Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My conversion to paying attention to politics happened in April, 2016, when I realized someone as sick as DT could become the nominee of the GOP for President of the United States. For two weeks I studied Narcissistic Personality Disorder for which DT is the poster child. Getting rid of any shame in his actions by projecting his shame on others, the gaslighting that came with his need for his narcissistic supply of adoration because of the weakness of his self esteem, playing the victim to gain the support of those forgotten by the politicians owned by the big patrons and suffering from the horrendous and unfair income disparity that comes from putting Party and Patrons over Country and Constituents. The day after the election I was extremely upset, couldn't stay for refreshments with friends after our weekly chamber music session because I was so distraught and in tears by DT's election. Even so, I didn't fully realize how bad the sycophantic politicians supporting DT would make the next four years and beyond. In the 2020 election I shocked a friend who was born in Germany in the 1940s that I would vote for Hitler before I'd vote for DT. I felt like one of the few people in the movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers who could clearly see the aliens who had taken over human bodies in the MAGA Republicans. I'm flummoxed that Ron DeSantis could be the American Hitler who despite never winning the popular vote still becomes the leader of a very sick blind country once the leading example however imperfect of democracy and human rights. Now I'm appalled by the normalization the media puts on these followers empty of morals or values like integrity and empathy for others. These followers that are being duped and bought by the lies dark money buys. The Rule of Law so essential to a functioning democracy is being torn apart by a rogue Supreme Court and the greedy 1% phantoms who have bought them as illuminated by the books like "The Scheme" by Senator Whitehouse and "The Laboratories of Autocracy" by David Pepper and "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder warning one to vote as if this is the last election you'll be allowed to vote. Still in all this I believe there is a majority of Americans who believe in human rights and the rule of law and the promise of a more Perfect Union that are coming together especially from the idealism of undaunted youth in a movement to assert the People's Agenda of protecting the rights of other and the defense of the democracy. We, the People, All of us this time creating a world valuing each and all our differences and doing the right thing by each other.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I saw Gov. DeWine on The News Hour last night saying that the situation was basically resolved, that if he lived in the area that had been evacuated, he'd feel safe to go home, and rejecting any need for the help from FEMA that Biden has offered. This is malpractice! The next segment was a scientist saying the area need much more thorough and sophisticated testing to determine its safety.

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If the earth were to open tomorrow and swallow the New York Times with all who work there in the building, we would be better off. Today's NYT is not the paper that published The Pentagon Papers and dared Nixon to come after them.

The paper today is collection of over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable clucks.

Last month I was asked to review a new book of military aviation history, dealing with a topic I know well: how Edgar Schmued (who I met) designed the P-51 Mustang, the fighter that won the air war in Europe. The author was previously unknown to me, but he made a big point in his bio of being both a Harvard man and a New York Times writer. In all the years I have read "airplane books," I have never read a more amateurishly-written - not only amateurish but the use of language was less than what one would expect from a person who spoke another language and had flunked English language instruction; it was poorly-researched, repeating long-debunked mythology and wartime propaganda as fact. The photo collection wasn't up to the low standards of books written 60 years ago when nothing was really known. Not only was it written by a Harvard Man who worked for the NYT, it was published by a Major American Publishing House, where the "editor" assigned the project obviously didn't know such basics as the fact the pointed end goes in front. The only -1 star review I have ever given the work of a fellow author, and I disliked his crimes against fact and history so much I am still of a mind to go put the review on his self-referential website. (For you airplane fans, the title is "Wings of War" by David Fairbank White). What really pisses me off is, the book is being treated seriously because he's a member of the New York White Boy's Club, aka the Noo Yawk Intelleckshooall Establishmunt - the author, whoever it was at the publisher who bought the collection of toilet paper substitute, and the blurbers, all scratching each other's backs. (Yes, I fucking hate the Noo Yawk Intelleckshooall Establishmunt, for all their many crimes against civilization - this being the least example of those)

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Please continue to point out the truth about DeSantis. I live in FL. He talks about keeping FL free, but really it’s only white men who can be “free” - certainly not immigrants, Black people, women (especially of child-bearing age), LGBTQ people. He has fired local school board members he didn’t like, an elected prosecutor. He has taken over New College - a niche school that was way too evoke for him. U of FL hired Ben Sasse as its new president in a secret process. He was the only finalist. DeSantis has filled the board with his cronies. I fear for our higher Ed system which includes schools that rank high in lists of public universities and colleges. I’ve spent more than 1/2 my life in FL and I’m worried

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I note this week and last that Pete Buttigeg has been blamed for many if not all of the transportation problems everywhere—airports, planes, trains, safety. I am assuming that these reports are politically motivated, at least in part.

