Mar 31, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am grateful for your wise optimism. I always appreciate your encouragement for us to think and act from a position of strength. The leaders who I admire modeled hope when the future appeared hopeless: Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That takes authentic courage. Thank you!

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And let's not forget Volodymyr Zelenskyy...if ever there was an optimist living among us today!

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Well said Toni !

There is no weakness in maintaining "hope". I think it's the polar opposite. When we let others depress us, discourage us and frustrate us...we give them our personal power. We are handing them the reins to our brains.

We can be insulted and irritated. We can be angry. We can be outraged. But the day we give up "hope" is the day we surrender. Not Robert Hubbell or most of the people who read his fine letter. And not me.

Last night I raised a glass and toasted with my wife. We toast someone every night. Someone who has fallen victim to a misfortune. Or someone who has performed a service to others. Last night we said "Cheers for Alvin Bragg". Forward Ho with Hope.

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"Last night I raised a glass and toasted with my wife. We toast someone every night. Someone who has fallen victim to a misfortune. Or someone who has performed a service to others."

Thank you, Bill, for providing a new daily ritual! :-)

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Bill, that is beautifully stated. And what a wonderful tradition you have established in your home. Cheers to you!!!

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Thanks for your willingness to steer the ship through “stormy” waters, Captain. Pay no mind to chippy complaints by passengers who complain about arugula in the salad.

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Yes....Robert's clear-eyed optimism is to be highly commended....and yes, in NY, we will soon be sailing through "Stormy" waters. It will be interesting to see in his trial, whether Agent Orange's fragile ego can take the beating he will hear from the DA's witnesses--without his succumbing to taking the stand in his own "defense"--where he cannot help but being a "perjury machine."

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Amplifying the positive, I would note that the system that led to Trump’s indictment, in many respects, demonstrates that the rule of law depends on our having institutions we can trust, a mutuality that, in turn, depends on the idea that no one is above the law. Considering that all of us at some time since 2016 likely contemplated a possible fatal weakening of our civic institutions and also a Presidency eager and able to consolidate power, wherein the rule of law could be subjugated to an individual, I say, however important other things are, I take heart from sensing that the mind of the country, for the moment, is focused on the idea that protecting the key mechanisms of American democracy entails holding everyone, as the facts warrant, accountable for their actions.

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It is repeated that indicting a former POTUS is unprecedented! However, it is Necessary because we have never had such an amoral, corrupt, pathological liar occupy that office who incited a mob to attempt a coup on our political system; who incited a mob to attack Capitol police resulting in the death of several and more than 100 injured!

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An unprecedented reaction to unprecedented behavior.

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Plus, a bonus here, he's a creep and a boring and exhausting one at that.

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Louis, First, I would note that Trump has not yet been indicted for any of the charges you reference. Second, I would note, in my view, the thread that connects every count, including those for which Trump has been charged, entails an effort to affect the outcome of an election. Third, I hope it was clear from my comment that I view indictment of Trump as affirmation that the rule of law, not the rule of “men,” presides, despite efforts to thwart it.

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Today is a good day, and Today’s Edition is excellent.

Optimism is like a muscle. I see that so clearly after reading this newsletter. I feel like I’ve had an epiphany. Optimism grows stronger with practice,exercise, activism.

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I grew up in a state whose motto is Hope, a state whose capital has a Hope Street and a Hope High School. Not to say everything is perfect in Rhode Island, but it does have Hope. I live in a city where I could vote for Alvin Bragg for District Attorney and did. He was elected from a crowded field with strong contenders. In indicting former President Donald Trump, he is fulfilling my hopes for him. As he enters a tough undertaking, he brings intelligence and skill and, I hope and expect, will come out the process having earned our respect and appreciation.

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Born and raised in RI and now living in FL. Every day we raise the Rhody flag of Hope on our dock. Yes, not everything is perfect there but it does have Hope.

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So good to hear. Courage is a remarkable trait and it takes courage to do what Bragg did. Thank you for voting for him.

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Dear Robert

Thank you so much for your thought today, I didn't realize how much I needed them. I have struggled living in Florida Hellscape.

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The same for me in Arkansas. Thank you Robert.

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Chin up. Better times are on the way. Or maybe you could move.

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Stay and VOTE.

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You aren't alone. My brother now lives in Florida after retiring as City Manager for Alexandria, Virginia. He's an optimistic guy as a rule, but when I talked to him yesterday, he said he was completely disgusted by politicians and De Santis in particular.

Check out Seniors Taking Action. In addition to being a postcarding group, we have a wonderful Wednesday morning speaker series (11 am EST) and we need Democrats from Florida. It will make you feel better, guaranteed! You don't need to be a senior to participate.

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Just keep on keepin’ on.

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"Hope is like a muscle. Exercise it."

Compassion is like a muscle. Practice feeling compassion for yourself and others. Try it.

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" You may be surprised to learn that I receive fairly consistent criticism from readers... that my hopeful and optimistic outlook does a disservice"

We should start a club Mr. Hubbell. When commenting in another blog I have been called unpatriotic, naive and a MAGA for being optimistic and discouraging name calling and made-up names for the Republicans. I've been called uninformed and inexperienced.

