The penetration of the U.S. Treasury’s payment system is blatantly illegal, and an outrage. In disclosing tax information to unauthorized persons, it is also a crime. See 26 USC 6103. I have written to Hakeem Jeffries asking that articles of impeachment be entered against Treasury Secretary Bessant for directing, enabling and facilitating this crime, which breaches the data security of millions of Americans. I ask you to join me in pushing for Secretary Bessent’s impeachment. Will it work? We won’t know if we don’t try. Stand up and fight, Democrats!
As well as forcing attention on the impeachment of not just Bessent but also any other government official who clearly breaks his/her oath of office (plenty of choices there nowadays), Jeffries et al. needs to use every procedural and parliamentary move in the book to impede and resist anything that Rs try to do. _Anything._ Yes, gum up the whole goddamn process as much as possible. And Schumer needs to do the same thing in the Senate. DO NOT TAKE WHAT'S GOING ON LYING DOWN.
There were 15 Democratic Senators who voted to confirm Bessent for Treasury: they include: Slotkin, Booker, Fetterman, Rochester, Cantwell, Gallego, Gillibrand,, Hassan, Hickenlookper, Kaine, Kelly, King, Peters, Shaheen, Warner, Ossoff, and Padilla.
If you are from a state with a Senator voting to confirm this man, call out your Senator--they have just helped pave the road to hell. Let them know that they are enabling and are complicit in a coup. All of these senators should be capable of explaining a No vote to their consitutency.
I'm appalled to see one of my senators on that list. Am, even as I write this, composing a scathing email in my head demanding an explanation for that vote as well as frequent and regular reports back on how the senator is helping block all the illegality and unconstitutionality.
I will also demand that the Vought nomination for OMB be torpedoed. He, a principal architect of Project 2025, will 100% for sure see to the financial starvation of a wide range of government services and functions, utterly indifferent to the cruelty and hardship his extremist views will impose on millions of Americans.
If there aren't 66 votes in the senate to convict you're pissing into the wind and all that will happen is you'll get wet. And the resolution of impeachment will never make it out of the congressional committee the House Nazis control. A lawsuit against that pinstriped pimp will at least make him have to take notice.
There are always endless excuses for not taking reasonable and legitimate action, often by people who rail against others for not taking action and/or indulge in fantastical 'solutions.'
Of course, Bessant won't be impeached and removed. But the effort is still worthwhile. Taking a stance is worthwhile.
Changing the conversation is worthwhile. Many voices speaking up is worthwhile .
Here is a link to the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Click on a name to get to their contact info.
I'm not against "reasonable and legitimate action." I am against wasting time and resources on things where the outcome is known and isn't what we need.
I'm so tired of hearing about what the laws are and what the constitution says. I know both of those things. And republicans are breaking both with zero consequences. What I don't get is why people don't realize they've already won. And the only people who will keep making money through all of this anyone who sucks up to shitler and (maybe) lawyers. We're facing dark years ahead.
Hm... I've been pushing around places for people to support the D candidates in the 3 special elections. Some sources say there Is the ghost of a chance, but most say it's only with one and slim, but while it would be fabulous if we won, it will serve as a warning if we even move the margins in such red areas because it's our first possible demonstration linking how people feel about FF's actions with the kind of outcomes the GOP care about - votes and power. I'm thinking that when we don't have the majority we still can take a page from the Rs and get as loudly performative as possible - message the hell out of our anger!
So what do we need? I'm afraid warning people of what will happen if trump does this or that hasn't had much effect. The effects need to be seen and felt before the other half (of the country) wake up. And pain is on the way to red state voters as well as blue. The Autocracy party need to feel the anger of their constituents before they will stand up to their king.
You can usually call, and you can always Bluesky or Xeet if on that still. Some have FB pages if you are still on that. Often on their web page they will have those links.
We know it won't actually go anywhere! The point is to push back, make some noise, which the MSM might actually hear, and to show We the People that the Democrats are back in the fight.
Even if it does not actually work, the Democrats can use their efforts to protect the American treasury during the 2026 election. Work toward that election must begin now! This can be a very strong campaign point, hopefully, for all those who sat out the 2024 election because they did not see or believe the Orange Hitler's and his SS's dangers.
Musk's access of the Treasury's payment system is just the beginning. i don't trust that we'll have a 2026 'free' election. Please, someone, tell me i'm wrong!
In all due respect, The actions by Trump's group are so egregious and easily provable to be unconstitutional that it's reasonable to see at least 16 GOP join the "righteous" struggle to save the nation. Trump stated clearly that he had not read or knew anything about "Project 2052" but his earliest actions mirror it and it's very unpopular and immoral. I think we need to clearly communicate to the electorate how MAGOP's actions are those of the Project 2025 Plan and will lead to a dictatorship along the lines of communist Putin and dictator Orban. The Town Crier has work to do!
All of the Dems & Inds in Congress must form a united bloc to stop all the business in the Congress from going forward until we can get a handle on what is going on.
I have suggested that the blue state governors should withhold sending federal taxes to the treasury now that they are in illegal hands. Let’s see how long the country can stand when those who contribute the most (e.g. California as the 5th largest GDP in the world) keep the money in their state coffers.
Timothy Snyders post today is excellent! He states something that I have suspected but not heard anyone in the media bring forth. The tariffs, which make no economic sense, are there to destroy the economy and help to destroy our democracy. The rich will survive and thrive by stealing what we have and forcing us to be beholden to them and any strongman they put in place. That’s just a part of it. Well worth a read.
My fear exactly. They want to get rid of the FDIC for Chrissake! There's only one reason i can think of for that and it is bankrupting the country right down to every last savings account. We DO have a new DNC party chair, perhaps flooding Ken Martin with requests for quick action along the the lines of what the Politics Girl had to say and getting his War Room up and running literally yesterday would be a plausible tactic ... I'll go first! on Bluesky, on facebook, @kenmartin73 on X.
I contacted my senator, a Democrat, and asked her to work to slow down and obstruct ALL Republican nominations. There are ways to do this. McConnell did it all the time. I’ll contact Martin today.
