Now Time Magazine will put Attorney General Garland on the short list for Person of the Year 2022 although there is probably little chance it could be anyone but President Zelensky. Still AG Garland may be someone in the right place at the right time to save democracy.
I heard Mary Trump on Ari Melber's show last night. She said her uncle looks at peoples' appearance and in the case of Garland, he never estimated Garland to be a worthy adversary. Turns out he is a Ninja!
Could be Putin. Person of the Year goes to the person who was most impactful, I believe. Zelensky is a good choice too. Nobel Peace Prize would be better for Garland for standing up for democracy and impartial justice - or maybe for Robert Hubbell!
If Garland can bring down Trump and with him the Republican Party, Person of the Year would be the least of what he deserves. But looking at it now, it's not realistic to think that will happen before the end of the year. Still, we must keep up the pressure to get this done as quickly as possible. Time is running out!!
In the grand scheme of things and for the future of mankind, it is imperative that this movement toward authoritarianism in the form of white christo-fascism be stopped here in the US. We are the hallmark of democracy and if democracy falls here, it could very well fall everywhere. A world of autocratic regimes in the hands of right-wing extremists who have access to nuclear weapons is a recipe for worldwide Armagedón.
Less you think I'm sounding crazy, please watch the Politics Girl podcast with Ruth Ben-Ghiat. Let it soak in and then think about everything Robert has laid out in this letter. Put it all together and I think it is impossible to not see where this is all headed. And remember, these sociopathic monsters do not think like you or me. Imagine a world of Putins, Orbans, Xi Jinpings, Erdogans, and dozens of other brutal strongmen in power today.
There is no question we are on the brink of a nuclear holocaust because we have failed to destroy an insane would-be autocrat and a party of christo-fascists. It doesn't matter anymore how we got here - it must end now and with all due respect Robert Hubbell, it is not going to end at the ballot box. Time is of the essence!
We better hope and pray Garland can bring down Trump and the Republicans because in the free world, he is our last best hope. It sure would be nice if Democrats would get their act together and do a hell of lot more to help him accomplish this. How are Joe and the Democrats going to build back better if there's nothing left to build upon? We will never solve climate change in a world of authoritarians who care nothing about humanity, and only seek wealth and power. Countries will be run like businesses - for maximum profit. I'm sure you all get the idea. It's dire!
I think we can do this. Remember that the born-agains want Armageddon. They have been planning for the Rapture forever, so add that to luny tune sociopaths, which is a recipe for disaster. I believe that people who love life and this precious planet we live on are in the majority. If I'm mistaken, all bets are off. Time to stand up again and again.
Thank you, Chips, for your wonderful comments. I watched the video of Politics Girl yesterday. It is dire.
Not sure if you've seen this ad put out by the Lincoln Project in response to this latest. For my money, they know how to get under the skin of the Republicans.
Thanks Lynell! That ad speaks to a comment I wrote somewhere about how does Trump think he can get away with burning all his bridges without consequences. I then said I think that if Democrats can somehow make a hole in the dam, the dam will burst and everything will spill out. You're right - the Lincoln Project has the best ads! What's wrong with the Democrats advertising campaigns?
One thing Ruth Ben-Ghiat said that struck me is that when someone like Trump fails at a coup they are immediately exiled. She's incredulous, that we let this traitor walk around free doing more damage and threatening to punish all those who oppose him when he is back in power. This is crazy, crazy, crazy!
I think Republicans are showing serious signs of desperation. Trump is really losing it and just going off half-cock. FOX is having a hard time coming up with a believable alternate reality, so they resort to deflection and spinning old red herrings (Hunter's laptop and Hillary's emails.) Does it seem to you like the wheels are coming off the clown car? (Clown car - you haven't heard that in a while. LOL)
If Garland can convict Trump on selling/trading top secret information, I think it's all over - for Trump and the Republican Party. While we all have been focused on the January 6 attempted coup, Garland may have been working all year on the stolen (taken without permission or knowledge of the National Archives) records. The audacity of Trump is why this has become unprecedented by a president. This is unquestionably a serious breach of national security. Connect these stolen top-secret records with Trumps tax returns exposing his financial dealings, Putin, the Saudis, Kushner and Manchin and you have potentially one hell of a betrayal of national security. And let's not forget the Republicans inroads with Russia and Hungary. And, finally, the Republicans potential betrayal of Israel. It could be much worse than we know!
