Fortunately, the Senate can curb any legislative craziness of the GOP House. We still need to watch out for horrors like the GOP trying to end Social Security, to protect "fetuses who survive attempted abortions" (Wow! Did they really say that is one of their priorities...), to privatize education, to privatize everything else, etc. etc. etc. We need to be like President Zelensky and focus on winning for democracy. I'm going to be focused on the Well Being of all the People as a way we must measure a democratic government. A WBI with higher impact than GDP. Fix income disparity; give more power to workers to have a significant share of the profits produced by their labors; oppose the originalist doctrine of the Extreme Court (when women were the property of their husbands, etc. ), make sure every person is treated with respect and opportunity, and teach the 3 R's of respect, responsibility and resilience. We, the People, all of us sharing in well being this time.

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THANK YOU for another eloquently written newsletter. I have no words to adequately express my gratitude for your Substack postings. Take care of yourself! 👍🙂

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Relating to Robert's discussion of intentionally faulty polls predicting a Red Wave, and in support of not getting bogged down and distracted by the MAGA and GOP noise machine, and helping us focus on spreading positive sentiment and strengthening policies for the public good, two sources I find very helpful are:

1. Simon Rosenberg, who predicted all of 2022 that there would be no Red Wave. For an intro see https://www.ndn.org/blog/2020/06/democrats-things-get-better (Robert notes the 12/31/22 NYT article that quotes Rosenberg.)

2. Michael Moore's podcasts and in particular his 12-part series that started Christmas Day with https://www.michaelmoore.com/p/blue-dot-tsunami-ep1#details (Blue Dots in a Red Sea (Ep. 1)

Our Next “Impossible” Blue Tsunami Task: How to Win When You’re Blue in a Red State)

Very empowering, very encouraging! Essential antidotes to media pessimism on Dems and MAGA optimism on fascism.

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One of the nice things about owning your own blog, Robert, is that you can reduce the Putinscum Traitors to their component electrons with a permanent ban. You're never going to convince these morons and idiots that they're wrong - they just steal oxygen here. I get a big smile on my face every time I zap one of them.

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"You're never going to convince these morons and idiots that they're wrong - they just steal oxygen here."

Yes, they'll drive you crazy if you let them!

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Exactly, trump never been elected in 2016 without the media regurgitating every word of his verbal sludge!

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Thank you, Robert, for the excellent and deep summaries of yesterday and today. Let’s put on blinders to the Trumpublican BS and focus sharply on preventing their completing a coup by enlisting enough states to register for an Article 5 constitutional convention (we don't want such a convention where the intended purpose would be overrun by MAGA maneuvers to shred the Constitution that we know). See Common Cause for background on this.

Like Ukraine’s fighting forces, we must be active at the local political level to defend against Bannon’s precinct strategy by making all Democratic precinct officers active and working with them to knock on voters’ doors and grow our base of support. Doing this and attending public meetings we can support and protect public servants who have integrity at school boards, libraries, election offices, prosecutors, and state legislatures.

Let’s subscribe to and support local media that aren’t extensions of the right wing propaganda machine.

Call attention to and work for removal of extremists in law enforcement and the military while supporting the essential functions of those institutions and insisting on common-sense reforms (ending racial oppression by police, dispatching mental health crisis professionals to such emergencies, confronting corrupt and misdirected military spending, etc.). Added 1/3, here's a must-read on ridiculously out-of-control, unaudited military spending. https://open.substack.com/pub/popularinformation/p/858000000000

Get to know the priorities of and support elected officials who seek to advance democratic government serving our needs.

Write letters to the editor and counter BS with simply spoken truths. Let’s also build our alliances with anti-MAGA conservatives and independents where we can agree. Create and repeat messaging that counters Republican BS like trickle down economics, refusal to pay or collect all taxes, bringing religion into government and education versus separating church and state so we can all participate in our own religious choices or live a life of integrity without religion.

In sum, we need to drown out the crazy noise by speaking and living humble truths.

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Engaging in 2023:

Support Janet Protasiewicz for Wisconsin Supreme Court. Possibly the most important election of 2023. Len's Political Note #528

Support Jade Harris for Virginia House of Delegates Special Election and reduce the Republican majority to 51-49. Len's Political Note #529 (to be published on January 4)

Support Aaron Rouse for Virginia State Senate Special Election and increase Democratic majority to 22-18. Len's Political Note #524

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Write postcards! www.postcardstovoters.org & activateamerica.vote

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Thanks, Len!

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While it is certainly tempting to sit back and say, "pass the popcorn!" While watching the House GOP implode... I agree that would be a grave mistake. Stay focused on amplifying the accomplishments of the Democrats and those who are protecting democracy, and support the ongoing efforts to elect reasonable candidates to local office. Postcardstovoters.org is a great place to start.

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Thanks Robert and the always outstanding customer mmunity here and your comments. Although not mentioned here what this great analysis makes me thing is how and why did both the secret service and homeland security delete their texts after January 6th?

