I have two big problems with today’s post. The first is with the Hunter Biden issue. First you should read Joyce Vance’s response which totally presents the opposite of what was said in today’s post. She also quotes other attorneys general and justice department officials who all stated that the indictments were made only because it was …
I have two big problems with today’s post. The first is with the Hunter Biden issue. First you should read Joyce Vance’s response which totally presents the opposite of what was said in today’s post. She also quotes other attorneys general and justice department officials who all stated that the indictments were made only because it was Hunter, and John Doe would never have faced felony charges. Remember who the Special Council is? Read Joyce’s analysis and read the comments from people like Eric Holder, before you call Biden on the carpet. And don’t forget that Trump has already set the precedent for pardons and former Presidents like Clinton pardoned a family member and no one seemed to be bothered at the time. Let’s not treat this situation like the legacy media does. Joe did what was right to protect his son from Trump’s justice department which would be about the task of destroying Hunter. Let’s not forget what Trump’s plans are for the DOJ.
Second, I appreciate the coverage of nominees but I don’t need to know all the gory details. What’s the point? You’re basically preaching to the choir. I think, in all cases like this, we should get specific options for concrete action. It would be good to know who provides the best process for contacting our representatives? Are there orgs. that are setting up other kinds of activities that we might want to participate in? Where are the best places to park contributions to organizations that are in a position to take actions that we, as individuals cannot do? I think we need to shrink the amount of reporting we get about Trump and MAGA scandals and spend more time talking about what we can do and new ways we can attack the problems we face. We also should be ganging up on the DNC to use the volunteer infrastructure it set up for elections to take on broad mobilization efforts to resist Trump and his minions. I have been involved in DNC texting in past elections and have raised the issue, when there is a call to contact our representatives, why the text group couldn’t contact Democrats across the country asking them to contact their reps. and imbed the websites of orgs. that have set up the process to do this easily. We’ve got to do business differently and stop whining and wringing our hands and get about the business of resistance. We need to use the infrastructure we have in more creative and active ways to take on together the Trump threats.
Info on action is great, and Robert’s usual format is to include that. I have every confidence he will get there again. But I depend on Substack writers I trust (and some I even pay for) for their views on the news. Especially right now, TV is a useless barrage of noise. I have my curated writers and a few long-form journalism places. And Lawrence O’Donnell. So I don’t want less of that content from Robert. (I do agree with you about the pardon and Joyce Vance’s position. Barbara McQuade is another former US prosecutor who believes this pardon is an act of justice above all else, because the justice system had gone so grievously wrong.)
Brilliant idea about DNC. Sadly it won’t happen because it cost $ to make those calls and send texts and the DCN spent that on advertising on the Last Vegas dome!
Also agree about the details about Trumps nominations. I skim/scroll past. I don’t need to know the details. As Sarah Kendzior writes, Trump hides his crimes in scandal.
I refuse to worry in advance. Tell me what actions I can take to stop this, the rest is noise.
You’re not the first person to tell me the DNC strategy won’t work. I wonder if there is any way we could hold conversations with them about broadening the scope of the volunteer infrastructure and make it an ongoing effort that changed its focus after elections are over. The party has an incredible structure staffed by volunteers.
I’ll share a secret with you that underscores the points I have made above. I first got started in 2020 on Biden’s campaign doing texts. We really rocked and rolled as a team. I was one of the old farts on it. Before we finished, word went around about keeping in touch and kind of functioning as an online community after the election was over. That was shared with the DNC. I’m not sure what the result was, but we did a few things tangentially related to the 2022 campaign. And a few of us discovered we were back again in 2024. It don’t really think any of this was really supported by the powers that be. BUT I learned that the desire was there to do more than an election campaign…and that the texting group that I was a part of wanted this experience to be more than a “midnight stand”.
Steve, if you are still in the DNC slack maybe propose something. I’m looking to put together a Rapid Response team for all the Special Elections coming up.
I'm having a little trouble following this thread now that it's gotten so long, but if I read you correctly, you have a group of volunteers that wants to work all year round. I have followed you so if you need more members, please DM me. Tx!
I’m trying to see how I can contact someone at DNC about keeping the phone and fax groups active. If I am able to do that , I’ll get in touch with you and let you know how to get involved.
