply in thrall to Putin--I only wish we knew what Putin is holding over Trump to inspire his "devotion".
Pravda, pravda, pravda!
Thank you for continuing to bring this to our attention. Why can’t our own government care about this??
This year, for our sins, Time has again designated Donald Trump as Person of the Year, a distinction he shares with Joseph Stalin. In 1940, Time wrote that Stalin instituted policies which fomented national division and suffering, carried out mass arrests and deportations, and cultivated a cult of personality. Noting "Joseph Stalin has gone a long way toward deifying himself while alive. No flattery is too transparent, no compliment too broad for him." They might have included that in 1923 Stalin, previously an editor of Pravda (Truth), coined the term "desinformatsiya" for false information meant to deceive public opinion. Today we have Trump and his Truth Social. Soviet-style authoritarianism second hand through Stalin heir Putin as recycled to the Christian Nationalist Republican party through KKK Grand Wizard, GOP gadfly, and Putin fanboy David Duke.
Time might have preferably directly designated "disinformation" as exerting the most influence on events of the year. After all, it's what helped put Trump in the driver's seat.
Although I'd have jointly designated
Yahya Sinwar and Bibi Netanyahu.,28804,2019712_2019694_2019592,00.html
I listen to the audio version of your Substack and the mention of Mr. Siri is triggering Apple Siri on my computer 😆
I wondered if his name was always Siri or was changed when Amazin’s Siri came into existence?
I hope there are reputable news organizations out there still who will shine the spotlight on the grifting that is as natural to Trump as mothers' milk. Watch where the Trump Organization builds hotels. Watch who invests with Jared. Watch whatever new scheme Don Jr. gets embroiled in. The parallels to earlier corrupt times will be unavoidable. Too bad the stakes for thee and me are so high.
Medias Touch Network,an independent news org with ZERO outside financial investors, is shining the spotlight on the grift ! Substack is a major part of their growth so subscribe(available for free), like or share. 📣
They’ve also hit over 5 billion YouTube views and getting more daily than Fox. Obviously MAGA people are not happy and delivering death threats ( via the cowardliness of the keyboard,of course) which only motivates MTN to keep growing the network.
I so agree! Go Medias Touch Network! Subscribe!!
Exactly Swbv: watch what they do, not what they say (as difficult as it is to not react to every outrageous statement)!
So Mitch came out against any attempt to curtail the polio vaccine. Good for Mitch! I’m pleased to see his concern for children and………wait, what? Oh, he is outraged because HE was personally affected. If he were truly concerned about the welfare of others, he’d be able to see over his crusty old nose that ALL vaccines are important and life saving, not just the one who helped him. Selfish SOB.
The pushback is absolutely delicious! If nothing else, the next four years could end up as a triumph for Democratic opposition to the GOP as the reality of these crazy Trump proposals sinks into practice. Moreover, is we keep resisting attempts to subvert democracy, we could end up on a stronger emotional, ethical, and moral plane than we started. Bravo!
As far as I am concerned Trump killed more than a million Americans with his criminal incompetence at the start of the COVID-19 epidemic. Shine a light on it. Inject some bleach. Covering up facts that people needed to know to protect themselves and their children. Eschewing masks. His support of RFK, Jr. is an indication of how little he cares about others. We can write our senators.