Biden is the best candidate, of which we have four years of proof, period. He got his physical, good. That's it. What more do you want to know? Thanks, Robert.

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Yes, Biden is without a doubt the best candidate. The frightful question today is whether he's the most likely to win. And with the possible exception of Simon Rosenburg, none of us here at Substack is qualified to determine that.

But Joe Biden is. And I trust Joe Biden to voluntarily withdraw if the likelihood of his winning the election continues to diminish. I trust Joe Biden to act in the best interest of our country, rather than for his own personal gratification. Joe Biden will not lead us off a cliff.

If he concludes that Kamala Harris has a better chance of winning, I would favor him resigning the presidency before the convention. That would allow Democrats to retain the advantages of incumbency and party unity, as well as the Biden/Harris campaign and its resources.

More importantly, we must continue to call out the media for their complicity in allowing Donald Trump to lie and con his way to the presidency. There has been virtually no coverage of the dozens of blatant falsehoods declared by the other participant in the debate.

Despite the obvious threat he poses to our Republic should he become President, CNN and the NY Times are obsessing about Mr. Biden's shortcomings with barely a word about Mr. Trump's. Where is the extended hard-edge one-on-one interview with Donald Trump?


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If you agree that he is the best candidate, then it is up to the people to make him win. He is doing an excellent job and will do that the next four years. What exactly did he not do the last four years due to health issues? Was Harris ever stepping in for him? So why are we suddenly freaking out? Only because the media makes it so after one night where Biden had a severe cold. And like you said, the media are totally neglecting the ridiculous lies of Trump. So if we want Biden to win, ignore the bought out media, focus on getting the votes out.

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We must recognize and repeat Robert's conclusion. The mainstream media are not in this game to inform us. They are in it solely for the money Trump's chaos will bring them. Therefore they deserve to be ridiculed and ignored.

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Exactly! The press is doing to Biden what it did in 2016 to Hillary. Back then, I had full faith in most of the media but particularly The NYT. When they were doing their "but her e-mails"schtick to Hillary, I was confused and sometimes thought maybe they knew something that I didn't. The more that campaign went on the more I realized that they were backing Trump over Clinton. I for the life of me, could not figure out why but eventually realized it was $for the money$. and so it is today. The wizard has been exposed for all to see. The media is no friend to We The People.Full stop. I will never forgive them for siding with a traitorous felon for money and ratings and giving the American people the big middle finger.

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Sorry, my "Like" response doesn't work on this old computer but you are right on. I would urge every reader of the blog to pull the plug on the NYT and let them know why you're doing it. That you're looking for truth, not clickbait.

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Thank you, Michael. I'm with you. I honored Independence Day by writing to the editorial board of The NY Times voicing the reason for canceling my subscription, then proceeded to do so. Next up may be canceling my WaPo subscription, which I've considered for some time. (If you haven't already read The Guardian article by Rebecca Solnit linked in today's newsletter, it may well be something you'd appreciate.)

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"bought out media" Yes, Elisabeth!

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Yes, he had a bad cold and crossed the Atlantic 4 times, changing time zones with each crossing, in one week. Given my own experience with jet lag, I am amazed at how well he is doing.


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“Not one rural person I’ve spoken with wants to remove Biden from the ballot in favor of another candidate. They believe in the administration and they are fearful of another Trump presidency. They think Biden can beat Trump.”

+claimer: Uplifting post 💙


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A big thank you, Kathy! If you hadn't posted Piper's substack, I would have.

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Thanks Lynell. I’ve looked for, learned from, and agreed with your comments references and wisdom since first spotting you via my initial Substack subscription to HCR’s Letter more than a year ago. Just want to put in a word if appreciation. This link inspired me to do it.

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You honor me beyond words, Marian...many thanks!

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same here! Lynell is a GEM!!! I always scan for her comments due to her consistent wisdom and civility whenever she posts.

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Lynell rocks !


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I currently live in Arkansas and have been following Jess Piper. She’s able to articulate from her lived experience and is clearly not a part of the pundit class or mainstream media. She’s doing the work on the front lines.

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I second the recommendation of this post by Jess Piper. It was excellent and well worth the read, especially if you’re looking for hope from voters.

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Kathy- Many thanks for posting this link! I read it Saturday and it helped pull me out of a deep downward spiral. For Jess Piper to fight the good fight in Missouri is sheer bravery. Reading her account of support of Biden in this deep red state is one of the most uplifting essays I've read in a while.

Couple that with Biden's physical write up (thank you Robert, didn't know that was publicly available), and I feel a sense of reassurance I lost last week.

