Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you very much for the shout-out Robert. I noticed a Large Uptick in notices of free subscriptions tonight, and looking at them they all include "Today's Edition Newsletter" as one of the substacks read by the individual subscribers. Thank you for doing that Robert, and thank all of you new subscribers for coming over and checking me out. Hopefully I will convince you to make the ultimate compliment of becoming a paid subscriber.

As to tonight's post...

"Christian Nationalism" is as "Christian" as "National Socialism" was "Socialist."

As to Santos, he demonstrated who and what he is when he was interviewed by Tulsi Gabbard over on Faux Snooze; when she went after him as a "moral failure" he actually rolled his eyes in response. Personally, he *looks* like the guy you *want* to see dangling on a rope from a lamp post. I had a laugh when someone on MSNBC said tonight that the Party of Santos, that the Republicans will accept him this way and say nothing, made him "almost" long for the days of Newt Gingrich 30 years ago.

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For those still interested in the fate of the migrants/immigrants who were bussed to D.C. on Christmas Eve, CNN reported with some clarity the logistics of what has been going on since April of 2022. According to CNN's reporting, a few nonprofits have been in communication with the Texas folks ahead of time, and are at the drop-off site (VP's residence), ready to transfer the people from the street to shelter facilities in the D.C. area. This is good news that has not been widely reported, at least by the news organizations that I tap into.

“The DC community has been welcoming buses from Texas anytime they’ve come since April. Christmas Eve and freezing cold weather is no different,” Fischer said. “We are always here welcoming folks with open arms.”


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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert, I had not heard this news regarding Jamie Raskin. While his prognosis is good, I am still saddened and a bit angered that a man who has worked so hard for so many in defense of our constitution will now have to endure the challenge of chemo treatments. I think much my initial dismay here stems from my hope that he might run for POTUS one day.

I feel that on most days, I am driven to note Rep. Raskin and hold him in the highest regard, and this will be even more so now as he faces this summons to restore his health completely.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As a lifelong Episcopalian, I'm constantly offended by the un-christian attitudes and actions of the far right Christian Nationalists. Along with other denominations, including Lutherans, the Episcopal Church is VERY inclusive, and strong on social justice issues. We ARE speaking out, if only the press would listen. The infamous incident of the DJT forcibly clearing the square of protesters and holding up a bible, took place on the property of an Episcopal Church, whose clergy immediately took to the airwaves to condemn Trump's actions in no uncertain terms. I'm extremely proud to be an Episcopalian!

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I know that George Santos' resume says he was born in the United States. To echo a long ago question, has anyone seen his birth certificate?

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

As a Jew, I obviously am horrified by the anti-Semitic rhetoric as well the many parallels to the rise of Hitler in Germany with what is going on in the US. However, I don't see this as a mainstream Christian issue, but rather a small slice of white nationalists that are cloaked under the banner of Evangelicalism. There is nothing religious about their teaching and actions. How is it that these hate mongers, violence inducing, anti-women, partisan congregations are tax exempt? That is one of the many things that really kills me.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So as I read your piece on "Christianity" vs. "Christian Nationalism," the rather trite thought popped into my head: Not all "Christians" are "Christian Nationalists", but all "Christian Nationalists" are "Christians." The more that rattled around in my brain, the less sense it made. The first half is most certainly true. But the thought that all "CN" ARE "Christians" is highly unlikely, although I guess that depends in part on how they think of "Christianity," doesn't it? THINKING you're a "Christian" and actually being one who lives their life in a Christ-like manner are two very disparate realities.

This said, to cast a light on my opinions, I am for the most part, an agnostic. Having been raised a Catholic, later going through a "Born-Again" Christian period, I later fell into a stupor of confusion and have for the past 40 years or so been unable to wrap my mind about the concepts and beliefs of blind faith in a singular all-powerful being who created the universe, life on earth, etc. I have seen those with deeply held Christian ideology who are amazingly compassionate, caring and loving people, and those who hold no such beliefs, or beliefs of different religions and faiths, that are equally so.

