The question I have at this point, and perhaps it’s too early to know, is what “movement” if any is being engaged at this point? In 1933 the strategy of the opposition was to let him bury himself with ill advised action, which I guess did occur, but not until 12 years and a lot of destruction later. I think the clear consensus is that There’s no cavalry here, and an eerie silence from Dems, so is this all wait and see? The dominos seem to be falling and show little sign of abating.
But that said my objective here isn’t doom and gloom porn but actually asking the question…is there any particularly unified movement that people can support without feeling futile? Navalny said don’t be afraid, and so does Rebecca Solnit, but to me what we’re dealing with is more of a strategic issue - more like a prisoner’s dilemma, in which the lack of/ difficulty of coordination against descent to autocracy is our greatest (and pervasive) weakness. Again, I’m asking about practical direction, not against what’s “certain” or pre-ordained to happen, but what could hopefully be arrested at the front end rather than the back end. I’m concerned that Optimism is good as a disposition, but not a tactic or strategy.
@B Evans, I very much appreciate you posting the link for Indivisible’s updated Guide. Considering we are faced with a real challenge where the results of a democratic election clearly stand in real tension and contrast with the principles of the Constitution, I’m unaware of a more astute resource for helping us figure out how we navigate that tension in the weeks and months and years ahead if we are to preserve self-government in this country.
Briefly, its co-authors, two former congressional aids, are guiding 3000+ Indivisible local chapters across the country to develop action plans suited to their particular states for using their constituent power to help in the nationwide effort to resist the infiltration of the MAGA agenda into their states and communities.
Quoting from the Guide, “Our best chance to get through this era with some amount of democracy intact is to hang on until 2026 and win big in the midterms—breaking Trump’s hold on Congress and making sure election deniers and saboteurs aren’t in charge of the 2028 election. We’ve boiled it down to three big plays…”
I think a lot of us, though determined, are concerned there may not be a2026 midterm, or if there is, voting rights, the electorate and the information sources will be, by then, too compromised to be a solution. Though he may be a fool, the powers that own him are not.
Lisa, While your concerns are justified and, admittedly, I share them, I also hold to Indivisible’s conviction that “together, we have the power to fight back—and win.” I would add that I increasingly am bolstered by the growing number of powerful, everyday people nationwide, who are saying, “I’m committed to doing this no matter what comes. Will you do it with me?”
With allies like Democracy Docket Founder Attorney Marc Elias, to name just one, standing shoulder to shoulder with us, how can we not stay in the fight to try and ensure that when we as voters hand our power over to a representative it’s only temporary and constrained by sufficient safeguards that help to ensure the ultimate power resides with the people to render their verdict every 2 and 4 years of whether or not their representatives do a good job?
Please be assured I don’t underestimate the challenge given the results of the 2024 democratic election that stand in profound contrast with the principles of the Constitution. Still, I understand that what separates individuals who act from those who stand aside is the sense of personal urgency they develop and the recognition that we cannot expect—and certainly should not wait for—someone else to carry the weight and solve our problems.
I would note if I appear preachy, that’s not my intent. I simply am committed to standing up for the principles of “small d” democracy in the country, and that means we must all organize together as active participants in our civic future.
Arguing over “mandate” is sterile. To Trumpsters and, probably many uncommitteds, it tastes like sour grapes.
Here’s the ineluctable fact: the election gave Trump forces *power*; they will use it. Forces of liberalism and progressivism need to recapture *power* to oust the forces of darkness and perform good works. They also need to deploy their shreds of power and influence to neutralize Trumpsters’ power and activities.
He is a fool, and those folks do feel like they own him I think, BUT he has to be the top in his world, which means (if we are lucky) he may get to the point where he fires these smarter (evil) people?
Eadie, I did click it. My only suggestion would have been to visit where one would find a perfectly re-formatted version of the updated Guide.
Barbara, although I fully support and what they are doing, I did visit the most recent It does not offer specific, concrete step by step directions to a specific issue as to what an individual can do and accomplish. On the other hand Thom Hartmann in his last newsletter, I think 12/13 devoted his newsletter to Gerrymandering. That is an issue I can understand and get behind. It is not a general statement that everyone should undertake like writing postcards and calling reps.
Eadie, Did you read through all 30 pages of the updated Manual which guide the reader through a host of action plans rooted in both state and local matters? I ask because the updated Guide, along with supplemental material, has been our groups go-to source for assigning tasks to our members, tasks I would add that collectively contribute to the nationwide effort to resist the infiltration of the MAGA agenda into our states and communities.
B Evans, I clicked on your link. I first got a Public Announcement video from Rachel Maddow about Christi Noem for Homeland Security, appointed by DJT. Next, I got a long dissertation on where we've been, commencing in 2016. This continued with suggestions on what organizers could do up until the present. It took 30 minutes just to scroll down to our present situation. However, no where were there any suggestions other than contact your reps and let them know how you appreciate what they have done and your request that they vote against Project 25 and a host of other things depending on your geographic location. I spent an hour on this and am no more informed than I was before. The suggestions were for organizers, not for individuals that J Noah questioned. I am a senior. I am in no condition to organize anything! I write postcards and send letters, which probably fall on deaf ears.
Excellent information. Over time I have heard all of these from elected officials and their staff at town halls and speaking events. Here are the two that I have heard the most: only interested in hearing from their constituents, and form letters/emails are ignored.
I too am a senior "in no condition to organize anything". I'm trying to connect with those who are organizing locally, but no luck finding groups. So how does this leave you feeling>? I'm feeling isolated, bewildered and lost.
There is another book called "Antidemocratic: The Far Right's 50 Year Plan to Control American Elections" It explains how the right has sought to control the courts in order to control elections.
Gina, I read your outline and the original link posted by B. Evans. What did you learn as an individual from the outline? I learned to stand strong, don't give up, organize. I learned nothing about concrete steps I could take. I'd be interested in what you learned?
This is a huge question. It seems to me that a major, major weakness for Dems has been highlighted. One of those, I hate to say, is President Biden’s lack of energy/fight. I think history will judge his legislation, and particularly economic program, kindly, but it feels, at least to me, that he’s just forgotten we’re here. I guess out of respect for him, no one has stepped up forcefully, but Trump has just started acting like he’s president, and it feels like Biden is just letting him.
Lots of people, probably everyone in this chat, are taking actions that are important, but it’s that overall at the top leadership that feels lacking. So I guess I will add to my actions calling Dem leaders and telling them how I feel.
Lastly, I’m wondering if people in red states and blue states feel this differently. I’m in Texas, so I feel abandoned bumpy leadership here. To have the national Dems somewhat rudderless is doubly discouraging. My local situation, though nonpartisan, is much “bluer,” and I will be spending much of my spring focused on that while urging national Dem leaders to step up and fast! (Ben Wikler for Dem chair, please,)
Cathy, I still have the fantasy that Biden is doing something behind the scenes that will shock and awe us - the leftovers of 8 years of "help is coming." I have to shake my head and come back to reality. I just don't get the silence.
For me, the question is, is there really nothing going on behind the scenes or has the media just not bothered to report it because they've decided Biden's no longer relevant!
About Biden, why was he not at the Army/Navy football game yesterday, as he is still our Commander in Chief? Meanwhile, Trump and his gang were there, acting like he is already President. Biden is still our President. He should act like it.
I read it daily, and it really helps to understand that Biden is an extremely busy president. I wonder if such a conversation will happen under the Trump administration?
True, but image/perception/messaging are. This was a football game between two military academies, the prides of those branches. Perhaps senior admin/leadership was at the game and just not shown on TV. But the image was that the current commander in chief or VP or SECDEF weren’t visible, but the incoming guy, who has no current role, and his misfits WERE, and at least to me that is a bad look.
It’s like the pardon. There is rationale to justify it, but the messaging is horrible and diminishes the Dems.
My guess is that he does not have the stamina to do the job as it needs to be done, and I think that will detract from his legacy. This is why some corporations encourage early retirement…compensating execs well with the expectation there will be room for younger go-getters to move up sooner rather than later.
I actually think this is a problem in both parties (Grassley, really?), but unfortunately with too many older eggs in one basket (Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein, RBG for that matter taking up the places at the table, a few unfortunate events can leave national leadership “short” at a time it’s needed most. Seems to me there is a broad, talented bench, but too many at the top have considered themselves indispensable and unwilling to support the next group of leaders by stepping aside in their 70s.
Since the election Trump acts like he is already president. It was telling that he attended the Army/Navy game when it is usually the sitting president or vice president. Trump is also getting all of the press. I think that anything Biden does will be ignored, unless it can become a negative story like Hunter's pardon.
I'm not sure what Democrats should do until Trump has been inaugurated. I trust that there are smart people who are making plans, and there would be no benefit to announce them until action can be taken.
I think the most important thing we can all do now is donate to independent media. ABC's $15m ridiculous capitulation is a sign of what is to come. Democracy Docket isn't media, but Marc Elias is moving beyond legal issues, and a vote of confidence is in order.
Cathy Murphree From my perspective, TX has a huge gerrymandering problem not to mention its Governor that will have to be dealt with before Democratic candidates can make big inroads. Do you agree?
Yes, you are correct. I am in the Dallas area. My state house district looks like an upside down L and picks up pieces of 6 cities. It almost slipped blue a few years ago so was gerrymandered further after the last census. So frustrating.
But we also have been clobbered at the statewide level, so we can’t just blame gerrymandering.
Voter registration and voting itself is tough here, again made more so by additional voting restrictions.
Thankfully, we do have some dynamic young Dem stars here, and, also thankfully, our state party chair has resigned.
