Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I do love the line about Collins never meeting a controversy she couldn’t dodge.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Collins does set the bar exceptionally low doesn't she? Her prevaricating over 1/6 managed, against all earlier expectations, to lump her in with the worst of her seante colleagues - i.e. Ron Johnson and Rand Paul. How about explaining her support for the hostile takeover of the Supreme Court by the hard right during Trump's term? Nary a vocal moment of doubt as she sold fellow women down the drain. She thought they meant it about settled precedent? Oh, please......

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

We tried.......we did try so very hard to boot Suzy Fencesitter out but she ran against a Dem candidate who did not get (or follow--I'm not sure which) good political advice and Suzy hit the jackpot when she managed to persuade a very popular, iconic Maine "celebrity" to do a series of ads that were extremely well-done and resonated with a whole lot of Mainers.

I still can't believe after her very unpopular Kavanaugh vote and a few other positions/votes that were not popular with Maine women, that female Mainers forgot about her transgressions and went with Fencesitter/Weathervane Suzy.

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I hope she reads blogs like this, or her staff does

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What do you think it would take to finally beat Collins? Anyone on the horizon in 2024?

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Big probability that she will retire. I'd love to see Troy Jackson run.

I'd love to see the Repubs nominate Tom Saviello, who is a good decent man...a never-Trumper, Unfortunately, since he is one of the petitioners who sued the state to get Trump off the primary ballot, I doubt the MAGAts will even let him get in the door.

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Maybe he thought he never had a chance anyway so it was worth alienating them to try.

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Yeah, Susan Collins thought the Federalist Society nominees thought Roe v Wade was settled law like tRump learned his lesson and shouldn't be removed from office. Susan Collins simply wants attention. She votes like the R's want.

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I think being a US senator is pretty cushy. She's 1 of 100 of a very select group. She's not wrongly concluded that you have to play along to get along. So...... she let he common sense, decency, and the convictions she brought with her to Washington all waste away over time and sought to personal grandiosity over the good of the people. He excuses on supporting Trump, Kavanagh, Barrett, and Gorsuch now look like what they were.

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I understand Stephen King lives across the street from her and likes go goad her.

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Oh my, what a delicious piece of news that is.

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The best is “ he learned his lesson”.

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Yes, so true. And after how many Trump catastrophes did she repeated that?

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Now maybe she learned her lesson, but I wouldn’t count on it .

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Nah....she loves to suck up to the rich and powerful. She hangs out with Lennie Leo when he's at his Northeast Harbor "cottage" on Mt. Desert Island.

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Oy! Maine deserves way better than Susan Collins.

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Yep--sure does.

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Yeah, like my dog learns her lesson when she eats something that makes her vomit and gives her the runs.

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Absolutely priceless!

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Ha. We are so over her!

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She could be known as the “Waffler in Chief”, soRobert’s characterization of her is spot-on.

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Happy New Year in advance, Robert! And to Jill, too. No one deserves it more than the two of you!

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Happy New Year to you and your family, Jessica, and thank you for all you do!! I just saw recently that you are up to 13,000 followers on Resistbot! You are making a difference and helping us make a difference. Whenever I start to feel despair, reading CWCW and some of the comments, as well as coming here to Robert's Substack, always seems to help refresh my hope for a better country once the MAGAts and tfg are soundly trounced in the next election.

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Back at you, Jessica! I hope you and your wonderful family have a blessed and happy new year!

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

See ya all at 9pm CA time for New Years toasts! Hahaha

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And happy New Year to you, Jessica!!

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I am missing your daily appearance in my inbox, Jessica, but then I remind myself of your example, taking a break. Enjoy it!

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Many thanks and many blessings for the New Year to you Jessica, and to you Robert and Jill. If it weren't for you all (and Heather) and the communities you've gathered, I would be drowning the flood of information (and mis-information) about what's happening in our country and the world...and this would have made it impossible to maintain optimism and discern what is mine to. Happy New Year - enjoy your party, Robert!

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

Yes! Yes! Happy New Year, Robert and Jill.

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Hear! Hear! And you as well, Jess!

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Haley has managed to perform the public service of demonstrating irrevocably that there are no "good Republicans" in the Confederate White People's Treason and Sedition Party, currently trying to masquerade as the "Republican" Party.

