Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Michelle Obama skinned Trump so thoroughly, deftly, and gracefully that he probably still doesn't know he'll need a full-body skin graft.

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Partner with FT 6. Register more Democrats.


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I was doing my letters for Vote Forward…does that count?1🤪

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Absolutely, That's what I'm doing!

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Currently writing FT6 postcards to NC in the "Trump is a Felon" campaign; I also did a batch for the NC "Project 2025" campaign that I mailed late last week. In between, I'm doing some GOTV postcards that are hold until October.

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Yesterday 3800 texts to N.C. and FL. "Today’s Text Bank finishes up our lucky number SEVENTH WEEK of 1 MILLION TEXT :boom: SPLOSION Target states to NC FL + AZ!! You guys knocked it out of the park and sent over 2.3 MILLION texts to FL, AZ" Also do BYOP. We need help with phonecalls. https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/?q=phone%20banks&tag_ids=20038

It usually takes about 3 passes to get them to register. Phonecalls can clinch them. https://voterizer.org/

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I think what Michele gave us was HOPE

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She is a damn good speaker.

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I ABSOLUTELY loved the "... might just be a black job" comment.

I think GOP brains are exploding that their racist and misogynist world view is not universally held among white people! Especially younger voters....

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she tore him up!

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Perhaps HumptyTrumptyGrumpty

can’t be put together again!

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I will take you at your word about the universe, thank you, Robert!

As to Day 2 of the convention, I found that watching through C-Span was the best way to see the happenings as though I was actually there rather than having to listen to the "experts" who feel the need to put their spin on everything.

I just loved hearing what each state brought to the "table" at the roll call of delegates. It made an otherwise bean-counting event into entertainment at its best.

I was on board for all the speakers, but the two speeches that stood out to me were Doug Emhoff's and Michelle Obama's. Doug, because he gave us insight into who Kamala, the person, is that we will be electing as our next president. Michelle, to my mind, reminded me of what any mother or spouse would do when their loved ones have been attacked as her family has been. After so many years, that she finally was able to effectively push back with fire, I say good for her!

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I have been very disappointed with the major networks' coverage of the convention and their incessant need to provide commentary for their apparently mindless audiences. As I've scrolled thru the channels at various points so that I could listen to the actual speakers, I've been surprised to see that Fox has been the least disruptive, and I must confess that I've actually lowered myself to watch some of the speeches there. Since we cut the cord on cable, I don't have access to the full range of channels, but I'll have to see if I can find C-Span.

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I watch at the website: demconvention.com on my MacBook or iPad. Free.

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Same! Highly recommend!

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Thanks for this.

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Yes - I watch almost everything on my iPad anymore

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PBS and the Democratic party have feeds on YouTube you can watch without commentators. We Chromecast it to our big screen.

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If you have a Roku device you can add both the YouTube channel and thr PBS channel to your Roku. We have been watching the convention on the YouTube channel. Just use the search bar in YouTube to search for DNC2024. It has the daily live streams as well as full videos from prior days.

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Roku is how I watch it. Kamala Harris' and Tim Walz's YouTube channels both livestream it. If you can get it to work for you, it's wonderful!

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We moved recently and I haven't taken the time to get casting to work. Now may be the time.

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I watched it on PBS and the commentary was minimal BUT one of them kept trying to get Nancy Pelosi to “fess up” (my words) to talking a lead in getting Biden to step down. That interview is worth watching for her skill and deftness and just overall political know-how.

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Hey, Bob. Here is C-span's coverage of Day 2. I hope you can use it to get Day 3 when the time comes.