Well, if it’s illegal why hasn’t someone filed suit?
I state on record: 1) our civil rights fight never was ‘won’ it was set aside -appeasements- been tested continuously resulting in the deaths, incarcerations of predominantly dark skins w/ imprisonment time of 10x that of whites..subtle ?
2) we lost the Vietnam war,as well as Afghanistan. There were no WMDs. The regimes of which existed for years, our brief reprieve ,at costs we are still paying for ,sees the return of that ‘ opposition’ as likely will Syria /Assad & picking up the spoils -my bet is Russia.
3) Nixon and Watergate is a lesson by Ford/Trump of pardon politics slapping the face of Law , period. The Great Recession /The Great Depression has ended up but for a brief breather in a disparity of Russian flavor and opposite corners only , the middle class is gone.
AND the worst is about to make them look like ‘test runs’. As will the next medical pandemic …ALL safeguards extinguished for conspiracy theories and the mentally ill given blank checks to fantastisize (that’s a ‘Pat verb’) their delusions…and J6’s end result? the sequel to either Oceans 11 or The Italian Job.
How harsh will the endings be..the work of MAGA/Musk/KingCon the Don and their muddied Klan?
Be sure to thank all them ‘Americans’ (plus turncoat Dems) who brought you T-2.0 …long sought by your elected Republicans.
Does illegal even matter any more? Literally, what can the Dems do short of locking them up, if they could even pull that off? What if everyone walked off their job? Would corporations take notice? Would they care? What is we all stopped paying taxes? We need to get to the heart of things, what will stop Musk?
"Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for
that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't. ""
Capitol Switchboard
A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can connect you directly with the Senate or House office. (202) 224-3121
CHM, You are RIGHT ON - Even know the number of the law that's been violated!! You need to go to DC - I'll even pay for your round trip! Finally a leader AT LAST!!!!!
I keep reading your articles and the ones by others whom you recommend, and I hear you that is up to us and we can't rely on the Democratic party to save us. And I keep looking, eagerly, for concrete ideas on what we the people can effectively do under these horrific circumstances. Sure, being in community, being kind to one another, volunteering, donating, writing postcards, making phone calls are things we can do, but they are such minimal actions in the face of this overwhelming lawless coup, and these individual efforts surely won't be enough to save us. I'm hoping for more than words of encouragement (don't get me wrong, I appreciate them and I use them whenever I can), and I don't know where else to look.
Words are at the foundation of all we have. They seem inconsequential because of the violence we’ve we done to them. Restore the honor to your words, to your speaking and you will discover the power of word.
Trust WAS Bern. ‘Word’/Lip service is obviously the cheap shot “established law” . We can shout to the top of our lung’s our vote that counts…counted!
With computer wizards/MI/now dubbed AI at the helm sinking our ship and complacency which resulted in 35-45% of our population formerly opting for years and the ‘fat (cat) assettes’ ( welcome to Pat words) ….
"WAS" and "counted" are in the past. The past is always already over. No matter what was, the question is NOW what? In each moment we have a choice about what future we create to live into from HERE.
"WE THE PEOPLE are screwed …" is YOUR call as a future to live into. I suggest that is taking the past and projecting it into the future. It's like driving your car down the highway of life while staring into the rearview mirror.
The future is always an empty canvas waiting to be filled with the choices you are making NOW, and NOW, and NOW...
Trump‘s tariffs are a distraction from his capturing the Fed’s payment system, his being bribed through purchases of bitcoin, by large, unknown buyers, and his attempt to remove all federal officials who would hold him accountable and prevent corruption.
I am also challenging our Blue Dog congresswoman to step up and fight the coup, even of that’s outside her comfort zone.
And as many of us join mass demonstrations, don’t be surprised if Trump invokes the Insurrection Act to militarize his power and if right wing militias show up emboldened by his pardon of the J6 attackers.
This will get ugly. It’ll be worse if we let him succeed.
Yes. Tariffs distract. They may be more of an extraction shell game, with exemptions for high bidders. The Fed capture is galling, but appears primarily Musk (it's all grotesquely vague and opaque). Which is all the more frustrating, because Musk's whole scheme is unauthorized.
If Mump ends Social Security, I’ll have to sell my car to pay my debts so that my work income can go totally to my diabetic 70 year old Mom. Thank God I moved back home prior to the election. I’m also LGBTQ and Canadian American so my entire humanity, family and all I hold dear are being violated by these monsters. My dad (who was such a good man) died 20 years ago when I was twelve. Now my mom, sister and I have just each other and it kills me that I can’t protect us from this orange fuckhead. Thanks Robert for your reaffirmation that we’ll get through this but I am terrified for what we may have to go through. But we can’t surrender every dream we have or what and who we love just because TFG could take it away. Trying to stay strong…..
Whether or not you live in Maryland, please let Senator Van Hollen know about your situation. He is trying to push for some momentum against these assaults in Congress.
Everytime I try to answer a survey for the democrats, they only want money and I doubt that my answers are submitted because I did not donate. For months now, I just delete all their calls for help.
The message is, we don’t care what you think, we just want your money.
All this info is overwhelming, but I am hoping that there will be a large protest, but will Trump use the military to stop the protests? These are such scary times. I’m wondering how the people who voted for him feel now, or if they even understand what is happening.
I have found the same thing. I think I’m answering a survey and then at the end they ask for money. I close the survey. No opinion and no $. I wonder… there a way to input a donation of $ .01 (a penny). Would that send a message? I may try that.
Instead of asking nominees whether they would obey an illegal presidential command, every Trump nominee - and Republican Senator - should be asked "Do you believe that any presidential command can be illegal?" According to the Federalist Society Roberts Court majority and The Heritage Foundation Russell Vought's Project 2025 chapter on the Executive - by definition the president is the law unto himself. This is FedSoc's entirely anti-constitutional notion of 'a unified executive.'