And Happy New Year to you and Jill and the rest of the Amazing Hubbells, Robert. One of the best things of 2023 was discovering we live a mile apart and being able to take advantage of that. You guys are The Best.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

TcinLA. Your substack today with Rick Wilson is a must read for all of us. Very important that we have a coherent plan of attack

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Just read that. Very good.

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I no longer pretend that there is any differentiation between MAGA and moderates in the Republican Party. Every time moderates have a chance to show some spine, they back down and MAGA gobbles up something else. I don’t buy the reasoning that they have to compromise in order to get reelected so they can do some good from within, since I don’t see the good. They are mocked and bullied by their own party members.

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Thanks, Tom! I hope you have a blesed and happy new year! Looking forward to seeing you again, soon!

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Tom send over treats and a beer or two

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Wow, I can write something that perhaps three of my favorite presences on the internet will see - Robert Hubbell, Jessica Craven and TC. Best wishes to all of you as the year winds up, and I look forward to reading what you all have to say and advise as we enter a year that will no doubt be insane on a daily basis. I am totally comfortable with the concept of voting "Against" Donald Trump and For" any Democratic candidate. There is no overlap to create a judgment call. I believe that the work done by you three and others like you can reach enough people still amenable to facts, science and reason, and motivate them to vote, so that the U.S. can avoid a fascist takedown. I'm ready to help. Gary

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I agree Gary. I am only voting for Democrats. In our most recent local elections there were a few positions (ie Town Clerk, etc) where there was only a Republican running. I decided I would not vote for them and I voted with write-ins. Too many Republicans are not stepping up to the plate to take back their party. They all need to own that.

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Lynn, I just don't see the Republican Party as able to wrench itself away from Trump while he's still on the political scene. He has such a large percentage of their voters so locked down in a cult-like grip that most Republicans cannot dream of getting elected without them, especially as they are and have been a minority party for a long time and the demographics are chipping away from them every month. Those who are in super-safe districts have to fear a primary challenge if they stray one iota. Keep the faith - if we can save democracy for another decade, all the voter suppression and gerrymandering in the world won't be enough to save them and they'll have to shift or become as irrelevant as the statewide Republican Party in my state of California.

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Nikki Haley can not beat President Biden, nor can Donald Trump.

It’s not only that President Biden has achieved a strong record of accomplishments, and that Democratic policies are broadly popular. But also, there’s a significant structural advantage in the Democrats’ favor: a unified party.

The Republican Party is deeply divided. Donald Trump’s fanatic followers don’t just disagree with the party establishment, they see them as an enemy to be vanquished. Similarly, mainstream conservatives are appalled by MAGA extremists who dominate their party’s political landscape.

Mr. Trump’s commanding lead in various State primary races stubbornly hovers around 50%. This makes him the likely nominee, but there’s little reason to expect that those who don’t support him now will rally to him in the future. They may not vote for President Biden, but staying home will have the same effect. And if for some reason the Republican nominee is not Donald Trump, his MAGA loyalists will be outraged. They’ll never vote for someone else.

Winning a presidential election is hard in the best of circumstances. For Republicans, the 2024 election is certain to present the worst of circumstances.


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Yes Jerry! Thank you! As Simon Rosenberg often notes, it's MUCH better to be us than them!

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

We need leaders on the Republican side who will step-up denounce the cultists and provide an alternative to the mass of Constitutional Republicans. If they stay hidden the Republicans who will never vote for a Democrat have no choice but to drink the Kool-aid Trump's handing out. Where are you Kinzinger, Cheney, Flake? Your neighbors, your party, your country needs you.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Every word of this makes me feel more optimistic. Often, it seems like President Biden is not getting anywhere near the praise he deserves for what he has accomplished; but when it comes down to choosing between a decent man who loves his country and a fascist lunatic, I think the American people will do the right thing.

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This is a great source to curb some anxiety over the coming year with the mountain of news, not-news, and fake news we are going to be inundated with. For anyone who has heard of Jack Hopkins, it's his newsletter. He is a great source for honing the mental toughness that will be required from all of us.


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Thanks for the link to Jack Hopkins. I checked out his substack and will follow for columns i can share.

