I have a number of thoughts sparked by today's brief newsletter:

First, every time I hear someone say that the absurdly restrictive abortion bans being implemented are "disappointing" and will ensure GOP election defeats, I see the many, many women who are suffering right now because of the loss of crucial medical care in the midst of extreme health threats. For those of us who've suffered complications of pregnancy, miscarriages, and other frightening and devastating reproductive losses, it's horrifying that so many of today's women now also face doctors and other healthcare practitioners whose hands are tied by ill-informed, ambiguous, and anti-medical laws. These laws, dressed up as "saving babies," are based on the underlying suggestion that abortion is slutty birth control. Please just remember the real suffering right now. And work like crazy to turn this around, of course!

Second, I've learned (at least) two things in my years of activism: change happens in tiny increments and change takes time. Women's suffrage took roughly 100 years. Black Americans are still fighting for a level playing field after 400 years.

An example of the tiny ripples of change: postcards. We often write for long-shot candidates who deserve support because of who they are and what they stand for. They often lose. But during the campaign postcards start showing up, volunteers pin them to the wall and feel energized to go knock on some more doors. The results are closer than projected and that gets noticed by the local and state Democratic party, which may then invest a little more the next time. The candidates and their teams may try again, now savvier and a little-better known, their names getting familiar to voters. More folks may volunteer next time, and Democratic/Independent turnout might build. And, importantly, the opposition will need to spend more $$ where they didn't used to.

Finally, and why Robert's newsletter has been so important to me, hope is a choice. That choice requires action.

(Here endeth the sermon! Sorry.)

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No apology necessary!! And I agree with you, while we're waiting for some future election to turn around these horrific abortion and gender-affirming care bans, every single day people, including those we love, are finding their lives devastated by this heartlessness. The fact that those losses will inevitably turn out more votes down the road, is hardly enough to assuage our consciences. :'-(

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Yes. The traumas of this era will be felt for years, possibly generations. I actually had one guy say to me, “These abortion bans will be good for Democrats.” That’s like a gut punch.

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“These laws, dressed up as "saving babies," are based on the underlying suggestion that abortion is slutty birth control.”

Yup that’s exactly what it is! It’s not about saving babies it’s about what the Christian Right believes is “immoral” behavior by women (aka having sex out of wedlock). They believe abortion is nothing more than the “get out of jail free card” that “slutty” women use so their “slutty behavior” can continue unabated. It’s pretty disgusting that the Christian Right hides their disgust about women having sex out of wedlock behind their claim that it is really about “saving babies”. Ughhh!

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And of course it’s only the women having sex. No mention of the men.

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And it's not just "having sex out of wedlock". Many many women deciding to seek an abortion are married or single parents with other children whom they struggle to care for, and women who - as Kathy Rawle points out - who have serious medical issues with their pregnancy, some of which would result in a non-viable fetus and threaten the life of the pregnant woman who cannot received the necessary medical care because of rigid interpretations of anti-abortion laws in so many states.

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Not only that. But a great number of abortions are medically necessary for women who WANT to have a baby - but there are complications, ectopic pregnancies, fetal abnormalities, threats to the mother’s life, etc. That’s the stupidity of these laws. They forget that all women of reproductive age are affected, and possibly endangered by their barbaric laws - including MAGA and Republican women! Reproductive health is an essential part of a woman’s path to a healthy pregnancy. But now, the red states are running off all the doctors who work with women. So, again, all those who truly want a baby and who then might have complications during the pregnancy are left without medical care in Red America. This is inhumane and must be stopped by executive order or whatever it takes! I wish Biden would send in the Armed Forces to protect doctors who perform their medical duties and care for their female patients. Do they think no GQP woman will have any issues????? Heartless and brain-less.

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I agree with all points that you, Judith, and Laura have made. But my point about the Christian Right’s belief about abortion is singular. Their primary perception is that abortion allows what they see as lascivious behavior by women to continue. That abortion is a way to for women to not have to take responsibility for a pregnancy.