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Bob, I disagree that you "lowered" yourself to watch Fox. It would be lowering yourself to watch CNN, MSNBC, even NPR. They are ALL MAGA media now. Differentiate! Update your conceptual apparatus! You can add the word mainstream if you want, but that just produces "mainstream MAGA media." NYT, CNN, Fox, WaPo, WSJ, MSNBC, all MAGA media now. (Of course, one or two commentators--even on Fox--are still worth seeking out. But only 5%, maybe.) I applaud your quest to find C-Span. We've got to let go of the notion that we can get healthy analysis filtered through corporate-owned yellow journalist minds. Not gonna happen anymore. We need to just watch the raw footage ourselves, and read sustacks, maybe, to find out what's happening. And form our own analyses and share them here.

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I agree completely on the speakers that stood out--Doug Emhoff and Michelle Obama. They were outstanding. And I loved Emhoff's humor.

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Agreed. And there was a palpable sweetness in his storytelling that made it attractive.

CNN had a camera pointed at Emhoff’s daughter during his speech. Her reactions were demonstrative, adding silent exclamation marks and validating his stories.

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I loved seeing Emhoff's daughter's reaction!

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

ICYMI and so worth watching:

The states' ceremonial roll call (I never watched this ritual in past years--watching this one, kept getting a surplus of water in my eyes, and was so proud to see how the Democratic Party truly is a Big Tent of uplifting inclusion of such diverse groups of people):


Doug Emhoff's speech in full:


Michelle Obama's speech in full:


a Michelle Obama excerpt gif:


Barack Obama's speech in full:


So now, with all this inspirational energy, like Michelle Obama said, time to DO SOMETHING!

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Thanks, Ellie! Just watched the roll call. 💙

Florida’s Nikki Fried: “We’re fighting back against Project 2025 and Republican extremism.We won’t go back.We won’t back down.”

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I loved seeing Nikki Fried and Anderson Clayton, Florida and North Carolina’ s Democratic Party chairs, rock the house with their roll call speeches.

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Anderson Clayton is a wonder and I'm just getting to learn of Nikki Fried. These two leaders on the ground and others in Michigan, Nebraska, and other states are turning Republican states into toss ups. We have a matter of days to strengthen these and other leaders with our dollars and support.

I saw this morning, Eric Cantor, being interviewed by Joe Kernen on CNBC. Cantor, you may recall, was a Republican Congressman from Virginia from 2001 to 2014 and served as House Majority Leader from 2011-2014, when he was ousted in a primary by a Tea Party Republican Dave Brat. When Kernen led by playing down the enthusiasm of the Democratic convention, I turned it off but went back and watched the seven minutes (http://cnb.cx/4dxBr77) to hear Cantor decry Harris's ideas as government managing the economy, "setting prices," and "deciding what a hamburger costs," and saying that it was "corporations," boosted by lower taxes on their profits (he did not mention the Biden-Harris led American Rescue Plan that pushed $1.9 trillion into the American economy which have pulled the US inflation down and led to our current good standing vis-a-vis other countries. Becky Quick tried to ask about Harris's rise in the polls and Cantor blamed "the media" for that. I recommend others take a look at this, because this is what your our neighbors in their nice jobs are going to be thinking about to cover up their vote for Trump. Only his most deluded fans are going to say, "I am going to vote for Trump because he's an idiot, racist, and misogynist, who want to be a dictator." They are going to say, "Trump's better for the economy" -- polls still show that the majority still feel that -- "and we don't want no "liberal" government controlling prices, the magical "free market" will solve all our problems." This is Reaganomics all over again and the "normal" Repubicans will try to bring Trump back to power with this kind of talk. There was no mention of Project 2025, reproductive freedom, or the racism, idiocy, and hatefulness of the Republican ticket. Trump is, luckily for the country, unable to cover up his craziness and his vile character, but he doesn't have to. Eric Cantor and thousands of other solid business types will do it for him. (Eric Cantor is worth at least $14 million dollars.)

I note this not to be a downer. I am as pumped as anyone about the DNC. But I am constantly asking myself, "Who would vote for Trump." Cantor gave me one rationalization that is screwed up and wrong, but will be the angle that millions of Americans will grasp to vote for Trump.

