"..they view Americans who are not white, straight, Christian evangelicals as “less than” or “other than” “real Americans.” Please don't forget the ladies! "They" have already made women second class citizens and irrelevant. I think there is a lot to be optimistic about mostly because women like me are so livid and we're turning our anger into determination and unifying action. We will win this war no matter how many battles starting with the Midterm elections we must fight to do it to regain our freedoms. We have defeated "Trump"; now we must defeat "Trumpism". We, the People of all colors, of all sexes, of all religions. ALL of us this time!

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I'm tired of hearing negative comments from Democrats. If you want to complain, direct your opinions to what the republicans are doing to thwart Biden's agenda and Democratic bills to save the country.

VOTE AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO VOTE, AS WELL! Remember, we're the majority.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"I look at those facts and see the scope and scale of our duty as Americans to preserve democracy—nothing more, and nothing less." I'm not sure of Max Boot's age, but starting in my teens I was out protesting against the killings at Kent State, draft and Viet Nam War; for civil rights, migrant worker's rights, and Women's Rights. I also have participated in campaigns, have voted in every election after spending 3 -4 hours studying everything on the ballot. And I also do my jury duty. So...the preservation of democracy takes work. It is an HONOR and PRIVILEGE to have these rights. That's part of the reason I am so pro-immigration. Immigrants seem to understand the honor and privilege part. Robert, I appreciate you circling back to this point. We don't have time to moan about the future. Time to get to work....oh, and to return to teaching Ciivics in the classroom and at home.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Maybe these old white guys are confusing the threat of loss of white privilege with the end of democracy.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

At the root of Max Boot's lamentation lies his origins in American Conservatism. Yes, that America has moved from it's primordial state of impairment, to dying, and presently near death. That is the America to which Max Boot dedicated the preponderance of his productive years. He has reason to mourn the wasted expenditure of his time, talent, and labor promoting American military violence and the Conservative mindset. The roots of our current national predicament lie in the Reagan era from which Boot and his ilk sprung. RIP.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, thank you for your unfailing determination and sense of purpose.

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Yesterday in Alberta the Pope apologized to Indigeneous people of Canada for the church's role in Residential schools. Children were killed there. The call of the Indigenous leaders who traveled to Rome bringing a pair of shoes representing the children and saying, bring this back when you come to apologize, shows a model for change. Those who perpetrate are challenged and eventually someone who represents them who is right for the job does the work. If I hadn't felt the immense change yesterday I wouldn't understand this this morning. The wounds are part of the fabric of everyone in the country I think. My own research in neolithic symbols, and tombs, shows me that hierarchical buildings were built on top of womb symbols.

There is still more to come as questions are raised about the need for further examination of more disclosure by the Pope of the church's wrongs. Renewal ceremonies and resurgence (action) are a model of ways forward.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Without a doubt, these are scary, perilous times, but I, too, have optimism that the damn has, indeed, been broken and voter turn out will be massive. Between abortion rights and LGBTQ folks and their supporters, there are many reasons to vote and encourage others to vote as well.

Make calls, write letters, go door to door if you can....keep the faith folks...not complacent, eyes wide open..but all is not lost before the effort has been made. The GOP has been working on this for YEARS...we may or may not prevail in one session, but ultimately...democracy will rise!!

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Absolutely, never give up hope, never stop fighting for freedom, equality and unity. It is the ideal of the Ukrainians and they are not giving in. The rest of Europe should do the same. We can oppose a scheming despot like Putin by getting independent from his gas. In America it is up to the Democrats and well thinking Republicans like Liz Cheney to safe democracy.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This newsletter was the right one at the right time, Robert. If you want some positive images, check out Beto O’Rourke’s Twitter feed. Yes, he’s a real long shot, but he’s bringing enthusiasm in areas where Dems have been in short supply/needed energy influx/must make inroads in—rural voters and young people.

