I attended the Bans Off Our Bodies/Pro-Choice rally in Palm Springs, CA. The speakers were excellent, galvanizing and included Joy Silver from the Democratic Women of the Desert. Hundreds attended. I was going to bring a sign that said: MY CHOICE, MY BODY, MY FUTURE, MY VOICE, which I loved... but I couldn't pass up another I found on the internet:


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Perfect! I love the one you chose.

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I think that White Supremacist groups in this country must be labeled by the FBI as home grown terrorists and members put on a watch list.

I also believe that the hate filled white supremacist web sites must be monitored for such extreme manifestos as the shooter in Buffalo posted and these people brought in for evaluation and questioning. They must not be permitted to own firearms.

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I went to the "Bans Off Our Bodies" Planned Parenthood rally in Sacramento on Saturday. I heard about it the night before from a friend. Even though I give a monthly contribution to Planned Parenthood, they did not send me notice of the nation-wide rallies on Saturday! If there had been greater publicity, many many more people would have attended. As it was, it was a good rally; several hundred people with lots of signs marched around a few blocks, leaving from the steps of the State Capital. It was covered on the evening news as the beginning of a week-long bus tour by Planned Parenthood; the news didn't even report on the number of people at the rally! I was very glad I was there. I am firmly convinced that the Supreme Court's ruling against Roe v. Wade will help the Democrats hold onto the House in November, and maybe, even increase the number of Dem. Senators! Thanks for your positive encouragement!

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I am glad to hear you found (and attended!) a rally. Here is a link to keep you informed about future rallies and opportunities to take action for reproductive rights —


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Thanks for the link!

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Same in Monterey, CA. We had a bit more than 24 hours to get the word out. Still, there were about 500 people—there would have been quadruple+ that had there been more time to “advertise.” Nonetheless, we noted hundreds of vehicles driving by (we meet at “Windows on the Bay,” right along the ocean and a main thoroughfare) honking in support.

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This evening, a conservative candidate (interesting that he didn't call himself a Republican) for County Commissioner knocked on my door. We had a great discussion on several topics including what he would do as Commissioner but extending to abortion and vaccines. It seemed we were both enjoying the banter even when we didn't agree on much. I congratulated him for running for office. On abortion I hope I conveyed that I didn't know if I could vote for any Republican based on the anti-abortion law passed by Texas Republicans. Told him Republicans need to beware of women scorned. I'm feeling confident that women's rights will be a significant if not the deciding factor in the elections and the success of Democrats keeping control of the House and Senate in 2022. What Alito and Thomas are espousing makes me more and more adamant about protecting and securing women's rights. The Supremacist Court has absolutely no credibility with me. They are dismantling democracy. I will do the right thing by all the People around me in upholding our rights no matter how the Roberts Court rules. They are the Pigs of Animal Farm rewriting the Constitution for no one's benefit but their own. Wonder if whatever-it- takes-to-get-re-elected Mitch will in the next couple of months lead a delegation to tell Alito and Thomas they need to resign, that it would be better for the country than being impeached in the same manner that convinced Nixon to resign. I am determined. I know thousands are just as determined. We, the People, all of us this time - everyone one of us!

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Don’t even dream that Mitch will do anything for the country, this is his dream come true. It will take a while before the fool realizes that he has caught a tiger by the tail.

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I guess my sarcastic tone on Mitch didn't come through over the Internet. If he did take that action you know we've won! And, we'll win in any case because a majority of voters still believe in democracy and do not want minority/autocratic rule which take away rights from all of us.

" First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

-- Martin Niemöller written 1936 in Berlin

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It’s not the court that is the issue but the process and people selected and groomed by Federalists to represent a conservative minority that has changed how the constitution is interrupted

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Hi, Stephen. What about the size of the Court? Put aside my suggestion for expansion to dilute the reactionary majority. The Court is essentially the same size as it was when the Constitution was written. America has expanded and the circuit courts of appeal have kept up with that growth. But the Supreme Court has remained tiny, in comparison. As a result, one or two votes can decide the fate of hundreds of millions of Americans. For 15 years, Justice Kennedy decided the social and political values for all Americans. A larger court--say 29 (the size of the 9th circuit)--would force justices to work harder to find common ground and leaven the extremes.

