posted this tonight at Joyce Vance's substack:

It's amazing how the White Racist South never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. They were mendacious, malicious, malevolent scum in 1723; mendacious, malicious, malevolent scum in 1863; mendacious, malicious, malevolent scum in 1963; and here they are in 2023, mendacious, malicious, malevolent scum, no less ignorant, no less evil, no less worthless no less happy to publicly celebrate their malicious ignorance than they were 300 years ago. I don't think the White Racist South will ever change.

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As a reconstructed southerner, I think you are right, with an addendum: darkness fortified by poverty, ignorance, corruption in local government, religion, and education. It starts at the top.

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It does, and let me say that the southern whites I've known like the woman who didn't get expelled are really marvelous, because it's harder to be a "good person" there in the South than it is here.

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not as hard as it used to be. Fortunately, I married a really white (blond) man from Texas who was as decent a man as ever lived. He had not one iota of entitlement, or superiority. After his death, I heard from so many who reported his kindness and help and were grateful for his generosity. His loss makes the USA a poorer place, especially Texas. He helped teach me, as his mother taught him.

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Jeri, I'm so sorry for your loss. And so grateful that you are distinguishing between individual white people and the whole south. It's so important that we view and do this work one person at a time.

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I've known Texans like your husband. A fellow Texan (I was born in Houston) once told me Texas is a magnifying glass: the bad ones are Really Bad and the good ones are Really Good. That's certainly my experience.

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As a relocated Northerner who has lived in Georgia for the past 48 years, I must take exception to the overly broad condemnation of the “ white racist South.” There are many good people living in this part of the country and I might point out that because there were enough of them in my own state of Georgia during the last two federal elections, we have a United States Senate that is majority Democratic.

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I don't know that I would find southerners racists. I would call them unwelcoming. Living in TN, I was told on a daily basis to "go back home, Yankee!". People loved my accent...lol...until they inquired where I lived. When I explained I used to live in Illinois but now I live here, the room got 40° colder. The nice, warm person I had been speaking to, suddenly turn cold as a fish. In '18, we were going to relocate to Georgia. Building a home. The builder refused to work with us, after we went through the whole process of picking out a house plan, lot, everything needed. He didn't like that we were Yankees, according to the realtor. Unwelcoming, very much so. Southern hospitality is a myth in my experience. I never experienced any. Unless the person was being paid for their services...hahaa My husband was a boss at work, so he never experienced what I did. I also think because he's a man. I also have an opinion and I express it. So shoot me. *eye roll*

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There are and there always have been (1 out of every 3 Southerners who fought in the Civil War fought for the Union). They're unfortunately still a minority.

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That's a very interesting statistic.

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"Unknown history" because it was suppressed - the way everything else progressive in the South has been suppressed by the enslavers and their descendants.

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The ghost of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Klan are alive and unfortunately still predominantly affecting the seditious politics in Tennessee today!!!

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I knew them well in NC, doing geneology, I ran across more than even I expected in my family ancestry.

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Right wing controlled NC legislature now has veto proof majority and a like minded Supreme Court! All the copycat bills written by ALEC or some other white supremacy propaganda mill, now will be passed in NC and supported by 4 ‘blind mice’ controlling the state Supreme Court !

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Yes, that situation breaks my heart. It was created by rigged elections.

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Let's not discount the white racism of the north. MAGA knows no geographical boundaries.

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Yes, but……..like I so many places the mostly young people who showed up to protest at the Tennessee legislature give me hope. They were advocating for sensible gun laws and loudly supporting the Tennessee Three.

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I think it is really, really important to support our young people. I'm sending out postcards with the Civics Center to encourage young people to register to vote. It helps to feel you're doing something to counter the MAGA crap.

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Absolutely! We should all focus our money and our time on turning out the Gen Z vote. These kids are rightfully disgusted, and it's their world we have so f****d up.

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The sleeping giant of Democrats has awakened!!

My KS relatives (4 women) and I texted half the night, plotting real action we can take. We will stand up!

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See? Exactly what Pearson was talking about. Justice can never be killed.

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The 'New South' never was new, and that mentality has spread. Example, Idaho, Texas, Florida.

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The ‘New’ in ‘New South’ referred to the industrialization of the area, fueled by businesses that moved from the North. Evidently, there has been little new about dominant Southern political attitudes.

