Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Excellent column today ... the normalisation of the most outrageous, egregious, and unforgiveable behaviour from everyone on the right, including the Supreme Court mafia, leads to the mainstream media just shrugging. They lie in wait for "Biden freezes", and "Dems in disarray".

The mainstream media is part of corporate America ... every reporter who works for them knows exactly how they must do their job. The scales are tipped heavily against democracy, social justice, and economic reform.

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So very, very true and frightening. And embarrassingly obvious. I have cancelled all corporate mainstream media and have lost faith in reporters who I used to trust. What I learn everyday from substack writers also scares me because so much of our population seems to be willing to lap up what the corporate news media sells. Wake up, people! Look what you’re leaving to our kids!

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Sorry you feel that way but for the most part journalists today are independent and honest but they provide alternative opinions that you may not agree with or are critical and have a different take on the situation. We still have a free press it’s the propaganda social media and the FOX news of the world have an issue with.

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For the most part, I agree, Stephen. However, I believe that many mainstream news journalists seem to be affected by herd instincts when it comes to political reporting and reporting on the Hamas-Israel war.

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Nicely put! The herd instinct - rampant among all citizens as well - except for those who have or can make the time to read several POVs before reaching for conclusions! And what a luxury that is for most of us.


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MSM, regardless of the outlet, is total crap now. Even NPR is on the clickbait bang wagon.

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I hope Joe Biden reads your essay as preparation for the upcoming debate.

In terms of age, yes there is a 3 year difference between Trump and Biden. Unlike children which there is a great difference between children in three years there is little if any difference at their age.

In terms of political experience Trump has 4 years, Biden has 35 years as a Senator, 8 years as Bice President and 4 as President, a 43 year difference. (I support experience as the essential metric)

In terms of criminal experience. Trump has 34 convictions and Biden has 0. (Again I support the metrics).

Thanks Robert!

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In 2020 Biden roped a dope when a post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 60% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 28% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of six points..

I want the media to bring an olfactometer. https://scentroid.com/products/olfactometers/#:~:text=Olfactometers%20are%20devices%20used%20to,then%20presented%20to%20a%20panel.


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The problem Christopher is you make perfect factual sense and read and are logical.

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Amen, Christopher!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Adios, Ted, Texas is ALL IN for ALLRED!

Learn more about the next U.S. Senator from Texas, Colin Allred: https://colinallred.com/about/

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Thanks for the link. This is the kind of person whom Texans and all of us need in the U. S. Senate. I'll be watching him.

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Thank God!

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Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Democrats in Maryland MUST understand that as tempting as it may be to vote for a Republican who they find to be decent and seemingly independent from Trump, if Hogan, a Republican, is elected, that will give the extreme right-wing control of the Senate. If you think that any reform of the courts, of campaign finance, of voting rights can happen, think again. Without those changes, we will be in an endless fight for democracy.

There can be NO respite from this threat without campaign finance reform, including public financing of campaigns, voting rights restored, and overhaul of the Supreme Court. That can only happen if we can manage to keep the Senate and Presidency, take back the house.

That is why I am pounding on people, volunteer and donate. Do not think that simply watching MSNBC and reading these newsletters is helping. Volunteer and Donate. If you are engaged in any divisive behavior, stop. Stop running down "Democrats".

Participate in your local Democratic Party, and if you prefer, in an activist organization that helps get Democrats to vote or gets nonvoters to vote Democratic. Mr. Hubbell is really saying the same thing, but he is way nicer than I am.

If you cannot tell, I have completely lost patience with some of my friends who want to talk to me endlessly about what is going on and whatever failure they feel about the "Democratic Party", or give me advice about what I should be doing differently, or send me u tube tapes of someone giving their brilliant analysis about the latest awful thing that Trump said, or that DeSantis did.

At the very least, Donate. At the most, Donate and Volunteer.

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Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Judy-Absolutely! Way, WAY too much energy is wasted ridiculing trump for his constant stream of gaffes and not enough spent on the implications/threats Project 2025 guarantees if he wins and the GOP attain a majority in both houses.

If Democrats have a fault, it's their insistence that their party leaders pass an ideological litmus test, or their vote's a no-go.

At the start of trump's reign, there was such a firehose of assaults on the rule of law and democracy, we became inured to the threats. The same situation is occurring. Voters (and NON-VOTERS) need to wake up, take time out from their recreational, self amusing activities and use some critical thinking as to how a GOP administration will impact their lives.

And then, there's denial -"That can't happen here".

