I have spent much of the weekend watching CNN, MSNBC, and BBC to follow the war in Ukraine. I hope that President Biden and the other NATO leaders will vote to accept Ukraine into the NATO alliance. It broke my heart watching President Zelenskyy almost beg for Ukraine to be admitted. I know it is really a long shot that they would admit a country that has been attacked by our arch enemy. I personally think Ukraine should have been admitted a long time ago.

I do not want Kiev to fall. Mariupol has been destroyed. Shelters are being bombed there.

I watched a report on disabled infants and toddlers, orphans, who have just been brought to a Kiev hospital from a city some distance at great peril.

I pray every night that someone will kill Putin. Where is the CIA in all of this? I thought in the past that the CIA assassinated leaders like Putin.

As for FOX News, as far as I am concerned they are all giving aid and comfort to the enemy. What can we do about that?

Yes, Robert, I am extremely upset. I am at the point where I think we should enter into this fight. I am so proud of the veterans who have gone over there to train the Ukrainians

I think that some sort of no fly zone should be put into effect if we don’t get those planes to the Ukrainians.

Poland is interested in some sort of a peace keeping mission. Some military people have said that would be helpful in western Ukraine at least.

It amazes me that we went into the Middle East so quickly and carried on a 20 year war, trying to bring democracy to a people who were not interested in it, for the most part, and who would not fight for it. But here we have a sovereign democratic country that has been attacked by an autocratic country and the people of Ukraine are fighting valiantly, but we will not fight with them to keep them free.

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Our elected officials because of the legalized bribery of Citizens United now vote 95% of the time with their donors. They put Patrons and Party before Constituents and Country. I work with WolfPAC, a nonpartisan organization trying to overturn Citizens United through a Convention of States. Some people will argue that a Convention of States is a dangerous way to amend the Constitution since it might get out of control. I'll counter that with the resolutions calling for the Convention of States is very specific and we're striving to get the same resolution passed in every state. I like that American Promise is working on this important amendment. One argument that this will be extremely difficult is that you are asking the same people that benefit greatly and can claim their power is from their donors rather than the People. Amendments are passed by the Congress only after they see momentum and results in getting a Convention of States together. They are no longer listening to their constituents. It is like telling a fox he needs to put a lock on the chicken coop. It is against his/her personal interest and need to stay in power. Still, having both methods being worked on makes it a better probability that the amendment will happen so I applaud both groups for their efforts and will toast to their success. We, the People, all of us this time!

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

One of your best, Robert! Thank you. I am an optimist, too. With the start of spring, there is the anticipation of the budding of trees and flowers, butterflies fluttering, fresh scents from our Mother Earth wafting in the air, and more birds arriving with new songs. Yet I have a restlessness somewhere deep within that says we are already at war, that we have entered WWIII, but no one wants to utter the words. This is not like me to think so negatively, but there it is. Friends wrote this weekend echoing the same feelings, sensing that the underbelly of Ukraine and wars/unrest around the planet are too close for comfort, creating unsettling feelings, a dis-ease. Switching gears to the Supreme Court nominee hearings this week: I find it hard to believe that Josh Hawley was not disbarred. Thank you for the heads up on his focus. How on earth did he ever come out of Yale Law School? (Sorry but I love Yale Law for personal reasons.) I will look into "American Promise" for our county and state. There is so much to do, too few to do the work, and there is an unspoken fear that we can't put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Nevertheless, I will head out for my morning walk towards the Hudson River and let Nature feed me with air, water, and the scent of spring in the air. Blessings to all ~ 🌷🌺

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

And enduring is an ongoing process as Robert eloquently reminds us

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I was stopped in my tracks with "Spring reminds us: We will endure.' Spring is my favorite season, but I don't associate it with, "We will endure". Go tell that to the Ukrainians. Today's title seems more appropriate for a romance novel or light spiritual reading. My surprise turned into amusement, and I remain unconvinced..

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The conclusion is the most important part of the letter today. Thanks Robert.