Garland didn't go down this road if he wasn't damn certain he was going to get something that would nail Trump. He also wouldn't have doubled down by calling for the release of the search warrant. I just hope it is in time for crushing the Republicans in the mid-term elections. How well do you think all of these Trump picks are going to do? Traitors to the Constitution - all of them! Wipeout!!
Republicans know that time is running out - every week brings new bombshells - all of them opening them up to serious collateral damage. I used to say, Republicans, when you are deep in a hole - stop digging, but they didn't listen. Now they have dug their grave. R.I.P.
Hey, Chips. You pack one helluva wallop here. Yes, Crazy!! Yes to Garland, and yes to all else you say.
Here's what Rick Wilson wrote in his email introducing the LP's ad I sent you:
'Who leaked to the Feds? Was it Ivanka? Jared? Mark Meadows?
We don’t know…yet. But what we do know is that MAGA-land is SEETHING.
They held a little pow-wow led by one of the looniest GOP members of Congress the other night at Bedminster and came up with whackjob ideas like “defund the FBI” or “no Federal aid for Florida” which is on-par for their usual lunacy.
Guess what was on their phones every time they went on Truth Social to suck up to Dear Leader?' and then I got the ad.
And then he said: "As of this email, our ad specifically made to drive Trump and his cronies crazy and force them to make bad decisions has nearly 3 million views. And here’s the fun part: While the 20 or so craziest members of Congress were having their little vent-flush-whatever session, we were running the ad directly to everyone with a phone in Bedminster. And we still are. If you are or were in Bedminster, that ad’s following you around." This is where they can go that the rest of us cannot, which is why I support their work!
Thank you, Lynell! You are my go-to girl for the inside scoop. I've always been impressed by how you are always in the loop. There are way too many people in this country living in la-la-land and by the time they wake up to everything you know, it will be too late. I know why this is all happening, but I don't know 'how' so many people are willing to let it happen.
Anyone who lived through the sixties, as I did, ought to be shocked to find themselves living in a world where Republicans believe the FBI violates people's rights. The world is turned upside down.
When the heart button doesn’t turn red, refresh your page and it should then show it’s red. If not, just click on it again, and it should turn red. You may have to scroll to find it.
Robert, While I so appreciated you providing just enough context to ensure readers could follow your penetrating analysis, the statement that really got to me read, “[N]o one ‘wins’ or ‘loses’ when justice is done. Rather, the Constitution and the rule of law are vindicated…”. For me, your statement underscores, flaws notwithstanding, just how intently our founders, with such insight and precision, sweat the details of nation building.
Much as I had thought AG Garland was missing in action on the highest level of involvement in the Insurrection, I thought he did an excellent job in standing up to the BS being slung around by the Republicans here. I had a glimpse that we might actually have rule of law here in America. An important part of his speech was to stand up for the FBI. I was momentarily proud to be an American.
Like Elliott Richardson before him, Merrick Garland has finally put his best foot forward, and especially after the ill-fated nail gun attack on the Cincinnati Field Office, there is no going back. DJT has essentially painted HIMSELF into a corner. The only thing he can do, that has a faint glimmer of integrity, is to release the documents himself. I am not waiting with bated breath.
Me too. He said (“what I call “lawyer talk),” he ‘would release the records’…but rest assured he’ll say his “lawyers won’t let me…” similar to his tax returns.
Good question if that is what the documents reveal. We will see soon enough and then the questions will fly. We are in rough waters. Let’s be calm, as many have urged, and see justice done.
Attorney General Garland stood up and demonstrated that he will not back off or be pushed around by Trump or his Congressional followers. He sent a very clear warning shot across Trump’s bow. What I find interesting is this could have been a “ test run” by Garland on how Trump World will react when Trump is indicted and re-enforces why Garland is taking his time and building a bullet proof case, just like the inventory and supporting g documents will confirm why the search was required on MAL I suspect when Trump is indicted the facts and evidence will be overwhelming. Two other side notes. The fact that the press release about Trump’s statement on what happened contained a blatant attempt at fund raising should have been a tip off about what was happening and the fact Trump would not release the inventory he has had for a few days should have been a dead give away.
Senators McCarthy, Hawley, Cruz, Graham and Scalise should all be pressed by the media about why Trump needed top secret documents about nuclear weapons at MAL.