There is also a growing threat of MAGA violence if they lose, and I don't say that lightly.

Robert gives excellent referrals as to reader engagement (thank you!) and Jessica Craven is a great resource for voter action also. I personally rely on several Substack letters for reliable news analyses anymore. I might not agree with everything written, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, plus, it makes me think on different angles.

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Most of us liberal-minded folks have brought up with the mantra, “Vote for the person, not the party.” It’s usually good.

However, this time is different. The threat posed by Trump and his people is uniquely and terribly dangerous. Therefore, people should vote a straight Democratic ticket, to begin the process of purging Trumpism from the US body politic.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

You are right, did not see Paragraph @!!!! This time is different and we need to message everyone in Md. that we can

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You pulled the trigger too soon, Judy: I’d mistakenly hit the”post” button before I was through writing my comment.

I bet you’re more likely to agree with my complete Comment.

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Yes, Judy, or do both: donate and volunteer. I cannot donate a lot, but I give what I can. And if hundreds of thousands of us do that - it will amount to a lot! Plus the volunteering has a great calming effect. When our group leader tells us how many postcards/letters have been mailed and are in the process of being written, we all feel that, because of us, we will win this thing!

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I have friends in Md who voted for Hogan, life long DEMS who had never voted repub before, because the other person was worse. WTF? You bet I threw it every single one of their faces afterwards.

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Keep up the throwing things in their faces. We really have to get our friends and family off of this thinking. Thank you Erica.

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Love this. As a former Republican, I will not vote for any R candidate at any level until the party reinvents itself. The party itself is completely corrupted. I appreciate “conservative” positions, but the party itself now has no integrity at every level. When the RNC itself promotes doctored videos, I really can’t support any candidate running as a Republican. I know that is hard for ethical conservative candidates—I’m sorry they put themselves in the position they have.

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I agree with all of this. How did Maryland end up with a terrible candidate and not with Jonah Raskin?

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Marylander here - Jamie Raskin decided not to run for the Senate. Hogan is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. At heart a conservative recruited by McConnell.

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I know he didn’t run and I know there was a contested primary. I have seen no state in which a Black woman was elected to the Senate. It’s a terrible reality but I assume that this candidate will also not be elected

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“This Candidate” is Angela Alsobrooks. She has been on with Lawrence, has a competent presence, and is (IMHO) an excellent candidate. The smartest voters in the country (middle-aged Black women) love and support her unreservedly. Jim Clyburn (the smartest political mind in the country, IMHO) also supports her, as does the popular governor of Maryland, Wes Moore.

Hopefully, Democrats will continue to over-perform, and Angela Alsobrooks will beat the bloated, namby-pamby phony-baloney Republican.

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I hope you’re right.

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Lauren, I hope I am right, too.

I think we will win a solid victory in November. However, there are no guarantees. As Mr. Hubbell always reminds us: No reason to be complacent.

My wife and I live in NY CD3. I did a bit of canvassing in our coöp to make sure registered Democrats got out and voted for Tom Suozzi, and Mr. Suozzi - a very strong and fitting candidate in this centrist district - flipped us to Blue by defeating the despicable George Santos. I will again encourage my neighbors to get out and vote for Mr. Suozzi this November, along with his fellow Democrats Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris.

Each one teach one? My old pal from my days as a TWA employee, a two-time TFG voter, is almost certainly NOT going to vote for him again. She is a lovely person, interpersonally - and fully vaccinated, non-racist. Sure, she lives in NYC, so her vote won’t change the NY State outcome; but if she flips, others like her also will flip.

Keep the faith, and do what you can. We will win.

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You can't be negative like that, Lauren. It doesn't help. This man, Colin Allred, is exceptional. And WILL be elected!

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Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert Hubbell - today's edition is packed full of truth "bombs"

Thank you for giving us guideposts!

Reform of the US Supreme Court is at crisis - tipping point - levels.

The corruption of certain of the Justices MUST be appropriately dealt with!

Give women back control of their own bodies!

I STILL wager the convicted felon will not show for the Presidential Debate.

(I must admit I was surprised to hear they are in debate prep.

I doubt he really listens to anybody but his own ego.)

President Biden continues to DO THE WORK to address the needs of ALL.

A Vote for the Biden Administration means a Vote for the US Constitution

and the work of qualified experts, leaders, diplomats and public servants

with the peaceful transfer of powers at the appropriate times.

"Character" (Biden) vs. "Chaos" (45, MAGA)

DJT continues to only whine about himself as a "victim."