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Thank you. It looks like you have to subscribe to even get a sample of his posts. I am already “over subscribed” and reluctant to pay for something I haven’t seen. Wish he had a “trial version”. Thanks for sharing!

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I understand the oversubscribing. I had to cut down on my own subscriptions. If you want to subscribe for free and read this one, I think it's worth it just for this one. I am a paid subscriber, so this one may be behind a paywall. My apologies if so. Here is a piece of it that is probably the most helpful of the entire article.

The first thing to do is remember the following things when you sit down to watch or listen to any newscast.

1. The #1 goal of mainstream media is not to inform you. The #1 goal is to increase profits. Presenting information strategically is simply the vehicle used in their industry to increase profits.

2. To increase profits, they must improve (or at least maintain) their ratings.

3. To improve or maintain ratings, they must frequently and consistently trigger fear in their viewers/listeners/readers. Nothing gets viewers to tune in like fear.

Keeping these things in mind any time you decide to kick back and tune into your favorite network to catch up on the latest reporting will considerably lower your stress level.

When we are aware of the fact that someone is trying to scare us, it puts us in a far more stable frame of mind.

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Hi Wendy. Yes I saw this, helpful. Did not see any free options to read anything else. Best

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I just subscribed for free.

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Oh duh! Assumed subscription was PVD

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Jerry, I love the optimism in your post. But mathematically, I see a problem. I've been chewing on this for weeks.

Suppose you have 100 very likely voters in a swing state. If 48 of them vote for Trump, 47 vote for Biden, and the other 5 stay home because they are disgusted with DT but "can't vote for a Democrat", then Trump wins. Somehow, we've collectively got to convince that small percentage of conservative voters that voting for Biden is way better than staying home. This is where Cheney, Kinzinger, Kelly, Romney and other GOP leaders may have a huge role to play in the summer and fall.

I take some heart in the fact that, even while Trump was president, about 10% of Republicans disliked him, in poll after poll. I read today's polling results for the other GOP primary candidates as saying that about 40% of Republicans want someone else. If Trump is involved in several criminal trials by the summer, and is getting chewed up by prosecutors, will that number increase to 50% of Republicans? 60%? We may in fact be looking at a substantial number of deeply Trump-sick Republican voters by the fall - ones that we MIGHT be able to persuade to vote for Biden.

I read the Bulwark writers fairly often, as the voice of reason among ex-Republicans. It sometimes gives me a sense of hope that more Republicans and Independents can be won over. 🙏🏽

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Let's not forget that the people decided in 2020 to throw Trump out of office! How many times do we have to decide this before he actually leaves? And why would anyone think he will go away when he looses again in 2024? Lock him up in Trump Tower, and turn it into a prison: prison rations, prison exercise program (i.e., no golf), prison electronics and outside communications rules, prison visitation rules, etc.

Now that I got that out of my system… Have a wonderful well deserved Happy, Healthy, Bountiful New Year one and all.

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You are so right. The people already decided and look how that turned out!

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Glad you are (mostly?) done with the move to North Carolina! Happy New Year to you and your family, Annette.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

"Let the voters decide" was the mantra of Senate Republicans during and after Trump's second impeachment. Well, the voters did decide but Republicans refuse to accept the result and so, we now know, just as we knew then, that Republicans are only "for" democracy when they win. I will all I can to defeat Republicans in 2024.

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You sure want to let him off easy. To me he was WAY more dangerous to the country than Osama Bin Laden ever hoped to be or came close to being. Did OBL get his followers to break into the Capitol building to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power? Did OBL try to turn the US into a dictatorship? Did OBL assist in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans by parroting stupid and dangerous remedies for a pandemic while refusing to follow the simplest precautions? Did OBL make the US a laughing stock at the UN? Did OBL sidle up to Putin and affirm that he believed the lying Russian instead of his own intelligence agencies? Did OBL pull the polluting US out of the one treaty addressing the massive problem of climate change? And the one treaty addressing the problem of the Iranian nuclear weapons? OBL got what he deserved. Trump is still there threatening our country every day. Yep, you sure want to let him off easy. But that's your choice. Have a Happy New Year.

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My New Year’s resolution is to wear my Biden shirt on every grocery run.

The grocery aisle offer plenty of time for fellow shoppers to see the support for Biden building... especially if anyone here wants to join me!