As an aside, I tried to sign up for the MO group working on the 28th Amendment but the ReCapta and submit weren't working. I will try again.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

For some years, I have been fascinated by the Battle of Britain. A few years ago, I found a book on the battle in our local library. It was probably the best volume on the subject that I have ever read, although it was not written by a professional historian. The author's theory was that the Battle of Britain was a decisive battle precisely because it decided nothing but that the war would go on; had the British lost and Hitler invaded the UK successfully, the Second World War would have been over in 1940. Right now I happen to be reading a novel about the battle in which one of the characters is a mathematician fascinated by how game theory might be applied to the situation that Britain faced in August of that year. One of the points is that in game theory, working not to lose is more important than trying to win. (That's why a good player at tic-tac-toe starts by using the middle square.) I take your time with all of his maundering, because it strikes me that Ukraine does not have to win the war--not militarily, at least. Rather, its strategy should be to keep Russia from winning. (That may have been the Taliban's strategy all along, whether they thought of it or not.) And it seems to me that the Ukrainians have already achieved their essential goal. Unless Putin is both willing and able to re-align Russia's economy, its miliary and its national strategy for total war, Russia cannot prevail. True, it might be able to keep up the killing for many years, but it will not win. The problem for Putin is that admitting that would probably cost him is life. (When people talk about offering him an off-ramp, I think they should be discussing how to get him a luxury retirement villa on the Costa do Sol, and sending a Spanish military jet to pick him up before the Russian government and the Russian people know he's gone.)

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I hadn't heard of American Promise before, but I know some local folks who've been active in an organization with the same goal, Move to Amend. https://www.movetoamend.org/ So, I emailed American Promise to see if they're cooperating with Move to Amend.

I can only work and donate to a limited number of organizations without getting overwhelmed by newsletters, donation requests, etc. So, I wish there was better coordination among organizations with similar aims.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I think the Citizens United decision was a travesty, and I dislike the flood of money into politics. But I think it’s possible to overstate money’s effect. Eric Cantor lost a House race to Dave Brat, who spent a fraction of what Cantor spent. The Koch family has spent hundreds of millions on losing candidates. So did Sheldon Adelson. My hope was that they would beggar themselves so I enjoyed watching them throw their money away. In a large state, there probably is some threshold minimum amount you need because media markets are expensive, but anything above that probably has diminishing returns. I would love to see the money out of politics but fighting voter suppression should be a higher priority. Maybe there are enough people to do both simultaneously, but voting can—and has—overcome the money and made Citizens United a sideshow. I would keep my eye on the ball.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Beautiful, poetic closing. Thank you from my open heart.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You are a poet, Robert Hubble. Thank you for the words of hope today as Spring begins, and everyday.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I wonder how overtly racist Josh Hawley will feel comfortable being? And who among the others will support him?

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Citizens United has done more to destroy our country than any one action since the Civil War. See Robert Reich explain: https://youtu.be/4RaOnn0L8A0

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The effort to create and pass a 28th Amendment in opposition to Citizens United that you recommend is doomed and unwise. It is doomed because it will never receive the necessary support to be made part of the Constitution. Nor should it because it is unwise. The central point of the language proposed by the American Promise is as follows: "Congress and the States . . . may distinguish between natural persons and artificial entities, including by prohibiting artificial entities from raising and spending money in campaigns, elections, or ballot measures." That language would limit entities such as political parties and political action committees that support causes that many of us would want them to be able to support.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Re: Lavrov / Fox News

For some time now I have, when confronted with the latest Tucker Carlson - Fox News sewage, been trying to think of an appropriate, non-hyperbolic term to use when referring to them and how to think about them vis a vie Russia...one that is accurate and that doesn't involve gratuitous amounts of emotionally-feel-good vulgar profanities. Thanks to a commenter on another site a little while ago, I now have it. Seems to be an absolutely perfect fit.


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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I, too, loathe the money arms race. My recollection is that the Democrat who lost to Susan Collins in Maine had money left over. She simply couldn't spend all that she raised. That money could have been better spent on other candidates, on food banks, or shelter for those experiencing homelessness. The corporate money could be better spent on R&D or employee wages. The opportunity costs from excessive campaign spending is rarely discussed.

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