Start your Sunday with Stephanie Ruhle beautifully shredding self-righteous, pompous NYT op-ed writer BS, who continuously endeavors to live up to his initials. Her last comment in the clip is priceless.


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What planet is stephens on? Harris has served as v.p for 4 years, has given us an overview of her platform, and we know she is a decent, moral, brilliant, experienced politician who has been learning from one of the greats, President Biden. I’m so tired of people saying they don’t have any idea what she is about. She is about protecting our democracy, protecting the rights of minority groups writ large, she is saying she will sign the border bill dumpster and his maga minions nixed, she will sign Roe v Wade into law, and so much more. He just doesn’t want to vote for a democrat. Well good luck brett if dump is re-elected, because he will never vote again.

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…and there is so much info about her - if he’s that upset he should do a little homework.

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He grew up in the generation where homework was a no-no or his parents did it for him. If you really want to be depressed, check out YouTube clips of interviews with Trump rally attendees. They have no knowledge of history, of Trump's lies or even the religion they claim to follow.

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Or just doesn’t want to vote for a woman or a nonwhite person? With so many people whining about this, it only demonstrates the misogyny and racism that make this race, close and terrifying

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Lauren, that is exactly it. Racism and misogyny.

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I think that’s it. Sad.

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Stephens is just pissed that she won't talk to him or to any of the Fox people. Why should she?

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At some point, by pre-arrangement, she should, if only so that she can say an attempt at outreach was made. Sec. Buttigieg has done a good job there and maybe Gov. Walz could have a go at it.

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Again cretins who do not ask the right questions. They are so caught up with their own brilliance that they don't know that we think they are mediocre at best.

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I agree. Exactly what I thought when I read his piece. I mean, we know where she stands. Her only "daylight" with Biden is with regard to Gaza nuances.

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And, as we keep saying, look at the alternative!!

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I think that, unfortunately, Bret Stephens and other opinion writers are looking for enough details so they can *analyze* and perhaps cavil about the details. That’s many columnists’ bread and butter. He’s generally pretty reasonable and quite insightful. But he’s suffering from the fact that, because of DJT, the bottom has fallen out for (fairly) respectable conservatism.

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And Stephens is suffering from the fact that the bottom has also fallen out of Trump-generated clickbait, if he doesn't do his part to keep it going. That's why Ruhle naming names, and talking about the 600-pound gorilla in the room, deflated him. As a human being, he's still susceptible to reason and fact, because he's intelligent. As a MAGA-paid journalist, he's trying to do his MAGA-assigned tasks, but not wholeheartedly, I guess. I can just imagine what the pillow-talk in his household is like.

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Based on my understanding of your post: it may surprise you to know that Bret Stephens very strongly opposes Trump.

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He is misogynist and racist and is unaware of his own biases, because he has lied to himself. He would not last 30 minutes at our dinner table. I find him loathsome and despicable.

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I don’t want to prolong this part of the discussion, but don’t want Linda Weide’s characterization of Bret Stephens to stand without comment.

I’ve read Bret Stephens’ NYT columns for a couple of years. While I disagree with many of his views (I am decidedly more liberal), I have never encountered any of his work that I’ve thought was either misogynist or racist.

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You may be on to something. Michael. There's such a dearth of believable details from the Republican side that they look to the Dems to fill the void. On the other hand, there is some substance to the Republicans' approach; bull$#!+ is a substance.

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Thanks. I no longer subscribe to the NYT and it is just this kind of thinking from these out-of-touch journalists who went to journalism school for asking the WRONG questions that drove me away.

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Thanks, Linda, for sharing my sentiments. So glad I dumped that pathetic paper. Don’t miss it at all.

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Thanks, Stefan. It drives me nuts that so many people in the media are picking apart every little thing about VP Harris and Gov Walz (and President Biden, still) and yet their opponents seem to get a pass. A day or two ago, I heard a couple of MSNBC commentators I respect speculating on whether President Biden will reneg on his promise and pardon his son before leaving office. WTF? Why are they tossing turds into the punchbowl on the eve of a momentous election?

I think I'm now a big fan of Stephanie. Stephanie Rhules!

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I hope he does pardon him, especially if he has to serve any time in jail. Unfortunately it will be what a lot of people end up remembering about him. Look who rump pardoned. There are probably more people then we've heard of. Probably anyone willing to give him money or say they liked him.

