Re: tRump at ANC...He is desecration, the living embodiment of it...a scrofulous dung beetle scurrying amongst the graves of men and women who died in service of their country...all for the sake of a cheap and degrading campaign video.

"You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?"

Joseph Welch, June 9, 1954

Army-McCarthy Hearings

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Check out Friday's post by Jessica Craven on her substack "Chop Wood, Carry Water". She has posted sample scripts for calling your senators and congressperson about Trump's desecration at ANC plus a script for James Comer in his role as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee. We can all fight so this doesn't dissappear from the news cycle.


She has also created a Resistbot, which is a way to send a free email to elected officials by texting a code to Resistbot. (It also works on WHATSAPP, Apple Messages, and Messenger, but I am only familiar with texting ResistBots). For More Info about how to create an account: https://resist.bot/.

You can create your own ResistBots to share with your friends or you can amplifly other people's ResistBots. Once you have set up your account, you can "Sign" an exisiting ResistBot by texting SIGN followed by a unique 6 digit code. (You can also text READ plus the code to read the ResistBot first). Jessica's Resistbot about urging an investigation of trump's illegal activity at ANC has the following code: PELEQR

I also sent a donation to VoteVets to help them get the word out about why Trump should never again be commander-in-chief! VoteVet content is available on their YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/@votevets), but is also posted on various social media channels to which I am NOT subscribed.

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Resistbot is the chatbot that lets you quickly and easily contact your elected officials.

How to join Resistbot:

"Send the word RESIST to Resistbot on Apple Messages, WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, or by text to 50409 and answer the questions texted back. In minutes, you’ll have contacted Congress or your other elected officials."

After you set up your Resistbot account, you can create your own campaigns to share with friends and others, and amplify others' campaigns.

Or if you just want to sign for a specific person, e.g. if you send FOLLOW JessCraven101 to Resistbot, it will send you her campaigns and you can choose whether to sign, READ it first, or ignore it, and no more than one campaign per day if she generates one. Last time I looked, Jess had almost 14K followers!

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Quoting Jess Craven (Chop Wood, Carry Water) about checking your voter registration:

“Not only will Resistbot check your voter registration… once they have confirmed you are registered to vote they will check it once a month to make sure that you are not purged from the voter rolls and if anything changes they will send you a text… I think everyone should use it.”

To check your voter reg, send the word CHECK to Resistbot.

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Thank you.

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Thank you, Cheryl!!

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I love your words, Lance! I also think of this comparison frequently, and realize that we the Public are holding the hearings and will pass judgement on tRump on Nov 5th. There are no Republicans in the Congress calling him what he is: a lying grifter with no morals. Worse than that, he commits evil acts on a regular basis, such as at the Veteran's Cemetery. Thousands of Veterans' families must be horrified at what they saw, and are furious that he basically got away with it. But he will only get away with it for so long! We are the Joseph Welchs, unafraid to call him what he is!

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I think of that quote of Welch often. I would be too ashamed to vote for Trump.

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You dishonor dung beetles by comparing Trump to them. They are unattractive but do a useful and necessary function, breaking down excretions to nourish the earth. I think what you meant to say is, Trump IS dung, that beetles have to labor to destroy and use for healthy purposes.

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Well, you can't deny that the Orange Felon eats shit!

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To let Arlington know that Trump and minions need to be charged for their unlawful behaviors at Arlington. Anyone else would have had charges made against them. No one. Is above the law. And certainly no immunity defense holds here.

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I am trying to comprehend how anyone over the age of 10 can like that hateful man. I mean, it's such a long list of despicable traits. I used to think it was stupidity, but that's unfair to low-IQ folks. It must be ignorance combined with character defects. They must like him because he is like them.

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He’s barely a human let alone a U.S. President. He has no respect for anything. No class, no social skills, no morals, and should NEVER be representing each and every American of any gender - especially women whom he denigrates almost daily.

If Kamala Harris reposted a meme about Trump that was of the same sexual nature as the meme HE did, the MSM would not be able to shut up about it.

MSM supports Donald Trump. Period. If they reported on him honestly, we wouldn’t be here. If they report this honestly, his campaign will be over. But they won’t!

Appalled anyone would vote for him, or even consider doing so.

Anyway, I feel hope for our future!

I've gotten so many high-fives wearing this funny Kamala shirt 👇 🤣


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Checking out at a Walgreens in a rural part of CT yesterday wearing a Kamala t shirt, and the cashier (white male in his 30s) was totally jazzed. Said how excited he is that the Trump/Vance team is self sabotaging. This gives me hope.

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Every one of us must continue to wear our shirts, buttons, and US flag pins everywhere we go. I promise that you will be happily surprised at the overall positive response you receive. As Alexandre Dumas said, "Nothing succeeds like success." The more we promote Harris-Walz, the more others will feel comfortable supporting them too, which has to translate to more votes for them!

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

Actually, nobody gets away with what he gets away with. A person who believes he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with, he's going to get away with anything - and, by golly, he DOES!!!! People love him for his ability to get away with murder. It's the OJ Simpson, Bonnie and Clyde, Hannibal Lechter phenomenon. The wild west, for some people, is the true America. When people took what they could get away with. Money, land, power. Middle class (and poor) Americans with any sense of community don't think like that. Interestingly, movies and books depicting the old west was entirely run by men. It wasn't until WW2 that women started working and babies were fed from a bottle. Men controlled the Civil War, too, so maybe that's where MAGA wants to go: slavery and white male dominated everything!

