
Good morning, everyone! I will be away from the newsletter for several hours this morning. If any trolls jump in with offensive comments, can you please click on the three dots to the right of the comment and "Report" the comment? I will receive a notice. Thanks!

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Let's kick this off with a reprise of the brilliant rant authored by TX Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett during the farcical Joe Biden "impeachment enquiry" hearings yesterday...pure gold:


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As I was reading this, it suddenly struck me who Newsom should appoint as the "placeholder" pending next year's election. Someone knowledgeable about the Senate. Someone whose integrity all factions in the California Democratic Party know and accept. Someone dedicated to the democratic process, who would do nothing to interrupt or compromise any of the three campaigns, while doing first class service for the State. Someone who could "hit the ground running" the minute they arrived in DC. There is one person who fits all those requirements.

Barbara Boxer. She's retired, but if you listen to her podcast, not completely. And she has such a strong sense of service, she'd do it without argument.

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Well, Robert, I know you said to be respectful in our comments but I can’t say nice things about Trump. He is literally a pig, a piece of crap. Never was I happier than to hear that Trump and his kids will never ever be able to do business again in NY. They cannot draw any money from their “investments”. It’s laughable because karma is a real bitch when she comes a’ knockin’!

The Georgia defendants are standing in line willing to finally tell the truth, but nothing but the truth. All fingers will point to Trump and I find real pleasure in that. For 4+ years, we have all suffered anxiety and some despair because of the MAGAts in Congress. This week was kinda fun watching the absolute chaos in the House impeachment inquiry. I am ready for all of them (the R’s) to blow up and go away.

Got my flu shot two weeks ago and got my Covid shot yesterday. So far, so far so good.

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I am heartsick that our representatives have been so far unable to find a reasonable way out of this looming government shutdown. It's abuse of the people of the United States who deserve a much higher quality of governance than Republicans are willing to commit to.

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Thank you, as always, Robert. Wonderful newsletter today. You say it all so well, it’s hard to add a comment. However, here in India, I am watching closely what is happening with the government shutdown. I hope it loses the repugnants millions of votes, cast by alienated voters who have suffered under their stupidity and arrogance. Please continue to keep us informed and aware. Have a beautiful weekend.

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President Biden made two significant speeches this week one at the UAW picket line and the other in Arizona at the McCain library where he detailed the threats to American Democracy. Contrast this to the Trump fake UAW rally at a non union venue and the Republican House attempts to start an impeachment hearing on Joe Biden to fund pass legislation to fund the government. I hope independent voters and all voters are watching and listening.

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Short, but very sweet. Thanks, Robert!

I'm thinking that the magats may be trying use the shutdown to hurt the economy and thereby damage President Biden's re-election bid:

1. The economy could suffer if the shutdown lasts long enough.

2. However, the back-fire loss of republican votes will more than equal any damage that accrues to the President.

3. By spring, we should have a much better idea of trump's legal situation, and,

4. There should be a strong boost to the economy as more infrastructure and tech contracts and sub-contracts are let.

Obviously I'm thinkin' positive here! Do everything--EVERYTHING--In your power to get out the vote! We've done it before, we can do it again....

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Dear 56% of Robert Hubbell Readers Who Do Not Use Social Media,

As critical thinkers who presumably care about democracy, justice, and rights to self-determination, I respectfully invite you to explore social media to help spread of the word of Robert and other worthy writers. Social media is such an easy way to amplify these progressive messages and promote grassroots activism. Talk to people you know to get tips how they use social media without getting sucked into the bad algorithms and trolls that we rightfully fear. You see by Robert's poll how popular Facebook is, despite so many naysayers. Twitter used to be great, and our participation in up-and-coming alternatives, such as Threads and Post.News. helps to grow viable alternatives.

Even other readers here can offer tips.


Ellie Kona (This is Tip #1: I use this alias for social media!)

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After listening to Biden’s speech, my goal is to behave in the same respectful, calm manner that he has, using examples of the dangerous behavior of the extremists, but not lowering myself to the disrespectful personality attacks we have seen from the other side. I need to memorize more of the items on the list of Biden’s accomplishments to help me avoid that nervous mind freeze that can take over when talking to others. They say the best way to advertise an event is word of mouth. The best way to advertise Biden is model him and spread the word. Enjoy your weekend everyone.

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Robert, I agree that the most disturbing thing that happened was the laughter at the California GOP convention following Trump’s vile mocking of Nancy Pelosi’s husband. It is disturbing because is emblematic of the cancer Trump has brought to our public discourse. It is spreading and is dangerous. It promotes violence. The only remedy I know of is the one modeled by President Biden. We can’t respond with the name calling, mocking, or slander of the other side. We also can’t be silent. We have to use our voices, our votes and every opportunity given each of us to fight those trying to destroy our republic.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I disagree with the framing of TFG’s question about Paul Pelosi as a joke--it was carefully planned stochastic terrorism. It was a way of bragging about the power of violence from his supporters, about reminding the GOP members in the room that he can call up that violence at any time and against any person, including them if they don’t comply. Some of the laughter was genuinely pleased at this. Some was the nervous titter of people who know they shouldn’t go along with the mutiny that the schoolyard bully is ginning up, but they are afraid that they will be the next victim if they’re not careful.

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Imagine how hard it must be to be Kevin McCarthy. He's demonstrably forgotten that he's there to serve the people, especially the people who live in California's Central Valley. He's so wrapped up in trying not to lose his Speaker's Gavel that he is proving beyond a shadow of doubt that he didn't deserve it in the first place. The whole nation will suffer the cuts in federal discretionary spending because of one man's desperate cling to power, prestige, and fame, and dark money. Oh woe that we as a nation have fallen so low as to have this man in the line of succession!

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Honestly, I can't see the end of the shutdown that is certainly going to happen. The MAGA extremists have no reason to ever compromise their demands because they hate McCarthy, and they WANT to destroy the government. And Democrats can't give in on any point, because the crazies will only ask for more, and more, and more. They have the ability to burn everything down, no matter what happens.

How do Democrats counter that?

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In light of Trump’s death threat against General Milley, I would like to comment on Senator Tuberville’s hold that has created a lack of confirmed commanders in senior military positions. I believe there are additional potential effects that the media is ignoring:

1. How will current junior officers evaluate their careers going forward? As they reach their 20 year mark and are eligible for retirement, will they decide having their career held hostage to the whims of a single senator (and, of course if successful this tactic will be repeated) is less appealing than accepting that offer from a defense contractor? What sort of brain drain of our best and brightest military officers might we expect over the following years?

2. Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Milley took courageous actions to protect our democracy post the 2020 election. Is it possible Senator Tuberville, like Senator McConnell, is holding General and Admiral positions in the US Military so they could be filled in the next administration with individuals who may be more supportive of using the military to achieve domestic political ends? It has got to have occurred to Republicans that, like judges, they can deny Democrats the option of picking military leadership when they have the White House and then they can jam their picks in when they have control.

As a former officer, I am proud of the actions taken by General Milley. It pains me to suggest that the US military could potentially in the future be a part of undermining our system of government. But it also pains me to see what has happened to our Supreme Court. Let’s prevent a repeat.

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Check this map to see the communities that would be hurt (people living below the poverty level, struggling with housing and needing food assistance) immediately by the MAGA government shutdown, along with the GOP rep responsible for that district. Hold these GOP reps accountable for their cruelty on American most in need. https://arcg.is/XqyGH

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