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Maybe if god-willing Kamala is elected SHE could pardon him. Did anyone see the documentary From Russia With Lev? Hunter Biden was set up and appears to be completely innocent.

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It was so good…Lev’s wife is the best! Great documentary that I hope everyone watches who remembers how crazy it was…and it was truly crazy!!

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Sep 22·edited Sep 23

Really entertaining and very interesting documentary!

Typical Trump moves: Using hustler Lev Parnas to dig up dirt on (or create the implication of wrong-doing by) the Bidens, giving Lev access to the top of the Trump heap of sycophantic, useful idiots, ultimately creating a situation that endangered Lev's life while in Ukraine and then denying that he even knows Lev Parnas. Trump gaslighting in full daylight.

Also surprising to see how Lev describes finally waking up to having been drawn into Trump's cult. After experiencing his unceremonious expulsion from "power," doing time in prision for his efforts to help Trump bring down the Bidens (notably without Rudy Giuliani or Trump as cellmates) and understanding how it feels to be one more human being Trump exploited to do his dirty work, then tossed away like a used paper towel, Lev wanted to apologize to Hunter Biden. Their meeting was unexpected and very emotional.

Great job, Rachel, for helping to create this documentary. Should be "must see" viewing for every American.

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I had a hard time understanding why Lev thought the whole thing was so funny. He knew he did wrong but yet he would laugh through it. I did learn a lot and glad I watched it.

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I think it was more like Trump tossed Lev away like a used piece of toilet tissue. You are too polite.

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I think he'd be forgiven, especially if it wasn't a pardon, but clemency. But my point is, why talk about it now? What purpose does it serve other than create controversy around the President and by extension the VP?

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I hope President Harris pardons Hunter Biden.

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I hope she doesn’t pardon Hunter Biden. He committed crimes.

Clemency might be appropriate, though.

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Pardons ARE for crimes. You don't commit a crime, you don't get a pardon.

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Clemency is also for crimes. It differs from a pardon in that it doesn’t erase the conviction, even though it mitigates the punishment.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

Did anyone watch Rachel Maddow's new documentary "From Russia with Lev" - it is a about Trump's effort to manufacturer dirt on Hunter Biden before the 2020 election and the resulting first impeachment of Trump. I caught it on replay last night it debuted Fri night) and wi be repayed again tonight at 9 pm on MSNBC.

You can see a short trailer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIbKyujShRY or listen to Rachel discussing it with Ali Velshi : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_tVros135k

I highly recommend watching the whole thing tonight if you haven't already watched it

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I started watching it last night and just finished. Wow! I wonder if there's any new evidence revealed. I'm wondering if some of the evidence against Hunter might be thrown out on appeal as fruit of a poison tree.

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It is great!

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I appreciate this! Wish they’d been even stronger. He’s putting up fake objections which gives permission to some folks that it’s legit to sit out the election. BS indeed!

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All you need to know is that Karl Rove was so alarmed by Kamala's potential years ago that he did his best to discredit her. Good enough for me.

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Thanks, Stefan. Ruhle is pretty sharp and Mahr's close was right on the mark.

Someone needs to point BS's nose in the direction of HCR's 9/21/24 Letter. It's a summary of Biden's 9/19 speech to the Economic Club of Washington, D.C. that outlines the economic accomplishments of the administration. It would be a good place for him to at least start to catch up.

Granted. it's all information that he should, and probably does, already know but just can't -or won't - acknowledge.

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BS undoubtedly is well aware of the economic accomplishments but as a hardcore Republican would never acknowledge them.

Having said that I have the impression that these obvious accomplishments have not been touted by the candidates as much as they should. Democrats seem to be on the defensive whenever Reps demand to make the economy a campaign issue. There is absolutely no reason to shrink away from that discussion. From a European perspective and looking how we dealt with the fallout from Covid and Ukraine we applaud how the Biden administration dealt with all the challenges.

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Stefan, yes! Offense, offense, offense! I've been knocking on voters' doors to canvass for Harris, and I help them marvel with me: "Wow, can you believe the Fed cut interest rates by 0.5% because the economy is doing so great?? Inflation is down to near 2%. Unemployment is like non-existent. The stock market is booming." Harris needs to tell this offense story constantly. She needs to go on the offense on immigration, too: "Trump killed that bipartisan border bill that will help fix things immensely. As president, I will sign into law it as soon as it gets to my desk. The solution is on the table and would already be working for us if Trump hadn't killed it for his personal political advantage. He only thinks about him, he doesn't care about the rest of us."