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"We need help and answers from the federal government.” Their pleas are appropriate and heartfelt."

From the DailyKos February 15, 2023

"Biden offered Ohio ‘anything you need’ after train derailment. Why isn’t DeWine asking for anything?"

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Robert I hope during your trip that you can see Russia from your visit to Alaska. The big story for me was the exerts from the Dominion defamation suit against Fox where there were specific emails between several evening hosts documenting the fact they knew that both Giuliani and Powell were lying about the voting machine malfunction and the fact the election was stolen. Steve Bannon sent a note defining what the strategy was to discredit Biden even before he took office. All of these individuals lied and their excuse was they were losing ratings. I hope Dominion wins the suit but more importantly how do we hold these individuals accountable and discredit their integrity and out right misinformation assault on their viewers! Part of the settlement should be barring them from ever hosting a TV program ever again.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This paragraph, and the one that follows, distill the situation exactly:

“The commercial imperative to maximize profit at the expense of safety has been a centuries-long struggle, one in which the federal government inevitably assumes the role of the protagonist advocating for safety. It is cheap and easy to vilify the government’s concern for safety as “anti-business” or “bureaucratic over-reach”. Those attacks strike a populist chord that resonates with ill-conceived notions of absolute liberty—a notion antithetical to civilized society that is a pre-condition to the enjoyment of true liberty.”

I understand the fear and anger that the residents of New Palestine are feeling and they absolutely deserve speedy answers and help.. while they are clearly being gaslighted by authorities. The EPA seems to be genuinely suspect but I am unclear about why the rest of the Federal Government may be being blamed. Hadn’t Dewine initially rejected federal help? And will these residents be aware of how the pro-business GOP have eliminated safety regulations on everything they can get their hands on? Do they understand how the railroad industry lobbies them to do this with their money? So often, people just want to blame the federal government in a knee-jerk reaction, for any and all of their problems. One commenter on a WaPo story yesterday said all these citizens will now be voting for the GOP next time, after this catastrophe. Why? Can they really not scratch below the thin surface to see which party consistently proposes regulation, safety measures, workers rights and protections? I just get so frustrated with the total lack of intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. Please, folks, wake up and see who is really working in your behalf.

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Thank you, Robert. One would never know you are reporting from out of town by the excellent quality of this newsletter! I for one wouldn't mind seeing a few photos from your trip. Alaska is one of my favorite places that I will never get to see.

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Thanks Robert. How clearly you express many layers of the complexity of our time that are interrelated. The Norfolk Southern accident is the 3 mile Island of our decade and points to the need for both Federal oversight and accountability of those CEO’s and executives who destroy the livelihood and lives of both their employees and the communities they destroy. There is so much destruction that they cause.

Apologists for Ron DeSantis especially those who should know better are doing the same routine as they did for Trump in 2016. DeSantis is a man of action? Question number 1, good action or bad action? Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Putin were and are men of action… the wrong actions. The real man of action is Joe Biden, action that gives versus taking away. On top of this where the hell is the DOJ regarding this Martha’s Vineyard escapade. Is nobody accountable. Yes we can prosecute the little guys but people in power, at this point I would say the DOJ has lost its window to do what is right out of fear or I hesitate to say cowardice. Please convince me otherwise. I am angry that this goes on and on and on.

Democrats have to keep their eye on the ball and not get sidetracked if we are to survive as a country. We must take back words like liberty as not pertaining to an individual but a community where as citizens true liberty cannot be gained at the expense of others.

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You make a great point regarding media coverage of Ron DeSantis. I live in Florida and his attacks on anything that is perceived as woke are unrelenting. As a subscriber and reader to the NY Times I propose that all of us write to the NY Times and let them know that their coverage of him needs to be more pointed and revealing of his racist, anti-education, anti-LBGTQ, anti-voting, etc policies. Otherwise, we will stop our subscriptions. $s talk. Write here https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/15/homepage/contact-newsroom.html

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The thought of Ron DeSantis being "normalized" in the national media is beyond disturbing. It is downright frightening and infuriating. I am a Floridian, and as I've previously written in these comments, I've lived through 8 years of Jeb Bush, who at the time was "the worst Governor in Florida history." Then came Charlie Crist. Hardly the worst Governor, but a milquetoast who was relatively inconsequential. He was followed by Rick Scott, who quickly established himself as "the worst Governor in Florida history." in 2018 Ron DeSantis became the next in line to become "the worst Governor in Florida history." Four Republican Governors, three of which elevated the title of "the worst Governor in Florida history" to new heights (or depths).

