If Harris wins but Republicans control the Senate or the House , her election will have little effect. Jon Tester in Montana must win or the Democrats will not control the Senate. We have to do all we can to help him get elected.

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Donate to these Must-Keep seats in the U.S. Senate:

Sen. Jon Tester of Montana


Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio



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I think it may pay to support Debbie Michael-Powell in Florida, running to oust Rick Scott (he of Medicare fraud famosity). She seems to be running a very good campaign.

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Yes,Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is gaining on the Medicaire Fraudster !!💙



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Christopher Bouzy, founder of Spoutible, thinks there’s a good possibility we may flip Florida. He had Nikki Barnes on today.

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thanks for the link...sent her what I could

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I met Debbie Mucarsel Powell, and spoke one-on-one to her for a couple of minutes, and she is terrific. You may remember her from the first Trump impeachment committee, where she noted that her sister Is a yoga teacher, but she could never twist herself into the positions taken by Trump’s defenders.

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Yes! Agreed to Debbie. There are some people who have a chance to pull off an upset. She qualifies.

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What most commentators fail to mention in the controversy surrounding the so-called inflammatory democratic rhetoric is that the last thing democrats want is for anything to happen in the few weeks left that would cause DJT to step away from his flailing quest to become 47th president.

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Will, so savvy. We really need Trump on the stump until Nov. 5. But not to worry: I'm sure the Trump supporters they hired to pose as assassins were instructed to miss. I suppose it will be one a month till election day. The Assassination-Flavor-of-the-Month. How cynical Republicans are. They're making me cynical too--but only on their behalf.

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But Jerry, get her name right: Mucarsel-Powell. I think it's a Latina name. She's terrific and is running a great campaign, helping to split the old red Florida wide open. But it's iffy! Send money.

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Yes, she was born in Ecuador.

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Yes. And the good news is she’s polling only 1% behind Scott! Just donated again. Putting all our eggs into the Tester race ( which I’ve also been backing) is crazy in case he can’t pull it off - there are other senate races out there also that could get us over the hump and ahead!

Keep a goin’. We can win this.


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I see autocorrect has done its number on me: Mucarsel-Powell. Damn.

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oh, I so sympathize! Autocorrect is forcing us all to become editors and proofreaders, by arbitrarily editing and changing what we say to its own liking. Interesting that it Anglo-cized this Latina name. It's a nasty little non-optional feature. Sort of like government-forced pregnancy. I wonder if a Republican invented it?

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I'm glad, in a way, that AutoIncorrect has turned many writers and commenters into self-editors and proofreaders, but it is indeed maddening when, after proofreading a comment and hitting Send, one finds that AutoIncorrect has decided to insert a misspelling, so I've come to proofread twice: both before I hit Send and afterwards.

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I absolutely DO NOT want any program to be able to automatically substitute a word in what I type. It is possible to set autocorrect to provide *suggestions* to choose from without automatically entering one for you. That's how I have mine set. Works well as instant spell-check, especially as it gets used to the words you commonly use.

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Yes, to Sherrod Brown as well. In addition to $$, my wife and I have written more postcards to Ohio than any other state. I’d guess we’ve done about 8 to 10 states.

I am thinking that phone banking must be on my “to do” list as we get closer to the election. Yikes!!

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You go, John D. Cooper!

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Yes!!! I just did!

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Donated to Tester, Brown, Mucarsel-Powell, Kunce, and Allred tonight! Mucarsel-Powell within one point of Rick Scott!

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Casey in Pa. Ads here are ugly!

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Remember: Montana has a proud history of sending Democrats to the US Senate. Mike Mansfield represented Montana in Washington for 24 years. And Steve Bullock, the last one in a long line of democratic governors, won the governorship in 2012 and was reelected in 2016. Both times with razor thin majorities, granted. But this was before the once "Grand Old Party" was turned into a dangerous clown show run by evangelicals, rightwing extremists and foreign interests.

So Jon Tester should have a decent chance to be reelected and he deserves and needs all the support he can get.

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Please consider Debbie Muscarel-Powell, here in FL. Rick Snot's millions cannot get him out of the dead heat. With 35% favorability, I think Debbie has this criminal cornered! She wins on optics alone! Have a look at a sure winner, former state congresswoman.

