Some things never change:

“At the outbreak of the Second World War, The New York Times bureau chief in Berlin, Guido Enderis, was known to sit in the bar of the city’s famous Adlon Hotel spouting “a loudmouthed defense of Nazism,” eventually provoking another reporter to complain to the Times’ publisher: “Isn’t it about time that The New York Times did something about its Nazi correspondent?”

But the Times had no intention of doing anything about Enderis. In fact, it valued his close connections to the Nazi government, as it had throughout the 1930s. All American newspapers found reporting in Nazi Germany difficult. The government tightly controlled information and harangued and threatened reporters who managed to publish what it didn’t like. The Nazi regime also didn’t hesitate to use its strongest weapons—banning a newspaper from distribution in Germany, kicking a reporter out of the country, or denying a reporter’s reentry. As a putatively “Jewish-owned” newspaper, The New York Times considered itself a special target. Bureau chief Enderis’ job therefore was “administering reasonably soothing syrup” to Nazi officials, as another Times reporter put it.

Yet, Enderis’ actions weren’t purely strategic and their consequences were grave. Throughout the 1930s, Enderis helped steer Times coverage to play down Jewish persecution and play up Germany’s peaceful intentions. He kowtowed to Nazi officials, wrote stories presenting solely the Nazi point of view, and reined in Times reporters whose criticism he thought went too far, shaping the news in favor of a genocidal regime bent on establishing a “Thousand Year Reich.”

Time to quit The New York Times - actually, past time!

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Done around the Obama era when I got tired of the anti-Obama screeds especially by Maureen Dowd. She’s still there and how stale is she! Can we learn nothing from history? Thank you, Alexandra, for one more piece of our dreadful and complicit role in that era. And a Jewish owned newspaper continues supprt of an incredibly antisemitic wannabe controlling regime. For God’s sake his own grandchildren are Jewish. As an Irish Catholic I was raised to never disparage any one for their religion or background and I will always live up to this. I am proud to have a diverse family and extended circle of friends. I join those who have as late asked, “Where are our churches, temples, etc. screaming loudly about this evil rhetoric coming from the right?”

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Marie, your question,"Where are our churches, temples, etc. screaming loudly about this evil rhetoric coming from the right?" is precisely the right one. But I am afraid the answer is, sadly, very simple. White evangelicals get lots of attention for their devotion to Trump. But many other Christian churches have made a Faustian bargain with the Republicans. "You give us the end of abortion in America and we will shut up about everything else. And if you want to throw in the end of birth control and an end to gay marriage, we'd be cool with that as well." The only rights the Catholic Church will fight for is the Right to Life of the Unborn, not the rights of women, for health care, for economic justice, for the dignity and freedom of LGBTQ+ citizens. The Catholic bishops in America have shown that since Roe v. Wade was enacted. As an Irish Catholic myself hanging on by my fingernails to some belief that the moral circle of the Church extends to commitment to truth and justice, kindness, respect for women and a preferential option for the poor, I feel great pain as I watch a younger generation and even my aging generation turn away from Catholicism and organized religion in general. But I understand. Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, conservative Christians of all stripes must surely feel they are on a roll, and even those who see Trump as a repulsive narcissist may see that they can use and manipulate his insatiable desire for attention and glory. Heritage Foundation Project 2025 is one step in this implementation. As we have seen with religious leaders in Russia, Hitler's Germany, Franco's Spain, Pinochet's Chile, just to mention the Christian world, the access to political power to further religious beliefs is seductive.

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Thanks, Patrick. Lots of truth there. Steve Schmidt referenced Norah O’Donnell’s 60 Minutes interview with Pope Francis about a Global crisis of indifference and I will listen to that. He’s been a smidgen of hope for those of us who call ourselves Catholic despite his struggle to buck the sad old guys.

Despite our own age - late seventies- we will be an active part of the ‘Get the Vote Out” and “Vote Blue” and then some. So glad that I learned of the many opportunities, encouragement, and history lessons that can be found on Substacks. I’m done with corporate main stream media. So thanks again, Patrick. I needed to be reminded of what’s been going on both pluses (thank goodness) and the road blocks to be overcome.

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Pope Francis IS a beacon of hope for every Catholic. He is not perfect. If he were, we'd have women priests.

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On a not great news day, Nikki Haley endorsing Trump (GAG!), you made me chuckle. Thanks.

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The news from Gaza should also bring out people of conscience. Moral outrage is in very short supply.

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Yes, are you sometimes surprised at how indifferent people are to the Presidential election? Moral outrage is in very short supply perhaps because so many of us have been outraged for years. We have to find ways to refill the well of outrage, to reinspire, if not outrage, then purposeful action in ourselves and others.

