Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert wrote: "... the Biden campaign released a powerful video on Twitter showing women in Texas forced to flee the state because of laws that criminalize abortion and medical emergencies related to pregnancy complications. If you are able to share the video on Twitter or other social media platforms, please do. "

If you take only one action today, please do as Robert suggested and share that Biden video about tfg proudly proclaiming that he killed Roe v Wade.

Twitter video link here:


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And one of those women was an OB/GYN DOCTOR who had to leave Texas for an abortion a couple of years ago. She is bravely telling her story in Biden's ad, and she is powerful - and unafraid!

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That is an amazingly powerful ad. We need more like that because too many people just see the billboards of smiling babies with hair bows without having a clue about how abortion relates to maternal and child health and welfare. This ignorance is killing people.

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bidenharrishq posted this on Threads and Instagram as well, for those of you (like me) who ditched the dirty bird.

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Thanks! I am on both!

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I don't do X nor Threads but will look for it on IG since I'd rather not link back to X.

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I just sent today's Today's out to my list of 70-plus. Alot of very important stuff here.

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I tried to share this but don't know how. I copied the link to something called "my clipboard" but have no idea what this is.

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That's your temporary "buffer" that stores whatever you copy, and then you can navigate anywhere else and paste it in. Depending on your device (I have a Samsung phone) you can actually choose from your "clipboard" which items you want to paste in. Most of the time if that was the last thing you copied then you can immediately paste it in elsewhere without accessing your clipboard.

Sorry not to have a better explanation.

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I did post on FB. Thanks

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I quit Xitter when Elon took over. Is this video available elsewhere?

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Supposedly also on Instagram and Threads?

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Yes. I am trying to find it right now!

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

For many years I supervised occupational therapy students making home visits to older adults. The cognitive test Trump keeps referencing is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and the requirement to remember and recall 5 words is only one section (and the words are not the ones Trump famously made up by looking around when asked about it). Notedly, the students could use this test because it was simple to administer without much training. It is only a screening and doesn’t give very detailed insight as to any possible deficits. Here is the pdf if readers want to see for themselves…the fact that Trump keeps saying it’s proof he is unimpaired is just nonsense without more extensive testing.


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At 68, this test has been a standard part of my annual physical exam. I know it seems trivial. But when I first took my mom to a gerontologist for a memory exam, she struggled with the test. And she could not draw the face of a clock. Those were revelations to me.

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Given the extremely high quality of Today's Edition, your cognition is superb.

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A normal level of orientation is typically documented as, “Patient is alert and oriented to person, place, and time,” or by the shortened phrase, “Alert and oriented x 3.” If a patient is confused, an example of documentation is, “Patient is alert and oriented to self, but disoriented to time and place.”

He mistakes the New Hampshire voters for his juries, confuses Haley with Pelosi. Doesn't know where he is. He can't stop himself from attacking E. Jean Caroll, Obama, etc. He posts in the middle of the night.

After about 10 years of listening to experts and watching his posts, he is disoriented X 3, or as we used to say in the trade "nutsy koo koo." .

Nikki Haley questions Trump’s mental competence in lead-up to New Hampshire’s primary


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Over at The Bulwark, Charlie Sykes used the word "addled" to describe him. I think this is an excellent choice. Maybe it's just me, because it isn't in the definition, but I think "addled" implies not just confusion, but weakness and impotence (the power kind, not the ED kind). I intend to use it frequently.

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I also wonder if the anger and vitriol could be the early stages of Alzheimers, and not just cognitive decline. The confusion as to time and place is worrisome, but the level of vitriol seems increasing. Just a thought.

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The only rock solid memory trump has is perceived slights/attacks.

Unfortunately, I believe he's taken to thinking this country betrayed him in 2020.

MAGA loves him, but do they love him enough? They should be thinking about that.

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Meant to add, trump's also in panic mode, which addles him further. He doesn't have top tier lawyer support like he could count on in his past. And passable lawyers he has had recently, have headed for the exit.

But he does have one looking good at the poolside.

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I don't think the Quadefendant is suffering from cognitive impairment. He never had any cognition to begin with!