T***p's statement that he won't oppose the release of the warrant's info is another big lie. Of course he doesn't want it released! His lawyer(s) will file the motion to suppress it, and Tfg will claim he has nothing to hide, but his "great" lawyers are just protecting him from the "witch hunt" ... or some other fool statement.
On MSNBC, Barbara McQuade former U.S. Atty for Eastern District of Michigan explained that the DOJ does NOT need tRump's permission to share the subpoena and warrant info. Usually it is the DOJ which does not want this information to be public, but in this case, the truth could set America free.
I am shocked that nobody is considering the likelihood that tfg was working on a highly classified, and ground breaking, nuclear research project. Probably something to cure world hunger or eliminate homelessness or illiteracy. /s
The next months still remain trepidatious. The world order is being challenged in many places and I still go to bed and wake up worried. AG Garland is showing his integrity and love of our founding principles as well as showing he is a shrewd chess player, so to speak.
I remember my 5th grade teacher in NJ saying the two sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were orphaned in nearby Toms River and that they were about two years apart and about my age. Their parents had just been executed (1953), having been found guilt of providing nuclear secrets to the USSR. But Trump's loyalists will see no problem if he has done the same thing.
That cabal of GOP White Christian Nationalists (which term automatically includes Fox pseudo-Entertainment) of course justifies or at least excuses Trump's criminal act of absconding with state secrets, and his lying about it. Instead, they blame the FBI, the Department of Justice, and Merrick Garland for bringing shame upon Trumpsky, saying that they excessively enforced the law against Trump's illegal keeping top secret information. And they falsely claim (to rile and incite their White Christian Nationalists sycophants and toadies), that Trump's so-called home was illegally raided in secret, and that the FBI violated Trump's rights.
Is the word "hypocrites" applicable to the GOP?
The right wing GOP excoriated and held an endless auto-da-fe for Hillary Clinton for her private email server (which did not contain top secret information) as well as for the Benghazi event that she did not create nor exacerbate. [Note: Despite the false assertions of Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy (who still reminds me of Howdy Doody), we should remember that Ambassador Chris Stevens was not murdered. He suffered smoke inhalation while he was in the Embassy's safe room, was rescued by Libyan civilians who worked with Stevens, and was taken to a hospital where he later died from the smoke inhalations.] Oh, and don't forget how FBI Director James Comey--to the glee of the GOP--sank Hillary's campaign and effected the election of Trump by announcing 11 days before the November 8th election day, that the FBI was investigating whether Hillary had kept classified information on her server, and then , after the damage was irreparably done, he whitewashed his defenestration by announcing that the investigation found nothing. The GOP did not complain about those FBI's actions.
Is the word "hypocrites" applicable to the GOP?
If Obama had taken so much as a "classified" want ad from the Washington Post with him when he left the White House, Trump, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, and the other faux self-styled "patriots"--cum insurrectionists and traitors -- would have demanded Obama be immediately put before a firing squad, drawn and quartered, and his head "set upon a pike" in the lobby of the Trump International Hotel.
The cabal are still knee-jerk loyal to their crime boss, who in his recent deposition only answered one question: "What is your name?", and then proceeded to "take the 5th" over 500 times for all other questions. Had I been the questioner, I would have asked "Do you love your current wife?" and "Have you ever shot par on any of your golf courses?" to see if he would take the 5th on that.
Now Time Magazine will put Attorney General Garland on the short list for Person of the Year 2022 although there is probably little chance it could be anyone but President Zelensky. Still AG Garland may be someone in the right place at the right time to save democracy.
I heard Mary Trump on Ari Melber's show last night. She said her uncle looks at peoples' appearance and in the case of Garland, he never estimated Garland to be a worthy adversary. Turns out he is a Ninja!
Garland, playing chess, outmaneuvered Trump, playing bad checkers.
Could be Putin. Person of the Year goes to the person who was most impactful, I believe. Zelensky is a good choice too. Nobel Peace Prize would be better for Garland for standing up for democracy and impartial justice - or maybe for Robert Hubbell!
If Garland can bring down Trump and with him the Republican Party, Person of the Year would be the least of what he deserves. But looking at it now, it's not realistic to think that will happen before the end of the year. Still, we must keep up the pressure to get this done as quickly as possible. Time is running out!!
