Sep 3, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The gravity and probable harm to others by today's revelation of missing documents is shocking. I have no compassion left for anyone who adheres to Trump. I am done trying to understand him or them. Let them clatter on, even on their news shouts. The lines are drawn. Thank heaven for this newsletter and others or else I would think the entire world has gone mad.

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I often wish I could just do something. But what can I do about Climate, Gun Control, Trump, etc? This woman has charted out meaningful things we can actually do. She is very inspirational too. I highly recommend her newsletter. Watch one of her videos and you will not sleep. She is amazing, and shows how we can actually make a difference. Like encouraging high school seniors to register. https://chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com/p/chop-wood-carry-water-830-f2d?r=7pgmf&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I forwarded a PDF to you earlier today about Trump's stolen defense secrets.

I referenced Nicolle Wallace's interview with Sue Gordon (CIA). Here is the link:


Gordon tried to be tactful but there is no mistaking she believes that Trump is a serious threat to our national security.

For example, if Top Secret SCI documents he stole include those about about a new, never before revealed, nuclear weapons program he bragged about in Woodward's book, with an eye toward monetizing them to his advantage, we are in Julius and Ethel Rosenberg territory! That's how serious that breach would be.

Having a been involved with our nuclear strike plans that possibility keeps me awake nights.

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Please delete previous — apologies!

Read instead this version:

Thank you, Professor Hubbell!

November 8, 2022 election is about turnout, turnout, turnout, to save our democracy. Everyone must take action one is comfortable with. My grassroots is Vote Forward www.votefwd.org for which this household is writing hundreds of letters, with free postage stamps from a VF Stamp Grant. I invite everyone and anyone who would like to participate, to join to help achieve and maybe even exceed the VF goal of 10,000,000 GOTV - Get Out the Vote — letters for 2022. (The only cost is paper and printing the form letters to handwrite personal messages, or also stamps if affordable, but people also donate the printed letters.)

A wonderful civic activist volunteer service.

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I wanted to comment on the right wing backlash to Biden’s speech.

What’s funny is I never felt an inkling of desire from MAGA Republicans to unify. Then Biden grants a divorce and now they’re angry we’re not trying to unify. It’s like a mother using reverse psychology on a toddler.

But, no. I’m at peace with the divorce. I canvass and phone bank a lot and had learned to just move on. But this is more complete than that. I only have one MAGA family member, a brother who got sucked into Q anon. I’m glad to just avoid every single one of them.

It also wakes me up to the gravity of the problem. It isn’t just a government problem. We have unreconcilable differences with our neighbors. Since I canvass my neighborhood, I know their voter parties. It’s almost too big a burden. I guess I can wave kindly to them but I don’t want to walk down to the Christmas parade with them.

The divorce is final. Now we have to write history as to how to move forward.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I remember being terrified as a kid after watching the matinee “‘Body Snatchers” with my family. I remember looking around, wondering if our neighbors had been “snatched”. If you don’t remember the film, I suggest you try to find it, as it depicts perfectly what is happening to the Republican Party, and as a result, the sanctity of our democracy.

Of course, the antidote is action, and as Joseph suggested, Chop Wood is a terrific venue to get started. It’s my daily discipline to follow at least one of her suggestions. That, and reading Robert and Heather’s letters and many of the comments has opened my heart and mind to resist getting “snatched” and to help others do the same.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert - Please take a break and enjoy a good long weekend with the family. You remain my beacon. We have finally, I think, found the perfect match - between the League of Woman Voters and our local youth eligible to vote. We are with you on targeting eligible youth eg HS seniors and leveraging their VOICE - helped greatly by a group of very aware and active students who are our future leaders. This is due in large part to your continuing message to get youth to the polls. A model is forming for spreading, and you deserver MUCH credit for keeping us on track. And the strength of the supporting organizations plus your continued spotlight gives me strong confidence in the fact that our Democracy will be just fine as we learn and do more. High 5 for the good 1

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Speaking of Biden’s speech Thursday, what is with the media? The President of the United States makes a major address and not one major network carries it, not even PBS! Are they so addicted to Trumpian antics that they can’t pay attention to a president who is actually doing his job? Disgraceful!!!