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I agree! As someone said, Twitler's cognition is 5 fireflies in a jar lighting up randomly.

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Well said. I seldom watch the man at all, but the other day I saw a video clip of him and he looked ill. He's always been disgusting to me, but he looked sunken and more wretchedly orange than usual with age spots shining through the grease paint.,

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Maybe we should start referring to him as "DNR!"

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I agree . . . his cognition has always been impaired by greed, anger and resentment. So, too, his supporters. As Charlie Sykes says in today's newsletter, "[t]he Invertebrate thirst for company, because it gives them cover."

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I refer to 'em as "inveterate invertebrates."

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I would respond with hysterically laughing emoji's but I struggle with the fact these "inveterate invertebrates" and their leader are truly a threat to our Democracy. They give invertebrates a bad rap.

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They certainly do! Our apologies to invertebrates!

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Wow; thanks for sharing.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

He also had to identify a lion, rhino, and camel. No great feat.

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Trump is on the edge of normal functioning; not who we want anywhere near the White House!

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This is not the test given to my late husband when he was first screened for Alzheimers, but there were similar elements: naming five objects, drawing a clock, identifying the current year/season/president, doing some simple math, etc. He failed the test. This was not the ultimate test that identified the disease, which included, as you said, extensive testing and brain scans. But before he required nursing home care, he was confused, anxious, paranoid, and "lost" - showing much of the same behaviors that Trump is showing.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I feel it crucial at this juncture to point out how all the voter suppression, the illegal use of "robocalls", the open defiance of court orders; the denial of judiciary rulings; the public disclosure by dissenting justices; these and more are desperate attempts, the last flailing attempts, the final gasps of a dying breed of politician. When I saying dying breed, it is clear to me that the "ism" we feared will die with the protagonist. There will be remnants of Trump, like the ashes remaining in a pyre. But, not a force to be reckoned with. De Santis proved that. His "ism"-light never took hold. I sense the electorate said, "Sorry. You ain't the man". He was revealed to be simply the pretender to the throne.

Yet, this increases the essential nature of this moment. The efforts by the MAGA extremists will become more blatant, more frequent and more corrupt as time goes by. The battle faced is distilling to a moment of time - the 2024 election. This is everyone's last chance. The line along which warring parties meet. The "Maginot Line" of democracy and freedom. We win this, our lives will change for the better. We win the presidency and both houses, the lives of millions here and abroad will be radically altered and America can lead again.

One 'man's desperation is another's opportunity. It's time to look them in the eye and realize we have them on the run. We cannot, though, lose focus or ever stop for a moment. I am reminded of Mike Krzyzewski, ex-coach of the Duke University Men's Basketball Team, who always taught his players to play to the last second. It doesn't matter if you are down with no chance of winning. But, even when, especially when you are winning, you don't change strategy, You play to win...to the end. I sense that strategy is what is needed here now.

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Very well said, especially this: "Yet, this increases the essential nature of this moment."

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Could somebody please get Merrick Garland onboard?

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To my dying day, I'll always wish Salley Yates, Daniel Goldman, Preet Bharara or Kamala Harris had been given the AG position. These times do not call for a plodder.

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Why now ? Merrick Garland has been absent for over 3 years !

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Will he ever step down? He's been counterproductive, and the current situation with the various trials is his fault. This all should have been settled years ago!

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A passionate, smart and hopeful treatise on the current situation, and what must happen. Thank you!!!

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Brilliant. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Has Biden changed his thinking regarding expanding the court? ((How could he not?))

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He has not. He is an institutionalist. But if the Supreme Court takes away control of the borders from the federal government, he might feel differently.

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Don’t get into a pi*sing contest over expanding the Supreme Court – at least until after the election. There are far more politically effective issues to use against DJT. As you can tell from the fact that you feel you must convince *your readers/admirers* of the wisdom of expanding the Court, imagine how much more skepticism it will raise in a general election.

Reforming SCOTUS is not a politically strong issue, now. I think Democrats should stick to the strong issues.

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Sometimes a course correction in institutional thought is sparked by just such a crisis as the the Stench Court or the Fifth Circuit could ignite by flub-dubbing around with the Constitution in the border case...