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We gotta flood the zone with Tester ads. It's the only way to get him in front of viewers/voters, because media will not give him a fraction of the time it gives the other guy, I'm sure. I'll try to scrape up a little more money to send him. Hope this election doesn't bankrupt me!

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I've been dipping into my savings a bit too much lately....

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Tester, yes! Another candidate to consider supporting is Dan Osborn the Independent running for Senate in Nebraska (there is no Democrat in the race). https://secure.actblue.com/donate/osbornnyctrio

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Support stealth candidate Katrina Christiansen, North Dakota, who has a real shot. https://www.katrinaforussenate.com/

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Thanks for this, Daniel. We supported Christiansen early on and have been impressed. Sending more her way. A little can make a difference in North Dakota.

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Sherrod Brown (Ohio Dem) being challenged by a totally MAGA candidate who just brags and brags about Trump endorsing him.

Please donate to Sherrod. We can’t afford to lose him or his seat.

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Also, Sherrod Brown from Ohio. He supports ALL the people and has improved life for its citizens. He is up against a MAGA candidate who is just proud that Trump endorses him. But will bring all MAGA ill to our country. So please donate to Sherrod.

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Yes! Our local group did postcards for Nebraska this past weekend.

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Not only him but Brown in Ohio as well as a possible upset in Texas.

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With the abortion referendum to be voted upon I wouldn't rule out Florida either.

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Definitely the best chance to get rid of Cruz this year. Donate to Allred to help this happen.

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Montana has a candidate with a lot of money

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Money is one thing. Another idea would be Walz and/or also Harris going to Montana, Ohio and other states which are important to keep the Senate and have joint events with the candidates.

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Donate to Colin Allred. Let's get rid of Ted Cruz!

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I just donated monthly to Jon Tester and Sherrod Brown!

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Same and TY!!!

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Harris/Walz need to campaign in Montana, specifically to support Jon Tester. Taylor Swift should do a concert in Bozeman and Missoula.

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Not just donate to them but Phonebank for them and if you live in OH or MT, canvass for them. This will definitely help.

OH Phonebank:


Volunteer with Brown’s campaign:


Volunteer for Tester:


MT Phonebank:


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I hear you George, but she could use executive action. Other president's have used it.

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"All means to attract and distract." - Michael Franti, 1991

Pete Buttigieg, Sept. 2024 (paraphrased): It's a strategy: They will do and say ever more outrageous things to keep people from talking about Trump's record and his plans.

Simon Rosenberg (and other favorites like Hubbell!): Keep telling the accomplishments of the Biden administration and how the Harris administration will be about defending freedoms, restoring rights, and creating opportunities.

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💙 Pete.His recent interview on Meet The Press.This is how it’s done ! (Ignore the click bait headline)


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He is a great communicator. He makes it all make sense.

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Many of the accomplishments of the Biden Administration don’t resonate with a lot of people because the accomplishments have yet to fully bear fruit. Therefore, it’s important to tell people that the fruits are on the way and when to expect them.

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Sep 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

This morning's on line NYT has an article defending their coverage of the campaign as a "horse race". Yet, there seems to be something missing in their thumping of their increasinly hollow chest. Virtually no reference to the quality of the "horses" in the race. All they want to do is try to prop up their own highly flawed poll. They need to change their mast head to say "All the news that fits what we want to print"

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"All the news that fits us, we print!"

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NYT’s reporting is guilty of making it a horse race. If they’d been reporting accurately, Kamala would have a wide majority - and every congressperson who’s supported Trump like MAGATs. But the money from click baits has caused them to lean heavy on making citizens believe Trump is a viable candidate, not that he’s trying to destroy us and become a dictator even the MAGAs will suffer from. I unsubscribed from NYT 3 years ago as I saw them doing this. Sickening and an unpatriotic newspaper. If you still subscribe, please take your dollars away from their pockets.

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Might I point out that the Times spent more top of the page space to reporting on a challenged Secret Services shortcomings rather than honestly reporting on how difficult Trump has made their protection with his regular golfing at clubs too easily exposed.

