Can't canvass door-to-door? Not comfortable making phone calls. You can still help Kamala and Democrats win in 2024. Use "Keyboards For Kamala" to mobilize the people you know online to vote and volunteer for Kamala. The app makes it simple for you to find and share pro-Kamala social media posts that have been proven to be effective, as well as Robert's blog. Their approach is ideal for supporters you aren't able to canvass by knocking on doors or feel comfortable making calls to mobilize voters.


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Dear readers: If you would like to do something to help Kamala but are not comfortable (or can't) knock of doors or make calls, please check out the Keyboards for Kamala effort, above. It allows you to spread positive social media about Kamala from the comfort of your keyboard. Thanks to DemLabs for promoting this.

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

"We should be laser-focused on motivating Democrats, reluctant voters, and independents to show up at the polls. Voting is the only patriotic choice in 2024."

Thank you for today's laser focused newsletter, Robert. There are only 3 things that matter in this election:: Turnout, turnout and turnout and you are on it.

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Actually, voting is not the easiest thing to do, especially when it comes to figuring out the down ballot. At least that is the case with the numerous propositions and judges on the California ballot. The Blue Voter Guide is enormously helpful and can be used by entering your zip code anywhere in the country. Some Get Out The Vote postcard scripts include, "Find trusted endorsements at BlueVoterGuide.org." I'm passing on this tip to everyone I know. If you're not familiar with it, check it out!


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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I also recommend the League of Women Voters’ VOTE411.org. True, it is strictly non-partisan, but I prefer the message of trust in a voter’s ability to compare cadidates’ responses to questions and making their decisions. I advise voters to print off the guide, mark it up, and take it with them when they vote. It’s also nice to see your ballot before you get to the polls.

I also spend time on campuses through Election Day, even though the registration deadline has passed here in Texas. My tabling sign is now, “Questions about voting?” First time voters just like to talk through the process.

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Lynn, Great idea for your signage while tabling on campus! Clear, simple, and quick. Students generally are rushing here and there but do appreciate an answer to their question without lengthy discussion

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Wow Ellie! That is an awesome website. I will be sharing, thank you!

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I actually think that Kamala's town hall performance is undersold here (maybe this was written with it still ongoing, given the start time?) I hope that Spanish-language media gives it glowing reviews, because it was probably the most effective display of empathy I've ever seen from a political candidate. Kamala turned the questions into answers that basically added up to her stump speech, but in between addressed the people asking in remarkable ways - to an older man concerned with how Biden was seemingly pushed aside: "I know you, sir - I know you are a patriot." Spending a good 5 minutes grieving with a woman who had just lost her mother (the second question of the event), then returning to her the moment the town hall ended to hold hands and grieve together, which was the last image Telemundo showed with the credits on-screen. She built up enough credibility as a good person and judge of character that when the last question asked her for three virtues she sees in Donald Trump, she reflected on how she tries to see the best in everyone, then said "I don't know him personally...", completely selling the idea that he doesn't have virtues without having to say it explicitly.

Combined with Obama's speech, her own rally speech, and Trump's Detroit-insulting nonsense (at one point I think he started talking about aliens landing on ships in the Pacific), this was a day that illustrated how close this race isn't in the real world. The polls are close, but pollsters define their own modeled electorate and collectively have chosen one for this election that results in close polls. The election may be close, but most Presidential elections are - the popular vote has ranged from D+2 to D+7 since 2008 and it's unlikely Kamala is the new low point. Clearly, mobilizing the vote is what gets us the electorate we need for a landslide (or to win at all), but we can take heart that low-propensity voters being convinced in the next three weeks (the only time they ever could be) will see such a lopsided-looking choice. If you aren't MAGA, Trump not only has nothing for you, he's not even trying to talk to you.

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Thanks for your additional info on the Univision town hall. I intend to cover it more, but I was struggling because of the format. I found the voiceover translations distracting and I had a difficult time judging the emotion in the questions. Kamala did great on her end, but I felt a bit like I was listening to one side of the conversation. Kudos for Kamala for doing her best in that format. My question is, "How did the people asking questions perceive her responses?" I am hoping that the Spanish language press will weigh in on that question.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

I was watching clips of the responses that only rarely included the question, so I didn't feel the same frustration. Please do cover what was said in Spanish-language media - mainstream media is covering "takeaways" which read well enough for Harris and then they mention that some polls have her "struggling" with Hispanic voters. Not very helpful (and given the target audience, not very important). Of course, Team Trump immediately spread a false claim that she used a teleprompter, and the fact that they felt the need to tear this down tells us that they thought it would help her.

Worth noting that Harris-Walz has already agreed to a CNN town hall in a couple of weeks - they think this format is powerful for her and I agree.

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Hey Joe, what an excellent post. Particularly “how close this isn’t in the real world” and your pointed historical perspective. Speaking of history, Stuart Stevens, who was as Republican for a long time as you probably know —- said a month ago , on MSNBC, something like

“ I don’t see where Trump gets his new voters. The race may be close now but

I remember 1980 — it was considered close until late October when the bottom dropped out under Carter. I can see the same thing happening here”

Just another pundit— and hoping he’s right!!