I'm trying to recall where I read this today, but approx. seven nominees were asked precisely this. They all lied or evaded. It was not for lack of insistent questioning. Schiff, Whitehouse, etc. held them to the fire. It's a tacit understanding of the new GOP that they obey corrupt presidential orders, and allow whatever comes out of their mouth to get through sham hearings.
Do confirmation hearing have a point anymore? It seems the majority party will confirm, even if they finagle the vote so that a few people can vote No and it will still pass.
Trump and his administration are clearly, and boldly breaking laws right and left. What happens if our side wins in the courts, and they decide they don't need to follow the laws? Are there any consequences? They control all of what would be the guardrails. Is there any way to stop them?
Good question. Calls to impeach definitely are not the answer. It just drives home the reality that the Brownshirts have the majority in both Houses of Congress as a result of the last elections.
So the next realistic stop to end this nightmare will be the 2026 elections. Oh well... The 2024 elections were close. Those who voted for Harris surely are incensed, they will vote for Democrats again. Some of those who voted for Trump will (finally) realize that they have been gaslighted, so they will vote for Democrats. And those who decided to sit 2024 out for whatever stupid or crazy reason will be back and overwhelmingly vote democratic. No chance the Brownshirts will prevail.
Nice! But not so fast. The brazenness and speed with which the Führer and his posse are razing institutions and turning the country into a rogue nation clearly indicate that they don't intend to face the electorate in open, free and fair elections in 2026 or 2028.
On paper, impeachment is the only recourse we have for holding a president accountable. But then this instrument of justice has also become a political sham and is not in actuality a recourse that brings justice.
Thank you Robert. We so need you and you are here for us all 1000 percent. I can't tell you enough how grateful I am for your wisdom, incredible attentiveness, compassion and care.
On a separate note, I'm having some difficulty processing how our close allies of just a few weeks ago now -- understandably -- hold Americans in contempt. I feel ashamed, and I don't think I'm alone. As somebody who has always been internationally-inclined, it is shocking to watch our reputation devalue so suddenly and steeply. Tariffs, cruelty, dismantling, brazen stupidity . . . it's a tough pill to swallow. I have no easy answers here, so chime in with any words of solidarity or support.
That's a tough one, Dan. Yes, solidarity and support for those brave, upright souls who try to stand up and fight the nightmare we are currently witnessing. For well over a year I have been starting my days with Robert's newsletter, I read HCR, Joyce Vance, follow Bulwark etc., etc.
Having said that there is utter shock, disbelief, disappointment and disgust to see the US sliding down a slippery path towards fascism – with national consequences but international ones as well. The international world order and rule of law as we have known it since the end of WWII is on the block, as well as global economy and the fight against climate change.
This from a German who was born in the 50s, is grateful for the US to have fought fascism and having liberated my country, who grew up with American films and music, who spend a year as a 19-year old criss-crossing the US 'on the thumb', logging close to 50.000 miles and visiting 44 states and who in his professional life spend 12 years in the US on three different assignments.
Thanks for this show of solidarity, Stefan. It's a great response. One of the chief aims of these maniacs has been to shatter the international system, and its guarantee of mutual sovereignty and aid, that we have all grown up with. That begs the question of just who exactly is driving this anti-NATO, isolationist destruction (it's not just Trump alone, nor just the broligarchs). But the speed and cruelty and retribution of it all is shocking and grievous. I can't blame allies for feeling disgusted, even though I have friends and colleagues there.
Yes, I was born in the U.S., and attended graduate school in Berlin. My mother's family narrowly escaped the Holocaust from that same city, to find refuge through Ellis Island. In a generational sense, it's like feeling doubly alienated. It's just hard to watch this all go down like a bad movie, knowing full well your production caused the audience to walk out.
Right on cue, Timothy Snyder just posted a helpful article a few minutes ago on "The Logic of Destruction." He has the benefit of an informed, internationalist perspective, as does Anne Applebaum. I'll post Snyder's link in a separate comment, too:
Thanks for your reply and the link to Timothy Snyder's piece, Dan. I have it in my inbox but hadn't read it. Dystopian, terrifying.
As to your question of behind all of this, apart from Trump and the broligarchs – fair question, indeed. Remember the Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact back in 1939? I shudder to think about a Lavrov - Rubio Pact and where they will draw the line with a sharpie.
it 's hard not to want to bash the 1940 French Generals, er, I mean "Democratic leaders." I've been fighting them since I came home from the war and had to listen to their damned bullshit about how "we have to support our president" when I tried to tell them their president had told them a lie, that Tonkin Gulf never happened as hey were told it did (I knew this because I was there). Then dealing with their dithering and dilly-dallying and refusing to fight on every major issue in the now-60 years since, their overwhelming desire to "go along to get along," standing in a crouch waiting to be hit, how they keep bringing a nice cheese plate and a 90 page "action plan" to the gunfights, how they've always been the smile painted on the face of capitalism. My old friend the late Phil Ochs' song "Love Me, I'm A Liberal" ("ten degrees to the left in good times, ten degrees to the right if it affects them personally") still nails them perfectly 60 years after he wrote it. And today they voted their favorite apparatchik in at the DNC to flood us with emails begging for money they'll mis-spend like they did last year, "same as the old boss." We are where we are because these limpdicks couldn't see the enemy as the enemy no matter how many times they got punched in the mouth since Reagan the amiable dunce came along. Damn straight we are the authors of saving ourselves, and the fuckwits can go ask for money from someone else. I'm now a "Chris Murphy Democrat" and Gladhand Charlie Shumer can go take a flying leap at a rolling doughnut hole.
I'm perfectly willing to bash today's version of the French generals. I've worked my ass off for a few of them and given non-trivially of my non-billionaire treasure. Even if I hadn't, I fucking well expect them to live up to their promise to protect and defend the Constitution, even if doing so costs them their jobs. They asked for the fucking jobs in the first place. And now the sledding is very tough and our country is at stake. And they, at least so far, are nowhere to be found.