See Heather Cox-Richardson’s excellent post today (9/16/24). Her clear headed reporting vs The Times negative, albeit somewhat subtle, reporting: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/16/us/politics/secret-service-scrutiny-trump.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb&ngrp=mnp&pvid=9AA8D676-3F5F-4828-8BE4-D61EBD4B4563

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Every post of Heather Cox Richardson's is clear-headed. I know many of us read her every day too.

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Thank you Robert. This article contains a nice list summary of Project 2025 and should be shared widely.

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Yes, I’m sharing it.

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That seems like a pretty good shot for a full moon!

I made a comment a couple of weeks ago that things were getting pretty weird. That already seems long ago and a simpler time... I'd like a Times editor to write a nice lucid coherent article explaining how "They are eating the cats!" fits in with the need for long and detailed policies on the part of the Ds!

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Long and detailed policies from Ds? The Ds have policies unlike the Rs. Trump just hates hates hates, calls names and makes fun of disabled people - but no policies except put 60% tariffs that will tax our average citizens immensely. Did you notice at the Republican Convention that they didn’t have a platform (policies). Just whatever Donny wants.

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Keep dreaming. It won’t happen.

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Sep 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I would like to call your readership's attention to a Facebook Page started two weeks ago called Citizens Against Project 2025. It was started by a small group of concerned Americans from Louisville, Kentucky who want people to know about the extreme dangers of this ultra-reactionary agenda. And yes, I am a member of this group. We create graphic memes on different topics that are researched, to the point and that cite page numbers from the Project 2025. One of us created 20 to 30 second videos on different topics that we post twice a week. If your readers wish, please visit our Facebook webpage at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61564759754721 and help us boost our viewers by "liking", following and sharing our posts. Jessica Craven did that a couple of days ago, helping us get beyond our circle of friends. Thanks! Margaret from Louisville- an appreciative reader of your posts for the last two years

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very nicely done. i will promote.

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Thank you so much!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Thank you. I followed up with a "like" and invited all my friends to "like" it as well.

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Thank you!

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I will ask my friends to Like and Share it. Thanks, Margaret.

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Just liked and invited my activist friends. Trying to decide which trumpy friends should get it... Will do a daily post on my FB page. Thanks for doing the work Margaret.

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Gee, if I were a purveyor of conspiracy theories I might be asking whose interest was served by these assassination attempts (if that is what they were).

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And yet, both assassin-attempts have been by Trump supporters who became disillusioned with him. Trump has promoted violence from his followers since 2016 and still does. That his own people took to it is not surprising.

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So what's going on as we race to the finish line? Taking a break from the cesspool of misery being spewed by MAGA, let's look at what the outcome might look like.

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When Joe Biden was the presumed candidate, we thought he would handily win re-election. He got 81 million votes in 2020 and why wouldn't these same voters vote for Biden again in a face off with a criminally horrible, hateful Trump? Why wouldn't Trump lose voters as a result of Biden's pro-America policy achievements compared to Trump's perverse 2025 agenda?

We'll, flash forward past the Biden debate fiasco to the truly amazing, miraculous rise of Kamala Harris. She stepped into the breech and kept on running through an inspirational convention, right past Trump, crushing him in her debate and on to a week of raucous rallies in swing states. Polls are showing her building a national lead, including in 4 out of 6 swing states and maybe adding N.Carolina (the death knell for the Trump campaign).

Millions of grassroots and reenergized Democrats and young first time voters are working around the clock to win Big!

So what can we predict about the outcome in Nov? I think it's looking a lot more like a 55% to 45% overwhelming victory for Harris/Walz than a close race

Kamala is likely to pull out the vast majority of the 2020 Biden voters and add a significant (4-5 million) young, first time voters and pick up another 1-2 million Republican anti-Trump, independent and infrequent Dem voters. I expect Harris/Walz will finish with 85-86 million votes!!!

Ironically, the most productive Harris/Walz vote getters are Trump/Vance. Their campaign of hate and retribution and it's dystopian vision is an insulting downer for American voters. Who wants to vote for that? And they're getting worse in the home stretch. Fabricated stories about pet eating immigrants? Trump might be relegating himself to coming down the escalator with Laura Loomer rather than Melania in Nov. I think the Trump ticket will be lucky to finish any where near 70 million votes; in the mid 60 million range of he's lucky.