The list of criminals around him, supporting him, associated with him, beholden to him,

continues to increase.

His white male privilege has delayed the delivery of JUSTICE for his actions.

His obvious mental deterioration may finally rescue some of his followers from rushing over the cliff to self-destruction with him.

He has nothing to offer, other than a dystopian view of the world and a demonstrated hatred of every part of America that does not have his name on it. Like his "Truth Social" stock, his brand is imploding.

One comedian posed his community service for his crimes could be removing graffiti - his name from all his properties.

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... you may have missed the REVISED TEN COMMANDMENTS from the Bible according to Trump, in which it says it's OK to molest young girls. Here are the new commandments for your convenience.


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Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Justice delayed is justice denied.

As parties to the action against Trump, We The People (aka United States), our rights have been severely abrogated. As Robert rightly said, SCOTUS has intentionally blocked crucial knowledge for voters.

However, we can now make informed assumptions:

— Trump lead the insurrection, from top to bottom.

— Trump is guilty of all charges (he as much as admitted it by seeking “absolute immunity” for crimes committed in office).

— Trump is ineligible for any elected office due to sedition prohibited by the 14th Amendment. Case closed.

Vote accordingly.


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Shelia, the case is only closed if Pharisee Alito says it is

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I mean case closed for voting. Blue all the way.

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It is a small consolation, but if Trump loses and is unable to. pardon himself, and if the Court is satisfied with the temporary pardon it has provided, Trump will eventually have to stand trial. When he does and is convicted, he will not be a first time offender.

And a couple of comments on Trump's statements:

“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them.” Is he saying he is a nobody?

Biden’s student loan forgiveness plans are “stunts” that will be “rebuked” if Trump is elected. One more indication that Trump is losing control of the English language -- if he ever actually was able to speak the language.

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Leonard, Excellent point about Trump having to stand trial after losing. Maybe he will be treated like everyone else!

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Everything you said is true but who is listening?

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Who knows? You are. I have my own non-substack blog -- Len's Political Notes with more than 900 subscribers. Try it. It's free. https://lenspoliticalnotes.com

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The noteworthy point you make falls under the heading of “George Orwell’s ‘1984.’” There are a lot of “Winstons” in our daily diet of MSM who are using language and creating messages that DO NOT speak directly and forcefully to the threat DJT and the right wing extremists from SCOTUS to Judge Aileen Cannon, the House of Representatives, and State Trifectas.

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I love the very characterization: "When Trump's former spiritual advisor resigns over allegations of child molestation, no one seems to care." I think all the news reporters and even Trump's campaign have confused themselves over the words "spiritual" and "political". Trump's only church, ever, is the church of mammon.

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Today Joyce Vance published an interview that appeared in the “ Rolling Stone” with Roger Stone who was convicted but pardoned for voter fraud. He outlined how the Republicans were going to steal the elections through intimidation of judges and lawyers and election officials. In essence he said that Trump will win because of intimidation. The fact that Stone has gone public with this should be a reminder that right now today the Republicans are planning how to steal the election and are planning for it. Possible election fraud and intimidation by are the only way Republicans can win an election and election integrity is also on the ballot.

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He just keeps getting caught on tape! "Loose lips sink ships!" Hopefully!!

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Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I've managed to live 72 years without polio because of that little (barely visible) scar on my left arm. How 'bout y'all? 😉 Seriously, though, we're going to subject the next couple of generations to deadly childhood diseases that killed how many children prior to vaccines in how many past generations? There are reasons people had large families - not only to help work the farm but because of the death toll from disease. So, no vaccinations for school, keep having (especially white) babies to make up for the loss from childhood death, which means abolishing abortion and IVF? 🤬

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Actually that little scar is what's protected you against smallpox. So effective - worldwide - that kids these days no longer get those! But point well taken about the importance of vaccines!

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Both polio and smallpox have been virtually eradicated worldwide, thanks to vaccines against those horrible diseases.

When I was young, smallpox vaccination was routine, even required for entering school (I recall). Polio was dreaded; people often avoided public swimming pools, for fear of contracting polio.

The Salk, and then the Sabin polio vaccines lifted that shroud of fear. It felt like a miraculous morale booster.

And today there are imbeciles with big followings who want to return us to the widespread fear of 1950?

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Excellent column today, Robert. Your detailed analysis of the Court's systematic and apparently planned delay of the immunity decision is frightening and precise. I am sharing this with friends and family who are probably tired of hearing from me. Friends, please do the same, if you too are moved by what Robert writes. Do not assume that people know this or that they don't care. I have been surprised at some of my seemingly cynical and apathetic friends who have become subscribers to Today's Edition. Little steps....big steps.

