Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

McCarthy and the R’s approach to the debt limit is thoroughly laughable since the current level of budget deficits about which they loudly complain were proximately caused by the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy enacted in 2017. The D leadership needs to make that point daily and loudly.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

What is so disheartening, for me, is reading all the posts regarding the Adam Schiff video. The hatred. The name calling. The absolute ignorance by so many who hate Democrats without even knowing what this party is doing for them or on their behalf. The Remaganicans have perfected the Russian use of propaganda - with aid from Putin's bots - to dumb down and use Americans to turn on other Americans and our democracy.

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We all appreciate your spouse Robert!

Bullies in the playground best describe the current GOP. As seen in this latest Judiciary hearing when you stand up to a bully they back down. That is the nature of politics in our world today. I am glad that Jim Jordan’s “past” is being brought up again. Every democrat and witness in his show trials should bring this up...” Mr. Chairman I will answer your question if you answer mine...why did you cover up the allegations from your time at Ohio State...”

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I have to disagree with your assessment today that the GQP hasn’t caught up with its voters, as evidenced by Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, and especially Ron DeSatan. All of these three candidates are right out of Trump’s playbook, especially Little Hitler DeSatan! I have been saying all along that the post-Trump minions are WORSE than Trump, and they lack an ounce of humanity in their blood. They believe their mission is to put into place as fast as humanly possible, all the horrible things that Trump unleashed and talked about. He just didn’t care about actually governing. Mike Pence is the most sycophantic, sanctimonious mush mouth on the ticket. He did one thing right - his job -and certified the Electoral votes on 1/6. Otherwise, he is more extreme on his views of women and his ideas come from a place called Gilead, bathed in a religious, wicked light. Nikki Haley had a chance to be the post-Trump candidate who would disavow what he stood for and engage normal people. First day out, she chose to suck up to Trump and lose any of her transition candidate possibilities. Tim Scott is the same way. He has now had to decide that he will pass the “most conservative abortion ban that is presented to him” should he become president. Again, under the name of a religious zeal that somehow allows the GQP to be meaner than snakes, and downright cruel to other Americans. And don’t even get me started on DeSatan. He is indeed the most diabolical politician I have ever experienced, and all because he so gerrymandered his state that he can claim to be king of Florida, and enact laws just to piss off anyone who opposes him. He is a seriously “mad” individual, enabled by a legislature that just waits for his instructions to hurt and criminalize the innocent in that state. It floors me that GQP members who have said they no longer want Trump have backed DeSatan. So, let me get this straight: they actually want someone who is MORE DANGEROUS than Trump, but just has no personality and no indictments - yet! He honestly believes that he has a “blueprint” that he will take to make the rest of the US as repugnant as Florida. Why doesn’t the media instead talk about equally successful governors - like Gretchen Whitmer - who won by double digits, flipped a GQP legislature, is a woman, and has enacted laws that protect and help her fellow Michiganders???? Her feat is every bit as remarkable as DeSatan’s - and she did not cheat to get it!!! There were two wonderful stories from yesterday where both Colorado and New Mexico codified protections for reproductive health in their states. That news has barely caused a bleep so far. But we know what DeSatan is trying to do to further punish as PRIVATE BUSINESS in his state, named Disney. And he won’t rest until he has overreached his mandate and his government to interfere in the sacred cow of private business in America. Are corporations taking note of this demented maniac???? So, in conclusion, there is no post-Trump except for a much worse place!!!!! Total defeat may be the only answer to ever again see a normal Republican candidate.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I saw a tweet today from a group called Republicans against Trump. I didn't know there was such a group, but I was wondering what happened to the old Republican party that seemed much less caustic and frankly more reasonable; statesmanlike even. But those voices have all been drowned out by the fanatics and nut cases, white supremacists and anti Semites. I can't help thinking how great our country would be without them all, They have become very destructive, control freaks, each GOP state legislature and governor authoritarian figures, little dictators. deciding even which medicines women should have access to.

Trumpism is a very negative dark force that has descended to envelope and smother us. Ironically if Jordan had not spearheaded the giant effort to void a successful Dem effort to impeach Trump there would have been no Jan 6 insurrection and no subsequent fake electors or an attempt to "find" more votes. So Trump wouldn't be in quite as much t legal trouble as he is.

So yet another shooting: Normal people are tired of the gun violence but apparently not the GOP, they prefer to shift the blame from guns to people and say it is people with mental problems that need the attention failing to mention that it is the easy access to guns that is the problem.