But it’s going to be a slog, I think, and meanwhile, some of our best and brightest, including a couple of my kids, are leaving the state. It’s just not a young family friendly place, except for affordability, which is a genuine plus.
I find that any attempts to rectify gerrymandering by the Dems no matter where they try is boomeranged back to accusations that they are attempting to gerrymander. I don't know if that is true or not, but the publicity isn't good when that hits the headlines.
Some people fail to consider the character and steadfast oath to the rule of law. Though the upcoming administration ha NO fidelity to the ethics or values of the Constitution, nor the oath expected to be taken upon being sworn into office.
I am in blue California and I also feel abandoned by our Democratic “leaders .” They don’t seem to know what to do and they are not seeking advice from those of us in the trenches.
I'm in New Hampshire and very naive and new to actually trying to help the Dems., you know post cards, letters to prospective voters. I feel your longing for leadership, and I want to help, ie. what now???
But then yesterday I saw an interview of Ben Wikler on the the Daily show with Jon Stewart. This seemed to be a very serious interview about the same feelings many of us have; LEADERSHIP. Ben is talking about "A VISION for the FUTURE of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY" !
As DNC chair of Wisconsin's party he was part of some exciting changes. He speaks with enthusiasm and has realistic ideas re: the future. I will continue to follow him, and contact Senator Maggie Hassen's office here in New Hampshire about him.
I'll also be contacting our Democratic Leaders here in New Hampshire to find out more about "". Maybe our Senate and Democratic Representatives are already involved ? Thanks again !
CO Dem senators Bennet and Hickenlooper nave no energy/fight....and Bennet even supported justice(s) who made women lose rights to heir own bodies. Although good at the beginning of his term, Polis now talks about good things RFK Jr doing and even heard one speech by him when he said the rich should no have to pay taxes because wealth is good and wants to fund things by sale and sin taxes- by people who can least afford it!
I feel that Biden has done an excellent job fighting for the people after our worldwide COVID catastrophe. I feel if it had been TFG during this time, our nation would be a disaster and more.
I too am discouraged by the lack of organized Democratic opposition. But I am more worried that the falling dominoes you refer to are the legacy media and corporate America. I guess the silver lining is we know for sure that it's up to us. No one more powerful or better situated is going to stand up to help us.
I do keep thinking back to how good and optimistic I felt just after Biden's election--and really, even once he was inaugurated, because I thought Trump had finally gone too far for Republicans. Remember the feeling that Biden was bringing us back to the days of FDR, or maybe just LBJ, and breaking the back of supply-side economics, was going to empower the unions, do something about climate change, strengthen voting rights, etc? Well, we saw how Republicans could be very effective at both changing the narrative and stopping progress (with help from Manchin and Sinema, of course). That has to be our guide: Trump seems strong, he seems horrifyingly popular, but things can change fast. We have to be ready to act when things go wrong for him. And we need to be laying the groundwork now, pointing out the corruption, not accepting the human rights violations quietly, making sure that people understand what is happening to women. I know it's going to be hard, and I sure wish we had media that would be as hard on Trump as they were on Biden, but that's not our reality. I am so thankful for courageous independent journalists and people like Robert and HCR and Joyce Vance and Marc Elias and so many others who won't be quieted.
If you don’t already, Brian Tyler Cohen does a great job too! Check out his youTube channel. He does a regular “Democracy Watch” podcast with Marc Elias.
Read Meidas Touch Network on Substack, and if you can afford it, subscribe and support the brothers, who are aiming to be one of the outlets that will take the place of legacy media, which has most definitely lost its way. They already have a huge following. They have podcasts, too.
While they do some very important reporting, they also use bs inflammatory headlines that never even enter some of their stories. Tell them to stop that-it reduces their legitimacy.
Ellen, who are the we? Good suggestions, but individuals can only write to reps. Many individuals are not in a position to organize, energize or mobilize the democrats. That's what we elected our reps to do. If anyone has the initiative, we first have to mobilize people to put pressure on their democratic reps in congress.
That's a good point. Some of us do talk to Trump voters--not necessarily true MAGAs, but people who in the end chose Trump--I think they may be among the first to have buyer's remorse. And I was very impressed with the guide from Indivisible that was posted here--it really addresses what each of us can do, whether our reps are blue or red. I'm not pretending it's going to be easy.
Ellen, I read the entire guide and the outline. I support Indivisible, but I found no where in their suggestion that addressed individuals. Can you be specific about what you found helpful for individual democratic voters to follow in the Guide.
Years ago I heard Granny D speak, and her message was the same - do the work so that when a break comes you are ready. In her 80s she walked across the US for campaign finance reform. When she got to Washington, she was ignored. After Enron attitudes changed. John McCain and Russ Feingold were able to pass the McCain-Feingold Act for campaign finance reform. All of that is gone now, but it can happen.
The best strategy I can come up with is the time is NOW to promote strong and winning Presidential figures to save the Democratic Party and it should be men, and the Dems should give them personal security backup from the get-go.
As I wrote in a previous comment, Our country is still very young compared to those that have had iconic female leaders, so I think we need to realize that and stop the female candidacy tactic. I'm just very sad it did not work out for Kamala Harris. She's a smart cookie and would have served nobly.
I wish I didn't agree with you. America's immaturity reveals itself in every news cycle. Kamala Harris might well have been one of the best presidents in my long life. She ran an excellent campaign. She would have led with intelligence, inclusiveness and grace.
But you might be right. It's awful. It's wrong. It is stupid. But is this nation acting more like a crazed teenager (we ALL are crazy for a few years) or a spoiled toddler?
Too many Americans don't have the mental bandwidth to escape the trite and troublesome appeal of the "strong man". It is primal. Perhaps with more history and a better educational system we could break free of tyranny's grip.
Hi Bill, Yes! Better education is key. We are behaving like the adolescent years indeed, I just hope this phase in our young country's history will not destroy us.
The only thing I wonder about is the trending hyperbolic doom forecast for the Trump Presidency when I believe we have a safety wall of the intelligentsia in this country that will defend Democracy and will not cave into recklessness.
It is too bad that basic economics is not a required class in every high school in the country, what "supply and demand" really mean, distribution of wealth through taxation works and "trrickle-down" has never worked, division of labor and specialization . . . things that everyone should know, like a noun is the name of a person, place, or thing and 1+1 =2. Most of the wealth my wife and I created in, so far, over 52 years of marriage, is going to five colleges including one that employed me . Education needs all the help it can get.
Please be aware, however, that there are conservative narratives for American History and economics. Mindlessly calling for more “education”, without due attention to the *content* of the education can backfire.
Hardly "mindless." But I'm carrying a lifetime of learning and teaching so I had limited time and space to chose some examples. True enough, though, there are economists at both ends of rhe economic scale but usually 1+1 = 2 (math is beyond me) and nouns are defined as quoted.
I agree. Maybe we have had things good for too long and are spoiled. I see hate and anger being a powerful force by having the luxury of too much free time and abundance of electronic gadgetry to spend in the right wing media bubble everyday. It allows us to live in willful denial or alternate explanations of all the bad things that Trump has done and create some misguided idea that the economy was better under Trump. Many are also never going to have to worry about sharing a trans bathroom or be near a flood of illegal immigrants--except in their media bubbles. Maybe it will take the simple fact that they see prices go up again to turn around. The selfish cycle repeats.
I disagree with your suggestion Susannah Talley. I believe we need to focus on local, down ballot races strongly. We need to win from the bottom up. Why? Because WE lost because we forgot that a “Vote is not a Valentine. It’s a Chess Move.” (Rebecca Solnit). The gop understood this for decades and slowly built a rural message machine by winning local, small/medium/large races. We lose 100% of the races we never show up for. We also allow the gop to concentrate their money on critical dem-race targets with the extra cash and time they saved by our abdicating so many smaller/med/large races in “red areas”. Having a “winning white guy” at the top of the ticket “just because” is not the direction our values send us. We ran a great candidate. She ran an awesome campaign in the shortest time ever. We were up against a decades-long small/medium/large gerrymandered “red-state” strategy. They became red because WE abandoned them with the feeling that if “we can’t win” there is no use to these people. They need genuine representative help. It’s being done in small communities places like Traverse City Michigan. This is a long-game vision.
I feel as though it' not clear exactly *what* we are fighting. Trump said a lot of dramaic and provocative stuff on the campaign trail. But I'm not sure he really meant it. It seems to me his ADD (and other qualities) make him more interested in "the fight," (or *a* fight), than a war for any ideology. Already he is walking back his claims of fixing inflation and reporting millions or all of illegal immgrants. Remember the first time around, when he claimed he would abolish Obamacare and later said something along the lines of, "who knew how complicated healthcare is?" BUT if these supremely unqualified clowns get their cabinet positions or heads of departments, and start trying to reqrite the rules, then we have something to chew on. We don't know though, how loyal the GOP sentaors and reps will be. And how beholden, and what is the nature of that beholdenness - money?) is Trump to those who have his ear, and will he do their bidding? At this point, it makes more sense to outline the ways resistance can happen, a flow chart of sorts, outlining various ways Trump et al could try to take us down, and what avenues exist currently for resistance. I think when it becomes clearer what is going to happen, the resistance will rouse up pretty quickly. We just don't know yet exactly what we are dealing with.
I’m looking for visible signs of the opposition through the courts and locally….Democracy Docket, The Down Ballot……there are some glimmers. It’s hard now because we lack any kind of a somewhat unified media presence….there are individuals who post and make video content, but it sure would be helpful if some of the journalists could band together to make their own content to livestream somewhere. There has to be interest and $ for such…..not all corps are kowtowing….check out Goods Unite Us website
I've watched a lot of WWII movies. Europe had and has different countries with different governments. We have states here that are bound together by our constitution. I just can't imagine armies marching through American cities. Technology has changed. The USA has 334 million people who have enjoyed prosperity for the most part and most won't put up with major changes that a dictator would demand. I don't believe that could happen here. Maybe I'm naive...but I don't see that happening.
