Pelosi displayed grace and wisdom - but, then, she always has.

The current state of Republican Party reminds me of something Kathy MacLean, Duke professor of history and public policy, said about creating change - always find ways to assist your opponents in revealing just who they are! The Republicans are making it very clear.

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What a brilliant, eloquent and well orchestrated passing of the baton to the younger generations! And, what excellent timing! What a contrast to the pettiness and continued chaos from whatever the GOP has become. I plan to be amused by the GOP as they belittle themselves while lauding the creativity and idealism of this younger generation. We, the People, All of us the time.

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Thank you for your beautiful and gracious comments about Speaker Pelosi. This is what it really looks like to break that glass ceiling? So many women have reached it but Nancy truly broke it. What a great example. Good night.

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Watching Marjorie Traitor Goon and the rest of the Clown Caw-cuss publicly celebate their ignorance, mendacity, and malevolence for two years is going to be the road to victory in 2024.

As Carlos Curbelo pointed out on MSNBC yesterday, there aren't going to be any impeachments because they won't have 218 votes. The ten members elected last week from districts Biden won in 2020 and will win again in 2024 are not ready to commit political hara-kiri for the likes of Marjorie Traitor Goon or Jockstrap Jordan, which is what they would get in 2024 if they went along with this insanity.

Plus they are already being "hunted" by a Democratic operation that is going to do a "political autopsy without benefit of previous death" on each of them. We'll see how many of them turn out to be baby-eating boy and girl abusing perverts in their caw-cuss (they caw like crows and cuss a lot).

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You always give me hope that republicans are seen for exactly what they are. There was a time when I had great respect for Everett Dirksen; he was the last republican that I had a scintilla of respect for. That day has passed…

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I agree that Senator Everett Dirksen might qualify. His support for LBJ’s civil rights legislation was crucial.

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Agree but unfortunately Republicans are not seen as who they are because too many Republicans are exactly like whom they are today. Politics was just as bad back then but there was no social media, foreign money and press coverage to amplify the noise.

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Good point, Stephen.

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Could we chill a bit on name-calling? It sounds juvenile and petty. Like they tell rookies in the NFL, if you get into the end zone with the ball, act like you've been there before. Calm confidence - as demonstrated so skillfully by Madame Speaker - sends a much stronger message than clever name-calling come-backs. I know it feels good; but it only plays well to the blue team, and not all of us. Thanks!

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If you don't like it, don't read it. She is factually a traitor, in case you didn't hear her BS about UIkraine yesterday, giving us Putin's crap. And she fits the definition of a goon.

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“If you don’t like it, don’t read it“

Doesn’t that work both ways? I.e. if you don’t like other people’s opinions, don’t read them.

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But karma can be so delicious! We owe ourselves a little fun after the torture we’ve been through.

In a couple of weeks we can go back to acting all respectable. Right now we’re just expressing what we all think but are too polite to say (because we’ve been taught good manners)

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I agree. Trump’s penchant for derisive name-calling is the sure sign of a small mind. The actions of Marjorie Taylor Green and those of her ilk speak louder than any name we might attach to her. We are better than that.

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Except TC, at times too frequent for my taste. I've learned to appreciate some (by no means all) of his insight. But, TC, I agree that you undercut your influence by reverting to adolescent use of profanity.

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Tom, you hit the nail on the head. There is no need to copy the other teams behavior. Let’s set our own path and win the hearts and minds of the diverse America.

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I’m sorry, but I think you’re going to have to find a new name for MTG. The G has dumped her!

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Nancy Pelosi has been an iron lady with a satin heart, a blessing to this nation. She has served our experiment in democracy courageously like great leaders past, and like them, steps down with grace. History will remember her as a giant. We are blessed to have witnessed her.

Thank you, Congresswoman.

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Instead of trying to "ignore the GOP circus that is coming to town" as you suggest, how about we go on the offensive with a vengeance and drive this shit show out of town in a concerted effort to rid the body politic of the Republican Party as now organized around the malignant Trump by applying the rule of law with greater vigor than has been the case so far. It should be clear by now that our erstwhile president and the army of MAGA maggots that serve his cause are illegitimate and a clear and present danger to democracy. In the words of Florida GOP activist Mac Stipanovich, as reported in the Financial Times newspaper, "The business model for the Republican Party is stoking outrage, creating fear and then exploiting that fear." Stipanovich's accurate description is not a paradigm of the role elected officials are sworn to play in the civic life of a democratic nation. According to the Constitution, they are empowered by law to govern on behalf of the common good, not to waste legislative resources on mendacious maneuvers designed to assuage the pathological frustrations of a miscreant narcissist. The time for the DOJ to indict Trump is now!

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I'm all for a thorough prosecution of Trump, and his lackeys., the sooner the better. Unfortunately a significant number of voters do not perceive the clown show as the atrocity it is, and it's a necessity tin a representative democracy hat it be the public that puts the final dagger in MAGA. Perhaps two more years of McCarthy, Greene, Jordan, et al., and a presidential election will purge the halls of Congress of these malicious incompetents.

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Convicting Trump won’t change MAGA zealots and what will change is the demographics and next generation of voters who have to band together to forge a better life for themselves.