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See my earlier post

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Patrick, might I add:

“just to mention the Christian world, the access to political power to further religious beliefs is seductive.” And delusional.

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I hope you are right that the faith that religious people place in an alliance with political leaders is delusional, and I agree that politicians are using religious conservatives for their own ends, i.e. power, and in most cases feel no true loyalty to the ideals of conservative Christians of whatever stripe. However, as Trump has proudly bragged, in retrospect, and when the wind is blowing in the right direction, he gave those conservative Evangelicals and Catholics who elected him in 2016, exactly what they most wanted: conservative judges who reversed Roe v. Wade. Barrett and Kavanaugh knew what the bargain was: get confirmed by calling Roe v. Wade settled law, then deliver the goods. In that specific case, and probably in others, the hopes of conservative Christian leaders were not delusion at all. Their hopes were fulfilled. They got exactly what they had bargained for.

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The NYTimes has many similar problems, most notably Walter Duranty’s coverage of Stalin’s forced famine in Ukraine.


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We quit the Times and have only missed the non political sections. Well worth the trade off.

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Hulitic, take another look at the other sections of The Times. They really show a lack of substance throughout with occasional bright spots in the Times Magazine. They defer more and more to empty interviews with celebrities - from the book review to entertainment (which has become an advertisement for theatre), or the business section highlighting “leaders.”

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Not sure what you’re advocating here. I quit the Times years ago but they do have a history of siding with the elite.

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Not advocating anything. Just observing that the overall NY Times quality has declined in all areas. My opinion.

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Thanks for clarifying. 😊

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You historical reference is enlightening but the voters Biden needs to win don’t read the NYT and are primarily get their news from Fox and other right wing sources.

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Actually, we far outnumber them. The polls be damned. 70 million registered voters did not show up in 2020. Mostly Democrats. FT 6 has identified 13 million unregistered but trend heavily Democrat.

Register them and save democracy. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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Writing postcards, making donations to Field Team 6, etc., will shave that number considerably. They know which elections matter the most this Fall, and we will win many of those elections because of the grassroots efforts by so many of us.

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My Mom & I have been writing get out the vote postcards, recently to encourage people in FL to register to receive ballots by mail. What I've been wondering is, how do we actually KNOW that this works? After all, we are told not to use return addresses (which makes sense), but also means that,for instance, if a card is not deliverable, it will not get returned to us.

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In Florida, the fact that someone has registered is a public record.

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So I guess that's an indirect was of knowing if the post cards are having an effect?

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Following through, data collection should be easy.

I don't speak for Jason but in the 2022 cycle, the literature says that postcards with voterizer link are 22% effective "postcards and phone calls yield more than one in five blue or purple registrants." https://www.fieldteam6.org/impact-report-2021-22-d1

That's much higher than most advertising. If we can identify those who haven't, can follow up. I've been sending cards to a specific neighborhood that can be canvassed.

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I agree that the voters which Biden needs to win don't, for the most part, read the NYT or WaPo, but there's a broad sector that also don't follow other news sources including Fox et al. *They're* the ones we need to reach but it may be that most of them won't be paying more than passing attention (if that) until September or even October.

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This is precisely the problem. Outlets like Vox and Talking Points Memo are preaching to the choir. The NYT does an occasional series of articles interviewing prospective voters on their opinions of candidates and issues. It is deeply disappointing to see how misinformed these (supposedly) average voters are. There is no doubt that far too many in the voting population only watch Fox or right-wing online “news” sources. This baloney is then spread among their colleagues and family. The Democratic Party simply has not figured out how to reach beyond the powerful Republican megaphones!!

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The Democrats don’t have a Fox News broadcasting for them. Everyone over estimates the strength of MAGA which alone cannot win for Trump. The key is voter turnout and that has to be the focus. Millions of non voters must be motivated to show up. There are certainly enough issues requiring a vote.

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Re Alexandra R.’s comment:

My wife and I visited the Newseum (in Arlington, VA, at the time) several years ago, where, at the back of the museum, we came upon a small exhibit about NY Times’ reporting on the Holocaust. The reports consisted of articles that were only a few column inches long and located far from the front pages.

Since the US was at war with Nazi Germany, the Times had no reason to placate Hitler’s régime, as it might have (mistakenly) thought it had to in the cases cited by Alexandra R.

Evidently, NY Times officials have long been uncomfortable about their Jewish descent. It’s both sad and angering.