It won't have to be "world war" in scale and scope. But very sadly, I can imagine Federal troops (infiltrated heavily with "Christian Nationalists") confronting the Massachusetts National Guard and/or our State Police. I can see mayors standing tall against ICE. And maybe, just maybe the churches will find the souls they had in the 60's and some preachers will shelter the vulnerable.
We have a terrific governor. Tough, compassionate and intelligent. I would not like to be in her shoes. American Fascism is just days away...
I can also imagine the “loosing” of pro-T militias, some of whose members will be pardoned and freed from prison. They will be all too happy to go on vigilante missions.
The crux of your reply is that the people in this country have “enjoyed prosperity for the most part”. That’s why they - and you - are naive to think it can’t or wont happen here.
What if the Dems are as passive as it appears? The old saying is that, The Dem party is the place progressive hopes go to die". A third progressive party is a far reach d/t both Dems and Rep. Yet I reach out to progressive efforts, parties like the Green and Working Family, and work with Indivisible when I can. Hope and work are my only options all though all seems hopeless and unworkable.
It seems that the gears of our society have been so structured through governmental laws, policies, court decisions etc over the past several decades to concentrate wealth and political power in the hands of a relative few giant corporations and the billionaires that own them. Include the media in that, which has been essential (and extremely effective) in manufacturing the consent of the governed for this arrangement, even if that arrangement is not accurately portrayed as such by the media. The situation we find ourselves in now, where the policies above have resulted in such a top heavy society rivaling the worst of the Gilded Age, is that the resulting pain, anger, and anxiety caused for the large majority of the population requires extraordinary measures by the ruling elite to fend off any challenges from below to their control of society. This is where the conservative extremism of Trump and MAGA comes in. If a dictator is required to maintain control of society for the benefit of billionaires, then so be it. It seems to me that we need to focus on those gears and mechanisms that effectuate the maintenance of this control over society and gum them up, make them malfunction, expose them as ridiculously fraudulent in any way we can to discredit them. But we have to do this in a way that doesn't alienate the average MAGA voter because we need to peel off just enough of them to our side. Many of them were supporters of Obama as well as Sanders, so it is doable.
I think that’s one of the things we need to face - that some autocracy supporters (even if passively) are actually potential allies. In my view, in theory maybe even a big chunk of them. They vote democracy out not because they hate it per se, but because it just wasn’t working for them (or most other people). And the rot in the D party is being revealed. In a way democracy was lost for a lot of people years ago and everyone else was trying to hope it was still working, but the failure of it kept spreading.
The Biden Admin did much to begin the needed reversal of the neoliberal order. However, the Dems lacked an effective enough communications strategy/infrastructure to promote his successes and their positive meaning for the bottom 90% of us. This was crucial for getting us through the initial tough times of supply chain backlogs, and inflation. Plus too many corporate controlled Dems were not on board with Biden's policies, notably Sinema and Manchin who blocked his more expansive legislative efforts. In the end it turned out to be too little too late after some 40 years of toxic Reaganomics. The monopolist owned media could easily neutralize the Dem's efforts and convince people a strengthening economy was actually in a recession. Further too many Democrats are afraid to be populist, which is what our party is supposed to be about. This is testament to how much control the rich have over our political economy.
Thank You for articulating this very challenging topic so eloquently and precisely. I myself am searching for direction as I’m still at a loss. And, yes I too see the Dems in Congress warily quiet. I do believe this is not for a lack of planning nor strategy.
Please see B Evans note regarding Indivisible. My local Indivisible committee is now in the planning stages to start engaging with our new House Rep and his office staff after he is sworn in next month. You can find if there is a chapter local to you here.
B. Evans, did you read my reply to your suggestion. I'm all in favor Indivisible Guide. However, the guide I was looking for led me down a rabbit's hole. It provided no info. regarding what I could do as an individual. Organizing is out of the question for most people.
Lynn, what are they suggesting individuals can do? Please list the concrete step by step suggestions you think is in the Guide. I read it. I couldn't find any. BTW, I support and their efforts. The only individual I know of that are doing the same are Marc Elias and Thom Hartmann.
From the Indivisible website: "If you're already part of a local Indivisible group, ready to join a local Indivisible group or start your own local group to fight against the Trump agenda, fill out the form below. Our team will connect you with resources, guidance, and others nearby who are eager to take action."
I agree. Just because the Democrats are quiet, doesn't mean they aren't planning. Nice to see a small change in leadership with Jamie Raskin, and probably AOC, but we need much more.
The key leadership change Democrats need to make, now, is Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Democrats need a superb organizer and fundraiser who is, also, savvy about politics and is a talented spokesperson.
Take a look at this. It hits at the heart of what you’re saying. The question is can the D party be revived from the state of being a corrupt neoliberal zombie party working for all the same oligarchs. Oddly, I think it might be easier to do that than start a new party. Take a read…
If I were younger I would go to law school. It seems to me that the courts are a really good place to resist. If you're not able to do that, as I am not, I suggest supporting organizations that bring cases and file amicus briefs. Common Cause is one. The ACLU is another. March for Our Lives also. Hope this helps.
Eadie Sharon Postcards and letters so count. Everyone has a role to play. From the Guide, there are 15 states with a blue trifecta[1] — CA, CO, CT, DE, HI, IL, ME, MD, MA, NJ, NM, NY, OR, RI, and WA — nine more than we had in 2017. **These 15 states represent nearly half of the national gross domestic product and have an outsized level of cultural and economic power. This is a significant gain!
Nancy, thank you for your comment. I needed to be reminded. However, I still feel abandoned in a blue state like CA where I live. Our democratic leadership has failed us. They are the ones who should be organizing democrats. Thom Hartmann's letter today gave me something as an individual I can stand behind. It's called Gerrymandering. The repubs. have used this to win every election from Reagan Bush, and tRump. The democratic leadership has done little to defeat this unconstitutional initiative the state gov'ts. have used to defeat democrats.
Heather Cox Richardson often says, "Do what you do best." Well, I make Christmas cookies, and in response to the trauma of the election, I started baking. Someone in the comments here asked that people support Democrats in rural counties in Pennsylvania that could really use some donations. Somewhere I wrote down her name, but I asked who she recommended, and she responded "Beaver County."
Living in the blue mail-in-voting state of Oregon, it seems pointless to do anything here. I also want to support small organizations working in rural communities. So that is how Cookies for Beaver County came about. People who donate $10 to Beaver County Democrats get a box of my cookies. We've raised $600 so far.
I wanted to share this in appreciation of the community that Robert Hubbell has brought together, but also to inspire people. Be creative, and reach out to your community. My friends, and their friends, were eager to have a way to do something as we all try to figure out how to respond to this crisis, and who doesn't like cookies. In the big picture, what I am doing is not going to have a big impact, but it feels empowering to say, "I can do this." Maybe there is something you can do too.
What a lovely organizing tool. I live in Louisville KY and a woman here works with The States Project, that targets winning “winnable” state elections. She runs Pies for Progress” where she offers pies instead of cookies, and has raised over $285,000 for this initiative; I don’t have the current count and don’t know how long she’s been doing this. Keep up the great work. If you want contact info let me know.
that's great. I would gladly buy a pie. The States Project is one of my favorite organizations, and high on my donation list. there is a group in California doing cupcakes. There is something about food that connects to people in a special way
Can you bake cookies and ship them to me for cost, your time and a contribution? I have a couple of "Cookie Swaps" to attend and I don't bake cookies. Please let me know: thnx!!! Susan
Avoiding deeply reading the news, instead getting info from meidas, YouTube, and substacks, protecting my mental health by being with family and taking the time I used to spend listening to political podcasts and instead knitting while listening to non fiction audio books that have been piling up over the years. This has helped because I just can’t do this again: be outraged every single day at every disastrous thing he says and does. I can’t. So, paying attention, but no longer deep diving. Available for protests and donations as necessary.
Well I'm trying to get a million people to contact Congress and insist that RFK not be placed at the head of HHS. That's an opportunity for action. We need to call not just our senators but Republican senators too! The message I'd like people to share is this one: I don't have autism and I've been vaccinated. I never had polio and I never had smallpox and I never had
( fill in the blank with your favorite vaccine preventive.) I think naming three of them should be good on those tiny little short voicemails you get to leave when you call your senator. And I'm encouraging the people who make the calls to also encourage their representatives and senators to stand up to Trump! And the idea it would be really cool if we made an impact and RFK was not appointed but at least we will have done something to try and keep him from getting appointed. Instead of passively hoping that he doesn't get appointed. So that's my call to action. Feel free to elevate it. I can't dig the phone number of the capital operator out of my phone while I'm recording this comment. But it's easy enough to access. I'd love to know if anybody actually makes the call and I'd love to know if they spread the word and try to make this goal happen. Thank you
I am with you. RFK is literally insane. Not competent. No qualifications for the job. Just crazy conspiracy debunked ideas. He IS a disease. He has already killed people with his antivax bullshit.
I DID have polio. And I don't want my grandchildren to watch their friends suffer as I did.
This is concrete action that we all can take. My senators have already spoken out against his confirmation so I don't need to. But he scares the hell out of me so I hope others will make calls, send emails, etc. I'm the one who posted that I was in the Salk polio trials.
I contacted my senator, Tammy Baldwin, concerning the RFK nomination this week. Contacting Wisconsin’s other senator, Ron Johnson, is a waste of time. He’s drunk on the Trump Fool Aid and should be in jail for his efforts to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election by conspiring with fake electors from our state.