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I am largely finding the same thing. A few kind of feebly repeat what the NYT says, but the overwhelming majority think Biden is still our best shot at winning. Sadly, it diminishes the longer this goes on.

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Thank you so much! I wish anyone here with connections to the pundits from MSM would send this missive to them. I just posted it on my FB page. I feel so energized by real world facts and news! I'm not even watching MSNBC right now because of the negativity there.

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How about we throw our complete support behind the Democratic Nominee for President. Anything short of that is undermining the Democratic Party, down ballot candidates and fundraising efforts.

Even suggesting President Biden step down is a cataclysmic idea that would severely impact the economy, our standing abroad, our national security and our chances of defeating fascism. I am appalled when people so cavalierly suggest some of the things they do. These aren't philosophical musings people. They are having real life consequences. I respectfully invite people to stop and think.

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Perfectly stated Barbara Mullen. Thank you.

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Thanks. I chuckle at your comment name.

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And who would replace him? Is that person guaranteed a win?

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When is a win EVER guaranteed?

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There’s no guarantee of a guaranteed win for Pres. Biden nor for any other candidate.

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I agree. So why are we pulling out someone who has been working on this for a very long time and throwing in someone else with no guarantees.

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As in 2020, Biden’s campaign strategy was to keep eyes focused on trump and remember all his cruelty as president. That worked in 2020. Now all eyes are focused on Pres. Biden, not seeing the good he did, only seeing his gait, his speaking. Most of our fellow Americans have made a firm decision- either to support a good leader or a convicted felon. It’s the undecideds who will elect our next president, the multitudes who pay less attention to politics than you or I. Right now, to a low-to-medium voter, trump looks more capable. We have several younger people who will have camera attention and who can continue Pres. Biden’s remarkable success.

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In my view, because Biden has gone through changes that make it highly unlikely that he could serve as president for four years. Not a good message to the American people - vote for someone that won't be able to complete his term (not a guarantee, of course).

We are in a pickle, no doubt about it, either way.

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Let's call the NYT and tell them to stop! 212-556-3652

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Rosenberg is behind Biden, but in today's Substack, he devoted quite a long paragraph supporting the argument that Biden owes it to America to undergo a current neurological exam, because in the world of Parkinson's, five months is an eternity, so the results of an exam in February, which was released, don't meaning anything now in July. (But again, no mention that Trump should also be required to take that exam or that such an exam should become standard for presidential candidates. It steams me when people single out Biden.) I appreciate Rosenberg for his polling expertise, but my finger is hovering over the unsubscribe button in a serious way at the moment, having just read that. Et tu, Simon?

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Simon Rosenburg is one of the most astute political operatives in the business. He has decades of experience and he's the most loyal supporter of Joe Biden to be found anywhere. His substack, Hopium Chronicles, is a nerve center of electoral activism, and he's personally raised a half-million dollars there for 12 Democratic House candidates.

But being serious and experienced, he understands that if there is a condition like Parkinson's, it does not improve with time. It gets worse. And if it gets worse, the symptoms will become more evident. It cannot be hidden. Frankly, if I had the same symptoms, I'd want to know how concerned I should be.

If an examination finds no such condition, that fact will itself assuage voters' doubts. This isn't about fairness. It's about having a candidate who can run the race and win.


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I read Hopium Chronicles every day. I listen to Simon when he's on podcasts. I recommend him to people who get in a needless tizzy about polls. (I am only a free reader, so I am not part of what I am sure is a very active commenting community.) But he and I, and I guess you and I, have different opinions about the advisability and consequences of singling out one presidential candidate for a qualifying standard that no other candidate has had imposed, that the current opponent will not have imposed, and that there is no talk of standardizing for the future as a reasonable requirement for every presidential candidate before it is too late for the party to replace the candidate. That does not meet the standard of giving ALL voters fair information of who they are voting for. And I also do not agree with the presumption that there are "symptoms." I believe we are in a media frenzy that is undercutting the process and we may very well pay a price.

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If Biden resigns the Presidency and Kamala Harris becomes President, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) will be first in line to succeed Harris. That’s not a cheery thought.

It’s also a reason for Democrats and allies to re-quadruple efforts to win back the House of Representatives.

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Who's asking him to resign now? Isn't all this talk just about stepping off the ballot?

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That is true, Michael. But he's already second in line and that's not cheery either.

Absolutely right about the House (and the Senate). Check out Simon Rosenburg's 12 House endorsements to flip GOP seats:



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I think that Jeff Tiedrich, who is in essence saying the same thing as Robert Hubbell, but he describes the fallout from not having Biden in more detail. It is these details that doubters need to be grappling with.