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The New York Times had a similar problem reporting on Stalin's Soviet Union. During the 1920s and 1930s, NYT's chief correspondent in Moscow was Walter Duranty. He got a Pulitzer for reporting from Moscow, when in reality he was just packaging and resending the latest Kremlin line, which included the ridiculous contention that the regime-made Ukrainian famine (Holodomor), which killed millions, didn't exist. He later "defended Stalin's Moscow Trials of 1938, which were staged to eliminate potential challengers to Stalin's authority." The NYT acknowledged in 1990 that Duranty had bet his career on Stalin's rise and "strove to preserve it by ignoring or excusing Stalin's crimes." [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Duranty ]

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Excellent exposé on the issues staring staring democracy in the face. I am shocked at Maggie Habberman and the whole of the New York Times. They are seriously in the pocket of the GOP or they are seriously ignorant and guilty of malpractice. Pick one or all!

Thanks Robert

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What he said.

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From Heather Cox Richardson in her Letters . The MAGA stand-ins for Trump are all cowards just like their capo,

“Trump's refusal to take the stand encapsulates the MAGA approach to politics. Since the 2020 presidential election, he and his surrogates have made repeated accusations and statements about how the system is rigged against them and alleged there is evidence that proves them right. 

Crucially, they make those arguments only in front of television cameras or on podcasts and radio. They refuse to make them under oath in a court of law, where there are penalties for lying.”

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Any venue in which truth is mandated is "stacked" against the gQp

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MAGA Haberman and the NYT have lost all credibility. Time to end their cover as some kind of decent journalism. Remember Maureen O’Dowd and her relentless attacks on HRC (and de facto supporting tRUMP)?

Fool me once…….. ba bye NYT.

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"Republicans are coming for contraception next. Trump said so. Believe him."

So he doesn't want men to buy condoms to keep their wives or GFs from getting pregnant.

But if she does, they must carry the child to term.

Wow. If I was a man or a woman in America, I'd be pissed.

Vote BLUE.

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Wasn’t it just female contraception they were talking about? Men can prevent STD’s with condoms, so that must be allowed. What is their policy on vasectomies or tubal ligations?

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Republicans want the public to "go forth and multiply." They'll ban anything and everything that encumbers this goal, in spite of extenuating circumstances.

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By the public, it is meant white people, isn’t it?

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It must, given the Replacement Theory. Interesting thought!

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You are missing the big picture, the end game of the theocrats: 'Recreational sex' is against god's plan.

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Never mind how many repubs have extra-marital sex. (Not to say that the dems don't too.)

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Take a gander at this Project 2025 gem on male condoms.

Eliminate men’s preventive services from the women’s preventive services mandate. In December 2021, HRSA updated its women’s preventive services guidelines to include male condoms after claiming for years that it had no authority to do so because Congress explicitly limited the mandate to “women’s” preventive care and screenings. HRSA should not incorporate exclusively male contraceptive methods into guidelines that specify they encompass only women’s services.

Project 2025, page 485


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Thanks, Kathy. Crazy to think how Proj25 thinks.

This, from the same article:

"[H]ardline Christian Nationalists believe nothing man-made should prohibit the joining of sperm and egg.

Plus, restricting condom access or banning them entirely would increase the dangers of same-sex sex, which we know Christian Nationalists deem to be filth and pornography."

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T L: What you "said" !!!

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Please start calling your Democratic Senators today and demand an investigation. Just because they will not ultimately impeach, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t go to the mat on this. The J6 Committee couldn’t charge anyone, but they made a huge difference in informing the public and prompting Garland.

There needs to be an outcry. That is our job.

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This has been on Jessica Craven's Chop Wood Carry Water list of political actions for two days now https://chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com/p/chop-wood-carry-water-521. Called both days

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“And if I hear one more male political consultant explain that Americans don’t really care about reproductive liberty, I am going to lose my mind. They have apparently not spoken to the women in their lives.”

This! I’ll also add that when I am READING such sentiments (that voters have “moved on” from Dobbs and it won’t be a big factor), I look to see who wrote the article, and it is ALWAYS a man/men.

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It begs the question, do these men actually HAVE women in their lives?

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Or hear one more middle aged, neoliberal man, who claims that he won't be affected if Trump wins or any bad stuff in America happens because they are upper middle class, and a cis-person. It's infuriating, it's like do you live on an island and not have friends, family or anyone in your community that you care about?

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Well, we're Texas grandparents, and a lot of us Texas grandparents hear from our kiddos that they'll never being/raise their families in Texas now...some won't even visit if they're pregnant.