And, after all, RFKjr sold his soul for power and has a huge piece of responsibility for the dictatorial takeover underway. This is his stepping stone to the presidency.
I have another comment to make two and that is Romania nullified their election when they found out Russia had interfered in it. And I wondered if we could do that. I've been asking different pundits that write on sub stack for their opinion and so far it's been pretty quiet but I thought it was a pretty bold move! We know our election was interfered in by Russia and Elon musk and other oligarchs. I think we should do the whole thing over again! But it just makes me think that America is not very nimble. We're just so used to everything going along smoothly. Oh well. I would work to get the election redone if there was a big coalition of us deciding it had to happen. We're definitely running out the time clock...
Putin brags that he tilted the election and says he expects a quid pro quo!
Biden needs to report on Russian interference ASAP! We are the victims of the Russian war on the USA. An admission is dispositive and is actionalble and constitutes an emergency.
Daniel, what is the best way to insist on Biden reporting on Russian interference? You are always helpful on the steps to take. I assume one starts with a message to the White House, but that doesn't sound, in itself, like an effective tactic, given we have a month to inauguration.
I have tried to push Democratic leaders, Biden and Harris to investigate the likelihood of election interference in 2024, as have many others, and the response by Democratic leaders is eerily silent. I don’t understand this. I think their lack of solidarity and “fight” in the face of high danger is a principal reason why so many have left or refuse to organize for the Party.
I've heard directly from a Dem House member (private convo) that Dems are having talks behind closed doors, preparing for significant legal strategies and battles. While I certainly hope so, I implore Dem leaders to speak to us, give us hope that you are standing up, that you can get others to stand up. We need to know the Force is With Us. As we watch more and more institutions kiss the ring & support the awakening of tyranny, there are so many of us out here who will never bend the knee.
No! Don't tell us. Don't reveal your secret plans.
Spring them on the MAGA Republicans at the opportune moment.
Catch them by surprise.
In the meantime, I'm kinda learning what it is to be brave, to put fears to one side, and to find useful things to do.
I live in New York State, still a democracy, if flawed. I'm working on several chosen topic areas, like election reform, climate action, and health policy.
I work with, or follow, multiple advocacy groups, such as the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, the Bethlehem Morning Voice Huddle, Bethlehem Indivisible.
That gives me plenty to do, right in "my own backyard."
As I lay awake with the light of the Longest Night Moon shining in, ruminating over the state of our Planet in Uproar, I heard this long ago quote from Casablanca-“it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world”. Clearly it’s a world of people with problems now- too overwhelming truly to hold. Then, my half-dream state shifted to thoughts of you, and how in the world can you persist in still finding ways to write through the Lens of Hope. It struck me for the first time that your choice of the word Lens and your awe inspiring photographs are where we may find hope-or peace of mind at least- in the reminder of how insignificant we are in comparison to the Infinite Mystery.
Thank you for persisting, optimism often eludes me, I deeply value your efforts to lift us and keep us from folding in to despair.
Critically Important action from Indivisible on the Equal Rights Ammendment (ERA):
Here is the link: This morning, National Indivisible sent an email imploring us to join the fight to codify the ERA. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you that the ERA has languished in amendment purgatory since Trump's first term. With just 38 days until Trump 2.0 begins, it is imperative that we urge our representatives to implore President Biden and VP Harris to make the ERA the 28th amendment, cementing protections for women, girls, and LGBTQ+.
Click on this link provided by Indivisible to call your representative. A script is provided too. Once you've made your calls please forward to everyone in your orbit. We need to make this happen before time runs out. To read the entire email from Indivisible click here. Thank you.
I wish Biden would make an executive order than trump can’t be president - he doesn’t qualify (Ammendment 14.3). Why do we have to march to our death - literally or figuratively? Why will no one act? This is truly life of death - of the nation, and perhaps many of us.
I feel the same way - that we are walking voluntarily into disaster. That we are giving our country over to the rich and powerful, who have stated - in advance - that they want to tear it down and destroy it. And we are standing by as Trump will lie (again) while taking the oath of office.
This article co-written by Joyce Vance, Dahlia Lithwick, and Mimi Rocah reminds us what a Senate confirmation is all about: "The Presumption of Innocence Has Nothing to Do With Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation"
Robert, I just want to thank you for doing your Saturday sessions on substack. Yesterday was my third one although I spaced out and didn't start it until 15 minutes into it. I am finding them very worthwhile and really enjoyed yesterday seeing your beautiful tree and having you and Jill talk about the history of some of your wonderful ornaments. Thank you very much for doing that.
I keep wondering how long it will be after Jan 20th that I will personally be effected by this new administrations policy changes. Will banking be different? What will happen to taxes and how long does that take to change? There's so much that's been talked about that could happen. So I'm cutting back and lightening up...simplification. It's mind bending to consider. I stay centered and calm and I wonder. I have stocked up on rice and beans.
I would really like to see those 1000s of executive orders trump plans to sign on day one? Is he going all out immediately with the military, proud boys, militias to round up enemies of the state?
We haven’t turned on the news since Election Day. We’re done with legacy media. And really disappointed with them. I’m sure the election was stolen….as are many of us. It was quick and over. No resistance! I found little acceptance to my theories and was told many times to move on. He won, that’s it. Frustrating. However, here we are. I vote in Florida…we have two special elections to fill senate seats. There’s another in Ohio, replacing Vance as well. Get behind them! We need to win every election going forward….there’s hope there! But with everyone kissing the ring, all the $1 million checks being given to trump for his inauguration parade or whatever he’s going to splash, it’s daunting and frustrating. But we can get behind these special elections and show we can win! And stay vigilant to every opportunity.
I’ve started my donations back up…here we go. We can’t quit!
Robert…bless you! Enjoy your Sunday. Thanks for being a light to us all in these dark times.
I am also very discouraged that nothing has been done to investigate this election. There are too many suspicious comments by the felon and the bomb threats were a Russian attack on our country and elections.
What leaves me still stuck in neutral is to my mind a huge disconnect. I’ve gotten the Indivisible guide and it all sounds great on paper. But I’m a progressive Democrat living in Manhattan. I had no idea how out of touch I truly was until I realized 49% of the people in this country voted for somebody explicitly racist, explicitly xenophobic, explicitly misogynistic, explicitly authoritarian. The Indivisible guide aims to “fracture their coalition” but what if there is no coalition, just millions of people who are enthusiastic about hate and authoritarianism?
Sherry, please don't give up on us folks beyond the Hudson. It's disheartening to be in a red state (in my case, Indiana), as others have mentioned but that doesn't mean we are foresaken. Read Jess Piper. Pick a red state to support. Help us turn the tide. We don't have to get everyone. AND we have to get people to vote? How to do that? Many ways, I suppose.
The question I have at this point, and perhaps it’s too early to know, is what “movement” if any is being engaged at this point? In 1933 the strategy of the opposition was to let him bury himself with ill advised action, which I guess did occur, but not until 12 years and a lot of destruction later. I think the clear consensus is that There’s no cavalry here, and an eerie silence from Dems, so is this all wait and see? The dominos seem to be falling and show little sign of abating.
But that said my objective here isn’t doom and gloom porn but actually asking the question…is there any particularly unified movement that people can support without feeling futile? Navalny said don’t be afraid, and so does Rebecca Solnit, but to me what we’re dealing with is more of a strategic issue - more like a prisoner’s dilemma, in which the lack of/ difficulty of coordination against descent to autocracy is our greatest (and pervasive) weakness. Again, I’m asking about practical direction, not against what’s “certain” or pre-ordained to happen, but what could hopefully be arrested at the front end rather than the back end. I’m concerned that Optimism is good as a disposition, but not a tactic or strategy.
Ways to resist, from the pro-democracy group Indivisible:
@B Evans, I very much appreciate you posting the link for Indivisible’s updated Guide. Considering we are faced with a real challenge where the results of a democratic election clearly stand in real tension and contrast with the principles of the Constitution, I’m unaware of a more astute resource for helping us figure out how we navigate that tension in the weeks and months and years ahead if we are to preserve self-government in this country.
Briefly, its co-authors, two former congressional aids, are guiding 3000+ Indivisible local chapters across the country to develop action plans suited to their particular states for using their constituent power to help in the nationwide effort to resist the infiltration of the MAGA agenda into their states and communities.
Quoting from the Guide, “Our best chance to get through this era with some amount of democracy intact is to hang on until 2026 and win big in the midterms—breaking Trump’s hold on Congress and making sure election deniers and saboteurs aren’t in charge of the 2028 election. We’ve boiled it down to three big plays…”
I think a lot of us, though determined, are concerned there may not be a2026 midterm, or if there is, voting rights, the electorate and the information sources will be, by then, too compromised to be a solution. Though he may be a fool, the powers that own him are not.
Lisa, While your concerns are justified and, admittedly, I share them, I also hold to Indivisible’s conviction that “together, we have the power to fight back—and win.” I would add that I increasingly am bolstered by the growing number of powerful, everyday people nationwide, who are saying, “I’m committed to doing this no matter what comes. Will you do it with me?”
With allies like Democracy Docket Founder Attorney Marc Elias, to name just one, standing shoulder to shoulder with us, how can we not stay in the fight to try and ensure that when we as voters hand our power over to a representative it’s only temporary and constrained by sufficient safeguards that help to ensure the ultimate power resides with the people to render their verdict every 2 and 4 years of whether or not their representatives do a good job?