I am beyond fed up. At this point, we really have reached the state that Hamilton Nolan described a little while back. To start, it's helpful to recognize that our "leaders" are either enemies or cowards. If they are enemies -- unalterably opposed to the values we hold near and dear -- OK, they're enemies; treat them as such. If they are not enemies, in other words, if they are people we likely voted for or at least think aren't reprehensible, hateful skunks, they will sell us out in a heartbeat if doing so improves their political situation and we have to force them to show us through their actions that they are not pieces of shit.
Apologies to those who have heard this before; I have posted this same sentiment in the columns of a few other Substacks. But our margin of error is disappearing very rapidly. Demand, every day of both your senators and your congresscritter, that you hear from him/her. Social media, phone, email, smoke signal, whatever. Demand that they say specifically what they are doing to obstruct the illegality and destruction of the First Felon's administration and protect our democracy. Demand to know how else every senator and every congresscritter is explaining every day to every constituent how every anti-democratic action that's going down is bad, why it matters, and how you, Mr/Mrs/Ms/other pronoun are gonna get fucked over hard and will have no recourse.
And beyond that, of course, we have to take the fight to the oligarchs and christo-fascists ourselves. Separate discussion there. Think: massive boycotts, general strike. Yes, it will be hard and disruptive and require presonal sacrifice. We have to hit hard repeatedly and give no quarter. Our "leaders" will eventually follow us.
I’ve thought about that but I still want to be able to vote for progressive candidates in the primaries. If that is all we can do for now, don’t give that up.
I've always been a registered independent and I'm still fed up with the Democrats. But at least my state changed the law a few years ago and independents (fully half of our voters) now get ballots for both parties primaries. For each election, we can choose which one to return and discard the other.
I'm a retired government employee, reliant on Social Security, Medicare, and my government pension--which I earned in my 30-year career. I am truly terrified that musk et al. will decide I don't need that money, or that their needs outweigh mine. I live in Northern Virginia, and my senators and representative are all Democrats. I've written to all three urging them to speak up. When you write to these people, you're asked to pick a topic from a list, but nowhere on the list is coup d'etat, usurpation of power by unelected individuals, over-throwing the Constitution, illegal actions by tech bros. Not even a "none of the above." How does one get through to these folks? Really scary.
I AM angry at our weak Dem leadership. Schumer & Jeffries should hold a daily press conference on the steps of the Capitol. I have yet to see any explanation why 17 (I think) Dem senators voted Yes to confirm Bessent. Mark Kelly, Ruben Gallego - why?! I heard Bernie Sanders' on Youtube speak out. I am somewhat hopeful by the new DNC leadership; they may be fighters.
Thank you, Robert for your call to arms and for sounding the alarm bluntly. No time for euphemisms, now. Even though many of us saw it coming, it still is mind-numbing how rapidly our entire existence has been put in peril by pernicious forces. One addition piece of info that some probably know by now is that the DOJ has purged the entire list of January 6 defendants. Poof! I just hope that someone has the list in safekeeping because those bad actors are now nameless and for the most part faceless to most of us. I also hope that some brave souls don't resign if threatened with firing. We need them to try to hold the line.
Musk is now the demonic version of the Wizard of Oz, apparently spinning the dials of the Treasury database to undoubtedly steal our info and money to pay for whatever deviant plan they hatch-- perhaps the severance pay promised to civil servants? My frustration is that we still need a bigger megaphone. We still are preaching too much to the choir. Any thoughts on how to reach those who are not on Substack, Bluesky? Some voice of reason needs a nationwide podcast that speaks plainly to folks who don't typically read NYT, WP or listen to NPR, the latter of which Trump is now taking aim at, by the way.
In addition to calling Congress and posting on our own social media, I implore anyone who is of faith to pray to Almighty God to be with us, fight for us, and for wisdom, courage, and help in defeating the evil that has come upon us.
I read somewhere yesterday, (frantically trying to find the link) that a judge appended this list to his judgement of a J6 henchman to keep it in the record. If anybody can find and add that link into a comment, it needs publishing.
Musk's actions warrant a class action lawsuit. If anyone knows of one, I am eager to join. Especially after reading yesterday in one publication that Musk has a 21 year old and someone too young for the journalist to report on, holed up in the OBM. So, I decided that I needed to see for myself if I could find out more about it. Lo and behold I found this. Please Read it. My response is WTF? I knew the inmates were running the asylum. This is more in that vein.
The billion-dollar question with Musk is who, and how to sue him effectively. Yes, he's harming millions of people. But (non-attorney here, so feel free to correct me) an effective suit must be filed by a party with standing, who has a demonstrable injury. What I've read is the likeliest party here would be administrative -- e.g., federal treasury or software / admin employees, who have access to the very things he tampered with and is not authorized. Or if he is now, lacks correct transparency and reporting. Etc.
The penetration of the U.S. Treasury’s payment system is blatantly illegal, and an outrage. In disclosing tax information to unauthorized persons, it is also a crime. See 26 USC 6103. I have written to Hakeem Jeffries asking that articles of impeachment be entered against Treasury Secretary Bessant for directing, enabling and facilitating this crime, which breaches the data security of millions of Americans. I ask you to join me in pushing for Secretary Bessent’s impeachment. Will it work? We won’t know if we don’t try. Stand up and fight, Democrats!
As well as forcing attention on the impeachment of not just Bessent but also any other government official who clearly breaks his/her oath of office (plenty of choices there nowadays), Jeffries et al. needs to use every procedural and parliamentary move in the book to impede and resist anything that Rs try to do. _Anything._ Yes, gum up the whole goddamn process as much as possible. And Schumer needs to do the same thing in the Senate. DO NOT TAKE WHAT'S GOING ON LYING DOWN.
There were 15 Democratic Senators who voted to confirm Bessent for Treasury: they include: Slotkin, Booker, Fetterman, Rochester, Cantwell, Gallego, Gillibrand,, Hassan, Hickenlookper, Kaine, Kelly, King, Peters, Shaheen, Warner, Ossoff, and Padilla.
If you are from a state with a Senator voting to confirm this man, call out your Senator--they have just helped pave the road to hell. Let them know that they are enabling and are complicit in a coup. All of these senators should be capable of explaining a No vote to their consitutency.