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“Money, land, power. Middle class (and poor) Americans with any sense of community don't think like that.” There you have a big part of the problem. A weakened sense of community. The wealthy in their gated communities have little contact with ordinary people, even less with poor people.

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In their guts, they know he's nuts.

As president members of his own cabinet wanted him removed under the 25th Amendment.

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"In their guts, they know he's nuts."

A great insight. I suspect that many - maybe even most - in his inner circle believe that, Vance included. That makes them more despicable that the rubes who see Trump as someone they should worship. I don't think I'll ever understand the latter. The former - it's all about access to power.

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When it's combined with "Trump hates dogs" and Trump stole from kids with cancer," MAGATs choke on their beer.

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So you DO understand it, MaryAnn!

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What a great saying for a T-shirt: "In their guts, they know he's nuts." The back of the shirt should list all those feckless Republican leaders in Congress who still say they support him.

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decider this: ,LA 4P

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Or maybe, At Their Core, They Know He's A Bore.

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That too!

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Well, the photo-op world like that of Donald Trump was run by men in the past; but, as you know, they wouldn't have been able to ride off picturesquely into the sunset unless and until some woman had fed them (and their mutual children), mended their manly shirts, and made sure they had lunch for the road ...

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It’s amazing how many woman do not believe this for some reason

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Exactly what you said. Love the t-shirt; I was canvassing in Bangor, ME yesterday with my “Dems Make Life Better” t-shirt and several people we passed on the street comments that they liked our t-shirts. That’s how we spread the word!

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An incident in the grocery store on Friday made me walk on air the rest of the day. I was wearing my "Childless dog lady for Harris" T-shirt, and a woman ran down the aisle toward me and hugged my neck — hard! As usual when someone comments on my shirt or on my "Harris for President" button, I offered her some buttons and answered all of her questions about what she could do to volunteer for Harris-Walz in our community. I also gave her several US flag pins for her and her friends to wear with the Harris buttons. We must take back the US flag from the Trumpsters.

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Good Idea! I think I need to order some Kamala pins and get extras!

If I might ask, did you order from the official store or elsewhere?

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When I am ordering merchandise to give away, I order it from Amazon. This is simply because I can get 20 or more buttons for a few dollars there, whereas the cost of the merchandise at the official site is about the same price for only two buttons. I do contribute substantial money every month directly to the campaign, but I have to be practical when it comes to give-away items.

By the way, I also make dozens of friendship bracelets every week to give away. Each one is red, white, and blue and has a campaign message in the beads. Those are much more popular than the buttons, especially with young voters, but obviously take time to make. I am lucky that I am retired, but my house cleaning is definitely suffering. :-)

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I am lucky that I am retired, but my house cleaning is definitely suffering. :-)


Amen to that!

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Way to go, C K Smith! You rock!

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I have 3 Kamala t-shirts, including the ,la one. The one I get the most responses to is blue with an orange circle in the middle with "Kamala" written across at an upward angle, reminiscent of a Tide detergent box. Underneath it says "Gets out stubborn orange stains." I was wandering the aisles of my local supermarket last week when a woman stopped me, gave me a smile, and said,"You should stand right here all day." I turned and looked at the display behind me. I was in the detergent aisle.

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I have the ,la one too. I posted a picture of myself in that tshirt on FB and several people didn’t know what it meant!!

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Great to hear! Have not heard any comments in Scarborough yet but only worn it twice and no scowls either. Way more Dem leaning down here so more power to you!

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I had scowls last week and a couple of doors slammed in my face. We turned our t-shirts inside out last week. But this week we decided to wear them proudly! I figured f ‘em if they don’t like it!! Yes, we definitely have more Rs up here.

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If anyone is rude enough to slam the door in your face they are probably not persuadable. The sad thing is that it is possible that someone else in the household (e.g., spouse or adult child) might have been.

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I have a “Catlady for Kamala” bumper sticker on my car. Unfortunately when I was driving on I 84 in Oregon two men flipped me off as they passed me. I just glared at them but did not return the rude gesture.

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Here's hoping that eventually people will realize that MSM has gone from Walter Cronkite to FOX News "lite."

To expect MSM to keep us informed rather than to generate clicks is quaint, but unrealistic.

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MSM does not exist to keep us “Informed” - it exists to keep us wanting more of that fetish.

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I call the NYT “Fox News for intellectuals.”

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That shirt it "spot-on"!!!!

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OOOOOOOH!! Nice one!

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I ordered the tote bag several weeks ago. I’ve been notified it will arrive Tuesday . I can’t wait. I’ll be carrying it everywhere. I can’t express how much I despise the orange stain and everything he stands for - although that seems to change depending on the hour of the day and which audience he is courting. Ugh.

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Heather: The MSM aren't doing a good job reporting the news. But the new medium called SubStack offers us better thought out opinions and more input from the readers than the MSM do. If we could only find a way to employ news reporters we'd be better informed. News, Opinion, and Readers' Feedback!

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That shirt is amazing. I may have to get one. Thanks for the link!

You are absolutely right about the MSM. I stay away from them for that very reason.