Please be assured I don’t underestimate the challenge given the results of the 2024 democratic election that stand in profound contrast with the principles of the Constitution. Still, I understand that what separates individuals who act from those who stand aside is the sense of personal urgency they develop and the recognition that we cannot expect—and certainly should not wait for—someone else to carry the weight and solve our problems.
I would note if I appear preachy, that’s not my intent. I simply am committed to standing up for the principles of “small d” democracy in the country, and that means we must all organize together as active participants in our civic future.
And, let’s not forget: there was no “mandate”. We are many AND there are still many many citizens who did not vote.
Arguing over “mandate” is sterile. To Trumpsters and, probably many uncommitteds, it tastes like sour grapes.
Here’s the ineluctable fact: the election gave Trump forces *power*; they will use it. Forces of liberalism and progressivism need to recapture *power* to oust the forces of darkness and perform good works. They also need to deploy their shreds of power and influence to neutralize Trumpsters’ power and activities.
I'm not sure they still can be called "citizens" if they didn't bother to do their civic duty and vote.
I did say “thought determined”. Which I am.
How are you standing up, Barbara?
Eadie, Thank you for asking. Aside from exhaustion, I’m doing okay. How about you?
He is a fool, and those folks do feel like they own him I think, BUT he has to be the top in his world, which means (if we are lucky) he may get to the point where he fires these smarter (evil) people?
That and the likelihood of infighting may be our best bet.
We can get the House back if every blue state flips the red seats. Voting rights will be upheld in blue states
Barbara, I suggest you click on the link B Evans gave us.
Eadie, I did click it. My only suggestion would have been to visit where one would find a perfectly re-formatted version of the updated Guide.
Barbara, although I fully support and what they are doing, I did visit the most recent It does not offer specific, concrete step by step directions to a specific issue as to what an individual can do and accomplish. On the other hand Thom Hartmann in his last newsletter, I think 12/13 devoted his newsletter to Gerrymandering. That is an issue I can understand and get behind. It is not a general statement that everyone should undertake like writing postcards and calling reps.
Eadie, Did you read through all 30 pages of the updated Manual which guide the reader through a host of action plans rooted in both state and local matters? I ask because the updated Guide, along with supplemental material, has been our groups go-to source for assigning tasks to our members, tasks I would add that collectively contribute to the nationwide effort to resist the infiltration of the MAGA agenda into our states and communities.
B Evans, I clicked on your link. I first got a Public Announcement video from Rachel Maddow about Christi Noem for Homeland Security, appointed by DJT. Next, I got a long dissertation on where we've been, commencing in 2016. This continued with suggestions on what organizers could do up until the present. It took 30 minutes just to scroll down to our present situation. However, no where were there any suggestions other than contact your reps and let them know how you appreciate what they have done and your request that they vote against Project 25 and a host of other things depending on your geographic location. I spent an hour on this and am no more informed than I was before. The suggestions were for organizers, not for individuals that J Noah questioned. I am a senior. I am in no condition to organize anything! I write postcards and send letters, which probably fall on deaf ears.
I'm sorry, the link worked fine for me. What I found helpful was their advice on what people in congress pay attention to and what they don't.
Electeds Care a Lot About:
Verified constituents they actually represent (e.g., people who live in their district for rep or state for senators)
Advocacy that requires effort -- the more effort, the more they care. Calls, personal emails, and especially showing up in person
Local press and editorials, maybe national press
The endorsement of an interest group with verified political power (lots of money or lots of people)
Groups of constituents, locally famous individuals, or big individual campaign contributors.
A concrete ask that entails a verifiable action -- vote for a bill, make a public statement, etc.
One single, timely ask in your communication (letter, email, phone call, office visit, etc.)
What they care less about:
People from places they don’t represent
Form letters, a Tweet, or Facebook comment (unless they generate widespread attention)
Wonky D.C.-based news
Your thoughtful analysis of the proposed bill (Surprising to me)
A single constituent
General ideas about the world
A laundry list of all the issues you’re concerned about
Excellent information. Over time I have heard all of these from elected officials and their staff at town halls and speaking events. Here are the two that I have heard the most: only interested in hearing from their constituents, and form letters/emails are ignored.
I too am a senior "in no condition to organize anything". I'm trying to connect with those who are organizing locally, but no luck finding groups. So how does this leave you feeling>? I'm feeling isolated, bewildered and lost.
We're in a mutual admiration society. Thom Hartmann's letter gave me something I can get behind. The comment section is very informative.
There is another book called "Antidemocratic: The Far Right's 50 Year Plan to Control American Elections" It explains how the right has sought to control the courts in order to control elections.
I couldn’t print this Google doc. So I went to Indivisible site and got link to PDF.
Gina, I read your outline and the original link posted by B. Evans. What did you learn as an individual from the outline? I learned to stand strong, don't give up, organize. I learned nothing about concrete steps I could take. I'd be interested in what you learned?
B Evans Thanks for sharing this helpful link. I’ve shared it further.
Did you read it? I did. It led down a rabbit's hole.
Thanks for the link. I give money to the group but usually do not check their emails. Their Gaza stuff turned me off but this guide is very good.
This is a huge question. It seems to me that a major, major weakness for Dems has been highlighted. One of those, I hate to say, is President Biden’s lack of energy/fight. I think history will judge his legislation, and particularly economic program, kindly, but it feels, at least to me, that he’s just forgotten we’re here. I guess out of respect for him, no one has stepped up forcefully, but Trump has just started acting like he’s president, and it feels like Biden is just letting him.
Lots of people, probably everyone in this chat, are taking actions that are important, but it’s that overall at the top leadership that feels lacking. So I guess I will add to my actions calling Dem leaders and telling them how I feel.
Lastly, I’m wondering if people in red states and blue states feel this differently. I’m in Texas, so I feel abandoned bumpy leadership here. To have the national Dems somewhat rudderless is doubly discouraging. My local situation, though nonpartisan, is much “bluer,” and I will be spending much of my spring focused on that while urging national Dem leaders to step up and fast! (Ben Wikler for Dem chair, please,)
Cathy, I still have the fantasy that Biden is doing something behind the scenes that will shock and awe us - the leftovers of 8 years of "help is coming." I have to shake my head and come back to reality. I just don't get the silence.
Robbie, I have had this feeling so many times, but each time have been let down: starting with the Mueller report, that was sabotaged by Bll Barr.
For me, the question is, is there really nothing going on behind the scenes or has the media just not bothered to report it because they've decided Biden's no longer relevant!
About Biden, why was he not at the Army/Navy football game yesterday, as he is still our Commander in Chief? Meanwhile, Trump and his gang were there, acting like he is already President. Biden is still our President. He should act like it.
Maybe he was busy being the President.
He has work to do. Like pushing for pro-democratic actions NOW, while he is in office.
There is a substack conversation called "What did Joe Biden do today" that is very enlightening and shows how much work is really on Joe Biden's plate
I've read it daily. It should have been front-page news everywhere throughout his presidency.
I read it daily, and it really helps to understand that Biden is an extremely busy president. I wonder if such a conversation will happen under the Trump administration?
Biden just commuted a ton of federal sentences. Doing that wisely requires time & attention.
Being president does not require as one of his duties going to a football game.
True, but image/perception/messaging are. This was a football game between two military academies, the prides of those branches. Perhaps senior admin/leadership was at the game and just not shown on TV. But the image was that the current commander in chief or VP or SECDEF weren’t visible, but the incoming guy, who has no current role, and his misfits WERE, and at least to me that is a bad look.
It’s like the pardon. There is rationale to justify it, but the messaging is horrible and diminishes the Dems.
Please be aware, there is a global crisis being addressed - life is not a football game
My guess is that he does not have the stamina to do the job as it needs to be done, and I think that will detract from his legacy. This is why some corporations encourage early retirement…compensating execs well with the expectation there will be room for younger go-getters to move up sooner rather than later.
I actually think this is a problem in both parties (Grassley, really?), but unfortunately with too many older eggs in one basket (Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein, RBG for that matter taking up the places at the table, a few unfortunate events can leave national leadership “short” at a time it’s needed most. Seems to me there is a broad, talented bench, but too many at the top have considered themselves indispensable and unwilling to support the next group of leaders by stepping aside in their 70s.
Glad to see that it looks like AOC is going to replace Jamie Raskin as he moves up.
I have observed TFG acting as president since the day after the election.
Ben Wikler sounds like a winner.
Since the election Trump acts like he is already president. It was telling that he attended the Army/Navy game when it is usually the sitting president or vice president. Trump is also getting all of the press. I think that anything Biden does will be ignored, unless it can become a negative story like Hunter's pardon.
I'm not sure what Democrats should do until Trump has been inaugurated. I trust that there are smart people who are making plans, and there would be no benefit to announce them until action can be taken.
I think the most important thing we can all do now is donate to independent media. ABC's $15m ridiculous capitulation is a sign of what is to come. Democracy Docket isn't media, but Marc Elias is moving beyond legal issues, and a vote of confidence is in order.
Cathy Murphree From my perspective, TX has a huge gerrymandering problem not to mention its Governor that will have to be dealt with before Democratic candidates can make big inroads. Do you agree?
Yes, you are correct. I am in the Dallas area. My state house district looks like an upside down L and picks up pieces of 6 cities. It almost slipped blue a few years ago so was gerrymandered further after the last census. So frustrating.
But we also have been clobbered at the statewide level, so we can’t just blame gerrymandering.
Voter registration and voting itself is tough here, again made more so by additional voting restrictions.
Thankfully, we do have some dynamic young Dem stars here, and, also thankfully, our state party chair has resigned.
But it’s going to be a slog, I think, and meanwhile, some of our best and brightest, including a couple of my kids, are leaving the state. It’s just not a young family friendly place, except for affordability, which is a genuine plus.