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How does one find the 9/21/2024 letter by Hillary? I feel the success of Biden Harris economy is underreported and Harri Walz dont talk enough about it. Kamala's answer to the opening question in the Harris-Trump debate was a failure. I would have liked her to lean into the Biden accomplishments first and then build on that w her opportunity economy. She had an opportunity to educate voters what they have done these past 4 yrs for everyday Americans pocketbook. One can only imagine if Trump had been relelected. His solution would have been "eat dirt" Im dumbfounded why Kamala doesnt lean into the economy question and double down on it. And then build from there. Distancing herself too much from "Biden" isnt good...and she could always say 'our administration" did x, y z if she doesnt want to use the Presidents name. The Biden economy narrative had some legs. Not all voters will be voting based on reproductive freedoms.

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Kamala shouldn’t need to distance herself from Biden on economic matters, since, *overall*, he’s been hugely successful.

However, Biden, Harris, and Democrats overall have really been incompetent when it’s come to explaining and promoting their successes. Too many statistics; not enough relating the statistics to *individuals’* welfare and showing how things will keep improving – the latter being important because many people think they’re struggling. Also, Harris/Walz need to contrast their programs with Trump’s economic bloviations.

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Hello Laura. HCR is Heather Cox Richardson. She is a history professor who writes Letters from an American. <heathercoxrichardson@substack.com>

Sorry for the shorthand.

I agree that all of us need to grab every opportunity to get this positive information out.

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Thank you!

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Laura, you can also find HRC's letters on Facebook.

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Harris evading the first question in the debate instead of jumping right into it was exactly what I had in mind when writing my comment above. A missed opportunity but fortunately the only weak spot in an otherwise great and impeccable performance.

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Stefan, don't agree it was weak/mistaken. You're not a woman. If a woman comes on strong out of the gate, she will alienate half her sexist audience, men and women both. You would learn, if you were a smart, intelligent woman, how to do exactly what Harris did so that you have even a chance at succeeding. It's called tactics. She is brilliant at it.

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Sorry, Laura, I think distancing herself from Biden is the right thing for Harris to do. It's not about facts. It's about perceptions. Sad but true. It's beyond me, but no one beyond the kind of people on this blog likes Biden. Distance, distance, distance. She (and we all) can personally cherish him, but identifying with him publicly will be a death knoll at the polls.

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Oh my gosh he is great! Thanks for sharing Josh Johnson - so smart and so funny!

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Omg she’s spot on. She didn’t hold back. Also loved Maher’s comment about the dog we’re trying to catch when it’s time to go to bed. LOL!

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Stefan -- that clip was priceless! Too bad it was on X.

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I wish Ruhle had listed some of her policies and the accomplishments of the Biden/Harris administration rather than saying we shouldn’t expect her to answer tough questions.

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Just watched this (again) - Thanks! And YES!!!! Brilliant!!!

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Excellent share--thank you.

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Some of these NY writers need to pull their heads out of their asses, pronto. The journalistic malpractice has reached epic levels and why? Butt-hurt over past rejections? Grow up, NYT. If he doesn't have "answers to any of the questions" from Kamala he ain't paying attention. Head--out of ass--pronto.

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One more thing read Heather Cox Richardson today regarding the economy the day after the interest rate reduction. This speech clearly articulates how far this country has come from the pandemic and the mess Trump created. Another example of how the excellent current economic conditions in this country gets under reported.

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And should indicate how ineffective our mainstream media is.

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And unfortunately, no news source is reporting on the speech and the astounding positive results from the successful Biden/Harris efforts to stabilize and grow the US economy into one of the strongest in the world!

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Barbara, I DID hear (when I was at the gym being forced to watch Fox on TV), however, how the Fox geniuses are busily opining how to maximize their financial holdings now that the interest rate has been cut. They may not tout it, but they sure heard it. Maybe we will get some secret-ballot uptick from this marvelous Biden/Harris accomplishment.

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Yes! HCR was brilliant on the economy today. I took talking points from it to share with the unthinking voters I meet when I canvass door to door for Harris. She lays it out in overwhelming detail--how excellent the economy is at all levels, in words regular people can understand.

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Good for you. The Biden impact on the economy is a story that needs to be yelled from the roof tops.