It was what I envisioned when I heard about the debates which I did not watch. I live in a different time zone and could not subject myself to that much of Trump. Unlike many people I know, I have given up my subscriptions to the NYT and WaPo. In fact NYT was earlier, before I knew about the squabble that the spoiled, entitled, obscenely wealthy owner was having with Biden not letting him boss him around. I wish someone would give him as hard a time as he is giving Biden. I cannot do that, but I can withdraw my paltry funds.

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Here's a message I wish would resonate, as I think it would quell some concerns:

President Biden sees the Presidency as a team effort, and has assembled a great team.

Felonious Trump sees the Presidency as himself.

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⬆️✅ As usual, what Bob says

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I wish I could like this 100 times!

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You can, David, by sharing and repeating it.

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Good idea. I'll do that.

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And Trump doesn't really ever see the Presidency as a "job." Trump sees the Presidency as raw power, a focus for receiving adulation (remember the night he returned to the White House and barely made it up the balcony steps and then posed the his entry in the Benito Mussolini Look Alike Contest.). Joe Biden sees the Presidency as a sacred trust, a job that requires stamina and hard work. Trump could do his version of the job if he were stuffed and mounted like the last passenger pigeon. Joe knows what the job requires and knows that he can do it.

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I think you're being generous to Felonious T. I believe it was originally for attention, then for personal enrichment, then for power so he can keep both. President Biden got in his way.

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You may be right, Bob, in that I may overestimate Trump's laziness. He is certainly full of "passionate intensity," to use William Butler Yeats' words, when he feels threatened or is glorious self-image is called into question. Then he blazes ahead.

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Biden did get his physical. I first learned of it and the report from Robert today in Today’s Edition. Why haven’t MSM reported on it? (I know - they’ll say Biden’s physical occurred last February, it must have been overly friendly, senility can become manifest within a few months, yada yada.)

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I just listened to part of a press briefing. It's ridiculous how the press gets hung up on every detail, and yet Felonious T gets a pass. They wanted to know why President Biden won't get another exam, who the doctors were that were on a visitors log (according to Karine Jean-Pierre, the log includes visitors to 1000 service members), and why he won't answer more questions. I'm not a big fan of Karine, but I thought she handled herself well.

The fact of the matter is that much of the President's medical history is none of our damn business, and perhaps Karine should turn the questions back on the press (e.g., Would you be willing to do the same thing yourself to keep your job? President Biden did this, this, this, and this yesterday; would you be able to keep up a schedule like that?).

I don't know what the answer is, and President Biden is in a no-win position. If he gets a cognitive ability test or a neurological exam, he'll look like he couldn't stand up to the bullies, particularly Felonious T. If he doesn't get either, he'll be characterized as hiding something.

Bottom line, he's got to get somebody whose job it is to do damage control and head some of this crap off at the pass. Some of it falls to Karine, I think. It just seems like he's constantly finding himself in a defensive position, and then offers no defense (e.g., Hunter, Afghanistan, Israel/Hamas, age, etc.). Part of that is due to the fact that he's busy doing the job he was elected to do.

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I read the post by Timothy Snyder, he makes the point that Democrats and the press are free to criticize Biden because they are not afraid of retaliation, but Republicans and the press don't criticize Trump because they are afraid of retaliation. That combined with the desire of journalists to generate the most clicks with sensational headlines explains a lot of what we read every day. So let's follow Robert Hubbell's advice and focus on the real threat to democracy, Trump.

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I was also struck by that statement. Here is that paragraph:

“ When media folks describe discussions among Democrats as chaos and disarray, they are implicitly suggesting that it is better for a leader of a party to never be questioned. (Why, after all, is being part of an array a good thing?) An obvious point goes missed: Democrats can say what they want, because none of them is afraid.”

The media has always loved reporting that Democrats are in disarray because most of our mainstream “liberal” media have no respect for how democracy works — disagreements and debates, often heated are a key part and a sign of healthy democratic processes not dysfunction. Instead the media disdainfully portrays Democrats as a bunch of silly squabbling kids, not deeply committed people who want the best for our democracy.

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I was just perusing the articles the late, great media critic Eric Boehlert wrote for Salon back in the early 2000s and came across an article describing how Chris Matthews crowned Dick Cheney the winner in his debate with John Edwards for a statement smacking down Edwards. It was a statement that Matthews himself as well as others in the media acknowledged was a lie. That confirmed my impression that our media doesn’t object to someone lying in a debate — especially if you are a tough guy rightwinger and deliver the lie/lies with conviction. It’s all about style over substance.