See @BetoORourke. A rally last night in tiny Whitesboro, TX brought in 450; I am told organizers were expecting about 40.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I am concerned that the two bloggers I respect, you and Heather, report well on the inroads Republicans are making in their efforts to destroy our democracy -- more reason for outrage, but too little about how to win. "Get out the vote" isn't enough. We must remember that "the best defense is a good offense." I am deeply troubled that I read little from Democrats about how to make our party stronger. We need a strong message - a phrase that we can repeat millions of times. We need an exciting candidate for the presidency in the next election. We need a winning offensive strategy.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Your remarks in the Concluding Thoughts section of today’s Newsletter mirror my views perfectly. I am shocked, horrified and worried about the fragile state of our democracy, but I am hopeful that the American spirit and love of our country will prevail. We must be active in this effort. I hear people saying they wish they could do something but don’ t know what. Maybe you could write once again about all the ways people can be proactive. I’m writing letters via Vote Forward, just having passed the 100 letter mark. I’m aiming for 1,000 by October 29 when 10 million letters will be mailed to potential voters. It feels good to be involved!

All the best,

Alice Kaplan

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We need to be 2 countries! I’ve been saying this since 11/8/16 the night that criminal was elected President. We need to let the radical and authoritarian Right know that we will not follow them into autocratic rule, that we value democracy and we are keeping it. Will it be easy? Of course not! But the threat of eliminating the Blue State tax dollars gravy train to Red States should put some fear into them. My feeling is f**k them! Im never going to live under the dictatorship Trump announced he is going to institute. Im not going to be forced to pray to a god I don’t believe in, and i sure as hell refuse to let me and my daughter and ALL the other women in my life be treated like a second class citizen! Since when do we allow ignorant fools to dictate to us? Let them keep their guns and bibles. Honestly, when someone willingly allows the dismantling of their democratic government just so they can “ stick it to a liberal “ it’s time for them to get some mental health intervention! Thats not normal!

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Everything in this edition is correct, but the omissions are what I am critical of. It isn't Trump who is the ultimate danger...he is the carnival barker who eventually will be gone or have a base so small that he will be insignificant...(we may one day wish we still had Trump to kick around ...paraphrasing Nixon here). The entire GOP, Federalist Society and Murdoch are the very real dangers to democracy. McConnell torpedoed Obama's SCOTUS nominee and his programs without Trump. The GOP has stymied Biden's programs without Trump.

Trump is not running this cycle. There is no national campaign this year, except it is and Democrats need to make 2022 all about who will have the majority in Congress. With the GOP as it is there isn't a single Republican congressional candidate who should win!!! If McConnell is majority leader and McCarthy or some other Republican is Speaker it will be a Monster Congress.

And down ballot State and School Board elections are now more important than ever. That is one area where we have been outsmarted and out worked by the GOP. This needs to be learned from.

The Democrats have so many issues to campaign on and so many ways to show that if the GOP runs the show life will be worse...(Some issues: censorship in education, housing, jobs, healthcare, social security, forced birth, income inequality, climate, infrastructure, strong NATO, real immigration plan, privacy, gun safety, marriage equality)

When we keep our focus on Trump and keep running against Trump we are doing Desantis's work for him and he will be even worse.

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Reading Today's Edition Newsletter and enjoying the spectacle of the dam breaking, I'm thinking Max Boot deserves the "boot." Go ahead, leave, Mr. Boot. Why not move to Hungary and see how living under Orbán's authoritarian rule works for you? I'm sticking with Hubbell, a man of honor who refuses to declare defeat before the battle even starts. For those of us who swore in service to our country to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, leaving Dodge is out of the question. And for the citizens who still believe in the structures of liberty afforded us by the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, now is the time to stand firm in our resolve to fight those who seek to destroy the foundations of liberty upon which this nation was established. I'm resonating with Hubbell's reference to those previous generations of Americans who did not share Boot's pessimism. "Instead, they persisted despite overwhelming odds," writes Hubbell. "We should be glad they did--because they delivered us to this moment in history." Today is our moment in history. Our battle need not be fought with guns, yet. In this fight, our sacred right to vote should suffice as the weapon of choice. As Abraham Lincoln famously said, "The ballot is stronger than the bullet." And as Jon Rickard comments, "Remember, we're the majority."

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thanks for the call to arms. Each of us must do all in our power to defeat every Republican even it's just writing postcards or talking to our neighbors

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