
Here is the comment from the reader I mentioned in the newsletter:

Hello Robert:

I’ve found another way to reach NY Times and other MSM journalists when they cover the upcoming presidential contest as a horse race.

I write to journalists when I disagree with their approach, and they usually respond. It’s something other readers of your newsletter can do. This is because I write respectfully and sum up the import of linked content. The latest success of this strategy was a reply by Peter Baker, the NY Times White House correspondent. He responded almost immediately to let me know they are aware of Michael Podhorzer’s dissent and that David Leonhardt quoted Podhorzer extensively the other day. He assured me that he and his colleagues take Podhorzer's views into account as they try to process and analyze election issues.

I’ve had a similarly attentive response recently by WAPO opinion columnist Perry Bacon when trying to understand my Congressional Representative, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, joining the Blue Dog Coalition and the Problem Solver's Caucus.

Years ago Jim Lehrer sent a brief, handwritten note agreeing with views I shared by letter about his regularly interviewing the reactionary firebrand, Patrick Buchanan.

Here’s a parallel observation. Look at the reader comments objecting to MSM stories that are pushing Biden ageism or alleged unpopularity. We are piling on, and they print our comments. Journalists writing those pieces must read the Comments section to see how they are being received. I’m cautious, though. I think they’re still writing clickbait that may elicit our disagreement while demoralizing or dissuading less informed readers. Maybe not, though, because how many ill-informed people read MSM publications of record?

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

To your point, Robert Hubbell, I recall during the summer of 2020, two reporters were having an online discussion about covering the election. Unfortunately, I can't remember who they were specifically. But suffice it to say, they were both from mainstream media. To my amazement and fury, they gleefully admitted that even though Trump was outrageous, even dangerous, he was in their assessment "entertaining". I couldn't believe my ears. Therein lies the problem. Some, or perhaps most, of these so-called journalists are treating Trump's vitriol as tantalizing, although distasteful, fodder for their readers/viewers. As long as some media care more about their numbers than truth, our democracy, and the common good, this garbage is what they will continue to dish out. I don't expect them to change now if it's working for them. So I agree with you. Let's write and disseminate our own narrative about Biden, his impressive accomplishments, and his fitness for a second term.

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Wait! Please don’t apologize for airing your ire at MSM. I have the same feelings - as do many of your readers. Thank you,

I’m so glad you wrote at length about this.

I write letters to the editor (NYTimes and WaPo) as well as to individual columnists at least weekly and join you in encouraging others to do so too. If there are enough of us, at some point they might rethink their coverage/decisions.

A quick point re: the Times headline about abortion as the issue in this election, and your “fair enough “ comment. To reduce the election victories to that one issue is inaccurate and denigrating to Dems. While reproductive rights (the term they should use) was big, all the victories across the country - up and down ballot - were about way more than that. Except of course specific votes like Ohio.

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For more about what you can do about the media please see the Media and Democracy (MAD) Project at https://www.mediaanddemocracyproject.org/ They are doing many things to reform the media. For example they have petitioned the FCC to deny the broadcast license renewal of a Fox owned TV station. One thing I did after hearing Milo of MAD talk was to become an engaged member of the Texas Tribune, an independent newspaper that you can count on to get excellent news coverage of Texas that you can trust. https://www.texastribune.org/.

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While I find the continual efforts by the media to push a "the Democrats are in deep trouble" narrative despicable, I am not sure its effects are necessarily deleterious. I suspect for every voter discouraged by this negative drumbeat there are at least two who are motivated to work, to contribute and to vote Democratic by the understandable fear of the destructive effects of a victory by the MAGA crowd. Each successive election proves that the GOP is pushing a raft of deeply unpopular policies. The longer this process goes on, the greater likelihood of an enduring Democratic majority. The GOP "base" is composed of shrinking demos--older citizens, the less educated, rural residents. Conversely our strength is among the younger, the better educated and the urban--all growing demo's. We can't rely solely on these demographic trends, but they do provide a strongly positive underpinning to our having better candidates pursuing substantially more popular policies. Tuesday's election results have unquestionably demonstrated the truth of this despite the chorus of pundits either ignoring or simply downplaying these undeniable realities. We Democrats simply need to cheer up and realize that we are on the winning side--if we work assiduously to expose the lies of the MAGA crowd.

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After I have read an article on WaPo or NYT, I might write in the “comments” section. I have seen some folks totally vilify the journalists for their skewed views. I have done that also.

Just wanted to point out that Indivisible was one of the first grass roots organizations established after 2016. I belonged to a chapter for several years until two of the people running it reached burn out. In the meantime, I talk to many people, email articles, such as Robert’s, to get people off of their asses. We cannot afford to have people put their heads in the sand and pretend nothing is happening!

