Jun 22, 2023ยทedited Jun 22, 2023Pinned

In the newsletter, I slipped in Scalia when I meant Alito. I was confused about which Supreme Court justice received free travel and lodging on a hunting trip. I have corrected the error in the online version. Thanks to all for pointing out the error.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I could not help thinking of Hamilton the Musical as I read your perfect three act opera concluding with a chorus of Shame Shame Shame. We need Lin-Manuel Miranda to write a new show about these current historical players, heroes, fools, knaves, some truly honorable, SO many dishonorable, with the life of the body politic at stake. The GOP does nothing but showboat anyway.

In a speck of good news, MSNBC has had more viewers than Fox for the last two weeks. Whaddya know.

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Robert, What a powerful piece! I'm blown away. Thank you for presenting the bigger picture on the amply called Roberts Court. I was certainly thinking of advocating for the impeachment of Injustice Alito. Looks like Chief Injustice Roberts should be the first to go, then followed shortly by Alito, Thomas and perhaps Gorsuch. But, of course, impeachment is an emasculated (LOL) remedy that won't happen in this Congress. It is certainly almost a sure bet that Roberts is complicit which also explains the Citizens United ruling enabling dark money. Also, with a nod to a silver lining, I hope Trump will be shoved into oblivion by those behind all this corruption since he is now a loser that threatens this decades long plan to make the United States a theolikle (theocratic oligarchic kleptocracy) and have Federalist Society trifecta. However, I feel quite optimistic that 2024 is the year of a Democratic trifecta especially in listening to Rep. Schiff's gracious acceptance of the "Freedom in Democracy" Prize. If Rep. Schiff is going to be fined $16M I propose that we set set up a crowd source fund where we have a grass roots fundraiser to pay the fine for him. We, the People, ready to establish a more perfect union in 2024! Action with tenacity!

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Since high school certain words eloquently spoken by Winston Churchill have inspired me to speak and write as eloquently as my poor powers allow. I can say the same of William Jennings Bryant's "Cross of Gold" speech. Now I must add Representative Adam Schiffโ€™s retort speech in the House yesterday as causing to arise within my soul the same feelings as for Churchill and Bryant. We have not only a Representative in Mr. Schiff, but also a statesman. YOU GO, Adam!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Follow the connections between billionaires like Paul Singer, Harlan Crowe and Charles Koch and Supreme Court Justices and what they get it return with this interactive Relationship Map. https://thedemlabs.org/2023/06/21/supreme-court-fishy-business-follow-the-money-samuel-alito-paul-singer/

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, this is a wonderful piece! I support Swing Left and will send money to protect the Virginia legislative races. We are in this together!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Of Adam Schiff: We love him for the enemies heโ€™s made! (As was said of another great American.).

Oh, and the Republicans in the House just elected him to the Senate.

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Watching the mendacious, malicious, malevolent scum who are the GOP's bomb throwers - with all the so-called "moderates" falling in line and voting for what they know in their hearts is wrong - demonstrates that there are no "good Republicans," that Harry Truman was right back in 1948 when he observed that "The only 'good Republicans' are pushing up daisies.'"

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

One of your absolute best pieces, Robert. A journalistic work of art!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In 2015, Justice Roberts wrote the opinion that overturned the conviction of Virginia's former Governor McDonnell and his wife who had conducted events supporting the product of a company whose CEO had provided them with gifts. The opinion rejected the idea that merely setting up a meeting was "an official act" and therefore compliance with a bribe making the job of proving corruption much more difficult for prosecutors. Could Justice Roberts have been conscious of acts that many now see as corruption ranging from lavish vacations provided to several justices and high salaries for their wives when he wrote that opinion?

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Today's power word seems to be "sinecure," "a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefits," which leads to the question, why isn't congress taking steps to make these justices accountable? Because the majority of Republican congress people that now inhabit the Swamp apparently also function in their own public offices as sinecures for their corporate donors. We, the people must now sharpen our metaphorical pitchforks and purge our courts and legislative bodies of these dishonorable, illegitimate, miscreant cretins. This issue of Today's Edition Newsletter is indeed, as Cathy Learoyd said, "a powerful piece" that deserves a special honor in the annals of Democracy, right up there with Adam Schiff's moving speech.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Another great newsletter. I'm proud to be a paying member to support you (I also give monthly to Adam Schiff). Meanwhile, check out what Steve Schmidt has to say about the Supreme Court (he helped lead the confirmations of Roberts and Alito, and sums it up with his shame that he did so):

"The Chief Justice should understand that delusion and denial are unbecoming from the office of John Marshall. He must act to restore the courtโ€™s integrity, or its collapse will become his failure, and the national tragedy his enduring legacy. It gives me no pleasure to write such words as the White House official who ran his confirmation process. I also ran that of Samuel Alito. I defended him from attacks on his ethics and character. I regret my efforts. He was dishonest in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee with his comments claiming fidelity to judicial precedent and landmark rulings. Case in point: Dobbs v. Jackson, which Alito wrote on behalf of the majority. It was all a ruse. A farce. "

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell


I have been a member of the bar of the United States Supreme Court for many years. I am considering writing Justice Roberts a letter with a copy to the clerk of the court saying that I am resigning as a member of the bar of the court because I want my children and grandchildren to know that I would not tolerate being associated with judges no matter how imminent who ignore basic and obvious ethical norms and who attempt to hide their shortcomings. And who, rather than apologizing to the American bar whose reputation they are tarnishing, deny any lapse.

I may add an anecdote and a comment.

Years ago by happenstance I shared with another lawyer I did not know, a short cab ride to the courthouse of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. I was going there to argue one of my cases the other side had appealed. I offered to pay for the cab ride. The other lawyer, a youngster, insisted unyieldingly on sharing the cost. It seemed a bit odd and unnecessarily strident to me.

When the three judges and their law clerks entered the courtroom, I understood. The other lawyer was a law clerk of Judge Brown, the Chief Judge of the court. I am proud to be a part of a court that included that lawyer. I can no longer be proud of being a member of our current United States Supreme Court.

What do you think?

Eliot P. Tucker

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Great going, Robert...all of it! In my little corner of the country, Russet Perry is on the Swing Left list as a candidate running for VA State Senator. If she wins in November, she will be my state senator. John Bell, our current senator, is retiring, so this seat is up for grabs and IMO is vulnerable to a Republican takeover. The VA General Assembly is truly split down the middle. All seats are important to maintain and to win!

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"Two members of the Court were appointed illegitimately, and one member should be impeached for lying to Congress during his confirmation hearings" One thing sticks out to me and that is: who do you sue for tampering with a woman's body? To have illegitimate actors making decisions that personify their personal goals putting women's health in jeopardy, creating stress levels (cortisol rise, inflamation rise, mental health breakdowns) also emasculates.

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Some people, notably women like Michelle Obama, and Ellen DeGeneres, have publicly befriended George Bush. Other people will never forgive, or forget his nominees to the Supreme Court, Roberts and Alito. The media was totally uncritical of both of them. Sandra Day Oโ€™Connor anointed George Bush, because she wanted a Republican in office when she resigned. And we are all suffering the consequence of her decision; let no one celebrate her as the first woman on the Supreme Court. Today was another reminder. FYI we must demand better leader ship in a national Democratic Party. Ben Wexner of Wisconsin should be the DNC chair.

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