I'm appalled to see one of my senators on that list. Am, even as I write this, composing a scathing email in my head demanding an explanation for that vote as well as frequent and regular reports back on how the senator is helping block all the illegality and unconstitutionality.
I will also demand that the Vought nomination for OMB be torpedoed. He, a principal architect of Project 2025, will 100% for sure see to the financial starvation of a wide range of government services and functions, utterly indifferent to the cruelty and hardship his extremist views will impose on millions of Americans.
Good idea! Will join you right now.
If there aren't 66 votes in the senate to convict you're pissing into the wind and all that will happen is you'll get wet. And the resolution of impeachment will never make it out of the congressional committee the House Nazis control. A lawsuit against that pinstriped pimp will at least make him have to take notice.
There are always endless excuses for not taking reasonable and legitimate action, often by people who rail against others for not taking action and/or indulge in fantastical 'solutions.'
Of course, Bessant won't be impeached and removed. But the effort is still worthwhile. Taking a stance is worthwhile.
Changing the conversation is worthwhile. Many voices speaking up is worthwhile .
Here is a link to the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Click on a name to get to their contact info.
I'm not against "reasonable and legitimate action." I am against wasting time and resources on things where the outcome is known and isn't what we need.
I'm so tired of hearing about what the laws are and what the constitution says. I know both of those things. And republicans are breaking both with zero consequences. What I don't get is why people don't realize they've already won. And the only people who will keep making money through all of this anyone who sucks up to shitler and (maybe) lawyers. We're facing dark years ahead.
Hm... I've been pushing around places for people to support the D candidates in the 3 special elections. Some sources say there Is the ghost of a chance, but most say it's only with one and slim, but while it would be fabulous if we won, it will serve as a warning if we even move the margins in such red areas because it's our first possible demonstration linking how people feel about FF's actions with the kind of outcomes the GOP care about - votes and power. I'm thinking that when we don't have the majority we still can take a page from the Rs and get as loudly performative as possible - message the hell out of our anger!
So what do we need? I'm afraid warning people of what will happen if trump does this or that hasn't had much effect. The effects need to be seen and felt before the other half (of the country) wake up. And pain is on the way to red state voters as well as blue. The Autocracy party need to feel the anger of their constituents before they will stand up to their king.
You can only reply through verification that you are in the same district.
📲 I’ve called legislators many times who are not in my district. If you call today, you’ll get voice mail and no need to identify where you live.
You can usually call, and you can always Bluesky or Xeet if on that still. Some have FB pages if you are still on that. Often on their web page they will have those links.
good points.
Thank you for this list.
We know it won't actually go anywhere! The point is to push back, make some noise, which the MSM might actually hear, and to show We the People that the Democrats are back in the fight.
Even if it does not actually work, the Democrats can use their efforts to protect the American treasury during the 2026 election. Work toward that election must begin now! This can be a very strong campaign point, hopefully, for all those who sat out the 2024 election because they did not see or believe the Orange Hitler's and his SS's dangers.
Musk's access of the Treasury's payment system is just the beginning. i don't trust that we'll have a 2026 'free' election. Please, someone, tell me i'm wrong!
In all due respect, The actions by Trump's group are so egregious and easily provable to be unconstitutional that it's reasonable to see at least 16 GOP join the "righteous" struggle to save the nation. Trump stated clearly that he had not read or knew anything about "Project 2052" but his earliest actions mirror it and it's very unpopular and immoral. I think we need to clearly communicate to the electorate how MAGOP's actions are those of the Project 2025 Plan and will lead to a dictatorship along the lines of communist Putin and dictator Orban. The Town Crier has work to do!
Who do you think those 16 are? Or a list of 30 from which 16 might emerge? Who among the GOP should we be making noise at?
All of the Dems & Inds in Congress must form a united bloc to stop all the business in the Congress from going forward until we can get a handle on what is going on.
The only thing I can think of is to stop paying taxes.
I have suggested that the blue state governors should withhold sending federal taxes to the treasury now that they are in illegal hands. Let’s see how long the country can stand when those who contribute the most (e.g. California as the 5th largest GDP in the world) keep the money in their state coffers.
Timothy Snyders post today is excellent! He states something that I have suspected but not heard anyone in the media bring forth. The tariffs, which make no economic sense, are there to destroy the economy and help to destroy our democracy. The rich will survive and thrive by stealing what we have and forcing us to be beholden to them and any strongman they put in place. That’s just a part of it. Well worth a read.
My fear exactly. They want to get rid of the FDIC for Chrissake! There's only one reason i can think of for that and it is bankrupting the country right down to every last savings account. We DO have a new DNC party chair, perhaps flooding Ken Martin with requests for quick action along the the lines of what the Politics Girl had to say and getting his War Room up and running literally yesterday would be a plausible tactic ... I'll go first! on Bluesky, on facebook, @kenmartin73 on X.
I contacted my senator, a Democrat, and asked her to work to slow down and obstruct ALL Republican nominations. There are ways to do this. McConnell did it all the time. I’ll contact Martin today.
Well, if it’s illegal why hasn’t someone filed suit?
I state on record: 1) our civil rights fight never was ‘won’ it was set aside -appeasements- been tested continuously resulting in the deaths, incarcerations of predominantly dark skins w/ imprisonment time of 10x that of whites..subtle ?
2) we lost the Vietnam war,as well as Afghanistan. There were no WMDs. The regimes of which existed for years, our brief reprieve ,at costs we are still paying for ,sees the return of that ‘ opposition’ as likely will Syria /Assad & picking up the spoils -my bet is Russia.
3) Nixon and Watergate is a lesson by Ford/Trump of pardon politics slapping the face of Law , period. The Great Recession /The Great Depression has ended up but for a brief breather in a disparity of Russian flavor and opposite corners only , the middle class is gone.
AND the worst is about to make them look like ‘test runs’. As will the next medical pandemic …ALL safeguards extinguished for conspiracy theories and the mentally ill given blank checks to fantastisize (that’s a ‘Pat verb’) their delusions…and J6’s end result? the sequel to either Oceans 11 or The Italian Job.