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It's always been there, but with DT it was handed a green light and a megaphone. It's not okay and there are many, many groups fighting against this ignorant mob mentality. If any of you are in the Bay Area, go to the DeYoung Museum and check out the Wiley exhibit. It will move you to tears and action. (Plus it is absolutely amazing art.)

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Yes, it's now "southernism."

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TCinLA I have great respect for your wisdom and experience, not to mention eloquence. I do however want to suggest that phrases such as "white racist south" puts all folks who live in the south under one label, and leads to predictions such as "the White Racist South will never change." Further down in this thread there are examples, such as your own, of decent white southerners who get what needs to be done. It's a more complex way to speak and write, but I think it's worth it.

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It puts the White Racists under one tent.

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I think the "White Racists" tent is a revival meeting of "White (so-called) Christian nationalists."

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So wouldn't we be better off without them? I think MTG's suggestion is a good one, and I'm curious as to why others disagree.

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No, we wouldn't. It would be impossible to take care of the 90% of black people and 30-40% of white people in the South who oppose the "Confederacy." What's needed is a movement to support The Other South to overthrow the "Official South." To do the opposite of what was done in the 1870s.

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This may actually make Jones and Pearson stronger, no longer constrained by the House "rules". We haven't heard the last of them.

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It put them in the national spot light. Both spoke eloquently, passionately and powerfully.

This is the link to Justin Jones speech. Twenty minutes. Worth the time to watch.


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I heard it live. As someone on MSNBC said, "A star is born!"

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Lord, I profoundly hope so.

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Terrific. Thanks for putting this up. I just reposted it.

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Everyone needs to see it! What an amazing young man. The TN repubs unwittingly took two obscure freshman TN reps and launched them into stardom, not only nationally but internationally.

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I hope you are right. My wonderful liberal sister in law in Nashville texted last night “there are so many good people down he not in elected office. They are waking up.”

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WOKE is a good thing

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I'm so glad to hear it. There have always been good people in the South, but they, like so many others, get drowned out by the loudmouth bigots who feed on the ignorance of the past. Tank their ratings and take their megaphone away from them.

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What took them so long. It will take years to,CHS ge the situation

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I'm looking forward to that.

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waiting. the vermin have staying power that Dems have underestimated for decades...

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When Republicans show us who they are, believe them. Words fail me to describe how horrified I am by their actions. However, we will not forget and it will be remembered.

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I don’t know if that would be enough IF only their attitudes would change deyanu (that would be enough) or as Ellie Weisel says we’d feel a sense of gratitude

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Kudos to ProPublica for their investigative reporting that exposes Clarence Thomas’s corruption and lawbreaking mentality. The LA Times reported on this about 20 years ago. As a result, Clarence stopped reporting gifts altogether. “Laws for thee, not for me.” John Roberts’ is a spineless jellyfish who is content to look the other way. And of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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The Chief Justice has no real power over the Associate Justices. The Chief, at best, leads by example, but has no power to compel the Associate Justices to follow.

Clarence Thomas is not a follower.

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I disagree. He follows money and power, and the power of money. His votes are consistent proof of that.

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You are using “follow” in a different sense from what I intended. I meant that Clarence Thomas refuses to follow (recognize) the putative Supreme Court leader.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

I disagree as well. My understanding is he can invoke (minimal as it it; it would be a statement) some sort of sanction?

Actually, I’d like to know *our* rights!?? Does Thomas have a job for life without any consequences if he violates laws? Perhaps one of you lawyers out there could explain?

Robert—get well; rest! My friend is just, after ugly two weeks, getting over that crud! See if you can find a tad of sunshine, bask, renew and when you’re feeling better…return with a vengeance (well, you know, forthright!).

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Obviously, Ginni wears the pants in that duo!

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

That's a lot of food for thought for anyone, let alone someone who is ill. May you and your "Bestie" soon be well. As you know, I struggle with seeing things darkly, so it is with fervent hope that your prediction of the demise of the current party which calls itself Republican is true.

That today's news revealed Justice Thomas to be culpable, along with the high probability that his other benefactor, Leonard Leo, is also dipping deep into funds from non-profit organizations, is indeed a revelation of their greedy antics. May they go up in a puff of smoke like the hot air bullies they are.