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Lump that in with eliminating the electoral college.

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As Michael Alexander writes, that's a political loser. Eliminating the electoral college requires amending the U.S. Constitution. Such an amendment requires a 2/3 vote from each house of Congress plus ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures before it can change the Constitution. I don't know about you but I doubt I'll live long enough to see that even if we control both houses of Congress and have a Democrat as president.

Instead, we need to support the National Popular Vote compact: https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/written-explanation And we need to get enough states on board to total the requisite 270 electoral votes.

And we need to work against the current effort to call a Constitutional Convention [search Convention of States] because if it reaches the necessary number of state legislatures supporting it, a Constitutional can of worms will be opened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_to_propose_amendments_to_the_United_States_Constitution

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Thank you for the link to the National Popular Vote - it's an interesting concept. I bookmarked the site for further reading.

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You're welcome.

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That’s another political loser.

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Expanding the number of Supreme Court Justices has some appeal. Did you know that the number of Congressional Representatives was set back in 1929 at 435? It is within our rights to re-calibrate. The country's population has more than doubled in the last almost 100 years. The balance spring of geographic distribution has also moved to greater concentration in urban areas. I think our government would be a lot more representative if our Congress was a lot more representative.

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All true, Swbv. But the likelihood of passing a *Constitutional Amendment* altering Congressional apportionment is nil.

Why are people expending such energy over a proposition that’s guaranteed to lose?

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The media can really affect things. I was at a house party to organize Write In Biden people. PBS coverage actually referred to us in their broadcast as “a RAGTAG” group. I find that pretty offensive. We were a large group. We also had two zoom calls to organize and several hundred people attended and those people were also charged with coordinating other groups. I am not one that loves that NH always goes first but it is in our constitution so that’s why they stubbornly stick to it. It’s all about the money! wish we could vote with a group of states (like Super Tuesday) so we don’t look like idiots

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Hi, Lorna. First, thanks to you and your fellow citizens for helping to organize a write-in campaign for President Biden. Second, I have discovered over the last seven years that that the robust, organized, resilient grassroots movement is dismissed by the press, the Democratic Party, and the opposition. The grassroots movement has literally--LITERALLY--saved democracy repeatedly over the last seven years and a well-meaning journalist calls them "ragtag" because they are not high-paid lobbyists from K street or talking-head consultants on major media.

Lorna, when the history of this period is written, the efforts of your group (and thousands of others) will be recognized for its contribution to the preservation of democracy.

Again, thank you to everyone in your group for doing the right thing at a time when others failed to step up.

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I have been wondering how to present--on a silver platter--content to the media that frames this grassroots story in an attention-grabbing way. The nature of our organizations is that they are not well-funded and the money we have is getting plowed into the work itself. There should be an angle about all the people who have retired and raised their kids and are now turning their attention to trying to save our democracy. Better than one more story about a guy in a diner who is disgruntled.

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Lorna, you should definitely let PBS know exactly this. Ideally both in an email to them and on a public platform like FB or Twitter. And you might point out that there was probably a good percentage of PBS donors there.

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Plus Iowa going first is not helpful.

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Robert, I am with you all the way and especially after the four dissenting justices (all men!) pulled their stunt. Yes, expand the Court NOW. Professor Lawrence Tribe has been calling for this for two years. I do hope Biden does not hesitate. All of the videos being released by the Biden campaign are punching holes in Trump’s and Haley’s game plans. YAHOO!👏🏼👏🏼🎉

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Expanding the SCOTUS, enacting term limits for the Court, and enforceable ethics rules are all actions needed to clean up the high court. Lifetime appointments did not last as long in the past as they do not. Corrupt Clarence Thomas is LONG past his expiration date. The dissenters in the Texas case are careening away from "originalism." They are so full of schitt.

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Don’t take those actions until you’re certain we have requisite majorities in Congress.

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Hopefully your observation is right but we need to continue to get working to get the messages out.

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The messages are getting out by many groups. With the Biden campaigners hitting the airways hard, you will see quite a turnout. Not only that, don’t discount GenZers. They are on the move!