Yes men are equally responsible for pregnancy but the Christian Right has made it a women only issue. And yes, as we know there are abortions which are medically necessary for many reasons. But again the Christian Right has a very narrow singular view about abortion. They disregard the medical side. Their narrow view focuses on the one and only thing which sparks their “moral” outrage, the belief that terminating a pregnancy allows women to have sex without having to take responsibility should they become for pregnant. And by “responsibility” it’s their Christian version of what responsibility is or is not. And they “hide” this moral outrage behind their claim that by it’s all about saving babies, that it’s a pro-life issue.

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I understand. But a woman can’t be “lascivious” without a man to be that way as well!!!! And how often are women getting pregnant as a result of unwanted sex????? Yes, the so-called Christian Right (they are NOT Christians with these views of the world and other people) puts it all on women because they live in a patriarchy. But I believe we should constantly talk about the REAL narrative - abortion laws are totally discriminating! Just as trans laws are. You cannot hold one group of people to a narrative that you don’t do the same for all people. Men are very much complicit in womens’ pregnancies. So why do they get off Scott-free???? Part of it is the antiquated patriarchal view of women as the tempters. But the other part is if they start blaming the men as well, why that would include them??? They prefer to pick on groups of people who don’t have the power that men do.

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On top of all this, places like Texas have no gun restrictions even for domestic abusers, so their partners and children are at greater risk. (See Karen Attiah today in Washington Post.)

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I keep saying that Viagra, Cialis, Wave Therapy should be banned because men are interfering in god's will, amiright? Plus do away with condoms (although we would then see an increase in STDs, imho). And no more masturbation - now THAT is killing babies!

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The "Christian" right just wants to control women.

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How about the trashy men having sex with with these slutty women? Should we cut off their manhood to punish them, and criminalize any doctor who refuses to do the procedure????

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Evangelicals will always have access to whatever they need and always have. That includes abortion.

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Do not apologize. I'm not into pulpits. But your comment is one fine sermon. More. please.

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Thank you. My main goal is always to inspire action. Write a few postcards, then host a postcard party, then make it regular in a public place. Look at Markers for Democracy and how they’ve grown. This is what will save us. This is what is making the wins in elections. But it takes more of us recognizing our power. And recognizing that we are morally obligated to act on behalf of those who are suffering. Now.

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And if you cannot write postcards to voters, write letters to voters (votefwd.org) which entails far less writing (body of letter provided to be printed out, just need to add salutation, sign and address envelope). I have had to give up postcards after my efforts in March resulted in tendonitis. Made the connection when the tendonitis slowly cleared up over a few weeks after final postcard written and sent.

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That’s another effective group. I thought you were supposed to add a personal note too. At this point, because of arthritis in my fingers, I write less and recruit more!

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I don't recall the 'personal note' because I did Letters more than a year ago. Will make note for the next round. Thanks.

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Speaking of action - here’s something we can all do no matter where you live! Women in Florida are fighting back against the 6 week ban on abortion just passed by DeSantis by creating a ballot initiative for 2024, making abortion more accessible again. They do not want other people making decisions about their bodies. Health care is being compromised in other states by the influx of women from other states who cannot get help in their own locations. Registered voters are signing petitions and hoping to get enough signatures by this fall. There is also a $5M fee to file the petitions which needs to happen fast - by the end of this month of May, just days from now. If you would like to support the sisters in Florida by making a donation, your generosity will be greatly appreciated. The amounts can be whatever you can afford. You do not have to be a resident there to donate. This effort is being advocated by the League of Women Voters and the ACLU of FL. To donate go to https://Floridiansprotectingfreedom.com/d.

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Thank you so much for posting this. Maybe Robert will add this to tonight’s edition.

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I hope so! We can use all the support we can get! I am a snow bird but live in MD and a registered Dem in MD. I can’t sign the petition but I can help raise the money for the effort!

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I live in Washington state so most of my activism is elsewhere, except during the legislative sessions and elections.

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My comment is located several below

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Excellent sermon. Thank you.

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This is my first comment to your wonderful letters to all of us. When I despair, I think of you and all of your readers who share my desperation, yet share my hopes and dreams for our beautiful country. I try to do my part by keeping informed, listening to those around me and try to educate others who might disagree with what I call gentle firmness.