Folks. Being happy is not a disease. The media is wired on negativity. Car wrecks sell.

We must keep our heads. We must win in 2024.

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Barbara, I'll join your "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" Club!

As Sam Rayburn said, "Any jackass can kick down a barn but it takes a good carpenter to build one." There are naysayers infiltrating all of these substack newsletter comments; best to ignore them, and stay laser-focused on a blue sweep in '24.

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What a great quote! Thanks.

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The only thing in life that we can control is our attitude. Please hear my applause for yours :)

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Why thank you Sir.

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Hear, hear, Barbara. Being happy is a gift. I'm a ceramic artist and I'm getting ready for a show in April. I decided to feature bright colors and lots of California poppies this year because I think we all need some uplift. In fact, I spent all last week silently painting poppies without listening to the news. It helped. We need to make our own news and stop being fed garbage and Chicken Little news. These are challenging times, but remember what Martin Luther said, "Even if the world was ending tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree." And Gandhi updated that when asked if he would still practice non-violence even if the atomic bomb was falling by saying, "If the atom bomb was falling, what else could I do?" You don't have to be Martin Luther or Gandhi to put a smile on your face and do something for the common good.

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I just ordered one of your pomegranate pots. Love your ceramic sculptures as well.

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I'm a sucker for ceramics and for poppies. Just found your Etsy page and ordered the trinket bowl and the poppy-colored Pomegranate vase. Will likely keep the bowl and give the vase as a Christmas gift to a cousin.

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Good for you. Thanks for posting this.

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I understand the urge to respond at the same vibrational level as those who bandy in lies and slurs but I cringe when I hear otherwise mindful people fall into that trap, as I do when I fall into fear. It is worth the effort though, “to not hate the haters”.

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My Dad said never sink to someone's level.

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Wow! Thank you for your well thought words of illumination! We cannot allow certain politicians to weigh us down. I am a person whose cognitive dissonance has been weighed down by MS with which I was diagnosed some 22 years ago and while I am fortunate in so many ways, I have not been seriously physically impaired. My cognitive abilities can be scrambled. I do appreciate your column and truthisms. Hand thank you for your sharing the words of others for our investigation. The former president has been an un beautiful person whom I would not want my female family members to bs near and I hope voters read and remember his behaviors which reflect great anti American and inhuman behaviors. Read his niece Mary's book. This man appears guilty of so many poorly and, perhaps Ill-conceived anti American anti human actions that I hope folks awaken to his acquisition of ill-gotten gains. I am done with so much of what appears to be the too easy acceptance of and spreading of a crossing of lines of American principles that so many have died to protect. I appreciate America and all I have been blessed to receive: one of those is your newsletter and all you offer us: thank you.

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Well said. Thank you. He's made a mess and he needs to be held accountable. Also, he needs to get out off the front page and back to the swamp from which he came.

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Why can’t he be charged under the RICO act?

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He may well be….

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I am not well educated enough in the LAW to know?

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Hope is the foundation of progress, and I thank you for your reinforcement. It seems that for some, that "muscle" has atrophied as their "emotions" have weakened their will to exercise.

As to the headline of the day, I say it's AFT for TFG to FTM! It's about freaking time for the former guy to face the music! While many of his supporters and enablers are crying foul over the Manhattan DA's motivations, it's amazing how little factual basis they need. None, as I understand it, have seen the indictment, so to conclude that it's politically motivated is astonishing. Rather, it restores hope that the wheels of justice are still turning. Let's see what next Tuesday brings.

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I have great faith in our institutions and faith in our justice system.

It is easier to believe in a system however that is actively in motion.

My despair has been the lack of motion these many years.

Thank you Robert for helping us maintain perspective.

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Thank you again, Robert, for a wonderful newsletter. And thank you so much for putting in the article by Amanda Ripley. I personally am very grateful for your continual work and having us remain hopeful while working to make our hopes reality. I find these reminders hugely helpful.

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Where pessimism abounds, Today's Editions always gives me tools to pursue optimism. Thank you, Robert, for the tools you provide today!

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Afterword: I'm grateful that your newsletter tries to put a hopeful spin on our world. There are an unending waterfall of horrible events (eg Tennessee shooting or anything McCarthy or Putin says) that we read or hear about every day from the multiple news organs we follow. Your optimism reminds regular Joes like me that there can be change for the better. And that patience is a virtue. I need to hold onto those thoughts.

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Yes, and there are lots of small organizations and other news sources that present a more positive picture. Action is the antidote to despair. Even if you do nothing more than smile at your neighbor across the street, you can make things a bit better. And it's free!

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I was thinking this morning that it’s a shame that a former president had to be indicted. But the real shame—as I suspect you know already—is that he was elected.

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Picking up on the theme of optimism albeit slightly off topic, I'd like to share this anecdote. Years ago at my son's fiancée bridal shower the question came up regarding what first attracted my son to his fiancee. The answer (directly from my son) was her bubbling, happy, optimistic personality. To this day, this lady is always described by ... 'everybody loves xxx' . (name withheld to protect parties involved from any embarrassment .) Moral of the story, people like happy people.

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