This race should not even be close. It's the leadership of Harris and Walz AND the revolutionary leadership of swing state leaders like Clayton and Fried which will make the difference. We all have to support as never before Democrats in key states. Our future depends on it.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

Thanks for the link to Cantor. He is a good talker. Why include all of the facts? Just assert. He says the Harris policy is a return to failed policies of the 1970s. What were those, for the benefit of people not around then? (I was around, but paying attention to my newborn and my laid-off husband’s job search.)

Somehow, in Cantor’s telling of it, the American Rescue Plan supporting incomes during the pandemic plus the supply chain difficulties reducing supply were the only factors causing inflation. Therefore the ARP was to blame, because you can blame policies, particularly those of your political opposition, but you can’t blame global events. That our economy recovered more quickly than others is beside the point. Who cares? Inflation! It’s worse than unemployment! (Unless you depend on being employed to pay your bills.)

It’s good to learn what kind of arguments are out there in support of how great Republicans are for “the economy.”

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Patrick, thanks again for your eloquence. Yes, we need to counter these ossified, ingrained, Reagan-era messages with great message of our own, carried by the joyful warriors (thank you, Michelle!) Harris and Walz, strongly and aggressively and repetitively in rallies, social, televised talks, and selected interviews. For instance, Bob Reich's comeback to the absurd accusation of "price controls:" "We already have price controls--set by greedy corporate CEOs who set prices high because they have no competition. Harris will restore competition--it's the American way."

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Know thine enemy!

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Thank you so much, Ellie, for these links. I know I need to listen again to counter act the evil that’s been regurgitated by the media for so many years. I did absolutely love the roll call votes. The enthusiasm with which each state spoke of its significance certainly made me rise above the nastiness the media spews in our face daily and made me see and appreciate the beauty of our big tent country.

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THANKS! Now I don't have to hunt for what I missed!

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Thanks Ellie! I'll definitely want to watch Doug again, as well as Michelle. I probably should not have been, but I was surprised at how good she is. The Democratic Party should employ her regularly to provide pep talks.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Speaking of love, I love your astronomy analogies and photos. I just realized...you are your own Hubbell Telescope! (I'm sure you've heard that one before!!)

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Yes. I’ve wondered if Robert is at least distantly related to the great Hubbell of space telescope fame.

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert is related. How cool is that ! 🔭🪐

“And “Yes,” I am related to Edwin Hubble, but only distantly through a common ancestor, Richard Hubbell, who came to the New Haven Colony in the early 1640s.”


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Thank you- I missed reading that day. Awesome! I just read the whole newsletter and learned more! See what happens when I skip a day of Today’s Edition!!

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! Funny… I, too, realized that a few days ago!!!

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I just hope the felon watched Obama's speech and paid attention. The little fleeting gesture when mentioning the felon's obsession with (crowd) size was simply priceless.

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Stephan. My husband thought that gesture was about penis size. I just thought he was imitating the gesture Trump always uses in his speech. It sounds like you’re in agreement with my husband. Must be a guy thing.

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I laughed when I saw it, and rewinded to see it again. It definitely is a guy thing and Obama knew it. I bet millions of men, (and not a few women,) got it as well.

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But his eyebrow as he said it 👏🤣

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I got it right away. It was subtle and very funny. You can bet Drumph was watching and fuming.

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It's exactly the kind of thing that would get under Trump's thin skin, isn't it? Let's see if he starts obsessing verbally about it in the next few days. Although, as Robert says, they seem to have tranquilized him so he stays on message.

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Yes! It was a brief but cogent and subtle gesture. Brilliant as was his and Michelle’s entire speech! Love these two.

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Sorry, I miss spelled your name, Stefan.

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No problem, happens all the time 😉.

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If the felon watched any of the last two nights he would be depressed, angry and then turn immediately to insults and grievance. He has nothing else in his toolbox. To quote a great orator, “he’s getting tired and stale.”

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I will have to watch. I missed it on NPR.