Thank you to all you true activists who do such more with courage and grit.

Yes the road is tough but together we CAN succeed because we are on the side of truth and justice.

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Imagine what the two major political parties could accomplish if everyone in the boat stroked in the same direction instead of beating each other with the oars!

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Jacqueline, I agree with you. Hopes and dreams make life tolerable.

Thank you, Robert, for Today's Edition.

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… and for your dedication to good causes.

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I think your assessment of the debt negotiations is absolutely right. I have confidence that President Biden has a plan (I'm rooting for the 14th Amendment myself) and I hope it's as effective as his move in his State of the Union address where he boxed the GOP into committing to leave Social Security and Medicare alone. Seems to me that in one of the debates with TFG, Biden deftly got him to show an affinity for the Proud Boys. I'm looking forward to him addressing the country Sunday.

Robert, enjoy your visit to DC. It's filled with inspiring monuments and memorials that remind us how great our democracy is, and why we must fight to keep it.

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Here's the issue with invoking the 14th Amendment: Time.

- The far-right Freedom Caucus (aka Seditious Republican House Members) will kill any legislation raising the debt limit.

- Biden will issue an executive order instructing the government to pay its bills despite the debt limit.

- The Seditious Republican House Members will file a petition with the US Court claiming that Biden does not have the authority to override the debt limit.

- The DOJ will seek an emergency Supreme Court petition and injunction.

- Despite the best efforts of Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch, the Supreme Court will issue the injunction within a day or two, hear the case in the coming weeks and determine the economic fate of the Nation.

- Unless the Court issues a timely injunction, the United States will default for the first time in its history causing interest rates to jump, markets to fall and the World to shudder (except for the Russian and Chinese governments who will smiling gleefully from ear to ear).

Sometimes I wonder (a) if the Seditious Republican House Members aren't actually Russian infiltrators (remember the series "The Americans"???) and (b) whether The Federalist Society is a part of that infiltration. 🤔

Guess we'll find out soon enough, won't we?

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I am also rooting for invoking the 14th Amendment. I want to be one of millions who will cheer on President Biden for popping the pimple called a "debt ceiling". The ancient law was created for an entirely different purpose. Heather and Robert have explained it well. Legal eagles will present that to the Supreme Court. I see it as "cleansing".

Where I part company with your scenario is the SCOTUS decision. I believe, despite the corruption and cancerous decisions that have come from this court, there are at least 5 justices who don't want their legacy defined by the destruction of our economy and our standing in the world. I think that Roberts, Kavanaugh and/or Barrett might join the three sane members of the court in tossing the old law out the window. I wouldn't trust Thomas or Gorsuch to tie my shoes safely.

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I like the "popping the pimple" analogy. It's exactly what it is, especially in the hands of the Raucous Caucus. It's too bad that Janet Yellen came out against invoking 14A, saying it would result in a constitutional crisis. That overused and misapplied term rivals "woke" in our current vernacular.

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Bill, I too hope Biden invokes the 14th Amendment.

While I am neither an attorney nor constitutional expert and I certainly hope the Court will eliminate the debt ceiling, I think the Court will limit its ruling to this: the most recent federal budget last passed by Congress (Jan 2022 for FY ending Sep 2023) supersedes the debt ceiling legislation passed (Dec 2021). This limited ruling might even garner the support of Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch. The basis for this ruling is simple: the law last enacted is the law under which the validity of the debt may not be questioned.

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SCOTUS as it currently stands is quickly sliding into obscurity

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Perhaps I'm naive, but I think that by invoking 14A (and citing the arguments made by Hockett and Tribe), Biden can force the Republicans to pursue the course you've outlined. That, to me, would be mass suicide (not that it's out of the realm of possibilities for this group).

While Biden has said repeatedly that the debt ceiling and the budget are separate matters, McQarthy continues to conflate them. Biden should call him out on that in invoking 14A.

I think it's time to end this silly shell game, and remove this tool of fools who think they can achieve their ends by holding the global economy hostage when they can't achieve them thru the ballot box and legislation.