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You’re welcome! 😉

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I got my brother (who is a big fan of graphic tees) a similar one about a year ago except that instead of "Kamala" it said "Vote". I think I will send him the link to see if he wants an update or to get one of their other great choices.

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The irony is he hates people like the ones who support him and can’t stand them.

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They like him thinking THEY'RE like HIM!

A big draw for many supporters is that they're part of a club (we say CULT) where they ALL feel they're "insiders" to some underground or underworld "cabal" of sorts. That's why they dress alike with complementing uniforms.

They're not sheep, after all.

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I struggle with the same thing, Janet, and some of his supporters are otherwise very intelligent and wonderful people.

Perhaps much of it is policy-related. Many Americans are vehemently opposed to Democratic policies, and they see us as "the enemy." They see the GOP nominee as someone who can vanquish their enemy, and don't concern themselves with the unintended consequences.

We all see things thru polarized lenses. Confirmation bias is real, and it builds on itself.

America is badly divided right now, and the GOP nominee is both exploiting and fomenting that division. IMHO, his motives are purely and solely selfish. He is beyond help and hope. But for the sake if the rest of us, and indeed the world, he must never see the inside of the Oval Office again.

In order to heal the country, I believe our president must tack toward the middle. The disaffected minority's needs and wants are no less valid than our own. If Harris/Walz wins, it will be a huge mistake to force our will on others. Based on what I've heard from VP Harris, she understands that and truly will strive to be a president of ALL Americans.

I've gone further here than I intended. For more on this, if interested, https://bobmorgan.substack.com/p/everything-in-moderation

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Thank you for your well thought out comment. I agree that we too need to make sure that we, the Democrats, include those who have been brainwashed by the cult of right wing extremists. Recommending the movie, https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com. as I had the same experience in my family. My dad attended JFK's inauguration and after Fox News came along he too went down that path. This movie explained a lot. Moving forward we all must do our best to reassure, include and support those who have also been deeply inculcated by these divisive forces, which have been at play in our culture for decades. With time and deep listening and a true desire to reconnect, this will be done. .

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I hope it is because he is so good at the con some desperate people simply fell for the grift. It defies logic.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

I think about this EVERY SINGLE TIME I see or hear about him. I saw a poll by Mark Cuban that asked "Who’s persona and character would you like to see young children grow up to have?" The choices were Harris and tRump. I was shocked and saddened to see the results: only only 31% chose Harris. Granted this was reported by Fox, but over 800,000 of Cuban's followers responded. How could anyone want to emulate him, much less want their children to be like him?!? As an educator, this literally breaks my heart.


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I have been trying to understand this very thing since 2016. I went out canvassing for Harris/Walz, and Josh Stein here in Raleigh yesterday. It was educational. Here are some anecdotes:

Older gentleman: "I'm voting for Trump because of immigration -- open borders -- and the economy -- inflation."

Me: "So I guess you're voting a straight Republican ticket?"

Him: "Yes. They're all (the Democrats) complicit".

This gentleman was very polite and even thanked us for what we were doing. He said his wife would probably vote democratic.

Older couple: "We're undecided. We just think Harris is too young". (!!!!!!!!)

Younger man: "I'm undecided. I'm concerned about the Economy and the debt".

Me: "The economy meaning high cost of goods? Debt meaning the national debt?"

Him: "Yes."

Younger man: "I am all in for Harris and all the democrats." But my wife is going to vote for trump."

Me: "Really?"

Him: "Yes. I'm a bleeding heart liberal from Boston. She's from the South."

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They like him because they are susceptible to conspiracy theories, which if you think about it it’s what spews out of his mouth. Yes they are lies, but lies that cater to the vulnerable who believe in conspiracy theories.

Remember just a few short years ago the FBI’s assessment of Q-Anon was that it was the most dangerous threat to the US/ to American Democracy? And tfg has since embraced Q-Anon members/ believers.

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Don't forget...he had 14 seasons of free publicity DESIGNED to make reality show tv viewers fall in love with him as a tough guy, successful business man. Mark Burnett knew exactly what he was doing, but I don't think he realized that in this country, a celebrity, boosted by TV and film, can win over hearts politically.

But the GOP did. Ronnie, Arnold....In her book, Heather says the GOP made extreme promises to their base they never intended to keep. Then Trump came along....And all those millions who were adoring fans got to vote for their favorite star for president! The got to go to his rallies, buy his merchandise and stick up for him no matter what. They already felt alienated from "the elites" who were condemning him, and now THEY have their own here.

I get it because I'm going to Kansas city in Dec to meet my favorite actor whose work I love, and someone would have to work pretty hard to convince me to think I'll of him. It just fells so good to be one of his fans....

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Janet, I think this same thought multiple times a day! He has tapped into that combo of ignorant, aggrieved , morally defective people. But that's only his base! Who are the rest of them?

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They will vote for him because they are afraid of Democrats. I have a couple of FB friends through a mutual interest in horses. I had to stop "following" them because of their political views, but still visit their pages from time to time to understand their thinking. One is a close friend who voted for Obama before descending right-wing into conspiracy theories in recent years, and the other is a run-of-the-mill rural conservative. They both support Trump, even though they don't like him much, because they have been convinced that Democrats are "socialists" and "communists" who are coming for their guns. They are absolutely terrified of Kamala Harris becoming president.