🤜 Happy New Year! Let’s make Nov. 2024 as glorious as Nov. 2016 was a gut punch. 🤛

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That’s a good idea. Now that I’m in North Carolina instead of Florida, I actually might be able to do that without getting killed. On one of my last grocery trips in Florida a young guy was wearing a Christmas sweater with a big AR15 on the front.

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I’m in Florida... I wore my Biden shirt AND a Santa hat... I figured no parent could attack Santa at Christmas... even if they do have an AK47 Xmas sweater. So far so good!

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Happy new year, Robert, Jill, and your family. Thank you for devoting so much time to these newsletters that bring a great deal of sanity into our lives. We deeply appreciate you.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

What would Trump answer to the same question asked of Haley? It's irrelevant because his base doesn't care. If Haley wants to take some of Trump's voters, she'll have to appeal to them with Lost Cause BS. It's particularly galling that the ex-gov of SC (the state that started the Civil War) can't say anything true or coherent about the loss of 3/4 of a million Americans, the emancipation of 4 million Americans, and the demographics of SC at the time of the war (there were more black slaves than free white people). Sure, under pressure (after the murder of 9 black people by Dylan Roof) she took down a flag. But walk around the state capitol: it's loaded with Confederate monuments (Wade Hampton III, Calhoun, Jefferson Davis). The Civil War was a bitter fight over slavery. All three of those men would tell that simple truth.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I lived in South Carolina 2014-2019 and Haley was governor during part of that period of time. She was a waffler then and will always remain so; Wafflers don't change their grid-patterns. She has no more morals or ethics than any of the rest of the GOP and if they want to put her up as their nominee, then they'll reap-what-they-sow.

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I'd like to think the mentally competent children of immigrants would value this country's democracy and freedoms even more than those who have been here longer. But Nikki Haley has proven that the children of immigrants can become just as jaded, cynical, dishonest and self-serving as any American who has lived here for many generations.

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I have felt the same discouragement, CC. And Ramaswamy is even worse!

My conclusion is I that a sliver of people who are smart and charming will always be drawn to selling their souls in exchange for power, fame, and money – whatever their heritage.

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Well, as the daughter of an immigrant, I have started signing my social media interactions with Trumpians “Signed, Daughter of an Immigrant.” It’s surprising how few of them want to continue their nasty talk “face to face.” My immigrant father was even from a South American country and spoke no English when he first came. Definitely would not be welcome now, documented or not.

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Now living in Maine, I have gotten quite used to Susan Collins. Some days you love her and some days you slap your palm on your forehead. "Democratic U.S. Rep. Jared Golden said Trump should be allowed on the ballot until he is actually found guilty of insurrection." (Bangor Daily News 12/29/23) This is also a bit strange but he is in a Trumpish district so he sometimes has to play both sides of the road. But as with anything nowadays, it all seems to head to the Supreme Court for it's typical biased decision.

As for the slavery issue, Heather Cox Richardson gives a fantastic review of how the Republican Party started somewhat based on slavery and how it's ideology changed over the year to where we are now. You can find her Letter here. Robert and she accompany my cup of coffee each day.


Happy New Year all from Non-Snowy Maine.

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Roger on HCR and RH with my coffee every morning. I usually read them to my partner as she prepares breakfast. We both really enjoy that.

I still believe there are Republicans who haven't slurped Trump's Kool-aid. We need, oh so much, to hear from them.

As to the Maine Dem, Jared Golden, did he not see the insurrection or did Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi have to swing from the gallows erected on the Capitol porch before he took it serious. Did he not see the forest for the trees? Or is he simply missing a backbone?

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Actually his backbone is pretty good. As I said, he is in a district that has lots of Trumpers but he gets elected. He also very brilliantly changed is views on automatic weapons after the disaster in Lewiston a few weeks ago. That was major. I just hope he continues pushing good legislation about that.

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Thanks for the report. Always good to know about backbones with the legislators we have these days. I get very frustrated with how quickly the rule of law is dismissed; it actually scares the hell out of me. While the rule of law might look as strong as the cables holding up the Golden Gate Bridge it is really like the wisps of a spider web holding us together as a society. If pierced we may all fall through onto the rocks below. So we must all be little spiders keeping the web secure.