I find that any attempts to rectify gerrymandering by the Dems no matter where they try is boomeranged back to accusations that they are attempting to gerrymander. I don't know if that is true or not, but the publicity isn't good when that hits the headlines.
Some people fail to consider the character and steadfast oath to the rule of law. Though the upcoming administration ha NO fidelity to the ethics or values of the Constitution, nor the oath expected to be taken upon being sworn into office.
I am in blue California and I also feel abandoned by our Democratic “leaders .” They don’t seem to know what to do and they are not seeking advice from those of us in the trenches.
Cathy, thanks for your comments re: Dems;
I'm in New Hampshire and very naive and new to actually trying to help the Dems., you know post cards, letters to prospective voters. I feel your longing for leadership, and I want to help, ie. what now???
But then yesterday I saw an interview of Ben Wikler on the the Daily show with Jon Stewart. This seemed to be a very serious interview about the same feelings many of us have; LEADERSHIP. Ben is talking about "A VISION for the FUTURE of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY" !
As DNC chair of Wisconsin's party he was part of some exciting changes. He speaks with enthusiasm and has realistic ideas re: the future. I will continue to follow him, and contact Senator Maggie Hassen's office here in New Hampshire about him.
I'll also be contacting our Democratic Leaders here in New Hampshire to find out more about "". Maybe our Senate and Democratic Representatives are already involved ? Thanks again !
CO Dem senators Bennet and Hickenlooper nave no energy/fight....and Bennet even supported justice(s) who made women lose rights to heir own bodies. Although good at the beginning of his term, Polis now talks about good things RFK Jr doing and even heard one speech by him when he said the rich should no have to pay taxes because wealth is good and wants to fund things by sale and sin taxes- by people who can least afford it!
Who is "Plis"?
I think the writer meant Polis who is the governor.
I feel that Biden has done an excellent job fighting for the people after our worldwide COVID catastrophe. I feel if it had been TFG during this time, our nation would be a disaster and more.
I'm in a blue state, CA, but I feel the same way.
I too am discouraged by the lack of organized Democratic opposition. But I am more worried that the falling dominoes you refer to are the legacy media and corporate America. I guess the silver lining is we know for sure that it's up to us. No one more powerful or better situated is going to stand up to help us.
I do keep thinking back to how good and optimistic I felt just after Biden's election--and really, even once he was inaugurated, because I thought Trump had finally gone too far for Republicans. Remember the feeling that Biden was bringing us back to the days of FDR, or maybe just LBJ, and breaking the back of supply-side economics, was going to empower the unions, do something about climate change, strengthen voting rights, etc? Well, we saw how Republicans could be very effective at both changing the narrative and stopping progress (with help from Manchin and Sinema, of course). That has to be our guide: Trump seems strong, he seems horrifyingly popular, but things can change fast. We have to be ready to act when things go wrong for him. And we need to be laying the groundwork now, pointing out the corruption, not accepting the human rights violations quietly, making sure that people understand what is happening to women. I know it's going to be hard, and I sure wish we had media that would be as hard on Trump as they were on Biden, but that's not our reality. I am so thankful for courageous independent journalists and people like Robert and HCR and Joyce Vance and Marc Elias and so many others who won't be quieted.
If you don’t already, Brian Tyler Cohen does a great job too! Check out his youTube channel. He does a regular “Democracy Watch” podcast with Marc Elias.
Read Meidas Touch Network on Substack, and if you can afford it, subscribe and support the brothers, who are aiming to be one of the outlets that will take the place of legacy media, which has most definitely lost its way. They already have a huge following. They have podcasts, too.
While they do some very important reporting, they also use bs inflammatory headlines that never even enter some of their stories. Tell them to stop that-it reduces their legitimacy.
Good point.
Ellen, who are the we? Good suggestions, but individuals can only write to reps. Many individuals are not in a position to organize, energize or mobilize the democrats. That's what we elected our reps to do. If anyone has the initiative, we first have to mobilize people to put pressure on their democratic reps in congress.
That's a good point. Some of us do talk to Trump voters--not necessarily true MAGAs, but people who in the end chose Trump--I think they may be among the first to have buyer's remorse. And I was very impressed with the guide from Indivisible that was posted here--it really addresses what each of us can do, whether our reps are blue or red. I'm not pretending it's going to be easy.
Ellen, I read the entire guide and the outline. I support Indivisible, but I found no where in their suggestion that addressed individuals. Can you be specific about what you found helpful for individual democratic voters to follow in the Guide.
Years ago I heard Granny D speak, and her message was the same - do the work so that when a break comes you are ready. In her 80s she walked across the US for campaign finance reform. When she got to Washington, she was ignored. After Enron attitudes changed. John McCain and Russ Feingold were able to pass the McCain-Feingold Act for campaign finance reform. All of that is gone now, but it can happen.
I'm with you, and all you've written.
The best strategy I can come up with is the time is NOW to promote strong and winning Presidential figures to save the Democratic Party and it should be men, and the Dems should give them personal security backup from the get-go.
As I wrote in a previous comment, Our country is still very young compared to those that have had iconic female leaders, so I think we need to realize that and stop the female candidacy tactic. I'm just very sad it did not work out for Kamala Harris. She's a smart cookie and would have served nobly.
I wish I didn't agree with you. America's immaturity reveals itself in every news cycle. Kamala Harris might well have been one of the best presidents in my long life. She ran an excellent campaign. She would have led with intelligence, inclusiveness and grace.
But you might be right. It's awful. It's wrong. It is stupid. But is this nation acting more like a crazed teenager (we ALL are crazy for a few years) or a spoiled toddler?
Too many Americans don't have the mental bandwidth to escape the trite and troublesome appeal of the "strong man". It is primal. Perhaps with more history and a better educational system we could break free of tyranny's grip.
Hi Bill, Yes! Better education is key. We are behaving like the adolescent years indeed, I just hope this phase in our young country's history will not destroy us.
The only thing I wonder about is the trending hyperbolic doom forecast for the Trump Presidency when I believe we have a safety wall of the intelligentsia in this country that will defend Democracy and will not cave into recklessness.
It is too bad that basic economics is not a required class in every high school in the country, what "supply and demand" really mean, distribution of wealth through taxation works and "trrickle-down" has never worked, division of labor and specialization . . . things that everyone should know, like a noun is the name of a person, place, or thing and 1+1 =2. Most of the wealth my wife and I created in, so far, over 52 years of marriage, is going to five colleges including one that employed me . Education needs all the help it can get.
Please be aware, however, that there are conservative narratives for American History and economics. Mindlessly calling for more “education”, without due attention to the *content* of the education can backfire.
Hardly "mindless." But I'm carrying a lifetime of learning and teaching so I had limited time and space to chose some examples. True enough, though, there are economists at both ends of rhe economic scale but usually 1+1 = 2 (math is beyond me) and nouns are defined as quoted.
I agree. Maybe we have had things good for too long and are spoiled. I see hate and anger being a powerful force by having the luxury of too much free time and abundance of electronic gadgetry to spend in the right wing media bubble everyday. It allows us to live in willful denial or alternate explanations of all the bad things that Trump has done and create some misguided idea that the economy was better under Trump. Many are also never going to have to worry about sharing a trans bathroom or be near a flood of illegal immigrants--except in their media bubbles. Maybe it will take the simple fact that they see prices go up again to turn around. The selfish cycle repeats.
I disagree with your suggestion Susannah Talley. I believe we need to focus on local, down ballot races strongly. We need to win from the bottom up. Why? Because WE lost because we forgot that a “Vote is not a Valentine. It’s a Chess Move.” (Rebecca Solnit). The gop understood this for decades and slowly built a rural message machine by winning local, small/medium/large races. We lose 100% of the races we never show up for. We also allow the gop to concentrate their money on critical dem-race targets with the extra cash and time they saved by our abdicating so many smaller/med/large races in “red areas”. Having a “winning white guy” at the top of the ticket “just because” is not the direction our values send us. We ran a great candidate. She ran an awesome campaign in the shortest time ever. We were up against a decades-long small/medium/large gerrymandered “red-state” strategy. They became red because WE abandoned them with the feeling that if “we can’t win” there is no use to these people. They need genuine representative help. It’s being done in small communities places like Traverse City Michigan. This is a long-game vision.
i absolutely agree
I feel as though it' not clear exactly *what* we are fighting. Trump said a lot of dramaic and provocative stuff on the campaign trail. But I'm not sure he really meant it. It seems to me his ADD (and other qualities) make him more interested in "the fight," (or *a* fight), than a war for any ideology. Already he is walking back his claims of fixing inflation and reporting millions or all of illegal immgrants. Remember the first time around, when he claimed he would abolish Obamacare and later said something along the lines of, "who knew how complicated healthcare is?" BUT if these supremely unqualified clowns get their cabinet positions or heads of departments, and start trying to reqrite the rules, then we have something to chew on. We don't know though, how loyal the GOP sentaors and reps will be. And how beholden, and what is the nature of that beholdenness - money?) is Trump to those who have his ear, and will he do their bidding? At this point, it makes more sense to outline the ways resistance can happen, a flow chart of sorts, outlining various ways Trump et al could try to take us down, and what avenues exist currently for resistance. I think when it becomes clearer what is going to happen, the resistance will rouse up pretty quickly. We just don't know yet exactly what we are dealing with.
I’m looking for visible signs of the opposition through the courts and locally….Democracy Docket, The Down Ballot……there are some glimmers. It’s hard now because we lack any kind of a somewhat unified media presence….there are individuals who post and make video content, but it sure would be helpful if some of the journalists could band together to make their own content to livestream somewhere. There has to be interest and $ for such…..not all corps are kowtowing….check out Goods Unite Us website
Grace, Have you seen Meidas Touch on Substack and YouTube? Highly recommended!!