I have two big problems with today’s post. The first is with the Hunter Biden issue. First you should read Joyce Vance’s response which totally presents the opposite of what was said in today’s post. She also quotes other attorneys general and justice department officials who all stated that the indictments were made only because it was Hunter, and John Doe would never have faced felony charges. Remember who the Special Council is? Read Joyce’s analysis and read the comments from people like Eric Holder, before you call Biden on the carpet. And don’t forget that Trump has already set the precedent for pardons and former Presidents like Clinton pardoned a family member and no one seemed to be bothered at the time. Let’s not treat this situation like the legacy media does. Joe did what was right to protect his son from Trump’s justice department which would be about the task of destroying Hunter. Let’s not forget what Trump’s plans are for the DOJ.
Second, I appreciate the coverage of nominees but I don’t need to know all the gory details. What’s the point? You’re basically preaching to the choir. I think, in all cases like this, we should get specific options for concrete action. It would be good to know who provides the best process for contacting our representatives? Are there orgs. that are setting up other kinds of activities that we might want to participate in? Where are the best places to park contributions to organizations that are in a position to take actions that we, as individuals cannot do? I think we need to shrink the amount of reporting we get about Trump and MAGA scandals and spend more time talking about what we can do and new ways we can attack the problems we face. We also should be ganging up on the DNC to use the volunteer infrastructure it set up for elections to take on broad mobilization efforts to resist Trump and his minions. I have been involved in DNC texting in past elections and have raised the issue, when there is a call to contact our representatives, why the text group couldn’t contact Democrats across the country asking them to contact their reps. and imbed the websites of orgs. that have set up the process to do this easily. We’ve got to do business differently and stop whining and wringing our hands and get about the business of resistance. We need to use the infrastructure we have in more creative and active ways to take on together the Trump threats.
Info on action is great, and Robert’s usual format is to include that. I have every confidence he will get there again. But I depend on Substack writers I trust (and some I even pay for) for their views on the news. Especially right now, TV is a useless barrage of noise. I have my curated writers and a few long-form journalism places. And Lawrence O’Donnell. So I don’t want less of that content from Robert. (I do agree with you about the pardon and Joyce Vance’s position. Barbara McQuade is another former US prosecutor who believes this pardon is an act of justice above all else, because the justice system had gone so grievously wrong.)
Two things can be true: Hunter Biden could have been treated unjustly and it was unwise for Biden to pardon him.
Thousands of defendants are treated unjustly each year and will not be pardoned because they don’t have a powerful relative.
What are they supposed to think about a different standard of justice for the president’s family?
Follow Jessica Craven’s Substack “Chop Wood/Carry Water” for daily actions we can all participate in.
The ACLU, Indivisible, Common Cause, Move On.
Brilliant idea about DNC. Sadly it won’t happen because it cost $ to make those calls and send texts and the DCN spent that on advertising on the Last Vegas dome!
Also agree about the details about Trumps nominations. I skim/scroll past. I don’t need to know the details. As Sarah Kendzior writes, Trump hides his crimes in scandal.
I refuse to worry in advance. Tell me what actions I can take to stop this, the rest is noise.
Follow Jessica Craven’s Substack “Chop Wood/Carry Water for daily actions to take.
Jessica is amazing!! She has excellent suggestions and is always on top of everything. Thank you for mentioning her.
You’re not the first person to tell me the DNC strategy won’t work. I wonder if there is any way we could hold conversations with them about broadening the scope of the volunteer infrastructure and make it an ongoing effort that changed its focus after elections are over. The party has an incredible structure staffed by volunteers.
I’ll share a secret with you that underscores the points I have made above. I first got started in 2020 on Biden’s campaign doing texts. We really rocked and rolled as a team. I was one of the old farts on it. Before we finished, word went around about keeping in touch and kind of functioning as an online community after the election was over. That was shared with the DNC. I’m not sure what the result was, but we did a few things tangentially related to the 2022 campaign. And a few of us discovered we were back again in 2024. It don’t really think any of this was really supported by the powers that be. BUT I learned that the desire was there to do more than an election campaign…and that the texting group that I was a part of wanted this experience to be more than a “midnight stand”.
Take care
Steve, if you are still in the DNC slack maybe propose something. I’m looking to put together a Rapid Response team for all the Special Elections coming up.
Melissa, Are you going to set up your response team through DNC slack? Right now the slack site is down.
I'm having a little trouble following this thread now that it's gotten so long, but if I read you correctly, you have a group of volunteers that wants to work all year round. I have followed you so if you need more members, please DM me. Tx!
I’m trying to see how I can contact someone at DNC about keeping the phone and fax groups active. If I am able to do that , I’ll get in touch with you and let you know how to get involved.
Thank you, Steve!