
Thank you Robert. Onward!

In case anyone has time to write a few postcards, there is a really important Special Election in PA on May 16th for a seat in the Pennsylvania State House seat needed to keep the Democratic majority (again!). Our one-seat majority is keeping PA from passing the terrible laws we are seeing pass in red states all over now. And in 2024, we will need the majority to safeguard elections, including for President. Volunteers are writing postcards for Democrat Heather Boyd right now! It's a critical election that voters may not know about! To help with postcards, text “join” to Abby the text bot at 484-275-2229 or email join@TonytheDemocrat.org. If you’ve already joined, just text Abby for addresses & script.

Or join a Vote Save American phone bank tonight: https://www.mobilize.us/crooked/event/558827/. Or if you feel like a road trip, they need canvassers: https://www.mobilize.us/boydforpahouse/?end_date=2023-05-17T03%3A59%3A59.999Z&is_virtual_flexible=false&start_date=2023-04-28T04%3A00%3A00.000Z

Or consider giving to one of The States Project’s two PA Giving Circles raising to support Heather Boyd’s election right now, here: https://statesproject.org/help-defend-the-pennsylvania-house-majority/


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May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Those readers defending CNN are simply not exposing themselves to the trenchant criticism that has been made by other bloggers. Indeed, they are echoing centrist pundits, who have a large spot in our newspaper world. I am mystified why people who do not do their own research question yours. As a historian myself, I recognize you as a student of history, and thus the role of outlets like CNN normalizing seditionists can never be soothed away. Garland is two years too late and that is our tragedy and his.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for such careful coverage of critical issues facing us Robert. I am just plain terrified by the degradation of our country by the Republican “party”. I recall listening to an extremist radio host in 2007, describing democrats as the enemy of the US, and feeling frightened back then. I never imagined just how extreme and authoritarian and violent they would become.

The images of nazis in our country spewing hate towards the LGBTQ community is bone chilling in its similarity to hitler’s supporters.

We MUST win in a huge way in the next election cycle because our safety and rights depend on it. Thanks for pointing out that once one group is targeted everyone is at risk

I am very disturbed by your readers who do not see that, however much they like CNN, it is going in a dangerous direction by giving the insurrectionist anti-American ex-president a place at the table. It sickens me.

I plan to put in as much work as I can in the upcoming election season. The outcome will be critical in determining whether we save our democracy, and even if this country will be safe for many of us and our families. I don’t feel safe here now.

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Kaitlin Collins may indeed be a great newswoman. But I hate the idea of CNN or any other news outlet valuing the good of our country so little as to give Trump airtime. Trump lies. Trump exaggerates. Trump loves, above all else: celebrity. He and his followers measure himself through click counts. You're just feeding the tiger when you give him 1 second of air-time, to say nothing of the time so graciously by CNN. He lies.

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It is my understanding that Chief Justices have testified before, despite ’separation of powers”. The Executive branch historically meets with congressional members and vice versa and next week, regarding the Debt Limit, this will be reoccur. The Justice branch is the exception?

Yesterday, as just one example of a false Republican narrative, Sen L. Graham stated he would not participate, stating, “If this is about destroying the Court, count me out." WTF? “Destroying the Court”? Simply having a written code of ethics, even as so far as to impeach and remove a Chief Justice does not destroy the Court, it makes it better, stronger and more trusted by all. The Court will not only survive, it will prevail, paraphrasing William Faulkner.

What a bunch of horse sh-t Republicans shovel! Subpoena Roberts!

Inform me; I don’t know, but does codifying a Code of Ethics require a super majority of Senators?

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May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have to agree CNN is and has changed its tune What I’ve read and heard makes it seem like a FOX wanna be station now. So much that I’m over NETWORk and CABLE news. My tv is OFF.

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, thank you for your continued support of the LGBQT community. Rachel Maddcow’s report was a difficult,although necessary view as I try to stay informed. This week a Florida legislator

said the quiet part out loud on the House floor..“Our terrorist enemies hate homosexuals more than we do.”😔

On a + note, watch my home state ☺️Senator Whitehouse slay it in his opening remarks at the Senaate Judiciary hearing on the corruption of SCOTUS.


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May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

20 years ago, the MA SJC issued its opinion that barring same sex marriage violated the MA Constitution. What struck me then was the humanity of Justice John Greaney's concurring opinion in that 4-3 decision.