I'm comfortable with my confusion, and hold no animus towards those who believe and those who do not. I simply loathe hypocrisy.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Having spent considerable calories following the concessions that various House factions have extracted from Kevin McCarthy, whose bid for Speaker, in his view, supersedes all other matters, I can state unequivocally that no amount of criminality and corruption ultimately pinned on George Santos will approximate the detrimental impact of far right extremists setting the House agenda in the next 2 years.

Working with a handful of like-minded Robert Reich Substack subscribers, I write to appeal to everyone to contact outgoing and incoming House Democratic leadership and to urge them to join with the 40 or so more moderate, establishment-oriented House Republicans to come up with a mutually agreeable alternative.

I would add, despite Republican House members affiliated with the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, Main Street Caucus, and Republican Governance Group all seemingly united in urging House members to support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker, that most probably are more concerned than you and I about being held hostage by MAGA extremists.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A couple of not-profound thoughts. First, anyone who has any sympathy for Santos should ask him/herself what a private employer would do upon finding these lies in a job application. It is appalling that McCarthy and other GOP leaders have been silent. Except Greene, who has welcomed him. She is the best example I have seen of a screwball. Second: I suspect the majority of your readers applaud the heroism of Cassidy Hutchinson. I certainly do. But I am a bit concerned for her and believe it might be a good idea to tone down the public commentary.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I sure hope Hutchinson is in witness protection.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

What could bring Santos down most quickly would be the discovery that he is not a US citizen, and thus not entitled to serve in Congress. (Apparently, he told a number of people that he was born in Brazil.) I should think it would be easy for NYT to search birth records in the counties in which he either says he was born or is likely to have been born (in New York that would be Queens, Brooklyn and Nassau) around the date he claims to have been born. If there is no birth certificate, then Democrats and the media need to demand that he produce one (long-form), at once. After all, if he really was born in the US, that should be obtainable within hours. If he changes his story and asserts that he’s an immigrant, a record of naturalization should be even easier to produce.

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RE: The hurt feelings of some Christians

Unfortunately, there exists a ton of animosity towards Christians. Americans are a beat-up Nation. We have suffered mightily at the hands of praying alt right Christian Nationalists who are now sitting on the Supreme Court, in the Halls of Congress and awaiting prison sentences for their participation in the January 6 insurrection. Last but not least. Millions of women's lives are at risk because Christians couldn't keep their opinions off women's bodies. The overturning of Roe v Wade will reverberate for generations. Too bad your feelings are hurt Christians.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Santos shows us the upshot of what happens when lying becomes a political strategy. The GOP, Fox News, the SCOTUS (and wives). I hope this story stays alive.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Back when reporters were serious professionals, they would not parrot the inconsistent lies of a failed politician like Santos - or tfg. They would lay bare the facts and draw whatever conclusions were supported by evidence and sound reasoning. At most the lies and absurd statements of news subjects would be put in quotes, and their inaccuracies and contradictions pointed out and refuted.

What passes for journalism today in most cases would have Murrow and Cronkite spinning in their graves. It does a grave disservice to the country to have the "free press" so hobbled and neutered by their own incompetence and/or their willingness to be compromised by partisan interests. News ain't news when it's partisan; but like the frog in the pot of water, we've been steadily accustomed to lowered standards, to the point that almost anything printed, published, broadcast, or released on the internet is "news".

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Mona Charon wrote an excellent piece in the Bulwark yesterday. Not only does it excoriate Greg Abbot for his cruelty, but it also details why immigrants are actually needed in this country right now. Sometimes I feel like I'm screaming into a barrel...loud but no one else hears me. How can we amplify this message and get people to actually realize we MUST do something about the migrant situation and the dreamers?


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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Good morning and thank you so much for your concise reporting of events with explanation.

It was difficult to read that Jamie Raskin is ill. I wish him all the best. He is a beacon of light in congress. His knowledge, courage and understanding of our country’s history is outstanding.

The Episcopal priest is correct. What sane people say isn’t news worthy. It would be good if the major news services would print people who are speaking out for justice.

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