This is the same media that destroyed Howard Dean’s candidacy when they went on a frenzy about his triumphant yell after a primary victory. No one in the audience, not even reporters, thought it was strange but the yell was deliberately made to sound crazy by isolating it from the background crowd noise and amplified. That is a clear example of our mainstream political media creating a story.

The media likes to pretend that they just report the news but they know they can make a candidate they like (one that is more fun to have a beer with) or break a candidate they don’t (ones like Hillary and Gore who bore them by talking about serious issues).

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So true, Theodora. We have to remember that that "disarray" is duly elected leaders advocating for their constituents who express disagreement among themselves - just like here on Robert's substack!

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We need to educate the "Democrats" in office as to who exactly they need to listen to. Terrify them by letting some of the dumbest ones go spinning down the tubes.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

I've (It's Ellen here-we share the same email) just made calls to my Reps and Senators in Washington. Made it clear my husband and I support Biden and we suggest they continue to support him and talk to colleagues about how important it is to stay the course based on exemplary job performance and experience. Added that all this "cut and run" talk makes Dems look weak and in chaos. We all need to be brave and do all we can to elect Biden the best man for the job!

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I've decided to do myself a favor and not waste energy debating anyone over whether or not Biden should withdraw from the race. As Robert so aptly points out, none of us can influence Biden's decision! Therefore, the only thing any hand wringing on our part does is prevent us from rolling up our sleeves and working to defeat Trump!!

So I am sticking to my plan and writing LOTS of postcards to prospective voters through Field Team 6 (www.fieldteam6.org) as well as writing GOTV postcards and letters - many to be "banked" and mailed out later!

If you haven't yet gotten involved and are looking for a place to start, I recommend checking out https://www.forwardtogetherhub.net/

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Will do. Thanks

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You make a great point. "Republicans and the press don't criticize Trump because they are afraid of retaliation" - are these people so freaking stupid that they can't see the very beginning of fascism (fear and retaliation) and that with a trump win the press would be the the first target of his "retribution tour". Idiots all.

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Yes, the press, the "enemy of the peop!e."

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Great point.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

See Timothy Snyder's next post: Biden Experiments.


He is saying that the debate presented us with options and opportunities. He writes:

"This is a time when we need imagination more than impulse. Because the stakes are high, our emotions speak loud and clear. We might admire the president, and so find change hard to imagine. We might fear the future, and so avoid the additional fear associated with change in the present. But when we listen to our own fears we could be screening out our fellow Americans. So in imagining what President Biden might do, we should try to bracket our own attitudes."

This is a masterful post by a scholar, teacher and author who is well respected, and he's anything but beholden to MSM. Snyder puts into perspective the goodwill that has been re-established by President Biden in the international community. And he helps us focus on the issue at hand, not as political question, not a medical or personal one. We need to defeat Trump to prevent a fascist takeover.

Prof. Snyder offers four possible options so we can start to figure out the best path forward. None is without risk. All are wisely considered with pros and cons. Option 4 may use some of the strategies in options 2 or 3.

1. Operation consistency. Biden runs as the Democratic nominee.

2. Operation carnival. Biden resigns from the race and the Democratic party stages debates and mini-primaries.

3. Operation convention. Biden releases his delegates to do as they please and they debate and discuss at the convention followed by ranked choice voting for a nominee.

4. Operation Kamala (in two variations). Biden releases delegates and makes it clear he supports the Vice President, or, Biden resigns from the presidency and the vice president becomes president.

I recommend reading the entire piece yourself, not just my abbreviated version to give you a sense of what he offers.

I would like to return to the opening quote for a moment. "When we listen to our own fears we could be screening out our fellow Americans." Most of those in this newsletter have coalesced around staying the course. Others, including me have suggested that this may not be the best option. We need to think it through.

I also want to call attention to our collective dismay with main stream media (MSM). Much of that is justified. But let's not blind ourselves to the writings of highly respected journalists with solid reputations. Robert Hubbell has said as much when he has written in support of some of the fine journalists at MSM outlets.

Some of my favorites have suggested that it is best for the country if President Biden withdraws his candidacy. These include, Tom Friedman, Paul Krugman, Michelle Goldberg, and Jennifer Rubin. Over the years, I have also respected the analyses of political consultant James Carville. He is an insider who writes that he fully expects that President Biden will not be the nominee.