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Unfortunately Thomas cannot be removed unless the Democrats control both houses and the crime of accepting gifts is not an impeachable offense. The Democrats need a plan and strategy to take back the Supreme Court which they have never had before.

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Been watching the two Justins from TN. They are both remarkable young men. Looking forward to how they improve our future.

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(You read it here first ;-)

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It is long past time to impeach Clarence Thomas. He never should have been confirmed in 1991 and now there is just no excuse. If Roberts won't defy him, it is time for impeachment proceedings. Please!

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The problem is that he won’t be convicted in the Congress we have now and the Republicans in the House will turn it into a circus.

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I'm not a regular commentator but I just wanted to say what a day and also say that I just watched "In The House," the new documentary by Nancy Pelosi's daughter about Nancy's life in politics and it's very powerful. And it will inspire everyone! Onward! And get well soon, Robert and Jill!

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I take a lot of inspiration from Nancy Pelosi, and president Biden, as I approach my 8th decade.

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She is amazing and President Biden is too. In the film, if follows her career from beginning of her life, really, and right through the start of the pandemic and through it and January 6th. She is so courageous. Biden is too!! We have so many good people working to make things better. If you haven't seen the film, check it out. Onward!

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As a regular commenter, I’ll quote Robert from a few days ago: “All of the above highlights the importance of our efforts to register voters, build grassroots support for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot, and ensure turnout.”

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As I listened to the news coming out of Tennessee today, I had the same thought- the brutal racism on front and center stage for all to see again. And I do hope it galvanizes and refuels a movement of civil rights, addressing gun violence and all violence.

Sending the entire family wishes for a quick recovery and on to better health!

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Yes, may these and other recent events add up to a tipping point after which MAGA is crushed. This powerful overview tells how to get this done -- by Dems getting to 55% and more from now on. We're on our way!!


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deletedApr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023
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Hope they have better luck than Sophie Scholl

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Best wishes, Robert, for a speedy recovery. I was thinking today about how important your column is for all of us. It gives us the confidence and the impetus to get involved and to contribute however we can. It’s like an emotional boost. Thank you!

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Robert's "no-newsletter" newsletter tonight was classically remarkable for its synthesis of this painfully historic day's 3 tipping points. Echoing best wishes and appreciation!

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Justin Pearson and Justin Jones we’re both prominently featured on Lawrence O’Donnell’s show tonight. Both are impressive. They make the Republicans in that chamber sound like fools (which they are), whining about “lack of decorum.” R’s sure showed who they are for everyone to see. And the young people won’t stop pushing back. Not this time.

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I don't have cable, etc., so rarely get to see the MSNBC folks. But did find Lawrence O'Donnell on YouTube tonight:


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Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this...I missed his show tonight and would have missed his brilliant (yet completely heartbreaking) commentary.

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Thanks for this important blue-go link Lynell

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Wow. Just ... Wow.

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This is a powerful message ¨Not This Time

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We had the civil rights movement, the anti war movement and the healthcare and abortion movements and what we need now is an anti racists and voter suppression movement led by Generation Z.

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And I find amazing…they are even more committed and gratefully now more in a spot light! And what is seen in that spotlight? They have an incredibly important message—love! Loving their country to continue supporting democracy at its finest and loving and caring about their constituents!! Impressive eloquence, demeanor and maturity of these two 27-year olds! They are leading “the good trouble!” John Lewis would be proud! I’m proud!

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Speedy recovery! And note that the disenfranchisement of those Tennessee Legislators’ constituents MUST BE CHALLENGED. Firstly by the citizens of those districts, and secondly by the two legislators whose 1st amendment rights have been violated. Of course racist, of course polarizing, but offensive in so very many ways!

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I send you and the family a big bunch of healing wishes.

Your three tipping points tonight are, I hope, the tip of the iceberg insofar as reaction to the outrageous radical MAGA movement. We are hopeful, but not complacent.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I was employed by the Judicial Council of California for 20 years, and required to make annual financial statements. In my much lower position, I never would have been able to get away with the favoritism and malfeasance that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has exhibited.

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What are the descriptors for Clarence Thomas? “Entitled”, for one. It’s amazing how far from humble Pinpoint, Georgia the man has gone.

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