I've watched a lot of WWII movies. Europe had and has different countries with different governments. We have states here that are bound together by our constitution. I just can't imagine armies marching through American cities. Technology has changed. The USA has 334 million people who have enjoyed prosperity for the most part and most won't put up with major changes that a dictator would demand. I don't believe that could happen here. Maybe I'm naive...but I don't see that happening.
It won't have to be "world war" in scale and scope. But very sadly, I can imagine Federal troops (infiltrated heavily with "Christian Nationalists") confronting the Massachusetts National Guard and/or our State Police. I can see mayors standing tall against ICE. And maybe, just maybe the churches will find the souls they had in the 60's and some preachers will shelter the vulnerable.
We have a terrific governor. Tough, compassionate and intelligent. I would not like to be in her shoes. American Fascism is just days away...
I can also imagine the “loosing” of pro-T militias, some of whose members will be pardoned and freed from prison. They will be all too happy to go on vigilante missions.
The fancy term for this is "stochastic terrorism."
Simple term: Random terrorism.
See Malcolm Nance's book: "They Want to Kill Americans,"
I think the mainstream church has been a disappointment, and I am an active member in one.
The crux of your reply is that the people in this country have “enjoyed prosperity for the most part”. That’s why they - and you - are naive to think it can’t or wont happen here.
I read Madeleine Albright's "Fascism a Warning" when in came out in 2019, and she laid it all out, and here we are.
I myself have not worked up the (downright) courage to watch A24's "Civil War", but I hope against hope it is not prescient.
What if the Dems are as passive as it appears? The old saying is that, The Dem party is the place progressive hopes go to die". A third progressive party is a far reach d/t both Dems and Rep. Yet I reach out to progressive efforts, parties like the Green and Working Family, and work with Indivisible when I can. Hope and work are my only options all though all seems hopeless and unworkable.
It seems that the gears of our society have been so structured through governmental laws, policies, court decisions etc over the past several decades to concentrate wealth and political power in the hands of a relative few giant corporations and the billionaires that own them. Include the media in that, which has been essential (and extremely effective) in manufacturing the consent of the governed for this arrangement, even if that arrangement is not accurately portrayed as such by the media. The situation we find ourselves in now, where the policies above have resulted in such a top heavy society rivaling the worst of the Gilded Age, is that the resulting pain, anger, and anxiety caused for the large majority of the population requires extraordinary measures by the ruling elite to fend off any challenges from below to their control of society. This is where the conservative extremism of Trump and MAGA comes in. If a dictator is required to maintain control of society for the benefit of billionaires, then so be it. It seems to me that we need to focus on those gears and mechanisms that effectuate the maintenance of this control over society and gum them up, make them malfunction, expose them as ridiculously fraudulent in any way we can to discredit them. But we have to do this in a way that doesn't alienate the average MAGA voter because we need to peel off just enough of them to our side. Many of them were supporters of Obama as well as Sanders, so it is doable.
I think that’s one of the things we need to face - that some autocracy supporters (even if passively) are actually potential allies. In my view, in theory maybe even a big chunk of them. They vote democracy out not because they hate it per se, but because it just wasn’t working for them (or most other people). And the rot in the D party is being revealed. In a way democracy was lost for a lot of people years ago and everyone else was trying to hope it was still working, but the failure of it kept spreading.
The Biden Admin did much to begin the needed reversal of the neoliberal order. However, the Dems lacked an effective enough communications strategy/infrastructure to promote his successes and their positive meaning for the bottom 90% of us. This was crucial for getting us through the initial tough times of supply chain backlogs, and inflation. Plus too many corporate controlled Dems were not on board with Biden's policies, notably Sinema and Manchin who blocked his more expansive legislative efforts. In the end it turned out to be too little too late after some 40 years of toxic Reaganomics. The monopolist owned media could easily neutralize the Dem's efforts and convince people a strengthening economy was actually in a recession. Further too many Democrats are afraid to be populist, which is what our party is supposed to be about. This is testament to how much control the rich have over our political economy.
J. Noah as Reich has said, the rot starts at the top in his latest 4 part series.
Thank You for articulating this very challenging topic so eloquently and precisely. I myself am searching for direction as I’m still at a loss. And, yes I too see the Dems in Congress warily quiet. I do believe this is not for a lack of planning nor strategy.
Please see B Evans note regarding Indivisible. My local Indivisible committee is now in the planning stages to start engaging with our new House Rep and his office staff after he is sworn in next month. You can find if there is a chapter local to you here.
Please also see above, the Indivisible Guide posted by B Evans.
We have a lot of work to do.
B. Evans, did you read my reply to your suggestion. I'm all in favor Indivisible Guide. However, the guide I was looking for led me down a rabbit's hole. It provided no info. regarding what I could do as an individual. Organizing is out of the question for most people.
Indivisible is already very organized. Some are meeting by Zoom
Lynn, what are they suggesting individuals can do? Please list the concrete step by step suggestions you think is in the Guide. I read it. I couldn't find any. BTW, I support and their efforts. The only individual I know of that are doing the same are Marc Elias and Thom Hartmann.
From the Indivisible website: "If you're already part of a local Indivisible group, ready to join a local Indivisible group or start your own local group to fight against the Trump agenda, fill out the form below. Our team will connect you with resources, guidance, and others nearby who are eager to take action."
I agree. Just because the Democrats are quiet, doesn't mean they aren't planning. Nice to see a small change in leadership with Jamie Raskin, and probably AOC, but we need much more.
The key leadership change Democrats need to make, now, is Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Democrats need a superb organizer and fundraiser who is, also, savvy about politics and is a talented spokesperson.
I've been impressed with what I've seen and read about Ben Wikler of Wisconsin. Who makes the decision? Should we contact our state DNC chair?
Kate, don't know.
Wikler sounds good.
Take a look at this. It hits at the heart of what you’re saying. The question is can the D party be revived from the state of being a corrupt neoliberal zombie party working for all the same oligarchs. Oddly, I think it might be easier to do that than start a new party. Take a read…
J Noah,
If I were younger I would go to law school. It seems to me that the courts are a really good place to resist. If you're not able to do that, as I am not, I suggest supporting organizations that bring cases and file amicus briefs. Common Cause is one. The ACLU is another. March for Our Lives also. Hope this helps.
Eadie Sharon Postcards and letters so count. Everyone has a role to play. From the Guide, there are 15 states with a blue trifecta[1] — CA, CO, CT, DE, HI, IL, ME, MD, MA, NJ, NM, NY, OR, RI, and WA — nine more than we had in 2017. **These 15 states represent nearly half of the national gross domestic product and have an outsized level of cultural and economic power. This is a significant gain!
Nancy, thank you for your comment. I needed to be reminded. However, I still feel abandoned in a blue state like CA where I live. Our democratic leadership has failed us. They are the ones who should be organizing democrats. Thom Hartmann's letter today gave me something as an individual I can stand behind. It's called Gerrymandering. The repubs. have used this to win every election from Reagan Bush, and tRump. The democratic leadership has done little to defeat this unconstitutional initiative the state gov'ts. have used to defeat democrats.
J Noah, very well said! I have the same question you so ably written in your comment.
You are reading my thoughts!!
Heather Cox Richardson often says, "Do what you do best." Well, I make Christmas cookies, and in response to the trauma of the election, I started baking. Someone in the comments here asked that people support Democrats in rural counties in Pennsylvania that could really use some donations. Somewhere I wrote down her name, but I asked who she recommended, and she responded "Beaver County."
Living in the blue mail-in-voting state of Oregon, it seems pointless to do anything here. I also want to support small organizations working in rural communities. So that is how Cookies for Beaver County came about. People who donate $10 to Beaver County Democrats get a box of my cookies. We've raised $600 so far.
I wanted to share this in appreciation of the community that Robert Hubbell has brought together, but also to inspire people. Be creative, and reach out to your community. My friends, and their friends, were eager to have a way to do something as we all try to figure out how to respond to this crisis, and who doesn't like cookies. In the big picture, what I am doing is not going to have a big impact, but it feels empowering to say, "I can do this." Maybe there is something you can do too.
What a lovely organizing tool. I live in Louisville KY and a woman here works with The States Project, that targets winning “winnable” state elections. She runs Pies for Progress” where she offers pies instead of cookies, and has raised over $285,000 for this initiative; I don’t have the current count and don’t know how long she’s been doing this. Keep up the great work. If you want contact info let me know.
that's great. I would gladly buy a pie. The States Project is one of my favorite organizations, and high on my donation list. there is a group in California doing cupcakes. There is something about food that connects to people in a special way
Oh, that is so wonderful and so tangible! I'm originally from Oregon and I salute you (and hope you are adding some filberts to your cookies).
In Oregon we call them hazelnuts, and they are a big crop in the state. Yes, some cookies have them.
I was born and raised in OR - back in the day, they were filberts. 😁 I didn’t hear them called hazelnuts until I moved away.
that's interesting. Probably a marketing strategy
This is awesome!!! I make stuffed animals. Maybe I should do what you're doing. THANK YOU!!!!!
Can you bake cookies and ship them to me for cost, your time and a contribution? I have a couple of "Cookie Swaps" to attend and I don't bake cookies. Please let me know: thnx!!! Susan
sorry, only pickups in Portland Oregon
Thank you! An empowering action! I will take your lead!
Avoiding deeply reading the news, instead getting info from meidas, YouTube, and substacks, protecting my mental health by being with family and taking the time I used to spend listening to political podcasts and instead knitting while listening to non fiction audio books that have been piling up over the years. This has helped because I just can’t do this again: be outraged every single day at every disastrous thing he says and does. I can’t. So, paying attention, but no longer deep diving. Available for protests and donations as necessary.