As Jessica Craven wrote recently, "no one is asking me" to recommend what President Biden and the Democratic Party should do.

I honor President Biden's long service and his successful presidency. But let's stop circling the wagons, watch our leaders figure out the best strategy they can improvise and fully back President Biden or another candidate who emerges from this crisis, which is also an opportunity.

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Thank you, Robert and Jill, for sharing your family's wonderful getaway in the mountains. May we all be rejuvenated and unite our energy to support Biden/Harris and Dems down the ballot, the way the parties and voters did in England and in France!

One avenue for uniting is by learning and amplifying the dangers of Project 2025. As summarized by the Downtown Nasty Women's Social Club:

- Complete federal ban on abortions and contraceptives

- Additional tax breaks for corporations and top 1%

- Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in "camps"

- End marriage equality and condemn single mothers

- End climate protections, increase drilling

- Cut Medicare and end the Affordable Care Act

- Eliminate the Department of Education

- Withdraw federal anti-discrimination protections for transgender students

2 minute primer on Tik Tok by Jessica Craven


Marc Elias breaks down Project 2025


The White House summary of Project 2025


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Thanks, Ellie. Great links to share!

I’ve been talking to voters about Project 2025 and how it is already in play…

No separation of church and state: Oklahoma law requiring schools to teach the Bible, Louisiana with the 10 Commandments posted in schools,Florida allowing chaplains as “counselors”, vouchers for religious schools…

Abolishing Dept of Education:On our way with massive defunding of public schools because of vouchers, majority in Fl going to religious schools(latest data 81%) and many with no accreditation.

Banning abortion :Total abortion bans, women near death with delayed/no treatment for miscarriages and non-viable fetuses.

Banning Most Forms of Contraception: Extreme Christian Nationalists believe nothing man-made should prohibit the joining of sperm and egg. P2025 calls for prioritizing “fertility awareness-based methods” aka rhythm method and defunding condoms.

GOP voted against Right To Contraception Act.DeSantis twice vetoed money for long-acting, reversible contraception (IUD’s +) because of Florida Catholic Conference request.Effort to ban Mifepristone now easier with recent SCOTUS /Chevron ruling weakening FDA authority.

Invoking Schedule F (and firing thousands of civil servants). They did it before in 2020 right before Trump lost , they’ll do it again.

(One of Biden’s first actions was to revoke Schedule F)

Repealing Respect of Marriage Act: According to P2025,”marriage is between not just any two adults, but one man and one unrelated woman.” So many laws attacking LGQBT community+SCOTUS rulings…

And in Florida, if anyone doubts the evil intent there are always the words of Rep Holcomb as spoken on the FL House floor.

“Our terrorist enemies hate homosexuals more than we do.”

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The more this list and variations of it are presented to the public, from a variety of sources, the more likely it will be believed and taken seriously.

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Right, David. Let's get this out! Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan for tyranny, and it is hundreds of pages long, so therefore, it is ignored. I have not read the whole thing. Anything that long better be "War and Peace." And I have a sense that the communal prose stylists of the far-Right are not Tolstoy.

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This is a great summary. I continue to look for t-shirt that for this—we need to be getting the word out everywhere.

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Cathy, I ordered a button to wear with any ensemble👕 Ask Me About Project 2025

Minutes to order using your own text. Easy peasy! 10$ including shipping.⬇️


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I couldn't find a shirt that worked for me, so I designed my own. This is my link (but it will apparently only show you the design that I worked from, not my customization): https://www.zazzle.com/if_youre_not_youre_not_paying_attention_ou_t_shirt-256071857790707740

(anyone is welcome to copy or adapt this design as you'd like - it's fully customizable. Final cost, with shipping, was about $30)

Text on the front:

If you're not WORRIED, you're not paying attention.

What do you know about / PROJECT 2025?

Learn at project2025.org or / wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025

Text on the back:


The Biden/Harris administration works for ALL of US

• Protecting reproductive and LGBTQ rights

• REDUCED violent crime, promoting gun safety

• Controlling healthcare costs, improving access

• Wages outpacing inflation, Inequality is narrowing

• Addressing Climate Change, environmental justice

• Student debt relief

• More jobs and people working, low unemployment

• Rebuilding infrastructure

• Strengthening international relationships


(Note that the original font is a bit weird. I kept it, but might change it if I did it again.)

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Here's a link to my actual customized t-shirt. (feel free to use as-is, or adapt as you'd like.)


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Project 2025 is frightening but the reality is most voters have no idea what is in it and what it means and the challenge is where does it fit along the other democratic selling points. People need to read it and unfortunately that will not happen.