The GOP might not have the fear of God they should have the fear of Jack Smith. The cancer is not Trump but the GOP as a whole with some exceptions. We will need heavy doses of Chemo over the next two years. Every seat, every election every vote counts!

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It is unforgivable that we don't have an answer to the question about deleted texts. Several people should have fired over the incident, if not prosecuted. What is going on? If an IT director in any company in America let that happen, they would be fired. But the FBI and Homeland Security??? It is deeply troubling.

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Yes it certainly is! We are now going into the 4th day of the New Year and there are crickets from DOJ. Then we have a totally dysfunctional House in Congress to look forward to, run by seditionists. Don’t tell me Jack Smith doesn’t have enough evidence for arrests of indictments!

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I’m still not sure what this means “adding additional healthcare restrictions regarding fetuses who survive attempted abortions”. Are they adding healthcare or healthcare restrictions to fetuses who survive abortion. What in the actually ‘bleep’ are these people talking about.

“ I will not focus on the crazy. I will not focus on the crazy… I will not…. “

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Jeez Karen, if that is the intelligence we are to refute, l can see no way forward other than approach with straight jacket in hand. I believe the “practical man “ would be allowed a few precious words of refutation before being excused again.

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As always, I read your piece and am SO grateful you take the time to remind us of decent politicians (all hail Zelenskyy and Biden) and the disarray in the failing GOP.

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'Require the January 6th Committee to turn over its documents to the House Administration Committee rather than the National Archives'. How can this be Constitutional? This conspiracy-caucus is the limit!

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It's probably not even legal, more like a talking point. The Jan. 6 Documents will be a bestseller, much like the Pentagon Papers and for the same reason.

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Agree. The documents have been published in their entirety at JustSecurity's website. They will not be erased from history.

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Just imagine how much better our nation would be if FOX insisted that, regardless of their political leanings, their opinion/new stars had to be truthful.

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These readers who write to you defending Russia are truly lacking in basic decency and humanity. Shame on them. I’m sorry you have to receive their heartless comments.

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I am so glad you brought up the challenge that we not focus on the continuing dysfunction and antics of the whole kit and boodle that is the Republican Party (so called). Fair to say that we will all have to remind each other not to throw rocks across the river and just stay out of it. Ya. This will be a challenge!

I’ve been trying to imagine what this looks like since we no longer have the luxury of trusting what is going on in Congress, we gotta keep eyes open. How do we look through the offensive BS that … OK; I guess we keep our eyes on the prize and run this race like hell. Again we need to remind one and all to stay out of the crap.

During and ever since the mid terms my stock phrase has been “when republicans win, we all lose” (thank you Robert for quoting that one). Perhaps I will work on a quick one liner that embodies the concept: “republicans are throwing sh!t on the wall to see what sticks- don’t step in it”. It needs work but I guess there is time.

Also and importantly we must find a way to educate the folks who have grown up basking in the freedoms that the last 50 years have offered but don’t know, nor have they taught their off spring, that those freedoms can be taken away.

Be kind; I’m recovering from Covid. I’m pie-eyed from being sick and stuck in house and my thoughts a jumble. I still want to participate but don’t want to frustrate others for ramblin’ on.

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Get better soon!

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Great advice, Robert. I will think of the Republican meltdown in the House of Representatives as a TV channel to check occasionally. After a few minutes, I will be mildly irritated - but mostly bored. How long can you watch a group of chimps steal each other's bananas and throw feces at each other?

Most of my time will be focused on the exemplary leadership of a fine President and the exciting stuff happening on a state and local level - here in our proudly bright blue state. There will be international events that will demand our focus. Fortunately Biden has re-established American leadership on the world stage. And back here in Massachusetts our new governor will lead us into a new era of putting people over Oligarchs. Keep an eye on Maura Healy. She may actually wake up the legislators on Beacon Hill.

Think of it this way. If a two term president had passed the legislation that Joe Biden has passed in his first two years, he/she would be viewed as enormously successful. Yes, if we had kept the House, much more could have been done. But let's embrace success and maximize it!

The GQP will have embarrassed itself so thoroughly, many Republican voters will be so ashamed or disinterested that they won't vote. Blue tsunami on the way. Beginning in January 2025, we will be launched again with a trifecta. The former GOP will be trying to figure out whether they have a party or not. I suspect two new ones will emerge.

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You may be right about two new parties emerging from the wreckage of the GOP clown car and I certainly hope you are, but let's be careful about a "blue tsunami", Democrats have shot too early due to overconfidence before (2016?) and we can't afford to blow this one.

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Agreed. Confidence should not lead to inaction. In fact, we need to redouble our efforts. The Biden admin touring the US explaining the infrastructure bills impact is a great way to begin 2023.

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I agree, and if this signals a return on the part of the Democrats to live, in person retail politics, I have a lot more confidence for the future.

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EVEN IF Putin’s lies about Ukrainian bio labs and nests of Nazis and human trafficking were true, Russia’s unprovoked invasion, genocidal atrocities, the deliberate bombing, rape and murder of thousands of Ukrainian citizens could never be excused.

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