How harsh will the endings be..the work of MAGA/Musk/KingCon the Don and their muddied Klan?
Be sure to thank all them ‘Americans’ (plus turncoat Dems) who brought you T-2.0 …long sought by your elected Republicans.
Con Flatulations😡
Excellent idea. I’ll join you
So will I!
Does illegal even matter any more? Literally, what can the Dems do short of locking them up, if they could even pull that off? What if everyone walked off their job? Would corporations take notice? Would they care? What is we all stopped paying taxes? We need to get to the heart of things, what will stop Musk?
From a current congressional staffer:
"Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for
that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't. ""
Capitol Switchboard
A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can connect you directly with the Senate or House office. (202) 224-3121
CHM, You are RIGHT ON - Even know the number of the law that's been violated!! You need to go to DC - I'll even pay for your round trip! Finally a leader AT LAST!!!!!
Thank you. I will email Rep Jeffries now.
Done. Thank you!
Join Indivisible, MoveOn, and Working Families Party on Sunday, Feb 2. at 8pm ET for a national strategy call on fighting Trump's dictatorial actions.
Absolutely. It's too late to wait for the next election. Things have to start happening now.
YES! Get on this call! Learn how to take action NOW - it IS UP TO US -to stop complaining and show that we do have power!
Thank you. What to do is the only question that matters to me now. Will join the call.
I keep reading your articles and the ones by others whom you recommend, and I hear you that is up to us and we can't rely on the Democratic party to save us. And I keep looking, eagerly, for concrete ideas on what we the people can effectively do under these horrific circumstances. Sure, being in community, being kind to one another, volunteering, donating, writing postcards, making phone calls are things we can do, but they are such minimal actions in the face of this overwhelming lawless coup, and these individual efforts surely won't be enough to save us. I'm hoping for more than words of encouragement (don't get me wrong, I appreciate them and I use them whenever I can), and I don't know where else to look.
Barbara, you can do this:
Join Indivisible, MoveOn, and Working Families Party on Sunday, Feb 2. at 8pm ET for a national strategy call on fighting Trump's dictatorial actions.
“I'm hoping for more than words.”
Words are at the foundation of all we have. They seem inconsequential because of the violence we’ve we done to them. Restore the honor to your words, to your speaking and you will discover the power of word.
Trust WAS Bern. ‘Word’/Lip service is obviously the cheap shot “established law” . We can shout to the top of our lung’s our vote that counts…counted!
With computer wizards/MI/now dubbed AI at the helm sinking our ship and complacency which resulted in 35-45% of our population formerly opting for years and the ‘fat (cat) assettes’ ( welcome to Pat words) ….
WE THE PEOPLE are screwed …
“Here’s your sign” says Fox and friends🤦♀️
"WAS" and "counted" are in the past. The past is always already over. No matter what was, the question is NOW what? In each moment we have a choice about what future we create to live into from HERE.
"WE THE PEOPLE are screwed …" is YOUR call as a future to live into. I suggest that is taking the past and projecting it into the future. It's like driving your car down the highway of life while staring into the rearview mirror.
The future is always an empty canvas waiting to be filled with the choices you are making NOW, and NOW, and NOW...
I see endless possibilities. I predict miracles!
I’m repeating (because I think I wrote my second response in the wrong place…)
No hope needed. Thank you for your good intentions.
Also, was the 2nd response in the wrong place?
Time has come to fight back. Pull out the stops. Unite. Fight back.
These people are organizing a general strike:
I DO hope you’re right Bern.
I got it, thanks.
Trump‘s tariffs are a distraction from his capturing the Fed’s payment system, his being bribed through purchases of bitcoin, by large, unknown buyers, and his attempt to remove all federal officials who would hold him accountable and prevent corruption.
I am also challenging our Blue Dog congresswoman to step up and fight the coup, even of that’s outside her comfort zone.
And as many of us join mass demonstrations, don’t be surprised if Trump invokes the Insurrection Act to militarize his power and if right wing militias show up emboldened by his pardon of the J6 attackers.
This will get ugly. It’ll be worse if we let him succeed.
I agree that the tariffs are timed to distract from the gutting of the treasury. We must stand up to this.
Yes. Tariffs distract. They may be more of an extraction shell game, with exemptions for high bidders. The Fed capture is galling, but appears primarily Musk (it's all grotesquely vague and opaque). Which is all the more frustrating, because Musk's whole scheme is unauthorized.
You are right.
If Mump ends Social Security, I’ll have to sell my car to pay my debts so that my work income can go totally to my diabetic 70 year old Mom. Thank God I moved back home prior to the election. I’m also LGBTQ and Canadian American so my entire humanity, family and all I hold dear are being violated by these monsters. My dad (who was such a good man) died 20 years ago when I was twelve. Now my mom, sister and I have just each other and it kills me that I can’t protect us from this orange fuckhead. Thanks Robert for your reaffirmation that we’ll get through this but I am terrified for what we may have to go through. But we can’t surrender every dream we have or what and who we love just because TFG could take it away. Trying to stay strong…..
Whether or not you live in Maryland, please let Senator Van Hollen know about your situation. He is trying to push for some momentum against these assaults in Congress.
Everytime I try to answer a survey for the democrats, they only want money and I doubt that my answers are submitted because I did not donate. For months now, I just delete all their calls for help.
The message is, we don’t care what you think, we just want your money.
All this info is overwhelming, but I am hoping that there will be a large protest, but will Trump use the military to stop the protests? These are such scary times. I’m wondering how the people who voted for him feel now, or if they even understand what is happening.
This feels like Germany in the 30’s.
I have found the same thing. I think I’m answering a survey and then at the end they ask for money. I close the survey. No opinion and no $. I wonder… there a way to input a donation of $ .01 (a penny). Would that send a message? I may try that.
Every survey is a scam for money. Never answer them.
Follow the Musk seizure of the U.S. Treasury and your Social Security with this interactive map.
12 ways Elon Musk’s hostile takeover of the U.S. Treasury will ruin your life
Elon Musk, A National Security Threat Takes Control Of Vital U.S. Government Systems: Follow The Money
Thank you for these!!