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I’m not sure about that. Well, they probably won't read it, but it seems like more and more people have become aware of it in the last ten days or so since Taraji P. Henson warned about it at the BET Awards, and John Oliver featured it on his show. Even this morning my Facebook feed is filled with print and video summaries. Now, if we could only get Taylor Swift to warn against it, we’d really get the message out.

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Great idea so should you or I call her.

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I’ll forward the request to my friend Ashley’s thirteen-year-old daughter. She’ll get it done 😉

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I felt that way two weeks ago. But I am now hearing more and more people speak of it. Even TV people !!! Our local state Senator was at an "Indivisible" rally about reproductive rights and he made a big deal about Project 2025 - just a few days ago.

We can all help by speaking about it anytime a political discussion begins. I wish Biden had ignored most of Stephanopolis' questions and shown his angry side about this playbook for fascism.

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Thanks, enormously helpful, Ellie.

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Thanks, Ellie. You're the best! Shared Jessica's and Marc's videos.

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I do not always understand European elections--how they can be "called" and six weeks later they have a new government, while we subject ourselves to constant lengthy campaign seasons, during which little actual governing gets done. And I was also scratching my head over Macron calling an election when the far right was fomenting. In my limited undertanding, I believe he didn't have to. What did he know that the world didn't know that made everyone else say the gamble was huge, reckless, but he sees the gamble as the way out of instability? But both the British and French elections give me hope that democracy will rise even now.

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I saw it as a way of cutting the far right at the knees before the next presidential election there. The French election system always has two rounds, which is an advantage in this scenario. The centrist parties and the leftist parties got scared at the results of the first round, and cooperated together to kneecap the far right by refusing to split the vote for the second round in any scenario where they were fielding two candidates to one from the far right. Voters got scared, and they flooded in to ensure that the far right didn’t win a majority. And they didn’t. And now LePen, the leader of the far right, doesn’t have the narrative she wanted.

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Yes. I understand what happened ultimately. (Thanks for this great explanation for many to read!) But to the world looking on, it seemed like Macron was taking a big gamble, after the EU Parliament elections had just shown a big push to the far right. I wonder what made him feel so confident when many thought it was risky? He's still left with a messy government, but at least the county knows that the far right are not the majority. And I can't help comparing to our own situation, when Democrats can't agree on what is the riskier strategy, but Biden is standing strong on his conviction. How messy will things get, and will our lefts and centrists cooperate to kneecap the far right. (I do love that mental image of kneecapping.)

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They can do what they do because their government and electoral structure allows it. In the UK the PM is the leader of the Party that wins the most seats - it is the Party that picks the PM - not the voters. That person must be an elected member of Parliament. Trump would never have made it in the UK because he never held elective office. It’s complicated and very foreign to our Presidential every four years winner takes all system. But it works.

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I’ve always sort of thought there was something to be said for a framework that allows for calling for snap elections and having a faster reset when the country can see that things are not going well. The leader of course risks getting voted out. Or, the election might result in a more favorable distribution in Parliament and things can get unstuck because the people vote to unstick them. We always feel so stuck.

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Again, I am so grateful for your steadfast attention to what's important, your unwavering support of Biden and your warnings about the dangerously distorted reporting of much of the mainstream press. And thank you for including Biden's recent and thorough medical evaluation and for the excellent Rebecca Solnit article. And, of course, your excellent advice to remember that we are all on the same side and want the same outcome and to focus on that and to remember that we need each other in this critical time is absolutely on target. Thank you.

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Thank you for your good and proper assessment. I am the Democratic Candidate in NY-21. My Republican opponent is Elise Stefanik. I had an incident in my campaign that got covered nationwide for 3-4 news cycles by Fox News and their progeny. I could not get the liberal press to even acknowledge the incident. As others have said, the press creates the news by virtue of what they choose to publish or not publish. Here is a summary of what happened to me: https://open.substack.com/pub/paulany21/p/thanks-fox-news?r=3g6fcu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Wow, Paula…what a way to free publicity. You are my new shero. Thank you…and safe safe.

“The good news is that Fox News played the clip nationwide. The whole country now knows about the campaign. Thanks Fox News! You saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign marketing.

We learned something in the last few days. Clearly the other side is concerned about Collins for Congress in NY-21. Help me spread the word: we’ve got their attention, and we aren’t backing down.”

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Hi Paula I am from Albany NY and I wish you the best in your campaign to defeat the absolutely odious Elise Stefanik! I will donate to your campaign as well.