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All of our conversations omit the fact that the Crazy Caucus numbers only about 20 and that the 415 putatively sane members of Congress could, if they chose, pass the debt ceiling removal, and ensure that Mr. McCarthy remains as Spineless Speaker at least until the people in his district have a chance to vote him out in 18 months. It's way outside the partisan narrative, but it's practical politics at its best for Mr. Jeffries to deliver the necessary votes and put himself and the Democrats in the driver's seat for the rest of this Congress.

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I couldn't agree more. The question is are there enough Republicans from purple districts to overcome those from gerrymandered red districts.

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Absolutely, if they have the guts to do it. The counterweight is that there are probably enough Democrats who could be persuaded to support McCarthy as Speaker in exchange for the removal of the fiscal debt ceiling. The political debt McCarthy would incur in such a deal has no theoretical ceiling. Jeffries would own him as surely as the Crazy Caucus does now.

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I have faith we will never get to your doomsday scenario

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Andrew, I've been wondering those same things for quite a while now. And at the risk of sounding like a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy nut, I also wonder whether there isn't a cabal of uber-wealthy oligarchs and plutocrats behind the scenes financing and orchestrating it all.

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Oh no! I will pray that you are wrong!

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I guess I was too dark and gloomy . . . sorry! I have faith that, if the House doesn't raise the debt ceiling, Biden and Treasury Secretary Yellen have left enough time to move the matter to court before the government actually does default and the full faith and credit of the US will survive (until the next fiscal battle🙄)!

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Bob, I believe Robert's assessment is that "Anything can happen." That sounds easy to agree with, but I'm not so sure.

One thing that won't happen is all 218 Republicans voting for a debt-limit / spending-cut package. Their "Limit, Save, Grow" bill only passed because moderates were persuaded that it would never become law. But the fact is moderates won't support all the cuts MAGA demands, and MAGA won't agree to drop them. Therefore, whatever emerges will necessarily be passed with a bipartisan majority.

Secondly, the negotiations taking place are not about the debt limit bill. They are about the budget. The idea is to reach a budget agreement now, which would also avoid a government shutdown in the Fall. But whatever cuts are agreed to will not be directly tied to the debt bill.

How do I know? President Biden was very explicit on Wednesday morning before leaving for Japan: "To be clear, this negotiation is about the outlines of what the budget will look like, not about whether or not we're going to, in fact, pay our debts."

Kevin McCarthy will probably stand with MAGA, since he promised them in exchange for their votes making him Speaker back in January. That means the discharge petition is the most likely vehicle for resolving the "crisis" he created and is solely responsible for.

Democrats are united in supporting the discharge petition, meaning only 5 or 6 Republican votes will be needed to bring a bill to the floor and pass it. So if you want to do something more than just talk about this, you can call or write to the following Republicans urging them to sign the petition when it comes up:

John Curtis (UT-3), Ashley Hinson (IA-2), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), David Joyce (OH 14), Victoria Spartz (IN-5), Don Bacon (NE-2), Mike Gallagher (WI-8), Andrew Garbarino (NY-2), Nancy Mace (SC-1), Dan Newhouse (WA-4), and David Valadao (CA-22)

Their contact information can be found here:


Just scroll down past the parts about our network's effort to remove and replace Speaker McCarthy, and you'll find all the info you need, including short bios of each.


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Thank you for posting this. What will be interesting will be if Republicans who truly believe we should raise the debt ceiling cleanly are willing to stand up to the threats and intimidation by Trump and his domestic terrorists

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Thank you for identifying possibly sane Republicans and including this action, Jerry.

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I hope you are right about Biden having a plan.

I worry that the Republicans are still doing Trump's bidding and are ready to throw our country into chaos to ruin Biden's presidency and chances for reelection.

It is indeed nerve wracking to watch.

Thanks to Robert's and your comments that will keep us going forward.

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The beautiful picture of the White House, across the manicured, expansive south lawn, puts it in its proper perspective: it is not the center of the world; it is a dignified, historical landmark - the residence and office of each currently serving President - but sited under an even more expansive sky and surrounded by trees that outlast the longest serving administrations. That picture does have a calming effect. Thank you .