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Robert, while I can see making the decisions of the Court more timely and responsive to the immediacy of the need by having more Justices breaking into smaller teams to cover a lot of cases, I still don't see how that prevents packing the court or having 100 Senators divided so evenly that one person can make the decision for half the population as Senator Manchin just showed us. And, impeachment is a joke in the two party system. Where's the accountability of both the Supreme Court and Senate? And, don't tell me it's all in the vote when nineteen of the states are now under minority rule. As Einstein stated so eloquently "You can not solve problems using the same thinking that created them." We need some fresh thinking on all this.

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I agree but structural changes badly needed in our government for the courts or even the electoral college seem so far unattainable into days political environment.

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I respectfully disagree. It's a bit like climate change. You don't need to know the cause to know we're in BIG TROUBLE. Yes, the process is broken because of Contempt for the Constitution by elected and appointed people that swore to uphold the Constitution. My personal feeling is that it is the two party system as John Adams said "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." The Supreme Court is dismantling our democratic republic piece by piece. 1. Citizens United making bribery of elected officials legal 2. The interpretation of the 2nd amendment ignoring the Militia phrase putting more guns in everyone's hands. 3. The gutting of the Voting Rights Act and now having minority rule in 19 states and voter suppression laws being passed by the barrel full. 4. The shadow docket where the Justices don't have to justify anything and can rule on anticipated rulings. 5. Overturning Roe V Wade taking away the rights of half the population and shoving the religion of Christian Nationalists down our throats and giving some lives priority over others using originalists specious logic. NO this isn't just a process problem. And as Einstein says you can't solve problems with the same thinking that created them.

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Cathy, may I share your post on my FB page? Attribution or just attributed to "a friend"? Thanks!

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Ellen, I would be happy to have you share it on your FB page. Thank you! That goes for any of my comments.

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Thank you!

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Brilliant summation of our dire situation!!

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Spot on!

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I would have loved to have eavesdropped on that discussion, Cathy. Kudos for making it a pleasant conversation. ( Off topic, but fun: "eavesdrop," a great word from late Middle English "eavesdropper: "a person who listens from under the eaves; from the obsolete noun "eavesdrop: the ground on to which the water drips from the eaves."

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Thank you, Robert for your invitation here to write about this issue. On Mother’s Day on 5/8/22 I attended a rally for abortion rights at the Boston State House along with about 50 other people. I was there on the 40th anniversary of my mother’s death and her birthday the previous day to celebrate her at such a rally. As a teenager, she took me to rallies and fundraisers for abortion rights before Roe was codified. I’m proud to be her daughter.

On Saturday I attended the rally sponsored by the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts, Reproductive Equity Now, and ACLU of Ma along with thousands of people in record breaking heat. Massachusetts is among 16 states where abortion rights are expected to remain intact after the Supreme Court ruling.

I was happy to hear our Attorney General Maura Healey, who is running for governor, say she would never enforce an abortion ban and would protect abortion rights as well as help out-of-state patients who travel here for abortion services.

In 2020, MA passed the ROE act over Republican Governor Charlie Baker’s veto, codifying and expanding the right to abortion in MA. It is legal through 24 weeks gestation and after that threshold in cases of fetal anomaly or to preserve the health of a pregnant woman. The Roe Act also allows 16-17 year olds to seek abortion without parental consent. As a Newborn ICU nurse, I understand and witness the significance of these situations and the complex decisions families make.

Advocacy groups announced new efforts to position MA is a leader in providing affordable reproductive care of all kinds under the name “Beyond Roe Coalition”. It calls for full spectrum pregnancy care which includes insurance coverage for abortion, prenatal and postpartum care with no out-of-pocket costs.

It also calls for no-cost coverage for all forms of emergency contraception. Currently over the counter emergency contraception is available at a much higher cost than prescription versions that are covered by insurance but take longer to dispense. The bill, now before our House ways and Means Committee would make all forms readily available.

Advocates are also drafting a measure to protect Massachusetts residents and abortion providers from prosecution under a law line Texas’ SB8.