There is increasingly good reason to hope our victory will be big enough that we win both houses of Congress and don't waste time and resources litigating a "stolen" election we resoundingly won We can move forward to normal without the tyranny that has plagued us for too many years. ✌️

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Merrill, I like the way you see things. I have a band, can I join your wagon?

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Definitely join the wagon. I hope you have a LOUD brass and percussion section.

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“Ironically, the most productive Harris/Walz vote getters are Trump/Vance. Their campaign of hate and retribution and it's dystopian vision is an insulting downer for American voters.” –

So you think there are not people who swallow DJT-Vance arguments? Well, I talked with one last night - graduate of an Ivy League college. That person’s argument was that Harris and Walz are far left-wingers whose misguided policies will wreck the US economy. I disagree, of course; but my point is that there are more of such people than many “progressives” are capable of imagining.

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My husband has become one of those people. He tried to use Bernie Sander's interview on NBC with Kristen Welker when he said that Kamala hasn't changed her mind on anything, she's just being pragmatic to get elected and then will be MORE progressive. She is a Communist...

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Merrill, somebody had to write this and you be the person to have done it. I have felt this scenario was/is a real potential for some time now.

I thank you but only add Robert’s oft stated, “We have every reason to be optimistic BUT no reason to be complacent.”

We can and MUST ado this. As Joyce Vance writes, “We are in this together.”

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You put in writing what I can only dare to dream!

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I agree 100% with Robert's statement, "Part of the reason the election remains close is because Trump and Vance have been able to divert attention from Project 2025 by making evermore outrageous and dangerous statements." They have been busy stoking the fires of violence, bigotry, and hate, with the help of others like Musk and Loomer.

Gabe Fleisher (https://www.wakeuptopolitics.com/) wrote,

"Trump has threatened to jail his political rivals, called for an investigation of false allegations of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, hawked Hulk Hogan’s new beer and his golf course in Scotland, attacked Harris’ height and her visit to an “ultra Left Wing, Trump Hating, spice shop,” and brought up obvious political losers for him like January 6th, the years-old Russia investigation, and the indictments against him.

He’ll sometimes mention immigration or inflation as well, but only in between posting needless distractions that can often spur entire negative news cycles. In a nutshell: messages like the ones Vance is pushing out are why Trump might win this election. Messages like the ones Trump is pushing out are why Trump might lose this election."


As I've said elsewhere, We the People must keep moving forward with our efforts to get voters registered to vote, talk to the people in our orbit about the dangers of Project 2025, and donate money or time in support of the massive efforts to reach as many potential voters as possible. I've switched to sending letters to voters abroad instead of writing postcards, mostly because I have collections of Forever stamps that are perfect to be used for this purpose since the cost of international mail is $1.65 vs $0.56 for postcards, and they still need to reach out to ~22K voters abroad. https://votefwd.org/

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Sep 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, sometimes I think you are the only person with journalistic integrity. How do the media look themselves in the mirror?? I guess they don’t. We are paying the price for the purchase of the media by neo con moguls, and by the attack on and collapse of humanities education, which teaches ethics and empathy and rigorous analysis.

I recommend Dr Iain McGilchrist’s writing on the brain and how the west has gone awry in diminishing the role of empathy and imagination. This podcast interview with him is a nice introduction: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2PAGJ54yiXECc3JnVtdW3m?si=wbSTlNOfQWO9XfwICsD46A

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Earlier this week, I read an article about some studies that show that people act with empathy and compassion when they are exposed to people who themselves act with empathy and compassion. It takes the *exposure to the act (or response)* - not just learning about it in the abstract. Humanities education is pretty abstract UNLESS it includes that kind of exposure. These studies used people who witnessed an individual who acted compassionately in a situation, while other people were exposed to a person who had dismissed or ignored an opportunity to display compassion. Each group tended to strongly mirror the behavior they had witnessed when put in a position that presented an opportunity to react with either some form of compassion or with indifference. It reinforced my conviction that acting with compassion, even with people who are not, can influence the people around us, regardless of who is the recipient. I have seen this at work repeatedly in real life, in both my personal life, and as a professional who worked with groups trying to resolve differences - and saw that influence spread. Humanities education is at its best a reflection of what a healthy human society does. So for me, the question is how do we become a healthy human society? By acting like one, starting with ourselves in our everyday interactions, and being the models for people around us.