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“… the mess Trump created.”–

This is an important thing Democrats have booted. Trump did leave office with the economy in a mess; yet, almost inexplicably, Democrats have gotten the blame in many people’s minds – a communications disaster on the part of Biden/Harris/Walz/Democrats.

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It depends on who you talk to about the economy. Middle class and above like the economy and have done well the lower 20% not so much.

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Perhaps so (I don’t know).

But the lower 20%, economically, are precisely the people who should be backing Democrats. If they aren’t, something needs to be fixed.

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Agree but the white members of this group lean MAGA who does nada for them. Go figure.

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There are huge issues at stake even beyond abortion rights and immigration.

We all know that Tяump holds grudges against anyone who slights him. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy refused to bow to Tяump’s extortion when Tяump threatened to cut off USA’s military aid to Ukrainin unless Zelenskyy “announced” that a Ukrainian investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden had begun. For Tяump’s illegal threats to withhold Congressional mandated military assistance, Tяump was impeached. And Tяump still harbors hatred of Zelenskyy for having more honor than Tяump will ever have. Tяump still fumes because he couldn’t buy Zelenskyyl

Now, Europe and NATO are trembling, because they know that if Tяump is elected, Tяump will fulfill his craven need for revenge by cutting off USA military assistance to Ukraine AND by inviting Putin to crush Ukraine (and Zelenskyy). It’s a two-fer: Trump gets his revenge on Zelenskyy AND he give a gift to his master Putin. Tяump will then give a free hand to Putin, who will proceed to expand Russia’s borders and destabilize NATO. Europe and Putin know that Trump will ignore NATO’s Article 5, and will not help defend NATO countries attacked by Russia.

A vote for Tяump is a vote to murder Ukrainians.

A vote for Tяump is a vote to invigorate Russia and destabilize Europe.

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Don't overlook Elon Musk's hand in 45's oligarchy and misinformation and conspiracy theories, he has already acted in Putin's behalf by blocking Ukraine access to satellite coverage needed to target Russian missles and invasion forces. Certainly Elon knows he is must more powerful that 45, and he may be the single greatest threat to the national defense

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And boy, I am fearfully anticipating how Putin will attempt butchery and interference in our upcoming election! I sure sort of wish that the European nations, who are seeing the issues clearly, would use their technological smarts to interfere in our election to Harris' benefit! Why is it only the bad guys do this? (ok, I know the answer to that, it's a rhetorical question.)

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Did I already miss a discussion of Rachel Maddow's "From Russia with Lev" on MCNBC? Played Friday night, I watched the rerun last night. It was nothing new, in the broad outlines of the story, but the details and photos provided by Lev Parnas and his wife....truly amazing. He apparently kept all photos and documents of his relationship with Guiliani and Trump.....and Republican politicians and financiers too numerous to count. Donald Trump is what he is, but he is only one man. The true, scary, tragedy of Lev's (and our) story is that so many others have fallen into line behind Trump...all with the same goal, personal wealth and power, not the good of the American people. If you haven't already seen it, see if you can find it. I hope MSNBC will play it over and over! If we didn't already have enough reason to work hard to get Harris elected...and perhaps bring some of the miscreants shown in the movie to justice....this documentary will give us one! And, the scene of Parnas meeting with Hunter Biden was amazing. Parnas brought to tears with the depth of his regret for what he did to Hunter and Hunter's gracious acceptance of his apology...really moving.

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I hold out hope that if President Biden sticks to his word that he won’t pardon Hunter (and I wouldn’t fault him if he didn’t) that President Harris will pardon him. The whole country knows that this was the definition of witch hunt. There are probably 100s of Republicans guilty of the same who were never caught, some not charged and none who did prison time…

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{Re-posted from 9/20/24 Comments.}

Must-see TV. The film itself is incredibly powerful. I found it nauseatingly disturbing for the way it reminded me of what was going on during that Trump time. I also came away with an even greater appreciation of Hunter Biden - such a gracious man.

While the film is terrific, it is also worth watching the program following the airing. Ali Velshi sat in on The Eleventh Hour and interviewed Rachel Maddow AND then Lev Parnas and his wife. It fills-in and updates more of the details of what was presented in the film. Parnas makes an incredibly strong case against Trump.


It's a tricky site to work with. The Parnas interview starts at about the 12:20 mark.


This one is a little easier to access, but it says that it expires 9/24/24.