In the grand scheme of things and for the future of mankind, it is imperative that this movement toward authoritarianism in the form of white christo-fascism be stopped here in the US. We are the hallmark of democracy and if democracy falls here, it could very well fall everywhere. A world of autocratic regimes in the hands of right-wing extremists who have access to nuclear weapons is a recipe for worldwide Armagedón.
Less you think I'm sounding crazy, please watch the Politics Girl podcast with Ruth Ben-Ghiat. Let it soak in and then think about everything Robert has laid out in this letter. Put it all together and I think it is impossible to not see where this is all headed. And remember, these sociopathic monsters do not think like you or me. Imagine a world of Putins, Orbans, Xi Jinpings, Erdogans, and dozens of other brutal strongmen in power today.
There is no question we are on the brink of a nuclear holocaust because we have failed to destroy an insane would-be autocrat and a party of christo-fascists. It doesn't matter anymore how we got here - it must end now and with all due respect Robert Hubbell, it is not going to end at the ballot box. Time is of the essence!
We better hope and pray Garland can bring down Trump and the Republicans because in the free world, he is our last best hope. It sure would be nice if Democrats would get their act together and do a hell of lot more to help him accomplish this. How are Joe and the Democrats going to build back better if there's nothing left to build upon? We will never solve climate change in a world of authoritarians who care nothing about humanity, and only seek wealth and power. Countries will be run like businesses - for maximum profit. I'm sure you all get the idea. It's dire!
If you haven't already, watch this podcast - please!
BTW - Good Morning Cathy - always enjoy reading your thoughts.
I think we can do this. Remember that the born-agains want Armageddon. They have been planning for the Rapture forever, so add that to luny tune sociopaths, which is a recipe for disaster. I believe that people who love life and this precious planet we live on are in the majority. If I'm mistaken, all bets are off. Time to stand up again and again.
Thank you, Chips, for your wonderful comments. I watched the video of Politics Girl yesterday. It is dire.
Not sure if you've seen this ad put out by the Lincoln Project in response to this latest. For my money, they know how to get under the skin of the Republicans.
Thanks Lynell! That ad speaks to a comment I wrote somewhere about how does Trump think he can get away with burning all his bridges without consequences. I then said I think that if Democrats can somehow make a hole in the dam, the dam will burst and everything will spill out. You're right - the Lincoln Project has the best ads! What's wrong with the Democrats advertising campaigns?
One thing Ruth Ben-Ghiat said that struck me is that when someone like Trump fails at a coup they are immediately exiled. She's incredulous, that we let this traitor walk around free doing more damage and threatening to punish all those who oppose him when he is back in power. This is crazy, crazy, crazy!
I think Republicans are showing serious signs of desperation. Trump is really losing it and just going off half-cock. FOX is having a hard time coming up with a believable alternate reality, so they resort to deflection and spinning old red herrings (Hunter's laptop and Hillary's emails.) Does it seem to you like the wheels are coming off the clown car? (Clown car - you haven't heard that in a while. LOL)
If Garland can convict Trump on selling/trading top secret information, I think it's all over - for Trump and the Republican Party. While we all have been focused on the January 6 attempted coup, Garland may have been working all year on the stolen (taken without permission or knowledge of the National Archives) records. The audacity of Trump is why this has become unprecedented by a president. This is unquestionably a serious breach of national security. Connect these stolen top-secret records with Trumps tax returns exposing his financial dealings, Putin, the Saudis, Kushner and Manchin and you have potentially one hell of a betrayal of national security. And let's not forget the Republicans inroads with Russia and Hungary. And, finally, the Republicans potential betrayal of Israel. It could be much worse than we know!
Garland didn't go down this road if he wasn't damn certain he was going to get something that would nail Trump. He also wouldn't have doubled down by calling for the release of the search warrant. I just hope it is in time for crushing the Republicans in the mid-term elections. How well do you think all of these Trump picks are going to do? Traitors to the Constitution - all of them! Wipeout!!
Republicans know that time is running out - every week brings new bombshells - all of them opening them up to serious collateral damage. I used to say, Republicans, when you are deep in a hole - stop digging, but they didn't listen. Now they have dug their grave. R.I.P.
I don't think I ever shared this Josh Turner and Allison Young cover with you.
Have a good evening, Lynell!