At both rallies I carried a sign that said “We are Ruth-less now…ACT accordingly”. I’m proud to be a citizen of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Acting accordingly, I am working to support Democratic candidates in other states in the primaries and midterms and urging my legislators to support Abortion rights and reproductive health care. I’m just getting started.

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These abortion bans strike me as anti-abortion activists, legislators, and judges practicing medicine without a license. I read a bio of Marjorie Dannenfelser, the virulent anti-abortion activist who heads the SBA List. She refuses to acknowledge two important things. 1) Scholars dispute that Susan B. Anthony was anti-abortion. Evidence does not indicate Anthony’s support or opposition to abortion. 2) Dannenfelser refuses to discuss contraception, or universal daycare, universal healthcare, paid family leave, etc These policies could help families deal with a lot of issues that affect the decision to continue a pregnancy. After reading about her, Dannenfelser seems be self righteously trying to impose HER religious views on others, no matter others’ personal circumstances.

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Yes; the hypocrisy! The state forces women to have children, then denies them maternity leave, healthcare, and tax credits. Makes you wonder if Republicans' "pro life" agenda is based on concern for life or concern for being elected.

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Thanks for the report and the valuable information. I will check out the Beyond Roe Coalition.

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“It also calls for no-cost coverage for all forms of emergency contraception.”

While here in Fl our governor vetoed funding for long-term contraception .It’s so hard to wrap my head around it all….At times, I do really miss my Rhode Island roots.

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My husband and I attended the Pro Choice rally in Portland, OR yesterday and I was disappointed in the number attending but encouraged by the mix of young, middle and older folks who attended with GREAT signs.

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I attended our local “ Bans off Our Bodies “rally in Florida with my Pro-choice Adoptee sign ( on the flip side was my husband’s wit: Banning Abortions = More baby Gaetz 😱)

I was encouraged by…

1) Diversity of protestors

2)Diversity of strong candidates running against our Fl House bully Rep,Freedom Caucus US Rep and unqualified CFO.

3)Conversations with fellow protestors. Some expressed they were “pushed over the edge” by recent abortion legislation. I believe many more out there !

4) Relatively few motorists giving us the single finger salute or colorful words.

It was an exhilarating and emotional day !

Thanks, Robert!

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Predictably, the right wing will blame “mental illness” for the Buffalo massacre. Even the WSJ carries such a suggestion. “Mental illness” is an easy way to deflect responsibility from people like Tucker Carlson and organizations like Fox. Of course, we don’t know these specifics. Perhaps the shooter was in fact crazy. But I submit it is more likely he is perfectly sane but inspired by conspiracy theories promoted by “respectable” members of the media and even Congress. We will now hear professions of horror from those who should spend time in front of a mirror.

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Of Thomas's hypocrisy, Jesse Wegman of the NYT wrote this gem: "There is no question that the court has become politicized, to its and the nation’s great detriment. But to be subjected to a lecture on that fact by Clarence Thomas, of all people, is like listening to a plutocrat lounging by his infinity pool in a bathrobe, eating a gold-plated steak while bemoaning the horrors of extreme income inequality."

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The whole opinion piece is wonderfully on the mark and well written. In fact, I wonder if anyone in SCOTUS can actually take issue. Read for yourself: https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act

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I believe that too many of us don't realize that by not voting, we allow the worst of us to get elected to political office and then control the action from reasonable laws on guns, voting limitations and abortion, just to name a few. We tend to get upset when another mass shooting occurs and hen when no action occurs t pass legislation blame everyone but themselves. If it is really true that most people favor legislation to impact al these matters then get out and vote. The dems should learn from the reps to work together instead of fighting among them selves. There is to little said about all the house passed legislation that die in the senate, legislation that would actually help people. VOTE or stop complaining; establish car pooling in the states to get people to the polls

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I did not attend a rally here in Wisconsin but my 26-year-old daughter attended in Charleston where she lives. She went despite not having politically active friends down in that area. She made her own signs and when they asked for volunteers to speak and people are not raising their hands, she willingly went up and spoke in front of a crowd of 2 to 3000 people. She said she was terrified but she spoke about the fact that she is a Nicu/pediatric nurse and loves children but that is not the point. She spoke about her own sexual assault and the fact that she was advised not to press charges because he was from a prominent family, she spoke about the fact that that assault could have led to pregnancy. I looked for coverage online and there was a bit. My own rally here and Kenosha was said to have about 2 to 300 people in contrast

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You should be rightly proud of your daughter's courage and leadership . . . .

