I received an email from the White House this evening -- a letter to me from President Biden -- in reply to my email to him last October. I found his words most positive and encouraging. He gets my vote.

Here are the main two paragraphs from the letter that I'd like to share with everyone:

"Our country faces many challenges, and the road we will travel together will be one of the most difficult in our history. Despite these tough times, I have never been more optimistic for the future of America. I believe we are better positioned than any country in the world to lead in the 21st century not just by the example of our power but by the power of our example.

As we move forward to address the complex issues of our time, I encourage you to remain an active participant in helping write the next great chapter of the American story. We need your courage and dedication at this critical time, and we must meet this moment together as the United States of America. If we do that, I believe that our best days still lie ahead."

--- Joe Biden

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Will Merrick Garland ever be the savior we seek? I wonder if we will ever know what the real reasons for his reluctance are. Perhaps the resignation and statement by the NY prosecutor will light a moral fire under his butt? Maybe, his plan is a secret about to be revealed? Perhaps it's the Bragg thinking - unless it is an iron clad case and 100% winnable, why pursue it? Maybe there is just one more piece of actionable evidence needed? Call me clueless on this one. And appalled.

Regardless, I think as time passes there are several factors that will lead to the crumbling of the TFG's stature. I do not think he will be the candidate for POTUS in 2024.

1. There are loans coming due. No banks will loan to TFG. His gambit was always renegotiating, extending, and then bankruptcy. His "brand" is toxic. His source of cash now is his scamming with contributions by naive fools. That too will lead to legal difficulties. And embarrassment as he may have to leave his Florida sanctuary.

2. TFG has competition. We saw that in the hearings for Judge Jackson's nomination. They will draw away support. They are out "Tr...ping" the TFG. (Sorry, I just can't use it's name). And then there is DeSantis...and the evil Abbott.

3. It hard for me to believe that TFG's health will hold out. In fact, by the nature of his most recent fumbles, it may be that some little arteries in his head or ones leading to his "brain" having been compromised.

4. His Putin connection and comments thereof will haunt him. He has weaponized his opposition.

There is always karma. Sometimes it just takes too long. But it always shows up.

I am inspired by folks who are patient and play the long game. Three folks come to mind. Jackson, Biden and Albright. So grateful for all three.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"But on the second day of the hearings, Cruz, Hawley, Graham, Cotton, and Blackburn plumbed depths of shame and depravity previously untouched by the worst segregationists and bigots to sit in the Senate." This is true and damning. Until the rise of Trump, I had thought that overt racism had been effectively abolished from public discourse. Now we have proof that overt racism is OK is public discourse. I guess the "Again" part of MAGA really does refer back to the 1940's.

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“ The refusal to call out Republicans for departing the bounds of civilized conduct allows the MAGA crowd pleasers to escape the judgment of average people who might be offended by their conduct.” This comment by Jennifer Rubin clearly articulates how I feel about the media and how they are indirectly impacting how average citizens view our government. The doctrine of fair and balanced reporting doesn’t work if the scale of balance is heavily weighted with outrageous and disingenuous behavior designed for sound bites in conservative media. The question I have is how do we as average citizens fix this travesty? Maybe our efforts and grass roots political engagement should be focused on holding the media accountable.

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Throw the Goat Robert, you'll need your computer. Mr. Garland's dereliction is of a piece with Mr. Bragg's and one must wonder what motivates each of them. We must continue to hope and pray for a positive outcome and the end of the Trump Era by virtue of his incarceration but it seems more likely that we'll see Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a victory parade in Kyiv first.

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Thank you, Robert. I am too tired to say anymore now as it is 3:36 AM here in Virginia. My vision is blurred, so I will have to read the entire Newsletter again tomorrow, additionally including all of the referenced articles that I could not read with my tired eyes. The War in Ukraine, the Republican’s hounding of Judge Jackson, the Supremacist Majority Court, and the New York District Attorney’s failure to indict Trump are just too much for me right now. After viewing your Managing Editor’s video, I went straight to Amazon to order the Screaming Goat if they had it. They did and I ordered it. It will be here Friday, none too soon.

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Hot Flash. After reading todays Edition and posting I read a feel good story in my local paper about our Senator who asked s few questions in the Judge Jackson hearings but did not get a lot of attention. I wrote an email to the columnist pushing her as our local media person to show outrage about the conduct during the hearings. I pushed the point about the difference between reporting the event and commenting on the event. Guess what. She responded acknowledged I had made a fair comment and that she heard me and my concerns. Sending letters and e-mails work it’s just we need more and more of them because columnist need to hear our feedback.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have a vision of Madeleine Albright passing a torch to Judge (soon to be Justice) Jackson.

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You have indeed "conveyed the outrageous double standard" that exists in the machinations of the Wisconsin courts, among other significant injustices that America's so called "fourth estate" refuses to talk about. And through it all you maintain a buoyant, positive faith in the promise of democracy that is a real balm for my agitated brain as I wrestle with the deluge of insanity dominating the news. In the process, I'm getting an education in matters that really matter, from your newsletter as well as from Letters from an American, another beloved source of vital information. The corrupt media and illegitimate legal system are the reasons I switched to Substack, the sanity channel, first with Matt Taibbi, and now Chris Hedges, Heather, and you. Gregory Bateson, the great British scientist, anthropologist, doctor, etc. once offered a beautiful definition of information as "a difference that makes a difference," a statement that aptly describes yours and my other deeply appreciated Substack resources. Onward!

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

On the topic of Ketangi Brown Jackson's confirmation hearings, this rant is a cathartic. I hope you will allow it to be posted........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27iPdmHYi44&authuser=0

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

While there are actions we can take to defend Democracy at the macro level - and I thank Robert for continuously helping us find those actions. I am focused locally. In Maine we face the return of former Governor LePage. LePage brags he was Trump before Trump. The reelection of Governor Mills is key - is she perfect? No. But her reelection means we can have a shot at judicial reforms and other key actions that hold promise for the future.

I’m heartsick over the performative questioning and mansplaining during KBJ’s hearing. Other than calling my senators is there much I can do? No. But I can do something locally at the city council on up to the State Senate - and I will!

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

- Ted Cruz, like Brett Kavanaugh, is a bully of the highest order, each confident he is a wee bit smarter than everyone else in any room.

- Ted, Please take Brett to sunny Cancun ... forever. Bring Cotton, Hawley and Blackburn, too. On the way, deliver Lindsey Graham to the nearest Trump golf course and a Truth Social job.

- All hail, Madeline Albright.

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Divinely-inspired outrage and shameful revelations: this is a column worthy of a prophet.

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I love the Screaming Goat! So appropriate in these times, especially during the ridiculous questioning that the Republican Senators are putting Judge Jackson through.

My daughter and her family in Hawaii have goats and the screaming goat perfectly captures the sounds we hear when we go there! You're lucky you can turn it off when you're done!

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Your post today was wonderful, Robert. I especially liked the closing thoughts about Judge Jackson and Secretary of State Albright. I posted the opportunity for high school students to develop their leadership skills (on my two Facebook pages for gifted parents and their families). Thank you!

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, Thanks for highlighting the hypocrisy of SCOTUS!

It will be interesting to see what happens regarding Florida redistricting with DeSantis’ threatened veto of congressional maps and desire to use his own version….sigh.

The fed court hasn’t ruled yet, but I was heartened by the far-right conservative judge’s legal smackdown to DeSantis’ lawyer’s regarding his “anti-riot” law.


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