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Good evening Robert,

Real quick, I am new here and was working on a letter to the editors of the L.A.Times, of which I have subscribed to for decades, to support their investigative journalism. This news letter was recommended by other followers of other serious Substacks and I have been reading for about a week now. I Just upped to paid to ask about copying and pasting a part of a paragraph here. I'll stick around.

As I read the first paragraph, I saw that tonight you are dealing directly with my thoughts for the letter I have been scratching out in my head. Your post just popped up.

I would like to insert a credited quote of a paragraph of yours that would get their attention to hear me out about how their "liberal" editorial page distracts us from the real content of their publication. It is a reality driven by the news and headline editors that, by omission, choice of word or whatever to define or portray a subject that adheres to their corporate point of view. They maintain as "impatiality" their negative potrayal of the Biden administration's achievements as they quote someone who "feels" or "thinks", as opposed to providing evidence, of Bidens frailty, ineffectivenes, lack of leadership or whatever. You say here tonight, that they bolster Trump by sowing doubt about Biden's abilities.

Project 2025 and the efforts of the Heritage Foundation are news we, as citizens need to hear about too. The threats posed by the far right using Trump as their face, (as you know they have used other faces in the past), are the greatest threat to our Nation that exists today. Is this not "NEWS".

It is as if they would be quite happy to lose their press freedom that is written into the First Amendment and publish what ever the Trump dictatorship wants the public to hear.

The WAPO ran an article on Project 2025 last Sunday, as Joyce Vance just mentioned. That is about all there has been so far. Perhaps writing to the journaist of whatever piece would be the most effective.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I appreciate your comments about how the mainstream media is covering the election. Sometimes they provide great articles after tremendous research into various politicians and issues. Then they continue dropping pedestrian, thoughtless and frankly bland, useless articles harping on Biden's age. The president should be judged by his accomplishments, not his age. To repetitively do otherwise is lazy, dangerous and not worthy of being called journalism.

As someone who has always cared about good journalism, I'm saddened and deeply disappointed by the "Murdoch level" constant babbling about Biden's age. Thank you for underlining the issue, Robert. I am used to Republican politicians having no integrity or shame about lying and ignoring major facts that do not fit their narrative. I am still not ready to accept that this same level of click bait reporting is often splashed across otherwise great newspapers. The media is supposed to be an important part of a vibrant democracy. Many of the papers in the U.S. are going to have to step up if they want to earn that description.

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I have said this before-“Biden’s age/ rampant inflation “ is the new “But her e-mails” that the media hammered Hillary Clinton and her followers with in the 2016 election.I do think people are paying much more attention to this now than they were then and will respond accordingly.I considered cancelling my NYT on-line subscription but have changed my mind in this.I want to continue to follow what they and others of the big media genre are saying and to keep myself informed.I know many others feel this same way.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

More grassroots! Today! Join Tennessee comedian Trae Crowder and rural firebrand Jessica Piper for a special fundraiser to launch Blue Tennessee! Blue Tennessee would join Blue Ohio, Blue Missouri, and Blue Texas as projects of Every State Blue, an organization that creates communities to support the down-ballot Democratic nominees running in some of the reddest state legislative districts in the country. November 9, 2023 7pm ET/4pmPT

Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcudO6trD0vHNxYlhWI0Ta1KdRElatwqFZy

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I appreciate the comment. MSM is complicit. They act more to increase the corporate bottomline to remain open. In an age of untrustworthy news and AI. they discredit themselves as a reliable source of facts. I am grateful for the commitment of the Orlando Sentinel to investigative reporting that regularly holds FL and local officials to account, including (especially) Ron Desantis. It was OS that uncovered the ghost candidate scheme and ties to dark money from Florida Power and Light to fund the entire operation. As for NYT and WaPO, I have cancelled my subscriptions. Peter Baker infuriated me with his description of Hamas after the hostages were taken. Enough! And Biden's age - Trump is old and shows it. As for economy it no longer is the primary issue. While certainly life is a challenge (I am retired, have SS and a government pension) increased cost of housing, insurance, utilities and food are not in BIden's control though he is working hard to mitigate them. So many other factors account for increases beginning with climate change and corporate greed. Oh and BTW, did we hear one word about the climate crisis in the "debate"? NO! in Miami no less, ground zero for sea level rise. I am working with our local Democratic Party to register voters, GOTV and support our local candidates. Be well, stay strong and keep finding and sharing other news sources. Good-by MSM! Hugs and thanks to you Robert and our community of subscribers. Susan/Orlando, FL