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I imagine that your age stipulation is because kids have an innate sense of taste that would preclude anyone under 10 from liking him.

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I like my wife’s answer to my regular questions, “How can they believe this BS?” Answer: “They are reading or seeing the news you are, John” I’d add, they don’t want to, Fox or other right wing media suits them just fine. And they reply, “John, you only read the east coast elite BS.” Ah! It’s a vicious chase you tail around the tree.

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I’m thinking the only thing that drives Trump to continue to insult every American by ignoring the sacrifice our heroes make to protect us .

His only thought from the time he wakes till sleeps is they are going to put me in prison!

I’ll be there the rest of my life!

Yes !

He’s got the message !

He would only be paying for all of the crimes he’s committed. No one is picking on him, but his own stupidity. He’s doing all he can to make it not happen but I think it’s going to catch up with him.

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It's hard to find adequate words for the felon's vile desecration of the Arlington cemetery and the disrespect of the fallen and their memory but this is as good as it gets


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Thank you for this! Excellent.

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This is awesome, Stefan. Thank you!

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This was great.

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Thank you, Stefan! This video of a poem about Trump's thumbs up at Arlington is a must see! I wish I could have a printout of the words. It is worth memorizing and should be shown at every Harris-Walz campaign stop.

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Wow, this is excellent! This poem should be on mainstream media.

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Thanks,Stefan! This is very moving.

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Beautiful! And yes, I've already copy/pasted it to a number of other social media.

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Good morning from Italy! I just want to remind everyone that US citizens living abroad CAN VOTE! This is also true for study abroad students who are just here for the fall semester. Please send everyone you know living, studying or serving abroad to https://votefromabroad.org Our votes can be the margin of victory in tight races!!

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Great information! I hope that being away from drivel will keep them sane and safe.

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The universe is so vast, it’s hard to wrap your head around it.

Likewise, listening to right wing media including Fox, Fox’s app, the GOP IG page, and others… the things that anyone paying attention to reality of listening to mainstream media would understand is just nowhere on right wing media… these people get s constant stream of lies, propaganda, bias and disinformation and many believe it all. Then they accuse others (calling main steam media liberal media for instance) for things that they themselves are doing but they won’t and/ or can’t believe things this group considers “true”. So we have this large gap in understanding reality. We all take for granted the pieces Robert writes about and yet our right wing colleagues often have a completely different understanding of these events.

It’s hard to wrap your head around that!! And to contemplate how to change that dynamic.

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We don't have to waste our breath on the reactionary right wing extremists, and Pete Buttigieg does a great job with his periodic appearances on Fox. Change is in the gray zone, the edges of black and white.

When Kamala Harris wrote in her response to Trump's Arlington National Cemetery stunt, “If there is one thing on which we as Americans can all agree..." she united Democrats, Independents, and traditional Republicans on the side of patriotism and respect for the military, putting Trumpers and MAGAts as outliers on the other side--the wrong side. This expands the permission structure for Republicans and Undecideds--all those people among our friends and family--to vote for Harris-Walz.

As we talk to these people in the middle, we encourage them to verify they are registered to vote and have a plan to vote--up and down the ballot. Here are some great resources:



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What's disturbing to me as an almost-lifelong Texan, is that > 75% of eligible voters statewide are registered to vote, but our actual turnout rates are abysmal. I'm not condemning that because we have ongoing and very inventive voter suppression and because the state government -- being mostly MAGA -- threatens potential voters, e.g., the recent non-warranted (as in, no warrant was issued by a judge) raids of Latino activists' homes.

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This! I work with Movement Voter Project and the grassroots groups we support in Texas tell us “Texas isn’t a red state; it’s a non-voting state.” Our local organizers are trying to change that, one voter at a time!

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League of Women Voters is very strong in Texas to register new voters and Get Out The Vote:


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Millions of unregistered voters trend heavily Democratic. FT 6 has data mining to identify them.


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Like I said, Ellie, back at ya!

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This is what concerns me. Even if Trump were to magically disappear tomorrow, we would still have Fox News and all the other crazies, and still have almost half the country in another mindset entirely. How in the world do we come back together?

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In the 1990's I created a nonprofit called "The Television Project" to help parents understand how television use affects their families. (Badly!) I see the roots of our current state of maga-stupidity in our societal blindness to the need to teach media literacy for 30+ years. We now have two/three generations of citizens who have no idea that the media manipulates and are therefore unable to discern the lies and propaganda in a life-long uncritical viewing of screen "info." This is a tough argument because, unbelievably, there is ALMOST NO research on the subject. I gave up the fight. 2 stats: 1) A half-hour news program has as much content as half a page of newsprint. 2) People who watch more than 7 hours a day expect the world to be a mean and dangerous place, way out of proportion to reality. (look up mean world syndrome.)

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I wrote this post when I was 95% asleep, I think. I apologize that it’s somewhat confusing. But the reality is that a large percent of the country is fed non-reality lies, propaganda, and misinformation AND many - if not most - of them believe it. A defense mechanism (smoke screen) is to accuse those who truly study and assess reality of not seeing it clearly - they twist this and use it to attack. Trump is the master of this and MAGA (the GOP now) has perfected it.