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And the right message to the right audience

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Four members of the Supreme Court voted to allow Texas to ignore Federal Constitutional Authority over States

Four of them. Legal minds versed in Constitutional Law deciding that the Constitution can be overruled by them, auspiciously for political purpose. They have broken their oath. Team GOP SUPPORTS THEM

We are now being ruled by the Gang of Six, unelected and untouchable; The Pharisees

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This is extremely worrisome. Heather Cox Richardson has been drawing parallels between contemporary

“conservative “ ideology and the ideology of pre-Civil War Southern politicians: In both cases, the question is whether the Constitutionally given supremacy of the national government shall endure over state dominance.

One might rephrase the issue as to whether the rule of law will prevail.

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Texas is ignoring the Constitution, daring SCOTUS and Executive branch to rein them in. The rule of law is no longer prevailing in 4/9 of the Supreme Court. Those Judges are traitors to our nation and should be reconciled according to their oaths

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The New Hampshire results will be analyzed to death and there will be conflicting opinions of what it means and we should ignore all of them. In my humble opinion Trump will defeat himself through his comments, irrational behavior and outrageous grandstanding, if the Independents and Democrats come out to vote. Trump believes he can do anything he wants and anytime and that his only saving grace is to get elected and pardon himself and attack his perceived enemies. He needs to act out to maintain his status quo with his base but importantly he is not growing that base and in fact some of that base is slipping. We all need to take a deep breath and continue the grassroots efforts day to day and the Biden Administration needs to steadily keep delivering. Consumer confidence is growing daily and a campaign has just begun to make reproductive rights front and center and yesterday Nikki Haley in her attack on Trump said the quiet mental impairment and cognitive concerns out loud. We can do this!

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Yes: "We all need to take a deep breath and continue the grassroots efforts day to day . . . "

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From Jennifer Rubin a few months ago

"[Biden] is the 12th president in my lifetime.

I would put him in the top two or three.

With the slimmest of margins, he has passed more bipartisan legislation than just about any other president (although Lyndon B. Johnson did get some Republican votes for parts of his Great Society program); navigated through a pandemic and its economic fallout; put together an historic alliance to aid Ukraine; and helped restore democratic norms. Certainly not every

Cabinet pick has been stellar and problems remain (e.g., the border), but all things considered, he's had one of the most successful first terms I can recall."

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

We’re in north Texas, hundreds of miles from the border. We’re incredulous at Abbott and Paxton’s actions and even their language. Comments about the federal government are venomous and un-American. And, for the first time, I'm coming around to the thinking that, yes, the Supreme Court needs enlarged--this is nuts. (Hypothetical...if CA decides that the US military isn’t doing its job in x country, thus not sufficiently protecting CA, can CA just send their own state troops?)

It’s also the case that schools, social services, medical facilities at the border are being overwhelmed, and this is increasingly frustrating to the good-hearted Americans who live there and spend every day teaching every child brought to their door, caring for displaced families, working round the clock to provide medical care.

I understand the politics, and I understand it is Congress who is not acting. But chaos is really hurting Biden’s electability. Surely there is some visible, impactful, explainable action the administration can take to address this chaos.

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Here are two ideas: Congress can pass the $12 billion in supplemental funding for the border Biden has requested and pass the immigration bill crafted and approved by the Senate. The mess at the border is Congress's fault, not Biden's. Biden has stepped up enforcement by multiple levels over Trump. And yet the media blames Biden.

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Very good points, Robert. How can the Biden Administration dramatize them *effectively*?

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Unfortunately, Biden cannot wave a magic wand and "solve" the issue of migration. Not only does it take Congress to pass laws (and provide funding and resources) to address the current situation, it also is a worldwide, episodic phenomenon that is complicated but not new and not limited to the U.S. The current levels of immigrants admitted to the U.S. are not that different from the early 1900s and in some categories even lower (and when considered as a percentage of the population, much lower). But it's true there have been many more "expulsions and apprehensions" at the border than in the past. (So, the idea of "open borders" is nonsense.) See https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2023-11/2023_0818_plcy_yearbook_immigration_statistics_fy2022.pdf

I've been listening to the book How Migration Really Works by Hein de Haas who has studied migration over time and across the world. It's fascinating. Here's a good summary: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/nov/03/how-migration-really-works-by-hein-de-haas-review-home-truths

One takeaway: migrants come where they can find work. When our economy slows, so does immigration. When our economy booms, so does immigration.