Instead of asking nominees whether they would obey an illegal presidential command, every Trump nominee - and Republican Senator - should be asked "Do you believe that any presidential command can be illegal?" According to the Federalist Society Roberts Court majority and The Heritage Foundation Russell Vought's Project 2025 chapter on the Executive - by definition the president is the law unto himself. This is FedSoc's entirely anti-constitutional notion of 'a unified executive.'
I'm trying to recall where I read this today, but approx. seven nominees were asked precisely this. They all lied or evaded. It was not for lack of insistent questioning. Schiff, Whitehouse, etc. held them to the fire. It's a tacit understanding of the new GOP that they obey corrupt presidential orders, and allow whatever comes out of their mouth to get through sham hearings.
Do confirmation hearing have a point anymore? It seems the majority party will confirm, even if they finagle the vote so that a few people can vote No and it will still pass.
Trump and his administration are clearly, and boldly breaking laws right and left. What happens if our side wins in the courts, and they decide they don't need to follow the laws? Are there any consequences? They control all of what would be the guardrails. Is there any way to stop them?
Good question. Calls to impeach definitely are not the answer. It just drives home the reality that the Brownshirts have the majority in both Houses of Congress as a result of the last elections.
So the next realistic stop to end this nightmare will be the 2026 elections. Oh well... The 2024 elections were close. Those who voted for Harris surely are incensed, they will vote for Democrats again. Some of those who voted for Trump will (finally) realize that they have been gaslighted, so they will vote for Democrats. And those who decided to sit 2024 out for whatever stupid or crazy reason will be back and overwhelmingly vote democratic. No chance the Brownshirts will prevail.
Nice! But not so fast. The brazenness and speed with which the Führer and his posse are razing institutions and turning the country into a rogue nation clearly indicate that they don't intend to face the electorate in open, free and fair elections in 2026 or 2028.
Scary and sobering.
On paper, impeachment is the only recourse we have for holding a president accountable. But then this instrument of justice has also become a political sham and is not in actuality a recourse that brings justice.
it could all be over by the time midterms come.
The courts won't save us as scotus is bought and sold for Trump.
Thank you Robert. We so need you and you are here for us all 1000 percent. I can't tell you enough how grateful I am for your wisdom, incredible attentiveness, compassion and care.
On a separate note, I'm having some difficulty processing how our close allies of just a few weeks ago now -- understandably -- hold Americans in contempt. I feel ashamed, and I don't think I'm alone. As somebody who has always been internationally-inclined, it is shocking to watch our reputation devalue so suddenly and steeply. Tariffs, cruelty, dismantling, brazen stupidity . . . it's a tough pill to swallow. I have no easy answers here, so chime in with any words of solidarity or support.
That's a tough one, Dan. Yes, solidarity and support for those brave, upright souls who try to stand up and fight the nightmare we are currently witnessing. For well over a year I have been starting my days with Robert's newsletter, I read HCR, Joyce Vance, follow Bulwark etc., etc.
Having said that there is utter shock, disbelief, disappointment and disgust to see the US sliding down a slippery path towards fascism – with national consequences but international ones as well. The international world order and rule of law as we have known it since the end of WWII is on the block, as well as global economy and the fight against climate change.
This from a German who was born in the 50s, is grateful for the US to have fought fascism and having liberated my country, who grew up with American films and music, who spend a year as a 19-year old criss-crossing the US 'on the thumb', logging close to 50.000 miles and visiting 44 states and who in his professional life spend 12 years in the US on three different assignments.
As Joyce Vance says 'We're in this together.'
Thanks for this show of solidarity, Stefan. It's a great response. One of the chief aims of these maniacs has been to shatter the international system, and its guarantee of mutual sovereignty and aid, that we have all grown up with. That begs the question of just who exactly is driving this anti-NATO, isolationist destruction (it's not just Trump alone, nor just the broligarchs). But the speed and cruelty and retribution of it all is shocking and grievous. I can't blame allies for feeling disgusted, even though I have friends and colleagues there.
Yes, I was born in the U.S., and attended graduate school in Berlin. My mother's family narrowly escaped the Holocaust from that same city, to find refuge through Ellis Island. In a generational sense, it's like feeling doubly alienated. It's just hard to watch this all go down like a bad movie, knowing full well your production caused the audience to walk out.
Right on cue, Timothy Snyder just posted a helpful article a few minutes ago on "The Logic of Destruction." He has the benefit of an informed, internationalist perspective, as does Anne Applebaum. I'll post Snyder's link in a separate comment, too:
Thanks for your reply and the link to Timothy Snyder's piece, Dan. I have it in my inbox but hadn't read it. Dystopian, terrifying.
As to your question of behind all of this, apart from Trump and the broligarchs – fair question, indeed. Remember the Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact back in 1939? I shudder to think about a Lavrov - Rubio Pact and where they will draw the line with a sharpie.
it 's hard not to want to bash the 1940 French Generals, er, I mean "Democratic leaders." I've been fighting them since I came home from the war and had to listen to their damned bullshit about how "we have to support our president" when I tried to tell them their president had told them a lie, that Tonkin Gulf never happened as hey were told it did (I knew this because I was there). Then dealing with their dithering and dilly-dallying and refusing to fight on every major issue in the now-60 years since, their overwhelming desire to "go along to get along," standing in a crouch waiting to be hit, how they keep bringing a nice cheese plate and a 90 page "action plan" to the gunfights, how they've always been the smile painted on the face of capitalism. My old friend the late Phil Ochs' song "Love Me, I'm A Liberal" ("ten degrees to the left in good times, ten degrees to the right if it affects them personally") still nails them perfectly 60 years after he wrote it. And today they voted their favorite apparatchik in at the DNC to flood us with emails begging for money they'll mis-spend like they did last year, "same as the old boss." We are where we are because these limpdicks couldn't see the enemy as the enemy no matter how many times they got punched in the mouth since Reagan the amiable dunce came along. Damn straight we are the authors of saving ourselves, and the fuckwits can go ask for money from someone else. I'm now a "Chris Murphy Democrat" and Gladhand Charlie Shumer can go take a flying leap at a rolling doughnut hole.