Thanks again and Happy New Year.

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Enjoy your well-deserved party, Robert and Jill! Let’s get our own party started in 2024 because Haley dumped on herself really badly! Let this truly be a Happy New Year!🎉

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Haley and others twist themselves into contortions just to avoid offending some of the worst citizens in the United States. It’s absurd. Happy new year to you!

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No kidding!! Happy New Year to you too, Janet! Let’s kick some major ass in 2024!

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I’m ready!! 🥂

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

“But let’s stop rehearsing catastrophe in our heads as a defense mechanism against disappointment or as a way of mediating anxiety. Action is the antidote to anxiety. The harder we work, the less anxious we will be.”

I just feel so lucky to have found this newsletter. Thank you, Robert and Jill! Happy New Year, all!

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Thx for highlighting those insightful and powerful sentences. I'm sending them today, with attribution, to a few dozen friends and family members.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, your response to Ramaswamy's comments is perfect. The one thing we don't hear in the cacophony of criticism of the CO and ME decisions is a defense of the deciders for addressing a legal challenge by people with standing. Where would we be if legal challenges were just ignored because it was politically expedient or because it might upset some people? Would the same "law & order" folks be just as apoplectic?

They did their jobs and followed the law. While I've heard that defense, it hasn't been backed up by the aforementioned facts. Oh, and just a reminder to all, the suit in CO was brought by Republicans and Independents, not Democrats, as is so conveniently overlooked or misrepresented.

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I'd say that was an uncomfortable truth Bob but someone already beat that phrase to death.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yes! Rock on at your New Year’s party. But do get to bed once the ball drops at 9 CA time. We want you well rested for the nonsense ahead in 2024. Only kidding.

Enjoy the party wit friends and family. Happy New Year.

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In 2024 we need to get “ personal “ with how we communicate. An example as I drive around NC I see many construction projects fixing roads and bridges. I knew the Biden Administration passed an infrastructure bill but I did not know what it actually meant for NC and most importantly me. So I looked it up and found :

Based on formula funding alone, North

Carolina would expect to receive $7.2 billion for federal-aid highway apportioned

programs and $457 million for bridge replacement and repairs under the

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act over five years. That’s a big investment.

So most people in my state and yours don’t know specifically what then Biden Administration has done for their states and for them and the jobs that were created. Our job in 2024 must be to communicate via letters and postings these simple easy to understand facts to let voters know what and how the Biden administration has contributed to their well being. We need to make it very specific and personal and we need tochip away at it. . If Trump get elected it all goes a way and people need to hear this.

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I love this idea. I have wondered why the DNC & Biden haven’t had signs from the beginning, “Brought to you by the Biden Administration!” You sometimes need to knock people over the head to make them notice. Dems give people too much credit by thinking they are educated!!!

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Here's an idea, Stephen... Each of those projects, and others like it all over the country, needs a big construction sign or two in front of it saying where the funding came from. Help me with the wording, but I envision them with a prominent picture of Biden and Harris. Is there one on I-95 in Philly where it was reconstructed in record time because of Federal funding, for example? Come on DNC!! That's something I would happily contribute to.

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That’s a great idea. How do,we get it implemented.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

What do you think, folks? Who would we contact? It's not that original an idea - akin to 'Your tax dollars at work" signs that pop up every now and then. I would hope that some campaign marketing minds would already be on it. If we need to encourage them, perhaps we should start with messages to Chairman Jamie Harrisson at the DNC { https://democrats.org/contact-us/ }. Then, the Biden-Harris 24 Campaign Manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez { info@contact.joebiden.com } And on to State Democratic Parties and Congressional Reps. I suspect that the suggestion would get some more serious consideration if it were accompanied by a contribution.

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Here PA people. Reach out to Bob Casey { info@bobcasey.com } and Gov. Shapiro with this idea. I just got a message from Josh Shapiro asking me to contribute to Casey's campaign. I'm sure that all of you get many of these sorts of requests everyday like I do. Perhaps before deleting it, they need to hear more often that we're paying attention and are supportive even if we can't always send dollars.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Underpinning Robert’s Jan-Feb calendar, HCR and Joyce Vance detail even more of the GOP / MAGA depravity. Support Biden and US democracy in 2024!

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