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The 2020s are not the early 1900s, not in terms of immigration laws, not in terms of the political acceptance of functionally unrestricted immigration.

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Unfortunately, they are not messaging well enough yet. Though yesterday, reporter Mike Memoli who has followed Biden for YEARS, said that the border problem is so bad because Republicans in Congress are very intentional in not making a bipartisan deal to improve what is happening at the border. They don't want Biden to get any credit for fixing it! But this can't just be one reporter's job to get that message out there!

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Living in North Texas for 20 years and listening to these CRAZY Texas politicians makes me think they really do want a war. (Though when trouble comes they be the first ones to run....... ). Fox Media is complicit too -

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My husband wrote this Haiku following the brouhaha surrounding TFG’s first “cognitive” test. It’s brilliant.

Person, Woman, Man

I waited with bated breath

Camera, TV

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My prediction is that Trump will win the Republican nomination, but then his cognitive decline will become glaringly apparent. At that point I believe that many Republicans will either stay home or vote for Biden. Also, the press will have a field day with Trump’s cognitive decline because it will “sell.” The MSM doesn’t seem to care about Trump’s absence of a moral compass, but it will find his mental state to be great sport. The whole situation is disgusting!

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From your mouth to God’s ears !

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Your closing paragraph says it all this morning, including why most media outlets won't cover the failed insurrectionist's apparent mental decline. No one else offers the revenue generating punch, and if he were not there, interest would decline substantially because then the contest would be about policy, not personality.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, thank you for your continued focus on Trump’s obvious cognitive decline. It is heartening to see the Biden team’s gloves off response to his repeated gaffes but I share your frustration with the general lack of attention given by the mainstream media thus far. I hope and suspect that this will change as his decline inevitably becomes more apparent and hard to ignore.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In fairness and recognition of MSNBC, they have covered this issue and the recent examples - saying Nikki Haley repeatedly when he meant Nancy Pelosi, saying that he ran against Obama instead of Clinton, his meandering speeches and his courtroom behavior, for instance - extensively, often and for a while. Last night Trump's mental state and Haley's related comments were discussed in each of their primetime programs. Mary Trump, his niece who is a psychologist, is often on their programs discussing his warped personality and mental decline.

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Thanks for the report. I watched some programming on MSNBC last night but missed these instances.

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I agree with you that MSNBC is an exception. The problem, at this point, is just that. It is an exception.

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"The media will be working overtime to create the most dramatic (and profitable) narrative possible. Don’t fall for it."

Spot on Robert! The media wants to keep the Trump spectacle rolling. He's great for their business. Time to bring back a modernized version of the Fairness Doctrine.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, you barely mentioned the Democratic primary in New Hampshire. While the numbers will be small compared to the Republicans’, it is nonetheless important. While I am confident that the write-in campaign for Joe will win, I am concerned that Phillips could get enough votes for media (particularly Faux Schmooze) to say that Biden was embarrassed. Phillips, who has a lot of his own money and more from Trump surrogates and plain fools, has been running a fair number of TV spots, and while I don’t sense that he’s connected, I don’t want to see his foolishness get even a whiff of air.

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Fair points. That is why the write-in effort by grassroots volunteers is so important.

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Jan 23Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Hi, Jon.. Fellow New Hampshire Write/in Biden voter.. I’m not too worried about Dean Phillips today.. more concerned he’s part of the No Labels foolishness down tne road. https://indepthnh.org/2024/01/23/nikki-haley-sweeps-all-six-dixville-votes-in-midnight-fitn-primary/

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Yesterday, Phillips said he would not be part of the No Labels charade. But tomorrow, who knows? I mean the guy is so blinded by ego that he doesn't realize he's being used by Trump, so who can say.

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Phiilips received only 20% of the Democratic Primary votes. President Biden received 52% (I live in NH.)

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