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I promised myself and you in one of my emails to you that I would sign up. My gift to myself for the new year is that I just became a paid subscriber. As we are approaching Jan 20, the anniversary of Joe Biden’s inauguration, I thought I would open my first remark with song lyrics I wrote as I watched events on television that hopeful day. I am a songwriter. Someone mentioned that the lyrics don’t refer to that day and I replied that there is one special line that does but it passes real quick but it’s my favorite line.

Broken Roads and Broken Trails ( Inauguration Day)

Nothing more to say

Wrong from the first day

Wrong, till the last day you know the tale

Broken roads and broken trails.

He was ushered out

Left behind only doubt

Blinds up, the White House disinfected through and through

Sun up and skies are blue.

So you walk, past trees, by the reflection pool

Listen to the echo of gangs and fools

Wrong, till the last day you know the tale

Broken roads and broken trails.

And ye shall know the truth

And the truth will make you free

They told that to me once back in school.

Wrong, till the last day you know the tale

Broken roads and broken trails.

(All rights reserved @)

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Hi, Bill. Thanks for becoming a subscriber and welcome to the Comments section. Bill and I have been corresponding for several years via email and I am glad to see that everyone can now share in the discussion with Bill. Thanks for the song lyrics and the link to YouTube. Happy new year!

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In case anyone wants to listen on YouTube, please search “Broken Roads and Broken Trails, Catman Bill Hartford, Connecticut “ and that should bring you in.

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