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I believe in the 14th Amendment and the President’s duty to invoke it - I hope he does since it will crystallize his leadership to everyone who stands to lose if the majority in Congress calls the shots... and everyone is EVERYONE.

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I like the "losing forward" concept but not the name, as it places too much emphasis on "losing." To me, the idea is closer to "winning in the not-so-long run." As vile and harmful are the anti-human and anti-democracy policies of the MAGA Right, their extremism is building solid, long-term majorities for decency and democracy in the very near future. Politico just reported that 65% of those under f voted for Democrats in 2022, up from 62% in 2020. Of course it is turnout that is crucial, but the trends there are favorable. I haven't seen any polling data on the voting intentions of those in the 18-22 demo, but they must be frightening for any sane Republican. There are such people, but they mostly these days vote Democratic.

We are not winning every battle, but the retrograde actions of nearly every current Republican officeholder are building an ever-larger cadre of young activist voters on whom we can depend in 2024 and all future even-numbered years. When I first started paying attention to politics--at age 13 in 1956--Democrats could still stir up a crowd and get votes by the mere mention of the name Herbert Hoover, more than 25 years after the Great Depression. And I believe that between now and as late as 2050 the mention of the name Donald Trump will have a similar effect, especially if the GOP is so foolish as to nominate him again next year. While the Democrat in me may hope they do, the American patriot in me prays they won't.

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I agree with your comment about "losing forward." It didn't sit right with me either. How about, "tacking into the win?"

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I agree with your comments about 'losing forward' but what really concerns me is the new group No Labels and their desire to get an "independent Unity presidential ticket" on ballots in many states, especially states where the votes of the people will determine electoral votes. While laudable in intent, I fear that they may enable a spoiler that could result in re-election of tfg. https://www.action.nolabels.org/articles/9-labels-2024-insurance-project-faq

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The No Labels group is a republican based sheep in wolf's clothing. BEWARE.

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The old adage about "giving someone enough rope to hang himself" is still apt-with regard to any hidebound politician (in this case, reactionary Republicans).

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I used “enough rope …” in regard to the oft-condemned CNN “town meeting” (I don’t claim, by a long shot, that I invented the trope). However, in retrospect, I believe anti-Trump forces yanked the rope away, probably wrecking chances to turn the “town meeting” against Trump.

Lost opportunity, In my opinion.

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Totally agree about NC. I called the 5 Republicans who promised last November they would NOT further restrict NC abortion from 20 weeks and asked them to not override our Governor’s veto. I called the next day when they did asking them how could we believe them in 2024 when they break their campaign promise and hopefully will vote them out, especially Tricia Cothan who had an abortion, promised to uphold NC abortion rights and changed parties shortly after being elected as a Dem! She definitely will be voted out. This abortion vote will increase Dem votes up and down the ballot! We will

Be loud and proud! Safe travels

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What has her district’s response been to her. They must be livid.

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Yes they are furious. They feel disenfranchised. Also supposedly at a rally they outed her for changing to Republican because she is sleeping with Republican Tim Moore Speaker of NC House! Her claim was after all these years she switched because the Republicans were nicer to her. None of us thought that made sense. Now it does!!! She ran in a Dem district. She will be voted out unless they gerrymander so horrifically

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Hi, Pat. Do you have a citation about Chotham’s relationship with Moore.l? If so please email to me at rhubbell@outllook.com.

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I do not have a citation. She was added at the rally in Raleigh last Saturday when people rally to support Governor, Cooper’s Veto to the abortion bill.

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I appreciate hearing the truth. We have to stop being so polite with these truths.

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Yes we have to loud and proud like the other side.

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The unfair representation in the Senate is killing us, but on a National level we must keep our eye on the big picture. It’s still roughly 30% Hard Right and 30% Hard Left with roughly 40% in the middle, where all the action is.

I don’t see any way the Republicans can win in 2024 no matter who they put up. They’ve got nothing. The middle may have been willing to take a flying leap back in 2016, but once they saw what we all knew to be true, they couldn’t hold their noses in 2020. It’s even worse now, and everyone else who goes up against him either gets chewed up and spit out or doesn’t hold a candle, as difficult as that might seem.