Well I'm trying to get a million people to contact Congress and insist that RFK not be placed at the head of HHS. That's an opportunity for action. We need to call not just our senators but Republican senators too! The message I'd like people to share is this one: I don't have autism and I've been vaccinated. I never had polio and I never had smallpox and I never had
( fill in the blank with your favorite vaccine preventive.) I think naming three of them should be good on those tiny little short voicemails you get to leave when you call your senator. And I'm encouraging the people who make the calls to also encourage their representatives and senators to stand up to Trump! And the idea it would be really cool if we made an impact and RFK was not appointed but at least we will have done something to try and keep him from getting appointed. Instead of passively hoping that he doesn't get appointed. So that's my call to action. Feel free to elevate it. I can't dig the phone number of the capital operator out of my phone while I'm recording this comment. But it's easy enough to access. I'd love to know if anybody actually makes the call and I'd love to know if they spread the word and try to make this goal happen. Thank you
I am with you. RFK is literally insane. Not competent. No qualifications for the job. Just crazy conspiracy debunked ideas. He IS a disease. He has already killed people with his antivax bullshit.
I DID have polio. And I don't want my grandchildren to watch their friends suffer as I did.
@ Ivy. Please ask Biden to report on the Russian intervention. NOW!
This is concrete action that we all can take. My senators have already spoken out against his confirmation so I don't need to. But he scares the hell out of me so I hope others will make calls, send emails, etc. I'm the one who posted that I was in the Salk polio trials.
I contacted my senator, Tammy Baldwin, concerning the RFK nomination this week. Contacting Wisconsin’s other senator, Ron Johnson, is a waste of time. He’s drunk on the Trump Fool Aid and should be in jail for his efforts to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election by conspiring with fake electors from our state.
And, after all, RFKjr sold his soul for power and has a huge piece of responsibility for the dictatorial takeover underway. This is his stepping stone to the presidency.
I have another comment to make two and that is Romania nullified their election when they found out Russia had interfered in it. And I wondered if we could do that. I've been asking different pundits that write on sub stack for their opinion and so far it's been pretty quiet but I thought it was a pretty bold move! We know our election was interfered in by Russia and Elon musk and other oligarchs. I think we should do the whole thing over again! But it just makes me think that America is not very nimble. We're just so used to everything going along smoothly. Oh well. I would work to get the election redone if there was a big coalition of us deciding it had to happen. We're definitely running out the time clock...
Putin brags that he tilted the election and says he expects a quid pro quo!
Biden needs to report on Russian interference ASAP! We are the victims of the Russian war on the USA. An admission is dispositive and is actionalble and constitutes an emergency.
Daniel, what is the best way to insist on Biden reporting on Russian interference? You are always helpful on the steps to take. I assume one starts with a message to the White House, but that doesn't sound, in itself, like an effective tactic, given we have a month to inauguration.
I wish I knew.
I have tried to push Democratic leaders, Biden and Harris to investigate the likelihood of election interference in 2024, as have many others, and the response by Democratic leaders is eerily silent. I don’t understand this. I think their lack of solidarity and “fight” in the face of high danger is a principal reason why so many have left or refuse to organize for the Party.
Putin also almost pulled this off also in Moldova last month, as they voted to give a 2nd term for their pro EU President Maia Sandu.
I've heard directly from a Dem House member (private convo) that Dems are having talks behind closed doors, preparing for significant legal strategies and battles. While I certainly hope so, I implore Dem leaders to speak to us, give us hope that you are standing up, that you can get others to stand up. We need to know the Force is With Us. As we watch more and more institutions kiss the ring & support the awakening of tyranny, there are so many of us out here who will never bend the knee.
No! Don't tell us. Don't reveal your secret plans.
Spring them on the MAGA Republicans at the opportune moment.
Catch them by surprise.
In the meantime, I'm kinda learning what it is to be brave, to put fears to one side, and to find useful things to do.
I live in New York State, still a democracy, if flawed. I'm working on several chosen topic areas, like election reform, climate action, and health policy.
I work with, or follow, multiple advocacy groups, such as the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, the Bethlehem Morning Voice Huddle, Bethlehem Indivisible.
That gives me plenty to do, right in "my own backyard."
You are an inspiration, Bob.
Aw, shucks, you are making me blush.
Good Morning Robert,
As I lay awake with the light of the Longest Night Moon shining in, ruminating over the state of our Planet in Uproar, I heard this long ago quote from Casablanca-“it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world”. Clearly it’s a world of people with problems now- too overwhelming truly to hold. Then, my half-dream state shifted to thoughts of you, and how in the world can you persist in still finding ways to write through the Lens of Hope. It struck me for the first time that your choice of the word Lens and your awe inspiring photographs are where we may find hope-or peace of mind at least- in the reminder of how insignificant we are in comparison to the Infinite Mystery.
Thank you for persisting, optimism often eludes me, I deeply value your efforts to lift us and keep us from folding in to despair.
Lisa Brinton
Critically Important action from Indivisible on the Equal Rights Ammendment (ERA):
Here is the link: This morning, National Indivisible sent an email imploring us to join the fight to codify the ERA. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you that the ERA has languished in amendment purgatory since Trump's first term. With just 38 days until Trump 2.0 begins, it is imperative that we urge our representatives to implore President Biden and VP Harris to make the ERA the 28th amendment, cementing protections for women, girls, and LGBTQ+.
Click on this link provided by Indivisible to call your representative. A script is provided too. Once you've made your calls please forward to everyone in your orbit. We need to make this happen before time runs out. To read the entire email from Indivisible click here. Thank you.
Jessica Craven suggests contacting President Biden (Indivisible is directing calls to VP Harris), and also has scripts:
Thank you!
I wish Biden would make an executive order than trump can’t be president - he doesn’t qualify (Ammendment 14.3). Why do we have to march to our death - literally or figuratively? Why will no one act? This is truly life of death - of the nation, and perhaps many of us.
I feel the same way - that we are walking voluntarily into disaster. That we are giving our country over to the rich and powerful, who have stated - in advance - that they want to tear it down and destroy it. And we are standing by as Trump will lie (again) while taking the oath of office.
As much as I am dismayed and angered by Trump's win, please try to imagine the reaction if Biden did issue such an executive order.
But wouldn’t we end up with jd vance? Is that better since he lacks the cult following or just as bad since he is evil and has project 2025?
I always glean so very much from the comments section. My gratitude to all who take the time to contribute.
S. Schmitz
This article co-written by Joyce Vance, Dahlia Lithwick, and Mimi Rocah reminds us what a Senate confirmation is all about: "The Presumption of Innocence Has Nothing to Do With Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation"
Robert, I just want to thank you for doing your Saturday sessions on substack. Yesterday was my third one although I spaced out and didn't start it until 15 minutes into it. I am finding them very worthwhile and really enjoyed yesterday seeing your beautiful tree and having you and Jill talk about the history of some of your wonderful ornaments. Thank you very much for doing that.
I keep wondering how long it will be after Jan 20th that I will personally be effected by this new administrations policy changes. Will banking be different? What will happen to taxes and how long does that take to change? There's so much that's been talked about that could happen. So I'm cutting back and lightening up...simplification. It's mind bending to consider. I stay centered and calm and I wonder. I have stocked up on rice and beans.
Coffee, for me. Getting my gutters replaced (finally). Reading library books. And my Sudoku skills are improving… ✨
Yes. Get done what you can now, while we have the rule of law and things work (in general).
I would really like to see those 1000s of executive orders trump plans to sign on day one? Is he going all out immediately with the military, proud boys, militias to round up enemies of the state?
First, his parties. I was gonna say “ his balls,” but 😵💫
It’s beautiful and looks like a unicorn. Thank you for all you do.
We haven’t turned on the news since Election Day. We’re done with legacy media. And really disappointed with them. I’m sure the election was stolen….as are many of us. It was quick and over. No resistance! I found little acceptance to my theories and was told many times to move on. He won, that’s it. Frustrating. However, here we are. I vote in Florida…we have two special elections to fill senate seats. There’s another in Ohio, replacing Vance as well. Get behind them! We need to win every election going forward….there’s hope there! But with everyone kissing the ring, all the $1 million checks being given to trump for his inauguration parade or whatever he’s going to splash, it’s daunting and frustrating. But we can get behind these special elections and show we can win! And stay vigilant to every opportunity.
I’ve started my donations back up…here we go. We can’t quit!
Robert…bless you! Enjoy your Sunday. Thanks for being a light to us all in these dark times.
I am also very discouraged that nothing has been done to investigate this election. There are too many suspicious comments by the felon and the bomb threats were a Russian attack on our country and elections.
There will be a special in NY to replace Stefanik. But Senate: Vance & Rubio will be Gubernatorial appointments
What leaves me still stuck in neutral is to my mind a huge disconnect. I’ve gotten the Indivisible guide and it all sounds great on paper. But I’m a progressive Democrat living in Manhattan. I had no idea how out of touch I truly was until I realized 49% of the people in this country voted for somebody explicitly racist, explicitly xenophobic, explicitly misogynistic, explicitly authoritarian. The Indivisible guide aims to “fracture their coalition” but what if there is no coalition, just millions of people who are enthusiastic about hate and authoritarianism?
Sherry, please don't give up on us folks beyond the Hudson. It's disheartening to be in a red state (in my case, Indiana), as others have mentioned but that doesn't mean we are foresaken. Read Jess Piper. Pick a red state to support. Help us turn the tide. We don't have to get everyone. AND we have to get people to vote? How to do that? Many ways, I suppose.