If nothing else, all one has to do is look at the headlines from Florida's major newspapers to get a clear picture of the outrageous damage DeSantis is doing with a generous helping hand from his lapdog legislature.

Today's Tampa Bay Times provides two examples: https://cdn.freedomforum.org/dfp/pdf17/FL_TIMES.pdf?20230217

The front page of the Tampa Bay Times has two scary articles that are part of the DeSatan playbook for authoritarianism.

"Sports measure moves forward - The bill would give the governor control over Florida school athletics board."

Why would DeSatan want this? Because he wants to control the "risk" of transgender kids competing.

The other article that must not be overlooked is this:

"Fla. lawmakers consider lower tax cap -

The proposed change would reduce the limit

on increases of taxable values on homesteads."

From the first paragraph: "A proposal to change the state’s Save Our Homes property tax cap cleared its first legislative committee on Wednesday, despite concerns that it might force counties to cut services or shift the tax burden."

"Cut services"...hmmm, who would be most likely affected by those service cuts??? "Shift the tax burden"....hmmm, to whom would that burden be shifted and who would benefit the most?

The man is a dictator wannabe of dangerous proportions and must not be "normalized" in any way, shape or form!

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“Demonizing government for attempting to protect its citizens is destructive and deadly—but forms an essential part of the GOP playbook….The people of Ohio and America deserve federal support and concern before disaster strikes, not merely after the fact. And we must help defend those efforts against attacks from demagogues and profiteers who seek to prioritize power and greed over public safety.”

Well said. The demonizing of government protection of citizens is a major problem in current politics. The vast majority of protections we have, and still benefit from, have been provided by our government, to the benefit of all. Our nation needs broad recommitment to and appreciation of the roles our government performs, day in and day out.

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But Jim, isnt it SOP to blame the person in office for the sins of the Oligarchs over the last 100+ years? Doesnt that come with job. Like, clearly, the Financial Crisis was Obamas fault because....well...he was there.

The fact that we didnt allow the railway unions to act and educate the public to the dangers created by the Robber Barons should now be obvious. I am a huge fan of President Biden. But he should have stood shoulder to shoulder with the unions instead of shutting down the strike. America needs to suffer a bit in order to learn. The Ohio "lesson" is the wrong way to teach, me thinks.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I wanted to second other comments applauding you on the excellence of your Substack, especially during vacation travels. I do have one question, comment about Ohio Gov Mike DeWine. If I lived in Ohio, I would be livid that he would have the callousness to refuse federal assistance for any reason. He’s denying me help I need and paid for with my federal taxes! He has absolutely no right to do that!

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Just a couple things to add regarding the Ohio train derailment of Norfolk Southern rail cars. Republican Ohio governor Mike DeWine had repeatedly refused federal assistance from President Biden for almost 2 weeks. who, he said, called to offer “anything you need.” DeWine said he had not called back to take him up on the offer. “We will not hesitate to do that if we’re seeing a problem or anything, but I’m not seeing it,” he said. It seems that the GOP wants to blame the Federal Government for this but also not take responsibility and or invite the Federal Government to come help fix the problem. It wasn't until Feb 16th, yesterday that the head of the EPA and the Fed Government were invited to show up and help solve the problem. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/16/us/politics/east-palestine-ohio-train-chemicals-fema.html?smid=url-share

I do hope that President Biden and Sec Pete B can try and turn this into a win where they can help the people of Ohio, however they should also consider putting back in place the safety rules & regulations that could've prevented this from happening. It should be a top priority and the media should also be adding pressure on these rail companies and our legislators to get this done.

Back in 2017, the railroad industry spent more than $6M on GOP political campaigns to get rid of the Obama administration era rule on braking systems for cars carrying harzardous materials. The Biden admin needs to work to get that rule put back in place ASAP. It was a shame that this wasn't done during the railroad strike negotiations but when Trump and the GOP tried so hard to destroy the system it is sometimes hard to remember what needs to get fixed.

I also think the media needs to do a better job of calling out Republicans in Ohio like JD Vance who blamed the Infrastructure bill and not the corporate greed of Norfolk Southern. JD Vance also said that his office and team would work with FEMA even though Republican Governor DeWine hasn't let FEMA into the state yet. It's appalling and Ohio voters need to expect more. Not that I expect the county where East Palestine (>70% voted for Trump) to really understand what is going on, but they deserve better and there should be multiple class action lawsuits against that company.

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