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The debate between Tim Walz and Vance is October 1 on CBS. Tim Walz is a really forceful speaker. Coach Walz will have Vance sweating profusely. By the end of the debate Coach Walz will have Vance knocked out, flat on his face on the floor. If you need motivation to keep your spirits up, watch one of the recent Tim Walz rallies on YouTube. That will give you more energy to get through the next 49 days. It helps me write many more postcards each day as I care for a sick relative (slowly recovering) and sometimes add to my ActBlue Express donations. We have a large group of Democrats here phone banking throughout the week and canvassing in Wisconsin, with overnight weekend trips planned in Michigan. I always mention Project 2025 in my postcards. It will “take away our freedoms and destroy our Democracy”.

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Morning, Robert and all! I wanted to know a little more about Kamala Harris' experience in foreign affairs. I found this website that gives some details about what her duties have been since becoming Vice President:


You can click on "View all partners" for more details about this website's partners and funders.

A Pew research article has a post dated back in 2022 that states: "Most people have confidence in Kamala Harris across 18 surveyed countries."


Another article from the Council on Foreign Relations (cfr) dated July 24, 2024 states: "Harris’s foreign policy experience has been far wider than recognized, equipping her to serve as the first woman president."


Finally, this 9/3/24 video from TRT World's "Roundtable" discussion of "How Europe Views Kamala Harris" I found a little disappointing as it was more a political slant than neutral views. However, I was surprised to hear Greg Swenson, Chairperson of Republicans Overseas UK, give mostly positive views of Harris. But the only quote you'll hear is from Germany's Chancellor Scholz who said "She is a competent and experienced politician who knows exactly what she's doing." So, there!


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"When light is brought, darkness vanishes at once" , someone said. In our case, more light shone on Project 2025 reveals the darkness more each day. A short conversation with a trump supporter recently brought a lot of "I haven't heard that" responses. Ignorance is a flimsy excuse for "I am not all that curious about things in general." Ignorance simply implies unknowing, and rather has the pejorative overtone in which it loses its intended meaning. Fact becomes name calling in essence then. Vance and trump are the people who start fires, then return to the scene to admire their handywork. The ignorance of so many Americans takes my breathe away!

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Good summary of the misdirection technique. Trump/Vance: "Project 2025 is 900 pages long and we didn't have anything to do with it anyway. We haven't read it. Even though we have said there are parts of it that we like and parts that are very bad. Don't waste your time on reading Project 2025. Why don't you just call in a bomb threat or yell obscenities at someone with a Harris bumper sticker -- isn't that more fun? I told you thinking and studying issues is hard, but hate? Man, that's thrilling, isn't it?!!"

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Putin masterfully exploits Americans propensity for pure laziness and lack of curiosity. For them, living with intentionality leaves them saying “Huh? WTH? ‘

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My conversations with a number of tRump supporters is that HE (tRump) said he didn't have anything to do with Project 2025. And, of course, they believe him.

Yes, I'm rolling my eyes!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Project 2025 - Byron Daniels (FL-19). What a match! And how does he live with himself supporting Project 2025, DJT, Laura Loomer, Roger Stone, and the band of racists supporting MAGAland and Trump. Ambition must really have no bounds.

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National Registration Day. . REGISTER TO VOTE

Elect Democrats to protect abortion rights, pass commonsense gun safety laws, protect LGBTQ+ rights, expand access to healthcare, address the climate crisis… and save democracy itself!.


pass it on -- social media

Florida. 7 pm phone bank.


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Sep 17Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So Trump and Loomer, I mean Vance, are going to have a town hall in Springfield, Ohio? Democrats and other reasonable people in the area should be organizing now to have 50,000 people outside the hall for a quiet, perhaps even silent protest. As for Project 2025, if Trump ever gives an interview to anyone but Fox Schmooze or RT, he needs to be asked if he disavows it. And when he says that he doesn’t know what it is, he needs to have it pointed out that he said that at the debate (and before), and asked if he’s made any effort to inform himself about it.

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