Robert Reich has an excellent substack column that I highly recommend ... "Resurrecting the Common Good: A New (and Very Old) Conception of Leadership." https://robertreich.substack.com/p/the-common-good-chapter-7-leadership

It's powerful. Intellectually rigorous and very motivational. I had tears as I read the (well known) stories about the leadership John McCain demonstrated in 2008 when confronted with lies about Obama, and the leadership Al Gore and George W. Bush showed when Gore conceded in 2000. It's a cogent reminder of why we do what we do, the love we bring to this wonderful idea that forms the bedrock of our nation - that we are all created equal.

Like you Robert, Reich makes very clear that the 2024 election is about this one thing - saving democracy and preserving this powerful ideal that we are all created equal..

Reich writes:

"Leadership of the sort we need to resurrect the common good is not about winning. It’s not about being tough, ruthless, or ferocious. It’s about attending to the needs of the people who are being led — valuing and elevating the common good that binds them together. Earning and building their trust."

Reich concludes with the following:

"We can help resurrect the common good by demanding that our leaders — both in government and in business — dedicate themselves to rebuilding public trust in the institutions they have responsibility for. Their goal must be the common good rather than their own selfish, parched ambitions.

They will not do this on their own. The rest of us must make them. We must support candidates who embody this conception of leadership and eschew those who do not. We must support corporations whose leaders embody it and avoid corporations whose leaders do not."

Reading you every day, Robert. Reading Heather. Reading Reich. And seeing Michael Moore on CNN tonight, it's clear the winds are at our back in 2024.

As you so often say "We have every reason to be hopeful, but no reason to be complacent."

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I got busy today and never managed to reply to this issue that you brought up.

“ Robert, you seem to be publicly chastising some minion for leaving YOUR newsletter in some “in process” stage. Don’t paint yourself to be an ass**** in public. It’s yours, so accept ownership. Apologize and get on with it. If you have a gripe about something or someone your own shop, take it up there.”

JUST WOW! Talk about ass ****. This person not only is one for speaking before thinking, but reveals much about his/her own personality and behavior.

It never occurred to me that in your apology for not sending your daily message at the usual time you were blaming someone else (your minions? Seriously? Where did that person pull this idea out from?)

I’m still flabbergasted that someone could make such a stupid, insensitive, ignorant remark. It pains me to think that this person even has access to your excellent newsletter.

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The comment from the ex- Republican provides a reason for hope! A work colleague of mine is the same. He never voted Democrat before Trump, now to quote him “Vote Democrats only unless they’ve been convicted of murder!” Quite a turnaround.

Thanks for the newsletter and all your hard work!!!!

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Thanks Robert for providing the post of a former Republican, who early on saw Trump for what he really is- a sly, conniving, self-serving , amoral , narcissistic shell of a human being. We all know and have seen the way he manipulates, and feeds on many of our citizens for strictly personal gain . He could care less about democratic principals, common good. The only good he knows, or cares about is what is good for (and only for) Donald Trump!

I read your letter faithfully, as I do Robert Reich,and Heather cox Richardson. Each of you compliments one another beautifully, and it's always so refreshing to read truth and reality. You put into words, what all of the good, honest citizens of this great country know, and feel in their hearts. I believe ,like so many, democracy will survive and thrive in the country. Thank you for being such a strong moral compass!

Edward Cherlin

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I’m fascinated by your hardline Republican reader who switched to the Dems in 2016. I wholly agree that - as always - it will largely be Independents who decide the next election. At the same time though, I can’t help wondering if there are any reputable studies exploring how and why people change political tribes? I’d love to know if the change tends to be down to a single moment of clarity? Or a process that happens slowly, and then all at once? I’d also love to know what the major factors are: a change in life circumstances? A new friend or colleague who thinks differently? Or simply a change in information environment?

My own biased view is that ‘understanding’ and ‘non judgment’ are the bridge over which people change sides.

For that reason, I’m partial to the story of Megan Phelps-Roper who says she finally left her family’s hateful Westboro Baptist Church because a small group of patient people were consistently kind to her on Twitter. The plural of anecdote may not be data, but I think her story is pretty instructive. Because isn’t the evil genius of Trump the fact that he inspires the exact opposite behavior in Liberals and Progressives and Democrats? That he’s so egregiously maddening that it becomes nearly impossible not to judge and demonize his supporters... which just plays into Trump’s hands, by closing that bridge to people changing sides.

As a lifelong Liberal, I think I’ve slightly lost sight of the tolerance that I used to cherish so much. After a great deal of thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that hating Trump is fine, but that hating his supporters is likely counterproductive. So, unless anyone has any better ideas for helping people change sides, I think I’m going to try that Megan Phelps-Roper approach for a while. Seriously, any and all ideas are welcome. In the meantime, wish me luck!

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From yesterday, I was shocked, disappointed, and discouraged by revelations in Mitt Romney's biography that indicate, or lead me to believe, that Trump would have been impeached if GOP senators weren't actually terrified for their own families' safety by the GOP supporters. Is it really possible that in the US there are scared US Senators? Senators scared of the wrath of Donald J trump supporters? Is this not precisely what happens in third world banana republics?

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My husband and I not as “conservative” as the reader you quoted, but we, too, voted for the Democratic presidential candidate for the first time in 2016.

One difference is that my husband watches some FOX in the gym and listens to a little talk radio when driving (as he says, he can’t take more than 10 minutes). He thinks it’s useful to hear what “the other side” is listening to all day. Good point.