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I attended a rally for Bans off our Bodies in Broward county and there were 3,000 very energized and angry people. The cars passing by honked in solidarity enthusiastically. https://twitter.com/browardprogress/status/1526005531365855234 The local news chose not to cover it!

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Unbelievable about the lack of local news coverage! If it had been a protest about closing the border or banning math textbooks, it would have been big news.

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So true. Our local newspaper, the Sun Sentinel, is down to 55,000 subscribers and its letters to the editor get more unhinged and right-wing all the time. There are 2 million people in Broward County, so they're in trouble...I used to argue with them and say if you wouldn't print a letter from a flat-earther then why are you printing one from a climate change denier? It's not a matter of opinion.

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Interesting, Barbara, not a good “ business model” for a left-leaning county.Orlando Sentinel, also owned by Tribune, is awesome with coverage and exposing all things DeSantis. My county leans right although my local Gannett-owned paper had great coverage of rally.Also printing many Pro-choice letters.

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I am not sure he cares but in this article is a letter from an attorney to Justice Roberts explaining why he is resigning from the SCOTUS Bar. While it is one person, it get me hope that folks are just not going to take this crap! The letter is linked in this article and it is worth a read. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/03/judge-james-dannenberg-supreme-court-bar-roberts-letter.html

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Jennifer, thank you for the link to the letter. I will use it this evening in the newsletter.

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Yes, it is well worth a read! I admire Judge Dannenberg for doing this. I only hope it impresses Justice Roberts…but I doubt it will.

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There was a time when Ronald Reagan supported controls over access to assault weapons. The GOP then thought it was a good idea: https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act

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Words to express the feelings of betrayal by the right wing Justices are inadequate. The highest Court in our society which is a wonderful privilege and is so influential is faltering in it's duty. Of course, there are the few good Justices who maintain their equilibrium and focus on the "rights" of all people, not just the few. I pray for them and uphold them with positive thoughts and words of encouragement. Hopefully, an increase in the number of Justices to the Supreme Court will prove effective.Taking surveys and donating to it's cause seems too little, but if enough of us participate, it will become a reality. Thank you for your continued inspiration.

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And Thomas has the unmitigated gall to complain about how respect for the SC is eroding… he is beyond stupid evil, but a toxic tool nonetheless.

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Obviously, Thomas is not the "sharpest tool in the tool box". I suspect his wife actually provides outlines for his opinions which he passes to his clerks to write. He is kind of like the "W" of the Court.

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Thank you very much for naming the Buffalo deceased. The liability issues arising from Twitch's

weak efforts to stop "Hate Raids" are signicant. Per Twitch itself (actually Twitch Interactive) hate speech gets amplified by Bots many times per minute. Question: Did the Buffalo murders get amplified by Bots? Hopefully, these issues will be addressed by NY state prosecutors.

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Bryan, very good point. Bots are a problem because they represent an effort by someone to amplify speech beyond legitimate individual discourse. That is is problem with social media. Every voice is treated the same (initially) even if it is hateful and divisive; and then the hateful and divisive voices are amplified by algorithms that reward "engagement"--even when that engagement is based on anger and disinformation.

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Robert, thank you that situational summary. I noticed TechCrunch's 9/13/21 report on Twitch's lawsuit filed against "Hate Raiders." Per TechCrunch, Twitch added "350 new TAGS" (emphasis sdded) to help users stream "... gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ability, mental health & more". "Hate Raiders" (Abusers) used those tags for evil purposes. Note. the TechCunch 9/13/21 article has a photo of Twitch's Home Page, "Welcome to Twitch" enter at your peril.

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Thank you for starting out my day with your intelligence. When our country seems to have lost all semblance of ethics and hope there is your voice lighting the way.

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