Hey, Chips. You pack one helluva wallop here. Yes, Crazy!! Yes to Garland, and yes to all else you say.
Here's what Rick Wilson wrote in his email introducing the LP's ad I sent you:
'Who leaked to the Feds? Was it Ivanka? Jared? Mark Meadows?
We don’t know…yet. But what we do know is that MAGA-land is SEETHING.
They held a little pow-wow led by one of the looniest GOP members of Congress the other night at Bedminster and came up with whackjob ideas like “defund the FBI” or “no Federal aid for Florida” which is on-par for their usual lunacy.
Guess what was on their phones every time they went on Truth Social to suck up to Dear Leader?' and then I got the ad.
And then he said: "As of this email, our ad specifically made to drive Trump and his cronies crazy and force them to make bad decisions has nearly 3 million views. And here’s the fun part: While the 20 or so craziest members of Congress were having their little vent-flush-whatever session, we were running the ad directly to everyone with a phone in Bedminster. And we still are. If you are or were in Bedminster, that ad’s following you around." This is where they can go that the rest of us cannot, which is why I support their work!
See you around on LFAA, Chips!
Thank you, Lynell! You are my go-to girl for the inside scoop. I've always been impressed by how you are always in the loop. There are way too many people in this country living in la-la-land and by the time they wake up to everything you know, it will be too late. I know why this is all happening, but I don't know 'how' so many people are willing to let it happen.
Like Biden
Anyone who lived through the sixties, as I did, ought to be shocked to find themselves living in a world where Republicans believe the FBI violates people's rights. The world is turned upside down.
Yes, the party of law & order!
Actually, as we saw in Rudy’s legendary press conference outside 4 Seasons Landscaping, they are the party of lawn order.
Well done Jon; 8.7. And there's a mole in the story too.
This is great! Thanks for the chuckle...
Attempted like
When the heart button doesn’t turn red, refresh your page and it should then show it’s red. If not, just click on it again, and it should turn red. You may have to scroll to find it.
Thanks, Mim. I have been having that problem a lot, lately.
And there has never been a Democratic FBI director.
Yes, the good news is that it's not dementia.
Robert, While I so appreciated you providing just enough context to ensure readers could follow your penetrating analysis, the statement that really got to me read, “[N]o one ‘wins’ or ‘loses’ when justice is done. Rather, the Constitution and the rule of law are vindicated…”. For me, your statement underscores, flaws notwithstanding, just how intently our founders, with such insight and precision, sweat the details of nation building.
Much as I had thought AG Garland was missing in action on the highest level of involvement in the Insurrection, I thought he did an excellent job in standing up to the BS being slung around by the Republicans here. I had a glimpse that we might actually have rule of law here in America. An important part of his speech was to stand up for the FBI. I was momentarily proud to be an American.
Like Elliott Richardson before him, Merrick Garland has finally put his best foot forward, and especially after the ill-fated nail gun attack on the Cincinnati Field Office, there is no going back. DJT has essentially painted HIMSELF into a corner. The only thing he can do, that has a faint glimmer of integrity, is to release the documents himself. I am not waiting with bated breath.
Me too. He said (“what I call “lawyer talk),” he ‘would release the records’…but rest assured he’ll say his “lawyers won’t let me…” similar to his tax returns.
Are the nuke documents payback for MBS’s investment with Jared?
I saw that implication in Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter today. Very interesting thought.
Transactional Trump monetizes everything. Why not nuclear secrets?
Good question if that is what the documents reveal. We will see soon enough and then the questions will fly. We are in rough waters. Let’s be calm, as many have urged, and see justice done.
Many believe this.
Attorney General Garland stood up and demonstrated that he will not back off or be pushed around by Trump or his Congressional followers. He sent a very clear warning shot across Trump’s bow. What I find interesting is this could have been a “ test run” by Garland on how Trump World will react when Trump is indicted and re-enforces why Garland is taking his time and building a bullet proof case, just like the inventory and supporting g documents will confirm why the search was required on MAL I suspect when Trump is indicted the facts and evidence will be overwhelming. Two other side notes. The fact that the press release about Trump’s statement on what happened contained a blatant attempt at fund raising should have been a tip off about what was happening and the fact Trump would not release the inventory he has had for a few days should have been a dead give away.
Senators McCarthy, Hawley, Cruz, Graham and Scalise should all be pressed by the media about why Trump needed top secret documents about nuclear weapons at MAL.