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Here is a short clip I just found


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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Michelle Obama was incredible. Really amazing.

One point my husband and I noticed. VP Harris in her greeting from Milwaukee thanked the delegates for nominating, “Coach Walz and me.” She said Walz’s name first. She doesn’t need to point to herself first. That is the sign of a real leader and the opposite practice of most politicians, especially Trump.

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I noticed that too, but didn't think it through as you did, Cathy. I think it supports the notion, as many of the speakers have said, that she cares more about others than she does about herself. It's perhaps the starkest contrast with the black hole that is her opponent.

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Actually it just reflects her good education. Talking about yourself and another person and starting off with yourself at least in German would be considered improper and a reflection of poor upbringing.

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Yep, and my mother would have corrected me, if I led with my my name. I have a Ph.D. in English. My mother graduated from high school. She taught me an awful lot during the nearly 99 years she graced this world.

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Would be considered improper in my upstate ny public school in the ‘60s.

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True enough, Stefan and Patrick. I'm an engineer, but I remember my grammar lessons well.

However, I prefer to see it as Cathy noted, which reflects something I've said elsewhere: Republicans care about themselves, while Democrats care about others. Or, "Here's something Republicans and Democrats agree on, kinda: Republicans - 'I care about me!;' Democrats - 'I care about you!'"

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Also grammatically correct, which is a nice bonus.

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell


I also thought that Michelle’s speech was much more powerful and well delivered than her husband’s, albeit this was just one evening. And I think it’s refreshing to see men who are proud of their partners and not worried about being out-staged. (Don’t get me wrong…but I think this was one of Michelle’s best speeches and not one of Obama’s best speeches.)

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I won’t get you wrong or disagree. They were two speeches with a different content with Michelle being so uplifting motivational and Barack being more Barack reflective. I love those two. They are dynamic and powerful on the Dias.

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exactly. As Robert said, some brilliant behind-the-scenes organizer is setting up these speeches. Michelle's and Barack's did two separate things. And we, just as intended I'll bet, are responding more to Michelle's. Barack's did more retrospective stuff, gratitude, and that priceless "it's all about size" gesture.

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Thank you! Harris didn't say "...nominated Coach Walz and I." That drives me mad--we do have an accusative case in English. She just keeps piling up more and more reasons, from the tiny to the enormous, to like/love/support her!

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Like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. I'd forgotten we had technical terms for such uses.

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I text with a small group of friends during the Convention. My friend posted this after the speech:

"I still love Barack after all these years, just like I did back in 2007. Centrist or whatever, he makes me feel like being more involved and more empathetic towards those with whom I disagree. Listening to him is like hearing a great preacher, lots of tears in delegates eyes. He summons "the better angels of our nature" in a way that few can match. Trump and Co. try to summon the exact opposite, fear, hatred, and division. It's a titanic battle between the good and evil parts of human nature that seems to have no end. "

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Nicely put JJC. I had similar thoughts after listening to his speech. He makes me want to be a better person.

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"Obama made a plea for Americans to end the divisions that have beset them in the last two decades."

Has America really been "divided?"

Or has America had a "sect" split off of herself. To call it a division has an implication that both sides have an equivalency, yet they don't.

The part that has manipulated some through lies, deceit, fear and hate has never truly been America - it's not who she is.

I try not to think of our nation as divided so much as to think of one arm as having been injured and is in need of healing.

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I wonder about that, too. Division means equal parts (used to teach 4th grade math). Indeed, I don't see equivalency here. Acknowledging the truly deep pain of many of our fellow citizens, I do wonder how many are saying stuff that won't necessarily reflect their private vote at the ballot box.

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One could slice a salami into unequal-sized parts and say it was divided [unequally].

I’m comfortable with saying that Americans are divided: unfortunately, we are.

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But a few slices of salami are not calling the other slices RINOs and enemies of the state.