So let’s stay positive, stick together, resist when we can, speak up and out, and educate and support our kids.

Thank you, Robert.

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Hard left? Is that what the right wing is now calling liberals? Please no false equivalency between the terrorist, supporting Republicans and the passionate progressives.

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No. It’s just my way of picturing the National voting trends, those who ONLY vote Democratic (pun intended).

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Sorry. I didn’t mean to “like” my own commment. LOL. My big thumb slipped.

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I read, I think from Newsweek, rump is already sowing conspiracy theories about 2024. Just like last time. I can’t bear the thought of going through the same two year shit storm again. ‘They’ , the people who pull the strings, can put him in office even when he legitimately loses again.

I will be looking forward to meeting ‘they’ when I die!

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Check out https://www.action.nolabels.org/articles/9-labels-2024-insurance-project-faq and see the potential for a third presidential candidate who could become a 'spoiler'.

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Interesting, but not showing candidate potential. 😊

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Note the FOX endorsement.

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What a beautiful, inspiring, peaceful photo. I'm struck by just how SMALL the White House looks from this angle! Very large for a home, of course, even a plantation style home! But still so much smaller compared to the visual I have in my head for the heart of our country.

I really like the "Losing Forward" concept. I've seen other stories, particularly in the scientific/research community, that talks about celebrating failures! The idea is that know you know that a particular idea has failed, you can learn from that, and put your energy into another idea that hopefully will move the research/concept forward. Of course, we can never celebrate a "failure" that harms our planet or the health of women girls, pregnant people, or the LGBT community, not to mention BIPOC and other marginalized communities, but we can use those losses as a learning experience and to steel our resolve to continue the fight. It will be like a slingshot -- the farther backward our society is pulled, the harder the forward trajectory will inevitably be. Forward!!

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Oooooh - a slingshot. Nice! 💙

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Robert: Thanks once again for a superb reality check message. Your thoughts only highlight how easy it is to lose sight of the big picture, to not see the forest for the trees. We need to recognize, and remind ourselves how far we've come in the past couple of years, through the combined efforts of millions of fine citizens who are more than willing to follow the truth. You shine the bright light of democratic principles. Thank you!

Ed Cherlin

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Glad to know you all are enjoying your stay in Washington, D.C. - my hometown!

On a side note, and hopefully relevant, seems the Pentagon made a "slight" accounting error on its recent shipment of weapons to Ukraine. "The Pentagon has overestimated the value of the weapons it has sent to Ukraine by at least $3 billion — an accounting error that could be a boon for the war effort because it will allow the Defense Department to send more weapons now without asking Congress for more money." Hurry, DOD, and send those weapons before the R's discover this mistake!


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“Next week will be wild.”

Scarily familiar. Robert.

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Hi, Mim. I have written part of Monday’s newsletter and refer to you as my typographer in residence!

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But come to think of it, Robert, why typographer? I am AWFUL at design but quite good at correcting typos or grammar mistakes.

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Thanks, Robert.

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So prescient ... and I wish I could have joined the eager group of Robert's Readers in DC!! Enjoy your weekend in the District.

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I am happy to report that unified progressive voters in Newberg, Oregon have replaced 5 of 7 members of its reactionary school board. The outgoing board forbade the support for LGBTQ students and posting of Black Lives Matter materials at school. It fired, without cause, an excellent superintendent who believed the restrictions to be unconstitutional, the courts supported his stand. Efforts to recall the 2 most egregious members failed two years ago. As Robert said above, we failed in order to succeed. Keep up the good fight! Carol Wingate

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As many of you know, New College of Florida held an alternate graduation ceremony because the school chose a Covid denier doctor as the keynote speaker. The speaker at the alternate ceremony was the great Maya Wiley. Her commencement speech quoted the late Martin Luther King who said the night before he was assassinated that it was only in the dark that we could see the stars. She told the graduates that they were the stars in the darkness of today’s intolerance. I think that those words also apply to all of us who continue to do the work to save our democracy.

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