Kansas was a great win. Republicans back tracking and voting for the Pack Bill was a great win. Things are moving for our team. I love it and it gives me tremendous hope. Now let’s pass The Inflation Reduction Bill and win the trifecta ❤️❤️

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I have done "postcarding" in the past and plan to do more. Here, we are given lists of folks who are registered but have not voted in many elections. I have to believe this has helped. I cannot manage to write hundreds of postcards but I do write until my hand has to be wrapped in a heating pad.

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Every now and then it is important to take a deep sigh of relief ... this day is one. And now, back to work with the hope that our efforts to improve democracy will have a deeper outcome than even our hopes.

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Robert, I found this part of your concluding thoughts exhilarating and motivating: "....it is not too soon to realize that the future is open to us in a way that has not been in any prior election." Let's get to work!

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In general, if the choices are (a) keeping copies of incriminating evidence, which, in the hands of a prosecutor would surely convict you, and (b) quietly destroying the evidence, risking allegations of violating a record-retention requirement, most people will choose (a).

When multiple people involved in illegal activity simultaneously destroy records, you can conclude

(1) it wasn't accidental

(2) it was a concerted cover-up

(3) the people were involved in a nefarious conspiracy

Most people will conclude that Ryan McCarthy, Christopher Miller, Chad Wolf, Ken Cuccinelli, Kashyap Patel, and the rogue Secret Service Agents, are all blameworthy conspirators, who were doing Trump's bidding.

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In court, the destruction of evidence gives rise to a negative inference. If we ever get their, the USSS, DHS, and DOD will be on the wrong end of those inferences.

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Two take aways from yesterday. Jon Stewart demonstrated that activism can impact Congressional thinking especially if the issue impacts the health and lives of citizens and the Kansas voters even in light of Republican tricks sent a message that a abortion is on the ballot in November. Additionally in several Republican primary results Trump supported election deniers won and provide an opportunity for Democrats to flip some seats. FiveThirtyEight yesterday for the first time is projecting positive numbers about the Democrats chances of winning the Senate. Taking all of this together we see momentum building and a reason to get more engaged and active right now. The challenge for the D’s is channeling the right messages to insure turnout and voting in November.

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Ad Astra Per Aspera - To the Stars through Difficulties! That's the Kansas state motto. I am so proud this morning to be a Kansan, born and raised in Wichita. I'm enjoying watching the commentators saying nobody saw this coming. I certainly did along with all the women and friends of women and human rights who are as angry as I am with the Extreme Court taking away our rights. Thank you, Kansas, for showing so emphatically that Dobbs is bringing home to all of us what losing democracy means!


P.S. Fun trivia: I was born at St. Francis Hospital in Wichita where seven years earlier President Obama's mother was born.

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Cathy - You're a Kansan, too! Think there was someting in the water that led us both to Robert? Maybe the Yellow Brick Road? My home was in Kansas City, but I visited friends in Wichita back in 1965. Small world. Thank you, Robert, for bringing these two "Kansas girls" together. See . .. community. Anybody else out there?

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I remember when I told people I was from Kansas the usual response was "Oh, Dorothy". The day I was shocked to realize I was getting older was when the answer came back "Oh, Auntie Em!

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Oh dear, my dear. I am sticking with "Dorothy" til the end! Nothing wrong with Auntie Em . . but . . .

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I like the idea of sticking with Dorothy!!! Thanks for that!

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OH dear, if there was an LOL emoji on substack I would have chosen it!!! I'm going to be 77 on 9/2 and for the first time, my age sounds really older to me than I actually feel. So from one non-Kansan Auntie Em to another, Here here!!!! Blessings,

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I feel chills (the good kind!) reading your post! This is the energy we need to inspire in as many states as possible! PS I love your fun trivia! Blessings,

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The reproductive rights win in Kansas should encourage all fair minded people that a red wave in November is not inevitable.