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Love this way of looking, David, thank you. I do think the haters are a sect that has split off from most of us, and maybe only consists of 30-50 million of the 350 million of us. I feel a groundswell building, of Democrats, Independents, and normal (non-MAGA) Republicans who want to see working together, bipartisan efforts, and mutual respect even if disagreement is present, restored to our political process. Let's isolate the sect and create a pleasant but large middle space for non-divisive work to get done.

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Great highlights! I was pleasantly surprised that Day 2 was just as uplifting and inspiring as Day 1 of the DNC, and glad that they had better control of the schedule. For the next few days we can bask in the joy of being in this timeline and then redouble our efforts to get the vote out.

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have been watching the convention and what has struck me is the pure joy, love and humanity that has been on display. The convention was fun to watch. For me this convention was the first step in introducing Kamala and Coach to the American public. What voters saw were two people who came from humble backgrounds who worked hard and became successful with the American dream and were good hard working and decent people whose first jobs were at McDonalds. The love these two people have for their country and the people in their lives is overwhelming. What the Democratic’s have done with visual clarity is to very effectively show the difference in character, personality and empathy that their party has compared to the Republicans. It’s no longer our father’s old Democratic Party it’s a new generation moving us forward.

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God, yes. So often, being a Democrat has felt like a grim duty. This sudden influx of passion and joy has been overwhelming. Just watching each state’s pride during the roll call! Like, “C’mon, don’t you want to hitch your wagon to this America?"

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Passion and joy … and having a good time!

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for inspiring us in so many ways, Robert! From your hopeful and positive coverage of the DNC to the grandeur and magnitude of this universe we call home. Love the astronomy lessons!

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

One thing - now that people realize and have been told (by the FLOTUS-in-chief, Michelle Obama!) that we ALL have to DO SOMETHING for our democracy to survive,

I have even more HOPE that "a new birth" is in the process.

We are NOT going back!

FORWARD to the FUTURE - one that WE write!

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Wonderful recap Robert! I am hopeful, enthused, and eager to work to put Harris/Walz in the White House!

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

There was so many excellent moments last night and , like Ellie, I watched with my eyes full. One of the most memorable for me was the delegation from West Virginia. The oldest delegate, 84 years old, spoke first. She said that while her friends were traveling or playing with grandchildren she was geared up for battle. Then the youngest at 18 spoke. She, too, was ready to fight. Neither was willing to give up our hard won rights. They were both so inspiring.

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I loved what Doug Emhoff said about Kamala grilling her daughters' friends, that she was fixing dinner for, about "What do you want to see in the world? What do you want to do? What kind of world do you want?" The 18-year-old you saw is living this way. We need to inspire more of our kids, rather than letting them sit in dark rooms playing on computers all day.

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

TEN was a strong start to the day. Thank you esp. for CSPAN link, an evolving sense of wonder, and a vital reminder that Joe Biden has been a great president - a la FDR.

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Aug 21Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

First, Robert, thank you again for the photos and explains of our universe. I still find it hard to grasp the "light years" concept and that's ok with me. I look forward to your incredible photos at the end of your posts.

Second, IMO Michelle Obama won the night with these words... “Who’s going to tell him the job he is seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs?’” This convention is beyond anything I had hoped it would be. We sit glued to our TV loving every moment...the joy, the humanity, the excitement and the challenges. I agree that the planning is terrific...the music played during the Roll Call was so great! And, we learned something we didn't know about almost every state.

We don't have cable and refuse to indulge the "talking heads" who are, after all, sharing their often skewed points of view. First night we watched on YouTube. Last night on https://demconvention.com/watch/. Will try that link again tonight. I keep thinking it can't get better and then...it does.

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I don’t want this to seem like an advertisement – but I found much of CNN’s “talking heads’” “chatter” interesting (even as I wondered what speeches I might be missing). And I appreciated their having a smart conservative (Scott Jennings) add his comments – making me realize that, gosh, people can respectably look at events from different perspectives that liberals will have to address.

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