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Bravo!!!should b required reading..,

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Upon signing the Ten Commandments law, the Louisiana Governor said, "I can't wait to get sued."

How Christian to revel in using religion to pick a fight.

The perfect protest against this law is wearing a shirt that lists Biden's top 13 priorities. DemsMakeLifeBetter.org

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If they insist on the Ten Commandments, then let them be good Originalists and post the Commandments in Hebrew.

:-) (sorta)

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And on stone tablets

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Have shirts ordered from DemsMakeLifeBetter.org AND BeantownStrong. Let's remind everyone that this election matters.

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Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

An insight into the reason behind the double standard of the Main Stream Media, vis-a-vis Obama and Trump-or anyone else and Trump: Last night, reports surfaced that Will Lewis, Publisher of the Washington Post, advised former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and others in his Cabinet, to "clean up their phones", during the COVID-19 response scandal in the United Kingdom. The motes in the eyes of the media's moguls are directly tied to the grace that is being given Donald J. Trump.

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Jun 20Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In the meantime, as you may have heard through the media, Cubans in Miami are outraged about an electronic billboard posted near an expressway in Hialeah that shows Fidel Castro on one side and Donald Trump on the other with the message in between them that screams: "NO A LOS DICTADORES - NO A TRUMP." The Republicans are accusing the Democrats of disrespecting and exploiting the trauma thousands of these now US residents/citizens experienced before they fled Castro's rule. I wholeheartedly join the Democrats who see it as a warning not to bring about that same dictatorial situation here by voting for Trump. Once again, I don't understand whey this is so difficult for the masses to see. Once again, they would be voting against their self interests, which many Republicans do all the time.

I am remembering a book written by Thomas Frank 20 years ago. Its title asks: "What's the Matter with Kansas? Yes, why is that Kansas Republicans so regularly voted against their self interests? And now Florida Republicans? Especially Cubans. Can a new book be far behind?

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Thanks for sharing this, Marcia, and your reference to Thomas Frank's book is so appropriate. (Can it really be 20-years old.). We keep seeing evidence of the White Nationalist Right's ability to play the long game: state legislature gerrymandering; Project 2025; institutionalizing their views with think tanks and "Institutes"; working on the young and college kids, even when you excoriate elites and the educated (Turning Point USA); and flooding the world with a drip, drip, drip of lies and misunderstanding (NATO nations don't pay their 'dues" and a thousand other examples). I bet many Republicans read the book "What's the Matter with Kansas" and went to school on it. Sometimes people on the left ideologically seem to thing they are too cool for school, for study, for the grit of political work, while again to quote Yeats, "the best lack all conviction/and the worst are full of a passionate intensity." I am a very old former distance runner, and as many have said this is a marathon we are running, but we are in the final few months ready to enter the stadium and we better now be ready for the intense sprint to the finish line. Then start the training for the many marathons to come.

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Thank you for commenting on my report about Miami politics, Patrick. My immediate reaction to the Yeats' quote was one of immediate disagreement regarding his "the best lack all conviction..." Today I see some of our very "best" (virtuous people) having lots of conviction! But I did some research and can understand the circumstances during which Yeats was writing. The center was not holding. It may have been written in the aftermath of WWI and the flu epidemic, during which his pregnant wife almost died. Its title: "The Second Coming." Perish the thought that it be with Trump.

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Marcia, you are right to challenge my perhaps too glib quote from Yeats. In this case, "the best" recognize the danger the Republic is in and are working hard to defeat Donald Trump. Though I sometimes despair at the apathy in my friends who will vote for Biden but seem to do so almost reluctantly and have little energy for the work that needs to be done, not to mention people I know and once loved who are working to get Trump elected. There are so many good people, working so hard and giving their talents and treasure to the cause and I am learning about more each day. Thanks for helping me see that.

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I appreciate your admission, Patrick. But please don't be too hard on yourself. I am thinking of two things. First, remember the six blind men trying to decide what an elephant was? It depended on where they were standing and what they were feeling! Same for you . .for all of us. That's where my second thought/principle enters: "Surround yourself with people who honor who you are." We are not oblivious to those who don't honor us, but united together with those who do . . .. we are stronger. Always. Forward!

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The Cubans in Miami are predominantly republican. They had no issues pulling up the ladder behind them so "those" people couldn't come from Cuba after them.

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