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--> "Let that sink in: the humans followed the bots." <--

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Good luck, Paula. I wouldn't count out the possibility though, that you might find yourself facing a different adversary. Stefanik is one of vilest. despicable and ruthless MAGA personalities. At the same time she is intelligent and articulate and she knew exactly when to hop on the felon's bandwagon. She is a very efficient attack dog and the felon's lapdog at the same time. That's why for some time she has been on my shortlist for the VP position.

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A little trust in Joe Biden, that seems such a small thing to ask for but so many Dems seem to have no trust in him at all. Joe Biden has worked for the little guy his whole life and made very few mistakes in his endeavors. That the media is working solely for clicks and revenue has not registered with the Dems.

I'm with Robert, Joe Biden is the best shot we have of keeping the pathological narcissist and demagogue out of the White House. We have important tasks to accomplish, like fixing the SCOTUS, legislating a national popular vote, and stopping the right-wing assault on women to name three. Joe Biden will help; Trump will not.

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I am really REALLY sick of the calls for Joe to step down. He is out on the hustings whenever he can step away from running the country, damn it! If you doubt his vitality and viability, just check the White House website for Joe's itinerary. Frankly, the gutless, feckless, lemming-like weakness of members of our Democratic Party who wring their hands about Joe's capacity to lead are showing me THEIR weakness and lack of ability to lead. They are followers of the naysaying media. They are falling into the trap that Trump and Bannon have set for them. And they will be the engineers of our loss of nation if they fall for this ruse. I applaud Joe's courage and commitment in the face of this onslaught of doubt - and derision - thrown at him. STAY IN THIS CAMPAIGN, JOE. WIN IT FOR ALL OF US.

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Schiff just lost my financial support and vote (not that the latter will matter, but it's like not voting twice for Bill Clinton after he exposed himself for the shitbird he was born to be in his two-faced dealing withe the draft, something I am still proud of). On this issue of Do You Have A Fucking Backbone And Integrity Or Not? I am not giving free passes for being "otherwise not a shitbird." I regret being suckered in by Schiff and not voting for Katie Porter, who would never have committed this act of treason.

Maxine Waters showed who is who in this bullshit this afternoon when she pointed out that the Congressional Black Caucus,. the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Progressive Caucus are all supporting President Biden. The treason and spineless bullshit is all coming from the traditional enemy: the Corporatist/DINO wing, aka the Vichy Democrats.

Go fuck off and die with the rest of the morons, Schiff. I never have given my vote to DINOs and I never will.

Like an old Hollywood friend once pointed out, a character test is to see if you have any.

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It’s really unfortunate that Katie Porter didn’t get in. I didn’t like the blowback she got for calling out the election she had rigged, given the facts. We need progressive senators.

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Schiff is entitled to his opinion and the right to express it. Because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean you should attack him. It’s wonderful to be committed to Biden who has been magnificent but maybe it’s time for tough love.

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Which you have just gotten. Good-bye.

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Your frustration is completely understandable and justified. Some Democratic politicians are so frustrating in their lack of backbone and conviction that it drove me to throw away my Democrat affiliation a few years ago. As an Independent, I believe in Joe and will continue to support him to the finish line.

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Yeah, I hear ya. I did vote for Katie Porter and haven't given Schiff any money because he doesn't need it. He'll most likely win his election, and I'm fine with that and will vote for him, because the alternative is totally untenable. I just wish he'd consulted with his constituents, of which I am one, before he said that.

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I am just not understanding how we have politicians, including Adam Schiff, that do not understand how this process works. We the people, chose Joe Biden. That cannot be undone. Politicians, pundits and the media cannot undo that.

This 22 minute video is well worth the time. I am tweeting it to any media or politicians that state Joe Biden must give up. I do believe that this is how many of us feel. It's getting a lot of attention and needs to go viral.

Dear Media and Democratic Politicians


"All I hear is 'but her emails'"

Biden/Harris 2024

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A good pep talk here. "Donald Trump is not a superman. His lies prove that he is weak, not strong, or else he wouldn’t have to tell his lies in the first place."


A good review regarding the evidence of the Convicted Felon's dementia.


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I am gobsmacked at the belligerence and boldness and lack of guts at the corporate media and no longer subscribe to any. I no longer respect any who are associated with these publications. But I am more than stunned by the ignorance of our Democratic leaders. With their know-it-all-ism they are greedily stirring the panic pot at the detriment of all of us they are supposed to serve.

I am reminded of the belligerence of the NYTimes steadfast support of Bush’s Iraq War even as they knew it was based on lies. People died. Oh, well! Too bad!

