Amen - “So be it” - to every word of this one. This is as good a time as any, here at the end of another surpassingly ____(fill in this blank)____ year, to thank you for the Light and clarity you share with us. You, like Heather Cox Richardson and others, have contributed significant and trustworthy weight to the scales of history. Thank you, thank you. I am very grateful.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, this edition of Today’s Edition is powerful. How you managed to celebrate with family and digest information found in the many sources you offer represents your greatest gift to all who read, your commitment to every reader and the cause of democracy and justice. You have certainly gone well beyond your initial mission to bring perspective to your daughters. Wow! This recounting of key events and their significance is so valuable to all who read it. Thank you!!

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I'm sure Mark Elias will give ignorant airhead Kari Lake the New Year's present she deserves - a defamation suit. She should have stuck to being a dumb bunny New Age hoo-hah playing Kabbalah.

As to Abbott - he's the best argument possible for expelling Texico from the Union and building a wall around it. This native Texan is glad I left before whatever it is in the water that turns white males into scumballs there got me.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Several phrases stand out from today’s report: Trump as “madman”; the helpfulness of governmental “redundancy”; the “cruelty, period” of Abbott (even more incomprehensible because he gives orders from a wheelchair); and the impunity of Santos’s election lies. It would be hard to overestimate the importance of your simply stating the plain truth, Robert. You are helping to keep democracy alive.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Beautiful message in today's post about core human values of caring for one another. Amen and thank you Rob for the daily dose of sanity you never fail to provide!! Happy New YEar.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you, Robert Hubbell, for this Edition of your Newsletter. I was moved almost to tears reading about Governor Abbot. At our family Christmas, a couple male members of the family were laughing and making derogatory comments about "illegals" being dropped off in front of Vice President Harris' home. I had not read or heard about that incident, but I was overcome with a deep, deep sorrow listening to family members talk in such a vicious way. I want to try to gather the courage to pass along your newsletter to them but I hesitate to do so due to fear for the consequences regarding my relationship with the family.

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Greetings Robert. Thank you, as always, for keeping us up to date and sharp on the implications of recent news events. I appreciate that you included the current cold snap and snow in Today's Edition. While the press has called the recent weather, "a once in a generation" event, looking at the frequency and destructive impact of other weather events over the last few years, I suspect that we are ignoring reality. We are seeing and living through the early stages of impacts of increased CO2 in the atmosphere. Carbon emissions come from a myriad of sources including from lifestyle choices. Just as we harnessed our collective efforts in the months past, similar efforts need to be applied to rolling back climate change. Awareness matters. Turn off the unneeded lights, use a clothes line, think before you buy. What is the impact of our actions or inaction? Thanks again for all your good work.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Dear Robert:

I couldn’t agree more with your assessment of Governor Greg Abbott’s cruelty. Calling out his hypocrisy by juxtaposing 2022 immigrants suffering in 15° weather with biblical immigrants at the Nativity is entirely accurate. While many mainline churches are quiet about such atrocities, there is one organization working to specifically call out Christian nationalism. I think it might be helpful for your readers to know about Faithful America. I have contacted them, requesting that they tackle this recent egregious stunt.

From their website:

Faithful America was founded in 2004. We are the largest online community of Christians putting faith into action for social justice. Our members -- Catholic, Protestant, and more -- are sick of sitting by quietly while Jesus' message of good news is hijacked by the religious right to serve a hateful political agenda. We're organizing the faithful to challenge Christian nationalism and white supremacy and to renew the church's prophetic role in building a more free and just society.

Marty Harding, Minnesota

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I appreciate today's message very much. Thank you for the suggestion to sign up for Marc Elias's newsletter - I've done that as well as TCinLA... I'm also glad that I got a Christmas card off to Paul Whelan... I hope he got so many that he could feel a huge wave of support!!

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

John the Baptist warned the cruel leaders to repent, lest they suffer the consequences of their behavior. Despite over 2,000 years of historical examples of his warnings, guys like Abbott and his buddy DeSantis test God while they claim to honor Christ. They should be worried that pandering to religious hypocrites reveals the impurity of their souls.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Bravo, Robert! So appreciate your extensive background reading, study, and succinct summaries. And for juxtaposing Gov Abbot’s immigrant cruelty with the genuine spirit of the Christmas nativity immigrant story. Bravo!!!

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If you haven't read the January 6 Report I recommend it. The Report is not in dry Government speak. It is written in a fast paced, clear and detailed way.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"He has been pilloried on social media as the grand architect of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory to force judges to uphold the law." That sentence explains today's republican party -- red-faced, screaming outrage that judges and court systems have the audacity to enforce the law against them. It is both sad and frightening. As suggested, Marc Elias just got another subscriber.

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Anybody who still thinks Abbott has the slightest Christian inclination is bonkers. He is as evil as they come. So are his adherents. Of course, his recent reelection gives him and his cult admirers such a warm glow this Christmas season as they dole out misery to the “other” that Jesus would have welcomed…. What Pharisees they be,,, As for chump, may this be the year that he pays for all the years before.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for your letter/post today. It is as many have already stated, a well written blend of truth, hope, call to decency, foundational, human moral values of kindness and community, and more. Excellent work. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The George Santos scandal is really something. But I wonder...how selective or uninterested are our local reporters and news outlets that all the BS in his resume comes out AFTER he is elected and just days before he is seated in Washington. The oppo research by the local Democratic field organization was insufficient or not given the support form the higher ups that was needed. And ITMT, Kevin McCarthy has another vote. Gag me.

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