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Back in time in Germany:

'like most areas of public life after the Nazi rise to power in 1933, the German system of justice underwent "coordination" (alignment with Nazi goals)'.


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Another excellent Today's Edition, Robert.

Greg Olear, among other things, co-hosts the Five/8 YouTube video with Stephanie Kopf or LB (The World Beneath Apple podcast). On last Friday's Five/8, LB gave a short history about how Maggie Haberman came to be "a shill" for the Trump campaign of 2016. LB posits that Haberman's connections to the Trump family gave the Times, through her favorable reporting, access to the Trump campaign.

Give a listen starting at circa 18:12 min to 30:18 min.


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The NYT Editorial Board is either stupid or complicit. And I don’t think they are stupid. I dropped my subscription years ago during the Trump administration when I lost faith in their reporting.

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“My wife made me do it.”

“My staffer made me do it.”

These are the excuses behind the excuses of people who neither control nor take responsibility for their own behavior

It begs the question, who else is making them do their bidding?

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"the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she hung the flag that way, and I did leave it " oldest excuse in the world, (or should I say' 'the book')

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The original sin is blaming women.

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Edited as is below, I managed to post Lindy Li's criticism of the NYT on Twitter (I don't pay for the privilege of commenting so my posts have to be short.

"Maggie Haberman has written 265 stories about “Hillary’s emails” & 141 articles about Biden’s age. Trump's Nazi leanings deserve as least as much coverage as the non-story about Hillary’s emails. the NYT has run one story on DT's use of Hitler’s language."

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Sharing! Thank you!

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Thank you for taking action!

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The challenge all voters have is Trump on a daily basis says many offensive and radical things that paint an authoritarian and dictatorship view of our country’s government and future. It everywhere and constantly repeated in right wing media outlets. The reason people are not paying attention is because most voters think “ Trump is just being Trump” or they believe that his draconian views are all an act. Voters are not paying attention because they don’t understand what Trump’s policies will actually mean to their everyday life. Part of me believes the head to head comparisons and the frontal attack on Trump’s policies will happen in the fall and the Biden Administration is now taking their message to the people in the swing states. Meanwhile a question we must ask others is “ if Trump is innocent and did not have sex with Stormy Daniels why did he not testify under oath? Imagine a former President unwilling to testify under oath to proclaim his innocence?

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I was heartened yesterday when many of my most skeptical friends took the “Unified Reich” story very seriously, vowing to get involved in defeating Trump. Many had previously not taken him seriously or found fighting back pointless in the face of inevitable defeat. I don't think it’s a coincidence that this particular story was more broadly covered than most by the media. Whatever woke them up, I’ll take it.

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It took them long enough to see the light. Hopefully others feel the same way. The

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Here, “The Man Watching,” a stunning poem by Rilke, reminds us that there is a deeper possible interpretation of the great storm moving inexorably across the land. This copy (https://www.christiancommunityseminary.ca/blog/the-man-watching-a-poem-on-the-spiritual-power-of-beingnbspdefeated) and comments from a spiritual context can also be seen through the lens of simple workability if you do not require a spiritual context.

It puts into perspective the seeming madness regularly illuminated here and elsewhere. I hope it inspires courage and provides light during such times as these.

While growth from defeat is at the poem's core, it is not saying succumb for the sake of growth. “Trust in God and row away from the rocks” still applies meaning the getting everyone out to vote game is still on, win or lose.

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“When you pray, move your feet.” African proverb often quoted by John Lewis.

Also heard in Friends Meeting.

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Once again Robert, thank you for your steady hand at the tiller. In all this horror, I recall author Eckhart Tolle said, in The Power Of Now, "When something bad happens embrace it as something you have chosen for yourself, accept it, and then act." Though this sounds utterly counterintuitive, and absurd, doing so can begin to work small wonders if one keeps an open mind with it. In lessening our angst some, the concept can free up more energy, more resources, to then ACT, as he urges. We have done so, and will continue to do so, passionately. It is fair game here to say that a large number of Americans are simply not intelligent enough to realize what is at stake now. Addiction to television fantasy land, and social media in general ,can grossly restrict one's ability to comprehend the consequences of one's own actions, as well as those of others. They are just not 'right bright' , as an old acquaintance used to say about people prone to misfortune of their own making. America's long rebuilding program is well underway. I intend to keep acting in the capacity I am able to do. Act, but then remember to take time for yourself. Evil exists, I accept that and I intend to keep making lots of good trouble in putting it into the ground. Mother Earth will gladly help us purge the scourge of these soulless snakes. All in good time. Pleas hurry up though, right?

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