T***p's statement that he won't oppose the release of the warrant's info is another big lie. Of course he doesn't want it released! His lawyer(s) will file the motion to suppress it, and Tfg will claim he has nothing to hide, but his "great" lawyers are just protecting him from the "witch hunt" ... or some other fool statement.
I had the same thought as you, Mary. But Trump's lawyers have now gone on record supporting release of the documents. (At least some of them.)
But he may be playing games--like with his taxes, waiting for an audit that will never end.
On MSNBC, Barbara McQuade former U.S. Atty for Eastern District of Michigan explained that the DOJ does NOT need tRump's permission to share the subpoena and warrant info. Usually it is the DOJ which does not want this information to be public, but in this case, the truth could set America free.
Has to maintain the grift so fools keep financially supporting him. He knows no other way.
Yes—sorry, I said same but did not see your reply before my post!!
Thanks again for cutting to the facts Robert. Your support of Merrick Garland's thorough approach-and be patient is proving so true!
There is speculation arising from 2019 that the former president planned on sharing nuclear secrets with Saudi Arabia :
I can't wait for Rubio, Scott, DeSantis and the rest to choke on their words of support.
Let's not forget that Jared snared a $2 billion deal with the Saudis
I am shocked that nobody is considering the likelihood that tfg was working on a highly classified, and ground breaking, nuclear research project. Probably something to cure world hunger or eliminate homelessness or illiteracy. /s
Thanks for the laugh!
The next months still remain trepidatious. The world order is being challenged in many places and I still go to bed and wake up worried. AG Garland is showing his integrity and love of our founding principles as well as showing he is a shrewd chess player, so to speak.
I remember my 5th grade teacher in NJ saying the two sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were orphaned in nearby Toms River and that they were about two years apart and about my age. Their parents had just been executed (1953), having been found guilt of providing nuclear secrets to the USSR. But Trump's loyalists will see no problem if he has done the same thing.
Merrick Garland is my new hero......
That cabal of GOP White Christian Nationalists (which term automatically includes Fox pseudo-Entertainment) of course justifies or at least excuses Trump's criminal act of absconding with state secrets, and his lying about it. Instead, they blame the FBI, the Department of Justice, and Merrick Garland for bringing shame upon Trumpsky, saying that they excessively enforced the law against Trump's illegal keeping top secret information. And they falsely claim (to rile and incite their White Christian Nationalists sycophants and toadies), that Trump's so-called home was illegally raided in secret, and that the FBI violated Trump's rights.
Is the word "hypocrites" applicable to the GOP?
The right wing GOP excoriated and held an endless auto-da-fe for Hillary Clinton for her private email server (which did not contain top secret information) as well as for the Benghazi event that she did not create nor exacerbate. [Note: Despite the false assertions of Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy (who still reminds me of Howdy Doody), we should remember that Ambassador Chris Stevens was not murdered. He suffered smoke inhalation while he was in the Embassy's safe room, was rescued by Libyan civilians who worked with Stevens, and was taken to a hospital where he later died from the smoke inhalations.] Oh, and don't forget how FBI Director James Comey--to the glee of the GOP--sank Hillary's campaign and effected the election of Trump by announcing 11 days before the November 8th election day, that the FBI was investigating whether Hillary had kept classified information on her server, and then , after the damage was irreparably done, he whitewashed his defenestration by announcing that the investigation found nothing. The GOP did not complain about those FBI's actions.
Is the word "hypocrites" applicable to the GOP?
If Obama had taken so much as a "classified" want ad from the Washington Post with him when he left the White House, Trump, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, and the other faux self-styled "patriots"--cum insurrectionists and traitors -- would have demanded Obama be immediately put before a firing squad, drawn and quartered, and his head "set upon a pike" in the lobby of the Trump International Hotel.
The cabal are still knee-jerk loyal to their crime boss, who in his recent deposition only answered one question: "What is your name?", and then proceeded to "take the 5th" over 500 times for all other questions. Had I been the questioner, I would have asked "Do you love your current wife?" and "Have you ever shot par on any of your golf courses?" to see if he would take the 5th on that.
We have a history of being a nation run by crime bosses. Some people just love a "strong man" - until they don't.
I hope Garland plays a special flute for lemmings and that they will reach the cliff this November.