The disclosure that the Dept. of Defense, in addition to the Trump White House and the Secret Service, has failed to maintain certain records as required by law, has again shined a spotlight on the role of Inspectors General. The actions of the IG at Homeland Secretary, Joseph Cuffari, are particularly suspect. My question is: why do IGs that were appointed by Trump still have their jobs? I understand that, prior to Trump, the IG position was not supposed to be political. And I can understand that Biden wants to restore their independence. But Trump changed the rules. He fired 5 IGs in 6 weeks because he was concerned they were not loyal to him personally. Now Biden is saddled with Trump holdovers, like Cuffari, who may still be doing Trump's bidding. I hope someone in the administration is looking closely at each holdover IG and determining if they are fit to continue to hold office. The Trump malignancy needs to be pulled out by its roots and the IGs should not be overlooked.

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I wrote and mailed 50 postcards to Kansas voters urging them to vote “NO” against the amendment— and look what happened. Ipso facto, postcard-writing does work!😉

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If I were you, I would take COMPLETE credit for the victory! (;<{).

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Absolutely, Robert. Me, too. As Janis Joplin said, "Get it while you can" :-/

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I am over the moon that the Kansas voters protected a woman's right to reproductive care (can I put in another shameless plug for my former HS classmate, Governor Laura Kelly who has done an outstanding job there?)

I also want to say that I totally agree with Robert about the extremism of the Republican party of today and how it does not bode well for them in the elections. But I still can't wrap my head around the fact that so many "rank and file" Republicans are still voting for them. The election deniers and their fans continue to dominate much of the voting, even in Missouri where Greitens was defeated but Eric Schmidt is still a denier. With all the information available to these voters, they are still choosing crazy. And please, folks, with the Senate probably secured, don't lose sight of the House. It will do us no good if we have a (real) majority in the Senate if the bills then get stalled in the House.

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In Pennsylvania, Mastriano is the R candidate for Governor. It's just coup coup for Cocoa Puffs.

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Pelosi is way out of line. How can a normally savvy pol, someone in an extremely senior position, have decided to buck her president? I hope her trip has some motivation and rationale beyond shoring up Asian-American voter loyalty in California's 12th District.

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Was Biden "way out of line" when he got out in front of Obama on gay marriage -- personally I say no! Is Pelosi out of line on a visit to Taiwan. As one who shares with her roots in the "Silent Generation" we are acutely aware of what is likely to occur when autocratic leaders take as their mission the territorial domination of their neighbors -- by force. Best to oppose early than late.

It is not "poking the bear" to suggest you will oppose. Showing resistance is to reinforce the suggestion that the autocrat may need to recalculate the potential cost.

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As I said, it is a question of line drawing. Would it be okay for Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene to make a trip to Taiwan over Biden's objection? (No need to answer; that was a rhetorical question.) We have to avoid a situation where we have multiple members of congress making foreign policy visits over the objection of the president. To have a foreign "policy," it has to be coherent. That's my concern.

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This is the kind of conversation that makes me realize my limitations and challenges in being a US citizen. I read SwBv's comment and thought, yes that sounds right. Then I read Jeffrey's comment and thought, yes that sounds right. Then I read your comment, Robert and thought, yes, that sounds right. I'm so confused, and if I had to vote on this question right now, I would have no idea how to decide. So i guess, keep on reading, keep on thinking and, for my own process, keep on praying for wisdom. Blessings,

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I think the wisdom to pray for wisdom is a particular kind of wisdom rare in this world. My own thinking about this is that it is way too complex a situation for me to ever come up with the right answer. A wise woman, Marie Louise von Franz, writes about what she calls "a situation without issue." She defines that as a situation in which there is no right answer. It is in just such circumstances that we are "most vulnerable to God."

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Thank you Dean. This is very helpful. I do not know Ms. von Franz but now I want to.