It is an obvious danger to democracy and we do not currently have to tools or strategies to address it. We ardently believe in freedom of speech but what happens when that freedom is overwhelmed by lies, propaganda and misinformation - often intentionally overwhelmed (Bannon’s “flood the zone” strategy).

So by this group’s (Robert’s Substack and others we’re all involved in) reiterating what we believe as truth and fact, we often don’t focus sufficiently on those who believe alternate “realities” and really dig into how to address that. Europe and now Brazil shutting off X (Twitter) are examples of attempts to limit some freedom of speech for the public’s good - limit freedom of speech to protect democracy (!!). The challenge is that it’s a very slippery slope obviously.

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As you contemplate your plans for the week ahead and notice how North Carolina is more and more in the news for swinging from red to purple to blue, here's a reminder for an opportunity to support Democratic state legislature candidates in North Carolina:

DO SOMETHING for NORTH CAROLINA! Join David Pepper and Wiley Nickel on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 7:00 - 8:00 pm EDT (4:00 - 5:00 pm PT)

David Pepper’s book, Laboratories of Autocracy, sounds the alarm of how we are losing democracy in the states. The States Project researches which states are the most flippable or must-keepable for strategic giving (as opposed to emotional giving) to Democratic state legislature candidates with funds raised from its Giving Circles. The Tending to Democracy Giving Circle was inspired by Heather Cox Richardson and generously supported by Robert Hubbell (and their readers!).

Register for this event on 9/04/24 by clicking this link:


Check out the Tending to Democracy Giving Circle in advance, or donate here if you will not be able to attend the event:


Big THANK YOU to those who have already signed up and/or donated!

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Yes. Happy Labor Day! Thank goodness for Labor Unions helping people by negotiating for better pay, working conditions and benefits.

Helping the middle class will continue with Harris -Walz in the White House.

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This Labor Day weekend I’m working on L&D for two 24 hour shifts including my 2nd shift tomorrow, on the actual holiday. On my first shift, I “caught” two babies for my midwifery practice, including a baby girl. I feel so strongly that Harris must win so that this little girl and all children in our nation may grow up in a good country, a safe and reasonable place for children. I desperately want to grow old in a world that is free from fascist rule, genocide, and oligarchs and I want us all to be physically safe from a rapidly changing climate. I appreciate what Robert, Heather, Jay, Jess, Joyce, Scott, and so many others on Substack do to give us the information we need so that we understand what is happening. We would not get that from the “corporate media” (I think Scott Dworkin labeled it thus). We must do our part to get this deal done and to keep moving forward, together, towards sanity and reason. PS I love the night sky photos so much! What a vast and wonderful place we inhabit!!

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I'm 76 and have lived most of my adult life in Texas where I've felt comfortable politically/values-wise maybe 5 years of that time. I, too, have had the same hopes and dreams that you express but am becoming more certain that I will not see them realized during whatever remains of my life. Still work on the behalf of future generations, though, and maybe as whatever little point 'o light I transition to -- I'll see a different, kinder world.

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KG. Yes, Scott D has suggested we use term “corporate media”. It’s a great idea.

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My son in South Korea told me this morning that he was tabling there with VotefromAbroad group and registered many voters! He is his mother’s son!

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I agree with Patti. Your photos are absolutely breathtaking, and your commentary of each helps me learn more and more about the universe

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This is being shared by my friends who are voting for Trump;

“Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don't really like a lot of things about Trump.

But this election is not about choosing the most likeable person.

We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

Trump represents that future and has proven that he can deliver. He is a patriot to the core and even served his country for 4 years without pay.

That moment when someone says,

"I can't believe you're voting for Trump". I simply reply, “I'm NOT voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the police to be respected once again.

I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)

I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans.

I'm voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country

I'm voting to keep men out of women's sports.

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

I'm not just voting for one person.

I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms

America is the greatest country in the world, hense why everyone wants to immigrate here. So why do you want to change it?

Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

I'm not voting for Trump.

I'm voting for America.

Copied and pasted, keep it going”

What can one say in reply?

I said I share some of your wishes but can’t trust Trump based on what he has done. So I am voting for someone who has demonstrated an ability to do things that are legal and support the Constitution.

What would you say in reply?

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Sue, I would say:

Social Media has a funny way of leaving people thinking one thing, w reality being vastly different.

Most of the things you share we all want, but w nuance.

Like regulations (GUNS). And WOMEN’S health RIGHTS. And LEGAL immigration. And that our children are educated in HISTORY and SCIENCE (effects of climate change). and I’m VOTING for FREEDOM. 🇺🇸

To think you BELIEVE Trump can, wants to, or will give you, your children and grandchildren the future you want is confusing. The evidence isn’t there. (Though the GRIFT is!)

Does Project 2025 meet your values and needs? It doesn’t mine.

I wish you well and that your vote ultimately reflects our shared reality, and that yiur VOTE is NOT based on (Facebook/Insta) shared propaganda.

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Do you all follow EMPTYWHEEL-Marcy Wheeler? She posted this today (I saw it on Mastodon) and her post would also be a SMART response to the copy and paste crowd.


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Thank you so much for posting this! I bookmarked it and will be sending it out to friends who are dealing with people like the ones Sue C. mentioned in her post above!