Perhaps some of you who are more adept at this can find other recordings or make other suggestions. It is worth the effort.

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Thanks, Angela!

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How about a little comic relief, as well as nuanced debate commentary. Josh Marshall posted this 40-minute comedy routine by Josh Johnson:


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Oh my gosh he is great! Thanks for sharing Josh Johnson - so smart and so funny!

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Talk about weaving a brilliant chess game! This is great! Goes well with early morning coffee.

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Josh Johnson is terrific

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This was really good. Thank you.

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And just saw this: (Harris’s) degrees are in poli sci from Howard University, and Juris Doctor (UCLA). He threatened to sue his college if they released his GPA. It’s all about character.

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Trump held a rally in NC this weekend with out Mark Robinson and did not mention his buddy and believe it or not Mark Robinson held his own rally. We need to tie these two best buds together along with the rest of the crazies because it is a snapshot of what a Trump administration would look like. Additionally yesterday on his website Trump Truth Details he told woman that he would make their lives better than the nightmare they are living today. Read Joyce Vance Civil Discourse and share this with your friends. Every woman and man in America should be outraged and motivated to vote Democratic.

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Well, we all want to look good -- better -- for our Reunions, but good intentions often do not pan out. Mine didn't either (for my 59th college reunion in June). Let's just hope our political good intentions for November do though.😊

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Oops. Typo. 50th Reunion! Darn; why am I already trying to make myself even older??

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From the Daily Show, a 7-minute montage of "she's normal" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UIZER9rMe8.

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Just thought I’d ask if anyone saw Rachel Maddie’s documentary - From Russia With Lev? It exposes how Hunter Biden was set up and is innocent. Lev Parnass cried and apologized over and over. Hunter Biden was so gracious - takes after his wonderful dad.

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I meant Maddow!

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I went to my 60th HS reunion as well this past July, and pounds aside, it was wonderful to see old friends again with whom we have stayed connected over the years. The years in many respects just “melted away” (including any of those pesky pounds!) as we reminisced and remembered a time in our lives that each of us cherished in growing up and becoming adults. Good friends and family are perhaps the greatest gifts that God has given us!

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My ballot should arrive this week. I’m so excited to vote for VO Harris and Tim Walz.

The horror story of the day was the made up, though apparently realistic story about Kamala having a hit and run accident… it has been traced to a Russian troll farm but the MAGA lunatics are convinced. This will continue… I suspect beyond the election to sully her in anyway possible.

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Saw preview of Tbe Wild Robot today. A must see after 9/27 release. Bring Kleenex.Animation film of the year. Amazing animation and voice acting. Compelling themes of self identity, expressing love, technology & nature, adoption, etc. But beyond those, perfect film for 2024 and Kamala campaign: getting over divisiveness for community wellbeing. Someone in KH campaign should be encouraged to see it. Seriously! When you see it, you’ll understand why.

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A quick reminder from yesterday's newsletter from Robert:

Help re-elect Senators Jon Tester and Sherrod Brown for a fundraiser on Monday, September 23, hosted by Senate Circle.

Join me as I moderate a discussion with Senators Jon Tester (MT) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio). The fundraising event is sponsored by Senate Circle and will feature an opportunity for participants to ask questions of Senators Tester and Brown. Minimum donation is $100 to help Senators Tester and Brown win two of the most consequential Senate races in 2024.

The Zoom fundraiser will take place on Monday, September 23 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern / 3:00 p.m. Pacific. (I will sign on 15 minutes early to chat with readers who join the call.)

You can donate/RSVP here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2024_mt_oh

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22

OK, my mind is blown by "The nebula is 2,600 light-years from Earth and 2.3 light-years in diameter."

What does that mean regarding the diameter of this nebula? I looked up in comparison to the diameter of Earth and I am not sure if this is even correct.

"Diameter of earth =12,756 km

1 Light year = 94,60,80,00,00,000 km

Diameter of Earth in Light Years:

= 12,756 km / 94,60,80,00,00,000 km

=1.34830036e^-9 light years

=0.13483 x 10^-8 light years

=0.0000000013483 light years."

Any reflections on or corrections to this are greatly appreciated.


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"OK, my mind is blown. by "The nebula is 2,600 light-years from Earth and 2.3 light-years in diameter."

Mine, too. I also think the photo itself is one of Robert's most spectacular. Just WOW.