I'm perfectly willing to bash today's version of the French generals. I've worked my ass off for a few of them and given non-trivially of my non-billionaire treasure. Even if I hadn't, I fucking well expect them to live up to their promise to protect and defend the Constitution, even if doing so costs them their jobs. They asked for the fucking jobs in the first place. And now the sledding is very tough and our country is at stake. And they, at least so far, are nowhere to be found.
I am beyond fed up. At this point, we really have reached the state that Hamilton Nolan described a little while back. To start, it's helpful to recognize that our "leaders" are either enemies or cowards. If they are enemies -- unalterably opposed to the values we hold near and dear -- OK, they're enemies; treat them as such. If they are not enemies, in other words, if they are people we likely voted for or at least think aren't reprehensible, hateful skunks, they will sell us out in a heartbeat if doing so improves their political situation and we have to force them to show us through their actions that they are not pieces of shit.
Apologies to those who have heard this before; I have posted this same sentiment in the columns of a few other Substacks. But our margin of error is disappearing very rapidly. Demand, every day of both your senators and your congresscritter, that you hear from him/her. Social media, phone, email, smoke signal, whatever. Demand that they say specifically what they are doing to obstruct the illegality and destruction of the First Felon's administration and protect our democracy. Demand to know how else every senator and every congresscritter is explaining every day to every constituent how every anti-democratic action that's going down is bad, why it matters, and how you, Mr/Mrs/Ms/other pronoun are gonna get fucked over hard and will have no recourse.
And beyond that, of course, we have to take the fight to the oligarchs and christo-fascists ourselves. Separate discussion there. Think: massive boycotts, general strike. Yes, it will be hard and disruptive and require presonal sacrifice. We have to hit hard repeatedly and give no quarter. Our "leaders" will eventually follow us.
💯 and after seeing so many Dems vote to confirm these nominations, I changed to Independent.
I’ve thought about that but I still want to be able to vote for progressive candidates in the primaries. If that is all we can do for now, don’t give that up.
I've always been a registered independent and I'm still fed up with the Democrats. But at least my state changed the law a few years ago and independents (fully half of our voters) now get ballots for both parties primaries. For each election, we can choose which one to return and discard the other.
Me too.
I'm a retired government employee, reliant on Social Security, Medicare, and my government pension--which I earned in my 30-year career. I am truly terrified that musk et al. will decide I don't need that money, or that their needs outweigh mine. I live in Northern Virginia, and my senators and representative are all Democrats. I've written to all three urging them to speak up. When you write to these people, you're asked to pick a topic from a list, but nowhere on the list is coup d'etat, usurpation of power by unelected individuals, over-throwing the Constitution, illegal actions by tech bros. Not even a "none of the above." How does one get through to these folks? Really scary.
I suggest calling them instead, and every day.
I AM angry at our weak Dem leadership. Schumer & Jeffries should hold a daily press conference on the steps of the Capitol. I have yet to see any explanation why 17 (I think) Dem senators voted Yes to confirm Bessent. Mark Kelly, Ruben Gallego - why?! I heard Bernie Sanders' on Youtube speak out. I am somewhat hopeful by the new DNC leadership; they may be fighters.
Thank you, Robert for your call to arms and for sounding the alarm bluntly. No time for euphemisms, now. Even though many of us saw it coming, it still is mind-numbing how rapidly our entire existence has been put in peril by pernicious forces. One addition piece of info that some probably know by now is that the DOJ has purged the entire list of January 6 defendants. Poof! I just hope that someone has the list in safekeeping because those bad actors are now nameless and for the most part faceless to most of us. I also hope that some brave souls don't resign if threatened with firing. We need them to try to hold the line.
Musk is now the demonic version of the Wizard of Oz, apparently spinning the dials of the Treasury database to undoubtedly steal our info and money to pay for whatever deviant plan they hatch-- perhaps the severance pay promised to civil servants? My frustration is that we still need a bigger megaphone. We still are preaching too much to the choir. Any thoughts on how to reach those who are not on Substack, Bluesky? Some voice of reason needs a nationwide podcast that speaks plainly to folks who don't typically read NYT, WP or listen to NPR, the latter of which Trump is now taking aim at, by the way.
In addition to calling Congress and posting on our own social media, I implore anyone who is of faith to pray to Almighty God to be with us, fight for us, and for wisdom, courage, and help in defeating the evil that has come upon us.
I read somewhere yesterday, (frantically trying to find the link) that a judge appended this list to his judgement of a J6 henchman to keep it in the record. If anybody can find and add that link into a comment, it needs publishing.
Musk's actions warrant a class action lawsuit. If anyone knows of one, I am eager to join. Especially after reading yesterday in one publication that Musk has a 21 year old and someone too young for the journalist to report on, holed up in the OBM. So, I decided that I needed to see for myself if I could find out more about it. Lo and behold I found this. Please Read it. My response is WTF? I knew the inmates were running the asylum. This is more in that vein.
The billion-dollar question with Musk is who, and how to sue him effectively. Yes, he's harming millions of people. But (non-attorney here, so feel free to correct me) an effective suit must be filed by a party with standing, who has a demonstrable injury. What I've read is the likeliest party here would be administrative -- e.g., federal treasury or software / admin employees, who have access to the very things he tampered with and is not authorized. Or if he is now, lacks correct transparency and reporting. Etc.
I alluded to this in my post as well. Oh, and there is now a rolling public database of suits against the Trump administration posted at Just Security. Musk is named in at least one current suit there.
It seems like the suit should be against the head of the treasury for giving Musk and a bunch of teenage Gen-Zers access to all our private data.
The article does not name the two youngsters. So far, I can’t find resources for the info. I really want to verify inflammatory info these days.
Sure. Seems like Yahoo news's source is Wired, but no names. If forget where I first read it.
This is a good resource; thanks for sharing!
Read it. Fact-checking it.