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Sue, there’s little chance that you will change anyone with such extreme feelings. I might ask “are you ok?” And then say, “I’m surprised you feel that way about a man who has so little respect for women, other people, and our constitution”. I would stop there, refuse to argue, and find ways to meet other friends.

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I agree, but I wonder if these are "in real life" friends or FaceBook friends - someone you were friends with in the past or someone who is part of a larger social circle who friended you on social media.

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We have people in our extended family who say similar things. In response to the Second Amendment point, I say that children have a right to be safe in schools and all people have a right to go to a concert or movie or food shopping without the threat of being killed by an AR—15, which no legitimate gun owner needs. In response to the respecting the military comment, I say that this is a man who called soldiers “suckers and losers;“ managed to get a doctor to say he had bone spurs to avoid service in Vietnam, while calling his avoidance of getting a sexually transmitted disease his own Vietnam; avoided a cemetery in France because it was raining and his hair would get wet; and, disrespected families of the dead and violated the rules at Arlington National Cemetery. As to personal freedom, I say that abortion is Healthcare and no one is forcing anyone to have an abortion so how can they force someone to bear a child? Personal freedom means that women must have control over their own bodies. And he appointed people to the Supreme Court and under-qualified district court judges who do not respect precedent and give a tortured reading to the Constitution when it suits their needs.

But none of this matters to the MAGA faithful because it’s a cult.

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So sad but the cult seems to win. I think the desire for that community unity is strong in our species.

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Yes, Sue. It is sad to see a cult develop. However, more and more Americans are paying attention and now question his brand of community unity. He lost the WH in 2020, he helps lose seats in 2022, and there are signs he will lose the WH in 2024. Let’s be hopeful and get out the vote of people who are ready for a change!

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References to “the Second Amendment” jump out at me.


Because *the meaning of the Second Amendment has been perverted*: The Second Amendment begins with a clause that ‘conservatives’ have effectively expunged. The clause states that the reason for the Amendment is (was) to have weapons available for militias (National Guards, in their modern existence) – NOT in order to allow for personal weaponry, defense of home-and-hearth, etc.

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But this election is not about choosing the most likeable person.

* Every election is about choosing a candidate who is temperate, prudent, wise, pursues justice, exhibits hope, love and faith. Trump i exhibits none of these virtues, instilling only the fear of others, denigrating patriots making the ultimate sacrifice, the vulnerable and anyone who rightfully calls out his hypocrisies and, yes, lies.

We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

* Every thoughtful voter agrees.

Trump represents that future and has a candidate proven that he can deliver. He is a patriot to the core and even served his country for 4 years without pay.

* Trump’s record is a rap sheet, filled to the gills mr with political treachery of the worst sort, starting with trying to overthrow an election based on incontrovertible evidence, suppressing the vote, inciting civil violence and hate crimes, and undermining our Constitutionzl system of justice.

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

* The First Amendment is the right of every citizen. It stops at the door to political violence. The existence of Fox, NewsMax make your point moot. Now it’s your turn to defend your opinion - call on logic, evidence, and speak to what matters. Be respectful, engage, ask questions, explore common ground. We all have patriots and crazy inclues in our families.

I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration.

* Great. SUpport the immigration legislation favored by a majority of Congress that Trump vetoed because it would not have his signature. Take on the argument (with facts) that Trump’s plans to deport millions will deprive our economy of much needed sevices and taxpayers. Reform comes in steps. Join the conversation.

I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

* My favorite subject, thank you! Trump’s Big Lie of election fraud has and will disenfranchise citizens in Swing and other states rightfully entitled to vote. Everyone favors election integrity and there is no evidence -whatsoever - that any federal election results are rigged or votes wrongly counted. There is abundant evidence that Trump induced voter suppression measures in Red state legislatures are pig-in-lipstick measures designed ti win my disenfranchising, intimidating and keeping voters from the polls.

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

* By nature everyone ought to defend their life and family. What do you mean? Does your child or crazy uncle with mental health challenges have the right to purchase a military grade weapon? Be specific, leave the generalities to the gullible. I respect your thoughts. Let’s talk.

I'm voting for the police to be respected once again.

* What does that mean? of course one should request a civil servant or department doing their jobs. Police, social workers, teachers, sanitation workers, school board members. Trump distracts by creating fear of those who live in cities, those who are immigrants, those who protest brutality, those who are LGBTQ+, disabled in some way. Love they neighbor, attend to the widow and orphan, the stranger, surely we agree on these values.

I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business.

* Then you have plenty of reasons not to vote for Trump. He sanctions and incites civil violence creating huge problems for police, exercises no power of moral. suasion, castigates cities for management while living in Mar-A-Lago at government expense, and in his business career has bilked small businesses by declaring bankruptcy time and again. His tax cuts are not for you or small businesses. His disdain for paying taxes due undermine cities, states and our national economy be creating deficits and non-compliance at record levels. Dig deeper. You’re backing a candidate who is all bluff.

I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street.

* Revolving door? What does that mean? People benefitting from government service - like Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. The return of Tortuers’ Lobbyist Paul Manafort? Trump himself is still on the street - a felon who covers the Ten Commandments and major crimes of political treachery. He pardons people who should not be. People who should not be - Roger Stone, for instance - still are.

