Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you, Cassidy Hutchinson, and Pres Zelenskyy have something in common. Bless you all for courage, freedom of speech, and perseverance. May you be safe, well, and happy this holiday season. BTW, that firey mouthed subscriber sounds to me like a Russian plant.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I agree 100% with Hope Lindsay. I couldn’t say it better so won’t try. Except to add this thought, for parents and grandparents: Are you raising your children to have as clear a moral compass as Ms.Hutchinson? As best I can tell she didn’t go to an Ivy League school etc. Yet look at what she did as a result of her own conscience. I am a retired lawyer. I hope the people who urged her to mislead the committee find themselves in orange jumpsuits. Along with Trump.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Here is a source for buying Zelenskyy's army green tryzub sweatshirt--which is actually out of stock but hopefully back soon:


Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery! and it's a Ukrainian company.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert and Jill, thank you so much for all you do for what has become an incredible community. I am so grateful for you thoughtful and non-hyperbolic News of everyday during these difficult times in America and the world. I’m grateful for your newsletter and blog. I love how you include us in some of the special items and traditions of your family which is so uplifting and joyful. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanza to all. And may the new year be happy, healthy, peaceful, and productive in our personal lives and in our country. 🎄🎅🤶🎄

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A suggestion, Robert: Skip tomorrow and enjoy a nice, long (until Tuesday, at least) weekend with the lovely Jill, your daughters , and grandchildren. The news will wait. Your loyal readers will wait (and the disloyal ones aren’t worth caring about).

I will, however, note that Mr. Zelenskyy could easily have taken a couple of days in Washington for consultation, not to mention dependable heat, copious food and safety from Russian missiles, but he headed back to the fight at once. He and Cassidy Hutchinson are true profiles in courage.

And MERRY CHRISTMAS to all—whether you celebrate the holiday or not.

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As to your now-former subscriber, Robert, it's always fun to press the "cancel" button on the far left "anti-imperialist" morons - the ones who prove by their existence why the far left has never been more than a collection of splinter groups who cannot be trusted to have the brains to take the order for Chinese takeout for the lunch meeting.

For everyone interested, you can get the final report and all the witness transcripts in PDFs over at Talking Points Memo. I've been reading the final report and you definitely do not have to be a lawyer to read it, and it is indeed "very readable" (i.e., not going to put you to sleep over it).


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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

2 comments. 1) Is there a fundraising effort to pay Hutchinson's lawyer bills? (Not asking you to do the research Robert, asking the readers of this list if they are aware of anything.) She deserves our heartfelt support!

2)"The point is that Republicans have replaced political discourse with personal animosity." This characteristic is what is going to be seen more and more as they turn on each other! The other reality is that personal attacks can be transmitted by television/sound bytes much better than serious policy issues. So that's what they do.

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Thanks Robert, the courage of Cassidy Hutchinson is the same courage that Zelenskyy spoke about the history of American resolve in the face of overwhelming odds. She essentially was willing to give up her life to tell the truth.

If Led Zeppelin were writing a song about the current GOP and it’s ecosystem it would be titled “Stairway to Hell”

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"During times of crisis, there are no red states or blue states. We are a community of citizens acting for the common good." With those lines you have expressed the beautiful ideal that we must continue to seek at all times, not just in times of crisis. It seems to me that Today's Edition Newsletter consistently leads us in that direction as we trudge the road toward unity, equality, and liberty, and all the values enshrined in the structures of Democracy as articulated by the Founders and their visions of "the shining city on a hill" that our corrupt, polarized plutocracy has turned into a swamp of special interests, deceit, fear mongering and injustice. Whenever I read the names of the people you praise as heroes of democracy in our struggle against the fascist threat led by the GOP of Trump, I always picture you standing strong in their midst.

Joyeux Noël!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have a holiday wish for Robert and I hope during my lifetime it will come true. I hope that Robert's efforts every day to keep us informed on the dysfunctional GOP we currently deal with will no longer be required...and he can actually retire although I'll miss getting a bit smarter every morning when I open his letter. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.

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Where does one go to get brainwashed to be a card-carrying member of the Military Industrial Complex? Asking for a friend...

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for your thoughts and links..so much to read....I'm only part way through the Introductory!

I just can't with the vile insults leveled at Zelinsky...to quote a line from John Prine..."some people ain't human"

Take care all, this weather is incredible. Despite that..may your holidays be merry and bright.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for calling out Klobuchar’s work to amend the ECRA. While not perfect, it will move the needle forward some. She is a treasure in so many ways. As is Cassidy Hutchinson!

Also appreciate the effort to ask us to check on our vulnerable neighbors and friends here where the temps and wind chill are brutal. This weather is truly life threatening to millions.

As my Jewish friend Chris says, Happy Christmahannakwanzika everyone.

(-11 below here with -45 degree wind chill and blizzard conditions. We had a foot of new snow this week that is being rearranged. And I live here why? Maybe this is why Minnesota votes blue - favorite lip color....)

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Cassidy Hutchinson is a very brave and courageous young woman who did the right thing something many MAGA Republicans do not have the courage to do. The following quote from Adam Schiff in todays NYT says it all.

“ Even the Constitution cannot protect us if the people sworn to uphold it do not give meaning to their oath of office, if that oath is not informed by ideas of right and wrong, and if people are unwilling to accept the basic truth of things. None of it will be enough” . We need more people like Cassidy Hutchinson and heroes and courageous individuals like Zelensky to step forward and show us the way.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Wow. Just wow.

I watched Zelensky's speech and it brought tears to my eyes. He is a model leader. I am 1000% certain that the right-wing attackers are being paid with laundered rubles. As for Hutchinson, she is a real stand-up person.

Every day in every way, the Trumpists and the right-wing loonies look worse and worse.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Two thoughts this morning . First, as Robert said, the depraved and despicable comments by the right really set me off. I was simply disgusted at the personal comments. And then I started to wonder why so many have lost their basic sense of decency. Even the MAGA Republicans were (probably) raised by mothers who might have threatened to “wash their mouths out with soap” (remember that?). What the hell happened to them?

Second is to wish Robert, Jill, and all of the readers in this community a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanza, or any Holiday you enjoy. Peace on Earth, Good Will to all.

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