Todays Edition has captured perfectly what I have been thinking. Read Heather Cox Richardson’s comments and understand the history of gun legislation. A very significant point was made today and that is to change the laws about abortion…
Todays Edition has captured perfectly what I have been thinking. Read Heather Cox Richardson’s comments and understand the history of gun legislation. A very significant point was made today and that is to change the laws about abortion, gun controls, climate change and the filibuster to name a few we need to have a majority in both the Senate and the House to change the laws so a majority of citizens have their voices heard. Never before has voting in a midterm been so important. Many if not all of these issues are not party specific per se which means that Independents have equal skin in the game. Yesterday we discussed messaging and slogans for the Democrats For me it’s very simple. “ we have had enough” and there are certainly many things we have have had enough of.
Yes, HCR was especially helpful today, and this is what she does, put the historical foundation under all the unmanageable and unbelievable events of the day. By doing so, she in no way weakens the passion and outrage of the moment. She says, clearly, here is where we are and this is how we got here. Scariest thing of all is that we have raised an entire generation that believes any consideration of history is, at best, irrelevant, and at worst, some kind of trick to skew our thinking.
Todays Edition has captured perfectly what I have been thinking. Read Heather Cox Richardson’s comments and understand the history of gun legislation. A very significant point was made today and that is to change the laws about abortion, gun controls, climate change and the filibuster to name a few we need to have a majority in both the Senate and the House to change the laws so a majority of citizens have their voices heard. Never before has voting in a midterm been so important. Many if not all of these issues are not party specific per se which means that Independents have equal skin in the game. Yesterday we discussed messaging and slogans for the Democrats For me it’s very simple. “ we have had enough” and there are certainly many things we have have had enough of.
Yes, HCR was especially helpful today, and this is what she does, put the historical foundation under all the unmanageable and unbelievable events of the day. By doing so, she in no way weakens the passion and outrage of the moment. She says, clearly, here is where we are and this is how we got here. Scariest thing of all is that we have raised an entire generation that believes any consideration of history is, at best, irrelevant, and at worst, some kind of trick to skew our thinking.
The great dumbing-down of America