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

* Respectfully, all voters believe this. Name your issue, then, let’s talk, respectfully.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

* Every citizen hopes for peace in our time. Human nature dictates otherwise. The USA is a beacon of freedom, a staunch believer that freedom is a daily fight. Our armed forces and diplomats are dedicated to that ongoing effort. We do not pretend to do this alone. Allies are essential. Now, let’s explore what you mean. I’m listening.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

* What does this mean to you? Most of us didn’t think about the electoral college until 2020. If you mean that a president can be president even failing to achieve a majority vote, OK. Surely you don’t mean that one can fake the electoral vote. And voting for a Republic certainly precludes cheating, be it the electoral vote, voter suppression, intimidation or undermining other fundamental building blocks of Republican order and the rule of law, righr?

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

* Again, every voter does. Say more, please.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

* Great topic. Complicated topic. We walk vote for a healthy economy, a healthy jobs market, an educational system which supports jobs, serious thinking about how to accomplish that in a rapidly changing world of technology and international competitors. And preserving our national advantage of a population that is not declining. What are your ideas?

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans.

* Fair enough. But do you know undocumented workers provide a significant and fixing share of our taxes and services to citizens of all agrès - in nursing homes, hospitals, at-home care, childcare, construction, agriculture, food processing. distribution and retail. So what are your ideas?

I'm voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country

* Bet you wish your candidate did too.

I'm voting to keep men out of women's sports.

* Wow - that’s a big statement, leaving out the key term trans women. Suppose we started the conversation about your feelings about non-binary people? Your gay cousin or neighbor for example, and go from there?

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

* We all are. Your thoughts?

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

* We all are. Your thoughts?

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

* Great! Our Founders left a Europe consumed by religious wars, intent on a civil footing encourager each time choose and insisting no national establishment of any religion or sect. So wise, so challenging to keep in mind.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

* Ouch! Nicely. done. As to STEM courses, no one can argue that math and science skills teach us how to reason - deductively and inductively. To gather facts, decide what’s relevant and material. See connections, discover everything is related tu everything. Another way to discover our common humanity and powers is study of the liberal arts - the gifts of the humanities - our individual and collective lives, through stories and creations - allowing us to discover and affirm what is true about life - its struggles and triumphs, the importances of dreams and humilies, the uniqueness of every life and how to negotiate those inherent differences with respect, hope and even love. To favor patience and cooperation, to be grateful for the support of our community while accepting exclusion as an unfortunate outcome of those who act inhumanely. Allowing schools to open those doors to our humanity and its possibilities for harmony and peace ain’t such a bad thing. Let’s talk more.

I'm not just voting for one person.

* agreed

I'm voting for the future of my Country.

* agreed

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren

* agreed

to ensure their freedoms

America is the greatest country in the world, hense why everyone wants to immigrate here.

* agrred

So why do you want to change it?

* Our Declaration of Independence is on. call to answer that question - to form a more perfect Union, one with liberty and justice for all, where courage and hope reign, free of fear, full of faith in a shared future

Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

* I sense an Adam Kinzinger moment - Country over party, just this one time, and hard work to restore truly republican principles to our national billboard.

I'm not voting for Trump.

* so relieved to here it.

I'm voting for America.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

Tom, thank you for your response to Sue’s post that reflects a person’s reasons for voting for Trump. I appreciate your calm, respectful, and knowledgeable points, sharing indisputable facts and finding commonalities.

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Most MAGAts would have walked away after the third or fourth point. THAT’s the problem.

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Fair enough. So maybe first talk about what their dog and mine have in common?

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Thanks for sharing, Sue. It is a stark reminder of how divided the nation is. "I am voting for the future of my country" or "We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren" reflect exactly our own feelings. Of course, there are good arguments against practically each and every issue raised in this mail but I doubt these people can be reached. They live in an echo chamber.

All the more important it is to reach the undecided, the uninvolved. It must be made clear to them that the elections indeed are about the future of the country. Get.Out.The.Vote.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 2

Yes, this captures what trump supporters I know believe and illustrates what they mean when they say, "I don't like him so much, but I like his policies". Embedded in this list is a wish to GO BACK to a more "traditional" America, where the patriarchy, religion, generational wealth, and a "separate but equal" racial construct are preserved. These are the "policies" they think he will deliver, without regard to his moral and legislative failings. He delivered judges, tax cuts and a brazen defiance of manners, mores, and institutions and they want more of that. Apparently, he's a means to an end for many fellow Americans. I appreciate you sharing your friends post, it helps me to better understand how his supporters are able to cloak their support for his amoral garish grift in the American flag.

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a more "traditional" America, where the patriarchy, religion, generational wealth, and a separate but equal racial construct are preserved.


IMO, you should have also put "separate but equal" in quotes like you did "traditional" because we all know it was separate but certainly NOT equal!

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Absolutely! Thank you

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History will make clear who Trump is and what he’s done. The “4 years of service without pay” has been proven false.

I vote for freedom FROM religion so others cannot impose their religious beliefs on my family.

Your granddaughters would surely appreciate the rights we enjoyed for 50 years. By voting red you assure them a necessary fight for their rights AND FREEDOMS.

And lastly, Trump has already informed and modeled children of his moral code.

Kyle Rittenhouse was 13 when he became president, by the age of 17 that kid had a weapon of war in his hands, crossed state lines with it and killed 2 people believing that he was a patriot called to duty for DJT.

