May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Hang in there for us and with us, Rob. We count on your thoughtful analysis and counsel every day to get through this muck. Stay strong!

And peace and remembrance to the suffering loved ones in Uvalde and from every other mass shooting in America. So. Much. Needless. Pain. Vote out the GOP -- Guns Over People!! Thank you for reminding us, Rob.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Morning Mr. Hubbell, Please know that your daily posts along with a dozen other wise Substack thinkers make up our daily news review. Because of your exhaustive analysis, we seldom have time to include the old national newspapers that before Substack used to be our source of world and national news. We seldom forward your posts any longer because our old friends are either subscribers or they are lost causes whom we are no longer trying to influence with facts. I believe that older folks have already formed their opinions and defined their political battle lines. Your posts are positive, not negative as far as we are concerned. You present reality not fantasy, and this is the news that matters. Thanks to you and your staff of one for sticking with it.

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We have to make the debt default the final fakakte of the GOP. Wrap it around their necks and strangle them with it. Kill them (politically, though I could be argued otherwise in certain cases) with it. Finish them off in 2024 with it. Make them as dead as the Whigs.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yes there is a lot of bad news. What helps me is having read about our Civil War. 1861 was a terrible year as was 1862 & the first part of 1863. Lincoln preserved and we WON. Getting rid of white supremacy is a long battle & we will win this one too.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you are such a good person.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I think you're wrong, in saying, "I have no magic words," because what you concluded with is indeed reassuring even though the outlook seems grim. All we can do is buckle down and wait out the coming storm. Thank you for your perspective.

"... to relieve that anxiety except to say that if a default happens, the devastating effects will force the parties to cure the default immediately, or the President will resort to implied powers in the Constitution to continue the issuance of treasury bonds. Either way, the moment of crisis should be short-lived. The pain and dislocation for Americans may linger long after Republicans have moved on to their next battle in the culture war.

It is understandable to experience feelings of anxiety or fear as the nation lurches toward a possible default, but we will survive and prevail. It will not be easy, and it may hurt."

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for remembering the victims, or some of them, in Uvalde. I say some, because—to state the obvious—their parents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, cousins, and the entire community, indeed, the whole nation, were victims of a crazed killer, feckless law enforcement officers and cowardly politicians who have allowed us to be so insane when it comes to firearms.

The disconnect between Republican positions and people’s feelings about guns, and about the right to dominion over one’s own personhood, are two important reasons why the Republican Party is in an ever-tightening death spiral. Extreme favoritism for the rich and corporate interests is another. By pointing out those things, we can help tighten the spin more.

And finally, I cannot resist observing that it’s Swallwell that ends well.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

A wise friend has this mantra that focuses on three priorities in our current lives. First, do something, not just breast beating, to protect our democracy. Write postcards; phone, write or email your congressman on an important topic; contribute to justice causes; attend a protest rally; recruit a friend to join you. Second, express gratitude daily (to a Higher Power). Yes, the world seems a mess but remember more people have escaped poverty than ever in its history; celebrate the birdsong you just heard or a friend’s kind word. Third, examine yourself. Become more aware of your strengths and your flaws. Be compassionate. Do these things and I guarantee you’ll feel better.

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My heart beats a little faster knowing the Uvalde anniversary is coming up. My blood pressure goes up too. Knowing that cowards refused to take on the shooter still gets me raging. So many sweet souls gone in a literal flash because a sick jerk used an AR-15 to obliterate them. Suffice to say that if one congressional seditionist had been injured on 1/6, I would not be crying. But alas, that didn’t or hasn’t happened.

I do want to share 9 videos, I’ll call them vignettes, of how gerrymandering by the Republicans have worked. Rather, how they’ve gotten away with it for too many years. You will enjoy these as they are not long but powerful.


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Thank you, Robert, for reminding us about the one year anniversary of Uvalde. In many ways, it seems like it was only yesterday.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Check out this map with the slate of candidates endorsed by the National Women's Political Caucus of Virginia https://embed.kumu.io/404d5fa865922b5fc8eccda37301f2b5

Click on the tabs at the top to see how you can volunteer to help the candidates (phone bank/send texts / postcard).

Democracy Labs (www.thedemlabs.org) creates such maps and other infographics pro bono for nonprofit progressive causes. Request help at info@thedemlabs.org

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you for writing about Congressman Eric Swalwell. I know him personally and know him to be a person of honor, a good husband and father.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert for listing the Uvalde victims by name and age. It lends stark and much needed humanness to yet another American tragedy. While the Texas legislature shines light on who they really are, real families grieving the loss of their 10 and 11 year old children. Where are our priorities?

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Excellent comments today. I especially appreciated the thoughts about Uvalde. Thank you.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Your newsletter helps me every day. Thank you

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I just glanced at the front page of the NY Times and was bowled over to learn that a political group “plans a $200 million drive to propel DeSantis past Trump” in just 3 states. When will GETTING BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS ever get addressed?! Will this ever be stopped?

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