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Thank you for using "et al." correctly.

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At heart, I do believe most Americans believe in fairness. If the Republicans go ahead with all of these bogus investigations, using the old trick of appealing to people's emotions rather than their intellect, I think the media should be pressed to publish the taxpayer COST of each investigation. And to take it one step further, Americans need to know just how that money COULD be spent on many of the real problems that face our nation at this time. But how do we get "the media" to start reporting based on real facts, and not use the same emotional exploitation that motivates the Republicans? Really, it all about the $ Profit over people, profit over country. I think if people knew who was really playing them, they'd rise up.

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Robert, I have that very picture of Pelosi on my desk for all to see. I admire her so. Hoyer and Clyburn are also class acts.

Looking forward to the new team of Hakeem Jeffries, Katherine Clark, and Pete Aguilar. While I know Jeffries well, and Aguilar from his work on the Jan. 6th Committee, I need to acquaint myself with Clark. Can’t wait to see them in action.

I have been ready for a change in the senate long before I even thought of the House. Klobuchar always comes to mind when I think of who I would like in leadership there. (I’ve thought of it more than I’d like to admit.) But there are many I dream of to be part of the Senate leadership. Brooker, Hirono, Duckworth, Warner... Perhaps sometime in the year to come you could write a bit on how, when or if this may develop.

Always grateful for your audio. Your voice is a calming presence for me, and the first news I turn to when I’m nervous of the developments in our world. You have a terrific editor too! You both will be in my Thanksgiving prayers.

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Coming from Massachusetts and knowing Katherine Clark, I can tell you first hand that she is an excellent choice for House leadership. She is smart, serious, policy-oriented, and has great leadership ability. Her quick rise to the top doesn't surprise me at all. She deserves it and will serve the country well.

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Just learned Senator Murray’s news to become the first female Senate president pro tempore. I’d like to add to my dream wish list too.


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Plus Whitehouse, I looove your dream team in the Senate 🤗

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Definitely Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is an excellent addition to the team. He has clearly spelled out the Leonard Leo corruption of SCOTS in his 14 part "The Scheme" on You Tube. In addition, he's very concerned about the oceans (Not surprising considering that Rhode Island has a very long border on the ocean.)

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We Democrats love to bemoan the infighting within the party. We don't often acknowledge the herculean wisdom and effort it takes to corral and lead the herd. Pelosi managed it for twenty years. Kudos to the greatest House Speaker.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The precedent of prosecuting a former president demands a case as close to iron-clad as possible, for historical and practical reasons. There will come a time when a misguided and malicious DOJ (imagine a DeSantis Administration, god forbid) will prosecute for political reasons. And a "Trump Acquited' would be a monster unchained.

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The DOJ already has standards for deciding when to prosecute, including consideration of the public's interest. No need to invent new standards that apply only to Trump.

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Chuck Grassley is an excellent example of the kind of politician who clings to his position and power well past his sell-by date. Too bad for Iowans and the rest of us.

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I can add to that Dianne Feinstein of California in the “other “party, who I’ve supported for years and now fervently wish would offer to retire and have Governor Newsom appoint a young go getter. Katie Porter comes to mind!

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Feinstein is well past her time as well. Too bad there is so little self awareness

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An eloquent and richly deserved summation of the Pelosi Speakership. Thank you for saying so well what so many of us are thinking.

In respect of the clown car caucus, your advice to take a deep breath is excellent.

Mr. Garland's behavior at this point is beyond comment. He risks becoming complicit in Trump’s return if he fails to act effectively.

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Can we withstand another two years of incompetent journalism as icing on the Republican shit-cake? Yes, if we continue to call it out for the unprofessional, unbecoming nonsense it is, as Today's Edition does consistently.

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You are quite right that Nancy Pelosi is and has been the model politician and candidate. Can anyone remember the last “model” Republican politician or candidate?

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"They will spin their wheels, waste their time, and (ultimately) make fools of themselves." and waste taxpayer dollars. Thanks for nothin', Republicans...

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

Regarding that email from your reader about Trump effectively being in control of the House...

No disrespect to that reader. I understand there are still serious concerns about all things Trump, as well there should be. But with today's welcomed announcement from Garland of the appointment of a Special Counsel, the evidence from the election just passed and other developments within the GOP, it appears Trump is effectively in control of less and less with each passing day.

Let me interject something here. I have a gelding that's been bitten by horse flies enough to become super-sensitized to their presence. Any little buzz and he's on a hair trigger for a meltdown. Can't say as I blame him. Those bites are painful. But he's learned something over time. If I'm around and know he's being bothered by one, all I need do is grab his halter and take off my hat. He immediately calms down and stands still, since he's learned I will swat the fly with my hat.

So, as unpleasant as a couple of years of Republican malfeasance in the House may be, the country got through 4 years of a hard-biting horsefly buzzing around in the White House. It will get through 2 years of lesser flies making a nuisance of themselves in Congress as well. It's true that Trump's still buzzing around out there and could still bite. But it's time to calm down a bit, take stock of the overall situation and perhaps just stop running off in panic and give Jack Smith a chance to take off his hat.

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