And the hundreds of people hurt and those killed in the Jan 6th Insurrection against the capital and our Constitution are a demonstration of the influence of Trump and what we can expect if he is re-elected.

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Trump doesn’t support 90% of the things on that list. I think you just say that. You could go point by point I suppose. He says “the press is the enemy of the people” and has threatened to jail Zuckerberg. Does that sound like support for the first amendment? He supports government funding of religious schools and a national abortion ban because his supporters say it’s against Christianity. Does that sound like freedom of religion? He was convicted of 34 felonies and has been indicted in three other criminal cases, including for inciting a violent insurrection. Does that sound like support for law and order? His appointed Supreme Court justices have overturned long established precedent and he has said he would be a dictator on day one. Does that sound like support for the Constitution? I could go on and on. Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of young people who she’s trying to “protect” despise him and his policies. Save me the “protecting our grandchildren” bit. Unfollow them on social media and if you get together in person do not let them railroad you with their holier than thou rhetoric.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 6

Your astronomical images offer me daily stunning reminders of wonder and beauty. Thank you, sir. See you at Donna Jaffee's event in two weeks!

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I believe you mean astronomical, not astrological. Big difference between science and fiction.


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Thank you! Fixed. Yeesh, I'm embarrassed.

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Sep 1Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The last time you opened Comments to everyone, I think I was too late in my response for it to be recorded. So I just want to say now that your photographs are exquisite and very calming at a time when we all need that. I learned about astronomical photography and the surprising fact to me that details are more visible in color than in black-and-white when I saw David Malin’s photographs, which I believe were the first to be taken in color. I bought his book because it was so beautiful. Yours are equally astonishing.

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Sep 1Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Not a comment this time, and this is totally off our usual “topic”, but my husband and I have a question for you, Robert: Would you please briefly explain to your readers “like we’re five years old,” how you go about taking these amazing celestial photos? I assume you have a super duper telescope with a built in digital camera and some sort of geo-positioning feature. How big is it? Is it set up in your backyard? Do you set an alarm to get up in the middle of the night to take these photos? How do you know where to point the telescope? Do you take photos and then figure out what it is, or do you intentionally look for a specific star cluster, or whatever? What if it’s cloudy or there’s a super moon? How long do you spend doing this-15 minutes? An hour? Do you go back to bed afterwards? Do you filter and adjust the photos the next day or right after you take them? Thank you for sharing these amazing photos with us.

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Yes; in response to reader requests, I am going to do a video. In short, I have a telescope with an integrated camera. It takes ten second exposures and then "stacks" those exposures on top of one another. That amplifies the light from very dim objects. One photo might have hundreds or thousands of exposures that equal a combined exposure of several hours.

I have a software program that guides my scope (Sky Safari). You can purchase the program for your smart phone.

My telescope is autonomous. Once it starts taking pictrures, I go back to writing the newsletter.

I "develop" the photos in Adobe Lightroom. When taking photos of a dark sky, the stars are very bright and overwhelm the dim deep sky objects. I use a software program that "removes" the stars. I then adjust the exposure levels of the deep sky object, and then add the original stars back.

My processing techniques are very rudimentary. It takes me about ten minutes, at most. Expert astronomers / astrophotographers would spend hours developing a photo. they would isolate every element of a photo--lights/darks, colors, stars, nebulosity, tone curves, etc. They would not use a commercially available program like Lightroom. But amateurs like me use Lightroom because we are not going to commercially publish or print our photos.

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Thanks for the explanation!

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Regarding Kamala’s change from supporting a ban on fracking to not supporting a ban: I get it that she doesn’t want to alienate PA voters, but she could (going forward) say that as the development of a green energy infrastructure expands, the need for the gas extracted in fracking will organically decrease. And those working in the field of fracking will be needed in the building of that green energy infrastructure (so jobs will not be lost, but instead they will transition). She could say that because of the shift away from the need for gas that will naturally happen, thanks to the Biden/Harris Administration’s investments in mitigating climate change, an actual ban on fracking is no longer needed to phase it out. Market forces will do that for us (a nod to the staunch capitalist voters). She could say that she prefers the result of a more gradual transition of those jobs so that workers can adjust and adapt more readily.

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Great answer, but fairly long and nuanced. I'm afraid our modern news cycle doesn't deal well with nuance. If you can get that concept down to one short sentence, then send it to the Harris campaign. I totally agree with what you are saying, and would love for that message to get through. We just need to make it "newsworthy"....

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She could also say that there is a need for oversight and regulation via the EPA to ensure that fracking is done in the safest manner possible, and not in the backyard of schools or other sensitive locations like the aquifer that supplies drinking water for a town or city. That will set her apart from anything the Trumpster might say.

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She doesn't have to say it. As Lonni says, that's too nuanced for the kind of people we're trying to reach now. She just has to do it when she is elected. And she will. Fracking is not important to address in this election. It's not a major issue in the minds of Americans concerned about the cost of groceries. The only reason anyone is talking about fracking is, the MAGA people are desperately searching for something to attack Harris with. Fracking is something she said, like, five years ago. It's not on Americans' minds now. Don't allow yourself to get distracted. Harris' silence is golden.

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Sep 1Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I have a partner who loves your work and shares her readings with me. You are a wonderful leader of reading as your posts can be fascinating. THANK YOU!

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