I don't pretend to know why some people are born biologically one sex but with the soul of the opposite sex, only God (higher power) knows that but I'm sure they are all loved and valued equally. Persecuting them has to be against spiritual laws and those doing the persecutions will have to be explained why after their death when we all get to review our lives to see which lessons learned and which we failed and have still to learn. Just today, Missouri’s attorney general has announced new restrictions on gender-affirming care for adults in addition to minors in a move that is believed to be a first nationally. So you know all the others will follow suite,

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Jordan et al are like a bunch of teenagers, full of piss and vinegar because they won a majority in the House (embarrassingly, by the skin of their teeth) and functioning under the mistaken belief that therefore they have a mandate.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

While DeSantis is being outfoxed by the mouse, let’s help Donna Deegan get elected mayor of Jacksonville, Florida’s largest city. Donna is an amazing candidate, and three-time breast cancer survivor, who is polling ahead of the DeSantis-backed candidate.The election is May 16.

Many remote volunteer opportunities ! ⬇️



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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

May I cast a small vote against body shaming - even Ron DeSantis?

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I’m glad you mentioned the shootings of people who merely knocked on a door or drive up a driveway. And the incredibly lax treatment of the white man who shot the young black man. And if there had been no public outcry? Wow. I remember my younger days of knocking on doors to ask for directions or when canvassing for something and the many times I have driven up the wrong driveway. The thought of being shot at never entered my mind. You are right, this frothing up of fear and hate (Fox et al), Russian and Chinese bots, social media and conspiracy theories, have changed our society profoundly and not for the good. And now we have opened the Pandora’s Box of AI.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

How about work requirements for CEOs and the like? Two weeks of vacation. They pay any costs above economy class. Ordinary salaries. No stock options. Just work and get paid for it.

One more thing. Ron DeSantis is self-conscious about being short? He's 5'8" or maybe a little less. Tall enough in my book, though I'm 5'4".

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Disney as a “pinnacle of culture”?

Only in Florida.

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Glad to hear that you and Jill are mostly recovered and life is returning to normal.

Perhaps what the President needs to do is make a presentation in prime time from the Oval Office and say the following:

1) the administration has introduced HR 415 to remove the debt ceiling and end the possibility of default.

2) I presented a budget proposal on March 9th that would build on the economic progress we began with the BIF and CHIPS bills and would also reduce the deficit by $200 billion every year without raising taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. So far, the Republicans have done nothing but talk about vague ideas to somehow magically reduce the budget without cutting any programs.

3) I call on Sen. Schumer, Sen. McConnell, Rep. McCarthy and Rep. Jeffries, the chairpeople and ranking members of the Budget Committees in both houses to meet with me, the Vice President, and Secretary Yellen next Wednesday to discuss a budget for the next fiscal year and establish a public process for getting it passed.

4) I can't do this without your help. I'm asking each of you to call, write, email and text your elected representatives and encourage them to support these measures.

It's been a long time since the bulliest of pulpits was used to talk directly to the American people and one of Biden's strengths is his relatability.

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I'm glad you and your wife are feeling better Robert. Great essay. Very informative and you truly did leave me with an increased feeling of hope.

But at the same time, I cannot stop thinking about how I would feel if one of my children had been killed just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or got lost or rang the wrong doorbell, and just because someone was living in fear and ignorance and hatred.

Better judgement by our leaders, better laws, better law enforcement, better security, or just having the right person to call can help. But human kindness and understanding are even more important. There will always be bad actors I suppose. But even some of them can learn, as FDR said, that "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

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Glad you are feeling better Robert. As a person who is vertically challenged, as is my offspring, the comments about DeSantis (whom I despise), are not well taken. Unlike his horrible behavior, his physical stature is not something he can control. Just saying!

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Loved Today’s Newsletter because it covered a lot of bases. Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy share the same major problem and that is they made wild promises to their base and congressional supporters and can’t deliver because “ there is no there there. “. McCarthy can’t deliver what he promised on the debt ceiling and Jordan has nothing to show from his committee and both of these guys are proving more reasons not to want to trust Republicans with governing. We need to be patient and let it all play out and in the end it will a well earned victory for us.

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This morning Mika Brzezinski focused on Florida's new abortion law for the last 15? minutes of Morning Joe (MSNBC), sans commercials! A couple who weren't able to have their baby terminated and their doctor spoke frankly. Then Mika talked graphically about the multiple reasons for abortion that seem to have escaped the Republicans passing these new laws. Others, including men, spoke as well. Really dramatic, way beyond political. Women's health the only real issue. I hope some of this gets picked up and shown more widely. Maybe you can find it.

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