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Swiss Jungian scholar and psychologist who did a lot of fascinating work with fairy tales. Died sometime in the late 1990's. I haven't read anything by her for decades but used her work when I was putting together a course in the Hebrew Bible as Literature. There are a few quick and easy ways to find her. Good old Wikipedia has the basics. Google "Von Franz Situation Without Issue" and I'm pretty sure you'll get there direct. And I haven't checked in a while but try Amazon. Happy Hunting.

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I do not think Nancy and Joe did not confer. They are the oldest, longest serving and savvy pols out there. Rather, I think the visit was expedient. Putting China on notice needed to be done. What else will stop their territorial imperatives? Even if the visit doesn't stop China, our (US) moxie is visible. If the President went it might have been seen as a little too aggressive. We'll see of course, but I have a feeling it was designed this way.

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I think you're probably right. Maybe just the right balance. Not the executive branch, but close. Wonder if McConnell was consulted and if he actually contributed to the discussions.

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Kansas is huge, not just for human rights, but for democracy. As you say, it doesn’t guarantee results anywhere, but it is a shot in the arm for voter choice.

For the past week, as new scandals erupt around the insurrection, Democrats unify on important issues and voter disgust with those who would impose their narrow views on the rest of us rises, i sense a turning of the tide. Not just that the inevitable failure of corrupt reaction becomes more clear, but a feeling that democracy has found its feet again, and is going on the march. I hope so, anyway. (Now, as a poor sailor, I should confess that my judgment on such things as the state of the tide is often wrong.)

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True, certainly is/was a shot in the arm! Now let’s all make sure we get out there and get all to get booster shots! 🙂

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Thank you to Roger S. for the context of the Kansas vote to defeat the effort of the anti-choice minority to control women according to their religious beliefs. I was delighted last night when I saw what happened in that deep red state but Robert's reciting of Roger's summary filled out the corners. Thank you, Roger, and Robert, for sharing that inspiring analysis! What happened in Kansas was, indeed, encouraging!

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Both Nancy Pelosi and President Biden are seasoned professionals and work together. IMHO, they agree in private on her trip -- it reaffirms our support of Taiwan without actually changing our policy towards them. We, too, have done postcarding and have seen many studies affirming the positive results. Our government is like a ship -- large and slow to change but it takes only a nudge to change the trajectory.

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Pelosi visit to Taiwan.one essential point is missing from the discussion.

if we don't back up Taiwan and put our foot down on Chinese expansion a new "Ukraine" will eventually occur.

That is why we need to stand fast in spite of all the political reasonings.

Why wasn't there an uproar when previous Congressional delegations visited Taiwan.

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I think the uproar is being caused by China. It said it would respond to Pelosi's visit, but she went anyway. I don't think China took the same stance when Newt Gingrich visited.

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My impression from listening to Pelosi for a long time but especially during the Trump years is that she very likely would think that the larger moral issue of taking a stand for democracy and against authoritarian rule is much more significant than political considerations coming into election season in 2022. Having said that, however, I can also argue effectively that it is observing the particular political realities of the moment that will best protect democracy.

Final Thoughts: Who the heck knows??

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Just another strong reason for us to not be bullied by a dictator who wants to expand his ambitions.It is a perilous time domestically and internationality.

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Postcarding Is therapy for my rage terror swelling over the last seven political years. I did it for geargia senate races in 2020 to voters who were just turning voting age. Seeing warnock and ossoff win convinced me of the power. I don’t need more validation than that. Naysayers are opp trolls.

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My wife and I (who live in Virginia) have been visiting a friend in Kansas City for the past three days. We saw many “No” yard signs and only two “Yes” yard signs - only anecdotal evidence but it turned out to be a real indicator for the amendment vote outcome. I perceive that the vote No may have a broader impact or significance than just opposing the particular constitutional amendment. It might reflect opposition to the tactics and anti-democratic policies and practices of the Republican proponents of the proposed amendment. This is simply an impression, hardly a fact. But it is a hopeful impression.

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