As for the math, I get "earth small, nebula big." Beyond that, I am lost in space, mind boggled.

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Exactly! LOL. Thanks Jeff!

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Another A++ answer.

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Hi, Lynn!

Retired math teacher here.

You get an A++. even though you have one little omission, which I admit I didn't notice the first time through, which caused you to not quite answer your own (good) question. (When you have solved a problem it's always good to check thei question that was asked.) You earn the A just for trying, the first + for keeping your decimal points/exponents straight, and the second + for what i think is the correct answer -- meaning it agrees with mine! (other than the omission.)

ive copied your work and put a few comments, all intended as helpful!!) in brackets [].

"Diameter of earth =12,756 km

1 Light year = 94,60,80,00,00,000 km

[using commas to separate groups of three digits is standard.]

[When you have numbers of such differing sizes, it’s often helpful to go to scientific notation right away:

Earth diameter=12756 km= 1.2756 x 10^4 km

1 ly = 9.46073 x 10^12 km.

The value i found was just a teeny bit different from yours—no matter.]

Diameter of Earth in Light Years;

= 12,756 km / 94,60,80,00,00,000 km [*units on the denominator should be km/ly]

=1.34830036e^-9 light years

=0.13483 x 10^-8 light years

[*without that /ly these would be computed from km/km and wouldn't have units @ all ]

[you’ve used two different formats for scientific notation; I'm guessing the first …e^-9 came from a calculator? The second … x 10^-8 is more like what we write on paper. Whatever, better to be consistent. ]

=0.0000000013483 light years

AND - what I missed my first time through is that what you have to this point is the comparison of earth's diameter to one light year. But you said you wanted to compare earth to the nebula! Robert says this [beautiful] nebula is 2.3 light years across, so you can divide this answer by 2.3 to compare how diameter of earth compares to diameter of the nebula!(it's a division because earth's diameter will be a smaller portion of the >1 ly diameter of the nebula). In effect, the number you derived is a "conversion factor" to easily compare diameter of earth to any length you know in lightyears. You'd want to save/memorize it if this was something you hadt o do frequently (w hen reading this substack, for instance!)

Here =0.0000000013483/2.3

=0.0000000005862 (a small number) is the portion of 2.3 light years that would be one earth diameter. I think that is one answer to your question of comparing earth's diameter to that of the nebula.

Taking the reciprocals of these "portion" numbers give you another way to compare: "multiples"--how many of the smaller would equal the larger..


= 1.7059 x 10^9 earth diameters would equal the 2.3 ly diameter of the nebula.

Note: the portion number * the multiple number = 1.

please if anyone has a comment or correction, love to have it.

(nothing about significant digits please; I didn't much try.)


The quora article didnt get quite as good a grade as you did— it has a mistake in it, not affecting your analysis, but just for the record:

The mistake is in Quora’s computation of the circumference of this hypothetical (spherical ) planet with a diameter of 1 ly. From elementary geometry, there are two formulas for this


= 2 times “pi” times radius


= “pi” times diameter

The radius of course being half the diameter.

Quora used the first formula but it’s the diameter that is 1 ly, not the radius, so the correct circumference would be

approximately 3.14159 ly.

More people seem to remember the first formula, maybe because in math class ( and some other scientific fields) it’s a bit more common to describe a circle by its radius than by its diameter

Please let me know if your find anything wrong/ to discuss.

You asked such a good question and dealt with it so well that I wonder if you are a student or do some kind of technical work.


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Thank you Barbara! I made an attempt to understand what you wrote here, but it's way above my head. I wish I could contribute more here, but my brain works like Jeff's in trying to process "earth small, nebula big". This also brings up many questions for me in regard to all that exists in space.

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I should apologize for the over complicated way i expressed this !

You thought it out perfectly except you kind of forgot what you said you wanted to compare.

Your key step was

Length of light year/ diameter of earth

which compares light-year to diameter of earth.

But the question you had posed was comparing the NEBULA diameter to diameter of earth:

Diameter of nebula/ diameter of earth

=(2.3* length of light-year)/diameter of earth

Simpler, yes?

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I'm the very first person in Wisconsin to vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. My ballot arrived in the mail yesterday and I put it in the box outside the post office early this morning. You might think I took advantage of early voting so I will be available on Nov. 5 for other gotv chores. True,but in truth I just couldn't wait. Feels great. I highly recommend voting early.

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