Robert, Take good care of yourself. Take a day off and rest. 🙏

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Robert, without you saying so, I wouldn't have known you were under the weather. And still you manage to create another out-of-the-park Today's Edition.

Hoping you get back "over the weather" soon!

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If you listen to the audio version, it is pretty obvious - much more "nasally" than normal. But in terms of content, I agree - he's firing on all cylinders.

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Thanks, Cheryl. I never listen to the audio, so his condition was definitely lost on me. Oops!

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I like to listen while I write a few postcards!!

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I listen on my morning walks.

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Great idea.

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GOP recipe:

1. Elect a Republican president.

2. Give more tax breaks to the wealthy.

3. Blame resulting inflation on the previous administration.

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And a Trump 2.0 will take credit for the continuing upswing Biden’s current policies will bring that the GOP and Fox currently deny exists.

We see the economic benefits. But Fox watchers see only carnage. That coverage will change if Trump is elected and he’ll be credited with all the manufacturing jobs, infrastructure improvements EV charging stations and lower insulin costs that have been systematically hidden from Fox viewers for the past 3.5 years.

If Biden wins, the upswing will become too hard for Fox to hide/deny.

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2a. Give the people a taste of a sugar high from the tax breaks while running up the country's high interest credit card.

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Absolutely. I have friends, relatives and colleagues who've told me they voted for Trump because their "401(k) has never looked better."

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on election day the Dow Jones was 11,711.32 points less than today. Have you asked them if they should have a memory checkup?

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How about now?

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They're busy blaming Biden for the cost of eggs.

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Prices of eggs are down. In April, the average price of one dozen Grade A eggs was $2.864, representing a 4.3% decrease from the March price of $2.992, data released May 15, 2024,-- the U.S. Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Sounds like a visceral problem. Do they support stealing from kids with cancer?

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And eggs went up because...well, poultry flu. Are they arguing that demon democrats went around chicken farms with syringes infecting chickens?

For a party that loves the concepts of Adam Smith, they are woefully ignorant of the basic idea of supply and demand.

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Or shooting puppies?

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Add extort donors for personal gain.

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On 6/12/24, Timothy Snyder wrote a seminal piece on modern revenge culture. He illustrates how democracy by consent of the governed and rule of law emerged in contrast to monarchy's sanctioned revenge privileges and punitive social control. This concept broadens the problem from being character defects of individuals to a widespread movement of toxic MAGA Republicans working to unravel democratic process and norms.


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There is plenty of history to support this but does the average voter care or even knowledge the existence of this. ?

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"Average voter." Need to sweep. It can be done. Millions of unregistered voters trend Democratic.


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Gym Jordan. Merrick Garland's bane. Is there anyone weirder or more craven than Jordan? The voters in Ohio should send him back to the wrestling mats and let someone with a shred of integrity take his place.

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Jim Jorden is in competition with Marjorie Taylor Green for most rude, ignorant, dishonest and blatantly dangerous person, but in Maga world they have plenty of company. Bannon, Miller, Alito, etc…A very long list of traitors to the Constitution of the United States.

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I can't look at MTG either. Same reason as above.

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MTG has enough wind to make up the deficit. I would hate having to pay more for wind.

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I really can't even look at him. His evil-ness is shown in his face!

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I doubt he would be welcomed back in the wrestling world. But then again, it's Ohio, so you might expect anything.

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Southern Baptists and GOP push to ban IVF. Who gets hurt? Who are the Republicans voting to ban IVF? How does this connect to the Handmaids Tale on forced births. Check this map.


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"Republicans are simply trying to avoid any restraint on the reactionary majority—which seems hellbent on implementing an extremist MAGA agenda."

I cannot count how many times I've considered the possibility of this SCOTUS handing a contested election to Trump. The thought of us being doomed before we even vote is chilling.

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Can there be a more successful pro-Russian development than today's GOP? The GOP won't support Ukraine. They don't believe women should have bodily autonomy. They pursue political vengeance wherever it can bubble up and are proposing to weaponize our government under the Project 2025 banner. They are vilifying or defying President Biden. And Russia must be over the moon with the GOP's strategy of further beggaring our National Treasury with another round of tax cuts.

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... and so here we would be, back in the 1700s/1800s, &/or the Handmaid's Tale (a book which I can't bring myself to read, but perhaps should). To quote Marvin the paranoid android, "I am SO depressed."

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But after you think about this, Swbv, I hope you are working to bring out the vote! That is the only control we have at this point. Plus, the fact that Trump is deteriorating every day is being recognized by even the people at his latest rally, where the audience in the clip about the sharks are looking down and seeming to be embarrassed by him. Onward we MUST go!

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I cannot think of this. I have to stick with Robert's positive message. We need a huge turnout, so that it cannot be contested. Work towards that!

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You covered a lot of ground tonight. Hope you are above the weather again soon.

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I worked once on an ad pitch for a fertility drug used in IVF.

The drug was among the best on the market and still more likely to fail than succeed. Worse, the side effects of depression and discomfort due to self administered hormone shots were more than most women could tolerate and many would quit after a few unsuccessful months without conceiving.

Without a fix, our campaign strategy was to encourage physicians to express more empathy to women in their care. We proposed updating waiting rooms and doctors offices with Herman Miller designs to provide an extra degree of comfort.

I share this because the damage being done now adds uncertainty on top of uncertainty for IVF patients and adds new stigma to the procedure even where it is still legal. These efforts are causing harm now to women at their most vulnerable time. It is kicking women while they are down.

Consider that. The lack of empathy for women who are trying to get pregnant. The lack of empathy for women who are pregnant.