Justice Greaney acknowledged the sincerity of those who opposed the change. He explained "the plaintiffs are members of our community, our neighbors, our coworkers, our friends. ... [They] volunteer in our schools, worship beside us in our religious houses, and have children who play with our children, to mention just a few ordinary daily contacts. .... Simple principles of decency dictate that we extend to the plaintiffs, and to their new status, full acceptance, tolerance, and respect."

In 2003, I loved Justice Greaney's call for humanity. In the face of the onslaught against gay and trans people, we must persist in opposing inhumanity. Otherwise, those opponents will turn their inhumanity (as did the Nazis) on themselves and on everyone else.

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All people are ignorant; just on different subjects! -- Will Rogers

It is truly frightening that the Supreme Court has the arrogance to say they should make the final decision over all the experts in all regulatory bodies.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have deleted the CNN APP from my phone and will not watch CNN on TV after this naked play for increasing its audience by giving Trump a platform. I was already losing patience with CNN for its constant attempts to make news “entertaining.” Then I became increasingly irritated with its presentation of false equivalencies, e.g., Biden also had classified documents in his home. CNN has lost stature over the years as a real news organization and now it is clear that CNN is a money-making machine—and nothing more. Bye-bye!

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i will never watch CNN again. It is just my opinion, but showcasing him shows me all i need to know about CNN and how low they are going to get clicks. p.s.

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If you think about it we unfortunately are engaged in a civil war in this country. The war is between red states who want to ban abortion, criminalize doctors performing their duties; deny healthcare to the LGBTQ community, loosen gun laws and keep people from registering and voting. Blue states like Washington, California , Colorado and New Mexico and others who are passing laws to protect citizens from other state who come to their states to get the services they need and are entitled to. Florida’s attack on Disney is an example of state government overreach and is a dangerous precedent to corporate America. If I was the CEO of a company expanding or building new facilities I would carefully consider if the state I want to open a business in is a state that the new employees and their families I need to hire want to live in. The future workforce expansion will impact Generation Z workers more than anyone and maybe if they refuse to work in states that are repressive the lost revenue and tax income maybe a deterrent or a wake up call. Republican state legislators are not considering the financial impacts of their racists legislation and we as voters and future employees need to remind them thst their decisions have consequences.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

And the madness continues……..the Un-Free state of Florida just passed a bill allowing healthcare workers to refuse to provide care based on conscientious objections. In other words, they can refuse care to LGBTQ people, the primary catalyst for this bill. If this isn’t a violation of civil rights, then we should all be looking for places to live in truly democratic countries! God help us abandoning our humanity and destroying what used to be our country. How many other red states will soon follow? I wish all healthcare professionals in the fascist Florida would go on strike.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Why are people always pumping up news journalists and TV news personalities as having the independence to pursue a story in the manner they choose? They are told what to do by network producers.

Kaitlin Collins may be worthy of respect as a journalist, but she is not representative of the entire network. I sat glued to CNN in the early days of the pandemic, as the coverage and presentation of current data was unparalleled. After the intense heat of the pandemic came under better control with vaccines, I became quite impatient with the obvious need for them to do whatever was necessary to get ratings. I tend to avoid all MSM "news" and I am so weary of the constancy of "breaking news" given to every little thing. People need to have more balance in their lives- too many just focus their lives around the unrelenting 24/7 news cycle.

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The debt ceiling and the biennial theatrics that go with it have to go. The legislatively legitimate and straightforward way to do that is through the discharge petition and we should all, especially those of us burdened with Republican Congresspeople, call, email, and write them in support. If we're going to be serious about open, honest, and transparent governance, it has to start with the fundamentals and nothing is more basic than financing the government.

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May 3, 2023·edited May 4, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In a Forbes article in June 2022, Chris Licht was said to be "moving CNN to the center." In other words, he was keen to bring in the "other side" to balance their news toward the middle. He thinks this will grow his share of audience. Wrong! This has been a massive mistake, IMHO, because his "both-sides-ism" is giving credence to fact-free right wingers and undermining our democracy.

I have been noticing more "Republican consultants" in the round-table line ups on John King, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, Abby Phillip and Wolf Blitzer. When the R's spout something stupid -- or worse, objectively wrong -- they are NOT corrected in real time. Rather, their comments (even when factually incorrect) are given equal weight to the other D pundits. CNN has become, to my mind, a ratings-chasing new player in the normalization of Trump / sedition / far-right facism. We can only vote with our eyes, which I have now done. Plus, I am going to email them. We all should do this: https://www.cnn.com/feedback/index.html

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