I’ll also say we’re not even sure what “conservative” means any more. My parents were conservative but were generous, philanthropic, pro-science, etc. Today’s Republican Party is just nuts.

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Thank you for posting the motion.

I hope everyone takes the few minutes to read it. For me, reading it makes me realize how inured I've/we've become to Trumps outrageous rantings. Except for jailing him, I can't imagine how anyone can stop his nonstop threats. This motion will only increase his deplorable behavior.

I expect that this motion will cause his behavior to be mirrored in the R's in Congress and across right wing media. They've zeroed in on the power of mass indoctrination.

I just hope that there are enough of us to finally put them to rest by voting each and every one of them out. Otherwise I fear this precious democracy experiment is at risk.

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"We cannot forget, because we cannot learn from past mistakes we do not know exist... "

Just one of many memorable observations by Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson as she so eloquently shreds to pieces the despicable efforts of Republicans (no, it's not just Ron DeSantis) to silence, twist around or rewrite unpleasant parts of history.

Taking the 20 minutes to listen to her is time well spent this weekend.


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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

This may be a harsh thing to say (and an exaggeration) but my observation is that anyone who likes and supports Donald Trump - a man of zero moral structure, mean spirited, vengeful, venomous, angry, hateful, greedy, self-centered, egotistical, frequently wrong but never in doubt, and somewhat delusional and without compassion or empathy, would have to share some of his traits. I'd like to copy and paste the part at the end of Robert's newsletter about the lady who saw the light early on: It bears repeating because she saw the distortions and outright lies being fed to those who perhaps are not exactly mental giants who like all cult followers are easily mesmerized: " I am an unusual subscriber to your newsletter. Until 2016, I was a hardline Republican who had never voted for a Democrat in her life (75 years). I was a Never Trumper voter from the moment Trump declared his candidacy. I voted third party in 2016 and for Biden in 2020. In 2022, I voted straight Democratic for the first time in my life. I am not only a former Republican, I am also an Evangelical Christian who refuses to vote for Trump.

Although I now consider myself an independent voter (I am more conservative than liberal), I will continue to vote for Democrats until Trump and his crime buddies are gone. To show you how far I have come, I used to watch Fox News exclusively. (Now I watch MSNBC). I used to listen to conservative talk radio (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc.) every day. I have not listened to any of them since 2016."

Again, from Robert: "The reader who posted the comment escaped a news environment filled with disinformation and lies. She credits the newsletter (in part) for helping to provide truthful information and objective analysis. I mention that fact not to pat myself on the back but to make the point that you can help reach voters like the Never Trumper reader by posting, commenting, and sharing truthful information in places where persuadable friends and neighbors can see it.

We won’t change everyone’s mind; we don’t need to. In a narrowly divided electorate, convincing voters at the margin is all it will take to ensure victory for Democrats up and down the ballot in 2024."

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If Trump doesn’t shut up and follow Judge Chutkan’s orders, the ultimate decision she can make is to put him in jail until trial and between the trial sessions. She will be faced with a crucial decision to make because she must be thinking about the violence and the political storm in the Republican Party over such an arrest. Regardless, if she ever reads this I urge her to do what’s right and let the chips fall where they may. Like so many others, I am waiting, Your Honor.

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"I will continue to vote for Democrats until Trump and his crime buddies are gone." Ah, the power of words to change the minds of citizens whose minds have been held hostage by " a news environment filled with disinformation and lies." That's no small achievement. Hopefully, the evidenced-based information presented regularly on this site will be enough to convince Judge Chutkan to put Trump in prison where he belongs. If such a decision sparks a civil war, so be it. The King Baby Trump and his outlaws have been terrorizing our town long enough. It's "High Noon" Marshal Chutkan!

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There are a lot of voters like the one you referenced who have seen the light and switched party affiliation for many reasons beside Trump. If you support Trump you are not supporting the party but an individual and are overlooking many character flaws and transgressions. Many of my Republican friends supported the Republican Party because they believe in the platform regarding taxes, defense spending and the role of government. The current MAGA Republicans care less about the platform and are focused on revenge and a authoritarian view of government. Every product has a shelf life and I believe that fringe MAGA Republicans are starting to feel that the current Republican product has run its course and no longer provides them with what they signed up for in 2016. It’s still up to us continue the basic blocking and tackling to insure the future of democracy.

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The writer who has become an independent because of Trump could be my husband…he was a diehard republican and did exact same thing and is same age….never too late!

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

This filing by Jack Smith is long overdue. But it also places a huge burden of responsibility on Judge Chutkan. I wonder if it is fair to her to ask her to do what should have been done a long time ago - to stand up to Trump and on the strongest possible terms to oppose him publicly and loudly. So far the Right has been doing all the yelling and chest thumping and making threats. Our side has been patiently and quietly trying to counter the Right with good thoughts and good deeds. I’m sure Judge Chutkan will react in a quietly strong and judicial way. But who is there to back her up? What resources can she call upon to enforce the order she must inevitably issue? Trump is the cornered animal fighting for his life and freedom. Many Magas identify with his battle. What are the mechanisms of Justice that can rally behind Judge Chutkan so she doesn’t stand alone against the inevitable lawlessness of this dangerous predator and his followers? How can such an order be enforced?

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When we knock on doors, we get the opportunity to connect to others, to show our kindness, show that Democrats are normal, open-minded, listeners, who respect other points of views. It is quite powerful, more so than other political acts, to connect in this way. Occasionally you meet people who are fearful of voting. You can encourage them that we are not what Fox or others say about Democrats. Being respectful one to one. Helping people figure out where and when to vote. Canvassers can change minds.

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