The GOP’s march against reproductive freedom is a thoughtless and concerted effort to deny women support, comfort and autonomy. The lack of empathy is denying women personhood.

Do these anti choice advocates have no mothers? No sisters? No daughters? How can all the suffering be imposed without backlash. I sense a reckoning coming on 11/5. And I hope it is harsh enough to send a message that equals the pain they’ve caused. Not for revenge. But to force an eye opening to their lack of listening and empathy.

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Here's a few slogans that I've been collecting: #1 Women are building The Wall, and Republicans will pay for it!; #2 Ban off our bodies, Democracy in '24; #3 Women roar in '24; #4 November 5 will be our D-Day; and #5 Show MAGA the door in '24

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Please, please please rest to feel better, Rob. You continue to do so much for all of us, though family first. Jill’s blog showed a birthday weekend that looked fabulous and it’s delightful you were able to do so much along with work. So happy for you as a couple. Your cold must’ve hit on Monday. Prayers it stays contained, subsides, and that you’ll restore to full energy and health soon.

Staying tuned for news on Thursday and Friday from SCOTUS.

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Sinclair Media isn't the only billionaire owned media outlet promoting Trump. Follow the money to see what billionaire owners of FOX, Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch), Twitter (Elon Musk)...


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Don’t forget the #1 podcast Joe Rogan. His anti Biden tirades are devoid of facts and relentless.

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“Democrats MUST help young couples engaged in family planning, women of childbearing age, and all sexually active men to understand that Republicans will deprive them of all reproductive liberty choices, including IVF, abortion, and contraception.”

How to Talk to Your Friends About Project 2025's Abortion Policies

Banning IVF

Christo-fascist Republicans want to ban IVF for several reasons. Use them as talking points.📣

Christian Nationalists believe frozen embryos are human beings because sperm fertilized egg. Besides, David said God knew him in the womb. (See Bible verses mentioned earlier.)

IVF has enabled women to get higher educations and advanced degrees. It has also delayed marriage and childbirth. Christo-fascist Republicans want to force women to get pregnant younger when they are more fertile, thus removing opportunities to have careers outside the home.

IVF also makes it possible for same-sex couples to have children. Of course, Christo-fascist Republicans won’t stand for LGBTQIA+ couples to create families.


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Your closing comment tonight is the crux of the issue and our primary responsibility over the next slightly less than 5 months. We need to do whatever is necessary, legal, and ethical to get the previously uninvolved to vote not just for Biden-Harris, but for all the down ballot Democrats and Independents who will support them and stand firmly against the MAGA insurgency.

BTW, the Republicans are somewhat correct about deficits causing inflation, and their tax cuts, subsidies to big business, and failure to increase taxes as needed to support Social Security and Medicare are primary drivers.

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Republicans favor tax cuts for the rich, but they continue to spend money even though they cut the revenue stream. How does that make any sense?

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Exactly! It doesn't make any sense if one has a sense of responsibility for the fiscal health of the nation and all Americans. Republicans have created a recipe for dysfunction and blame.

By cutting taxes for their donors (how they get elected) they cripple the government's ability to serve the "masses". Ordinary folks become underfunded and the Republicans blame spending - when we aren't spending nearly enough on the average American.

And speaking of fiscal health, one of the subjects that gets lost in this blizzard of political nonsense is how our nation spends twice as much on healthcare and gets crappy results. Instead of debating who is older or more mentally deficient, we should be talking about a national healthcare plan that would use our tax dollars for people - not the oligarchs who fund Republican campaigns.

Makes me crazy that we spend so much time on polls and the political "horse races" and so little on improving the lives of Americans. We should be talking about policies and programs - not which candidate flubbed a speech. Ugh.

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It makes none at all, but consider the sources - Gaetz, Greene, Mace, Johnson, Tuberville, McConnell - I could go on, but I'm trying to eat breakfast.

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They believe in the fairytale of trickle down economics. Which has failed time after time!

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Robert, I hope you fell better soon!

I also wanted to share an opportunity for reader engagement. VoteRiders (www.voteriders.org) has a virtual letter writing party today (June 13) at 7 pm ET. They will be writing letters to voters in GA and TX to make them aware of the Voter ID requirements in those states and to offer assistance. Sign up here: https://www.mobilize.us/voteriders/event/634660/

I have been writing similar VR letters to voters in NC and it is quick and easy. You print a state-specific letter template, add a brief handwritten message, handwrite envelopes to the letter recipients, then add a stamp and mail. Easy peasy.

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I’m afraid I need to point out, again, that attacks on the right of women to control their own bodies, and on family planning and contraception, are attacks on all human rights. If a woman lacks dominion over her own body, what rights are safe? None. Freedom of speech? Nope. Freedom of religion? Only if you’re a particular sort of “Christian,” and maybe not then. Freedom of conscience? Surely, you jest. About the only freedom left will be to have deadly weapons.

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Thank you for a very informative post.

Can we get the numbers to show how much the Republican Do Nothing congress has cost the tax payers. For start point out that each of the 435 congresspeople get $174,000 a year, benefits, expenses, staff, office, pension. Hearings are very costly.

They not only didn’t deliver anything to the citizens they represent, they are often on recess, vacation or appearing behind Donald in court as a stunt.

We can’t afford a Republican led government in simple dollars and cents.

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“Republican do-nothing Congress” :

Echos of Truman’s charge during his 1948 election campaign. We know how that one turned out.

Maybe Dems should pick up on the “do-nothing Congress” charge. Among other things, it puts the focus on accomplishment rather than personalities, which might appeal to Independents and other fence-sitters.

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