Project 2025 which has been available to the public and to journalists (even in short form with clarifications) as the basic tool to make clear to all Americans what the MAGA, Trumpists, billionaire, trillionaire wannabees want for their greedy futures says all we’d need to focus on to beat back this fascism. They are selling their own descendents’ future for their own immediate self satisfaction. Jump on the wagon! Too damn bad for the price your own families will pay.

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Please stop wasting yours, Robert's, and President Biden and his teams time and energy about who our candidate should be. President Biden has been working hard for us all his adult life. I totally trust him and I feel he has made his decision. A decision I'm very happy with. He is wasting his time and energy letting us all know that over and over again. Besides having to convince everybody he's fine he has to run our country, and run for re-election. All three of those are very hard things to do by themselves let's at least drop the one we can drop. Be convinced what a great President he is and will continue to be if we give him the chance. I don't know how he does it but he does. We are putting so much extra pressure on him that he does not need. Nobody in his situation no matter their age would need all this extra pressure especially from people who should be totally backing him.

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You mention the answer is simple and then say the quiet part out loud—that Trump’s dissenters are met with death threats. We have all heard and know this. My question is: Why is the media not doing investigative reporting on this? Don’t we have a right to know the details of how this is happening? We still live in a Democracy where rule of law, NOT mob rule prevails. Living in a country where a political party is running things by mob rule is a story that needs uncovering. Is the media so terrified of this mob rule that they will not report on it?

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Today's media are no better than yesterday's National Enquirer or Access Hollywood.

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Yellow journalism dominates today's media.

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They are afraid!

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Biden is the only candidate who can beat Trump. There is no other candidate who has the experience, infrastructure or money to create a candidacy in four months. History will show Biden as a great president and there is no sane reason he should not have our support except the insane reason that the press, with Repubs help and maybe even Russian, want the Democrats in disarray and looking weak. WE will be responsible for Trump winning and losing our democracy if we don't back Biden and focus our efforts and energy on the real threat, Trump and Project 2025. A change now, literally at the end of the campaign, would be a disaster, create chaos and have Democrats defeating themselves. We need to respect the millions of ordinary, grassroots, Americans who have organized and put in countless hours over months and months recently, and the many elections after 2016, to elect Biden and Democrats to save our Democracy from fascism/trumpism. We cannot waste the herculean amount of time, effort and money past and present to put Biden back in the White House. Why on earth would we give up on a President who may become one of the best EVER and allow ourselves to be "swift-boated" into stupidity. You don't think the Repubs are laughing all the way to the ballot box??!!

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(On the feckless dismay

Of those who’d say

He should just fade away?

(I just have to say…)

Oh how they wish Joe would go.

Damn, he’s moving so slow.

His age is beginning to show

His movements are stiff

Yet the group in the Skiff

Say that Joe is the guy in the know.

You’d have him resign

Pass the Chair down the line,

Walk away at this time?

The guy who’s saved

America, and braved

Your lack of faith as you’ve raved

Joe is too old

(Damn, you are cold).

The future of our land

Is in the palm of your hand

Let’s see if you stand

For Joe and Kamala’s command.

Shall I list all Joe’s achievements

While some make your bereavements

And run for cover

While you try to pick some other?

Still Joe keeps on achieving

While you all are grieving.

NATO comes to our shore

A fact Trump will abhor

(But Joe breathed its life

On the edge of Putin’s knife).

Oh, lest I forget,

While new candidates you’d vet,

England and France just proved

That the dial has again moved

Right Wing nuts all rejected

Their arrows deflected.

And Joe set the pace

This elder statesman you disgrace,

With concerns that he’s slow

He’ll outrun you all (just so you know).

Gerry Manning

July 8, 2024

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I cannot attend your programs tomorrow because of a conflict with our Miami Dade Democratic executive committee. I donated. Please encourage the candidates to partner with FT 6,

To sweep register more Democrats. On Saturday, FT6 sent 200,000 and Sunday 168,000 texts to GA. We are at it again today.

FT 6. Text Arcades every Thursday 3pm PT/6pm ET

The next training will be on Thursday 07/11 at 3pm PT at our Text Arcade, which requires a $25 donation to get 1400 texts.

https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ft6arcade24 or Saturday Textbanks with the Union starting at 11am PT/ 2pm ET

Training will also be on Saturday 07/13 at 11am PT


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I texted with FT6 and the Union on Saturday. It’s a very good idea and there are many sessions scheduled throughout the summer. Sign up if you like to send texts!

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