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

The organization that is most important to me is not within the usual scope of this community, but that's exactly why it's important to mention. It is the American Himalayan Foundation, first founded in the 70s (?) by a mountain climber named Richard Blum (Dianne Feinstein's husband who died earlier this year). Because of our understandable focus on U.S. politics, the climate and the Ukraine right now, organizations like this risk being forgotten.

The American Himalayan Foundation has many projects: helping disabled children, a model to Stop Girl Trafficking from Nepal to other countries by educating them and making them more valuable to their parents, caring for Tibetan exiles, helping with Covid, restoring art in the province of Mustang, to name a few. They have a high rating on Charity Navigator for efficiency, work with not on the Nepalese people, and have the motto; DO GOOD, BE KIND, HAVE FUN. They do. Look at their website and you'll see what they've done and why this stunning impoverished corner of the world needs us.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, I remember when you and Jill used to drive to a nearby fast food (?) restaurant to get a soda (?) and go home, just to have an outing at the beginning of the pandemic. You've certainly come a long way since then! I hope you both get a chance for a good, long rest in your air-conditioning Saturday to recover from the freeway fiasco. Please take it easy so you keep up your strength and immunity. Take care and thank you for your great work.

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Robert B. Hubbell, newsletter, opened his Comments section for readers to add their grassroots today!

How’s something like this, to cast out for more GOTV letter writers, if you see in time please edit freely.

Here goes:

November 8, 2022 election is about turnout, turnout, turnout, to save our democracy. Everyone must take action one is comfortable with. My grassroots is Vote Forward www.votefwd.org for which this household is writing hundreds of letters, with free postage stamps from a VF Stamp Grant. I invite everyone and anyone who would like to participate, to join to help achieve and maybe even exceed the VF goal of 10,000,000 GOTV - Get Out the Vote — letters for 2022. (The only cost is paper and printing the form letters to handwrite personal messages, or also stamps if affordable, but people also donate the printed letters.)

A wonderful civic activist volunteer service.

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In case you missed President Biden’s important democracy speech from Philadelphia, here’s the full replay on C-SPAN. (25 minutes).


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As always, thank you Robert for opening the comment section on the weekend.

My 16 year old daughter got her learners permit yesterday in Suffolk County on Long Island in NY.

She registered to vote in 2024 and she registered as a Democrat. It was gratifying as her mom to know that she's already committed to the future of democracy.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

In reference to my comment, since before Trump entered the WH, I have addressed the issues we are seeing explode before us. Often I faced criticism stating that I was too political and that religion has no place in politics. But we are seeing before our eyes how politicians are fashioning morals and ethics through legalities, rather than fashioning laws through ethics and morals. To suggest we refrain from doing the right thing out of fear of reprisal is not a good enough reason. It is always the right time to do what is right

Rev Mr William Orazio Gallerizzo

Ordained Catholic Deacon, Catholic Bioethicist

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"So. Much. Winning!" was the title of the latest email I received from Virginia Democrats. I wondered who it was that was winning, so I opened the email to find that the campaign to elect Democrats organized a silent auction for citizens to bid on various items the community has donated. It's been a delight to scroll through all the selections...breakfasts, lunches or dinners with state reps, an equestrian trail ride with a state delegate, cooking lessons, artwork, home tours, golf experience, garden basket, pottery, and much more! I can't decide what I'm going to bid on, but it'll come to me soon!

Sorry to hear that you both got caught up in that traffic/fire mess. Hope you are now relaxing as we embark on the Labor Day weekend.

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I would like to raise up an organization that I am proud to be a part of. Force Multiplier fundraisers for the most competitive House and Senate candidates as well as carefully vetted voter empowerment groups in key states. We have great Zoom events with candidates. Check us out at www.forcemultiplierus.org. Mr Hubbell we would love to talk to you

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