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OK - I am an inveterate optimist. I'm from Massachusetts and I thought McGovern could win! BUT - I despair of influencing the media. As you point out, Robert, they are driven by MONEY. As a physician, I see the way money has hijacked our health system (hospitals, insurance companies and big pharma) They are all too powerful and, the reality is they will not change. I spend hours screaming on the phone with insurance companies trying to convince them that I am the one qualified to make decisions on my patients' meds. In desperation I say,"OK - as of now, you have responsibility for my patient's well being - which sometimes works. That said -- let us look at the results of the election. Despite their idiocy (dare I say malevolence) the Democrats under Biden's leadership have done remarkably well. I write to journalists and people like the deplorable Susan Collins (yes deplorable!!!!) and I always end with - 'I know this will not be read by you and will end up in junk mail.' I often think of sending your columns or people like Jennifer Rubin's to the former friends and relatives who embrace Trump, and always desist, know their minds will not be affected by facts. I do send the remarkable pieces you reference to friends and relatives, who think as I do, to act as a counterbalance to the disgusting media. I did for a nano second think we all could chip in the put a full page ad in the TIMES - but again, what about TV. Biden is old??? Two years older than he who will remain nameless, who shows increasing signs of dementia and can not string together a coherent sentence. And, as has been pointed out, what we CAN do, is support grass roots, get out your fountain pens and write postcards.

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Let's not forget that behind Tuesday's overwhelming victory were a lot of thoughtful voters who are offended by the way the thoughtless media giants are spinning what the voters are saying.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just unsubscribed to that semi-literate idiot Frank Bruni after I found his"newsletter" for today was all the crap he did yesterday in the Nation's Finest Fishwrap about Biden's age.

If Trump wins, I'm (almost) going to laugh my ass off when all these over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable semi-literate trust fund babies end up in the FEMA camps he's going to send them to.

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I tried to send this to the NYT yesterday! They have not replied. Same wavelength as today's Edition NL today!

I have to say that I have a negative view of polls, and these polls, in particular. And I have such a negative view about how The NY Times has waved these polls in the faces of the readers over and over throughout the week or so since the poll was performed or scored or interpreted or whatever is done before it’s published.

It’s a poll. People are voters. People can be influenced or, in this case “frightened” by polls because they think they are the real deal and - just think about the Democrats all set to vote for Biden who now hear that a lot of people would rather not.

To me it’s still a mystery about indifference or even negative views towards him. In every area where I have looked, and where he has taken an action I’m astonished with the fact of it (all of them, I’ll name some in a minute) and the grace and effectiveness of them.

If The NY Times was reporting more instead of interpreting polls and reading the moves and explaining why people don’t like Biden, perhaps more people would catch on to what a remarkable President he is!

I wasn’t all that enthusiastic about his running, I have to admit, but I have become a huge fan during his tenure. To mention a few areas: of course the Build Back Better act and other packages to pick up the economy; and bringing back industry and manufacturing to the US; and then reconnecting and strengthening US alliances - support for Ukraine, being one example. But less obvious, work on improving the Southern Pacific alliances, such as Japan and S. Korea, And then: what do people make of the fact that inflation hasn’t gone through the roof? What do they make of the fact that the jobs numbers are great?

I believe that how the news is reported is important to how people see issues - well, I guess that’s obvious. But what I see is news reporting people’s negative thoughts about Biden and his age and showing videos of his tripping, etc. Seriously.

On the weekend of the Maui fires - some reports that Biden was on vacation. Some reports that when he was asked what he thought about the fires, he said, “no comment.” I don’t think I read anywhere in the news media (WAPO and NYT) about all of the actions he took to provide support for recovery at several different levels - actions he didn’t need to clog up sea lanes and airports and roads with his motorcade and the other crowding due to his retinue by going to Maui. He made them happen while he was in Delaware and then went to Camp David to meet with the Presidents of Japan and S. Korea.

I read this in “Letters from an American” posted daily by Heather Cox Richardson. I did not find them in the New York Times. But I look for them, there. Who is responsible for the improvements in the economy (if “anyone” is)? OK so we saw pictures of him on the picket line with the UA workers - and do we think that his stance was helpful? What do we think about his actions in increasing diplomatic relationships throughout the world?

Do we think that since he hugged Bibi that he is all out behind Isreal? Do we see him advocating for a cease fire or a pause in order to really take care of hostages and injured and losses? We do. I see him as working on self-correcting, at least I hope that’s what he’s doing.

So, finally, I’m wondering whether you (the NYT) would find a way to promote Biden’s actions and moves above promoting the doom and gloom of a poll! Seriously.

Thank you for the opportunity to write to you. I expect that you won’t respond, because people don’t. Maybe you will be an exception and patiently explain to me why I am wrong, or that of course I am right and you will take steps to shift reporting from criticism and hand-wringing to reporting what’s being done.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Loved this edition and thank you for the shout out to Grassroots and specifically for me, Markers For Democracy. As you know we are NY based with a national reach and we are thrilled to have contributed to all

of Tuesday's wins. We are however very concerned about our own backyard, particularly Nassau and Suffolk County where we lost most races, many by large margins. It is the third election cycle where our State party FAILED miserably. The lack of an efective state party will have huge consequences for who controls Congress in 2024. We do not have much confidence in the Coordinated Campaign that is supposed to be the panacea. What did they do to make a dent on Long Island?

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