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Here is a novel idea:mandatory voting! The amount of money, energy and effort expended on persuading reluctant or disinterested voters to participate quite makes one’s head spin! I would rather vote for a lamp post than vote for Trump, and fully understand the dangers to the world of another 4 years of he-who-must-not-be-named back in the White House, but when this is over and he has been sent to some dungeon far away, it would be wonderful to have a discussion about re-thinking the whole system and putting all this well-intentioned effort and money to some other use. (Fully expecting to be dumped upon!)

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Money talks. Incentivize voting by giving a paid day off and/or a set amount for homemakers, students, etc. who don't have an income. Corporations with a budget above X pay their employees, others are paid through a fund that takes a percentage of all campaigns funding. Yes, this idea needs to be flushed out.

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And rewarding is more successful than fining!

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If you are a teacher, a window of opportunity.

I.e. "I oppose killing babies." Response: Do Republican women miscarry?

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Absolutely agree, Isobel!

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Great post Robert. Thank you for drawing attention to the orange fascist’s call for revoking CBS’ license.

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

My mother is a life long straight ticket GOP voter

She keeps asking me why senior care is so expensive

I answered, Billionaires and Republicans among other asides

She asked yesterday how to split her ticket to vote for Harris

Small victories

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Get Out the Vote- there is still time to postcard to low frequency and new voters. Simon Rosenberg estimates 81 MILLION cards heading to the Swing States en masse end of Oct. Phonebank until the last minute.

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just requested 200 more postcards. Doing something helps ease my anxiety. My suburban post office will be inundated with postcards on October 24th.

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Me, too, Lanette! I lost count of how many I have sent so far.

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FT 6 sent 250,000 texts to unregistered NC and WI folk yesterday. Today is the last day to register online in NC. https://www.fieldteam6.org/

Last day to register in Pa and MI online is Oct. 21. WI online Oct 16, but MI and NC permit registrations in person during early voting periods and WI at the polls.

States with late registration. https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/same-day-voter-registration

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I watched part of her Arizona speech and looked at the comments. Almost all were negative, badly spelled, and insulting. Perhaps we should start flooding the comments sections with "She's great!" remarks. The hate is . . . unsettling. But it also feels performative, like a bunch of high school bullies egging each other on.

I'm also giving up on Robert Reich. He is a constant drumbeat of negativity disguised as concern. His subject lines almost always contain a word like "terrifying" or "fear." And "Trump." I wonder if anyone else has noticed that. He's a well-respected figure but I sometimes wonder why he always discounts what most of us are clearly seeing--record fundraising, enthusiastic crowds, likeable candidates, huge grassroots support, and millions of letters and postcards going out. I suspect he's in a bubble of his own making and maybe he's afraid to be positive in case it all goes sideways--a sort of anticipatory grief.

I'm sticking with you and Simon Rosenberg ONLY until this mess is decided on November 5. I can't deal with the equivocations, the what ifs, the doubt. It makes the fight that much more difficult. And I need to get back to work so I can find an hour here and there over the next few days to get all those postcards done!

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Please add Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance and Dan Pfeiffer

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And Jay Kuo!

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

And Jessica Craven's Chop Wood, Carry Water.

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I’m disgusted with almost everyone in media. Even this morning on “Good Morning America “, Michael Strahan interviewed Tim Walz. Every single question was a “gotcha” question. And the topics were ridiculous. This was an opportunity to put the truth in front of millions of viewers and Strahan blew it.

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I've given up on the media entirely. It's too stressful to watch/listen/read the MSM because they utterly refuse to do their jobs. IF Trump wins, which I believe is not going to happen, but if he does, they're going to be sooooo surprised when they are either 1) shot or 2) required to have their work "screened" and approved by the White House before they can print it. Then they'll look at each other and ask, "How did this happen? Didn't anybody see it coming?" Assholes, all of them. It's up to us.

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Watch MSNBC - they're all in on Harris.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

I don't watch the talk shows. MSNBC is all in on Harris - nobody but nobody likes Trump there. You might give them a look, especially Lawrence O'Donnell's "Last Word". Morning Joe, if you live on the East Coast, is also good, though I'm sleeping during most of his shows as I'm on the West Coast. On weekends, Velshi is pretty good especially when he's going into detail about Project 2025. My local news is just that, local news. CNN is still on both-sideser-ism. Forget Fox, Newsmax.

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

We should be scared as a nation and be sure not to miss our chance to vote blue. I've already done so I'm happy to report. As Robert says: "In a speech reminiscent of Fidel Castro, Trump gave a tortured, shambolic, two-hour speech that left everyone in the room confused and uncomfortable." Pro-tip: Trump is no longer ready for prime time.

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

So, here’s a dose of happy news. For those following my (82-year old Texas white woman) campaign to discuss voting attitudes and actions with service providers of every age, gender, skin color, and relationship status—the white mid-30 father of 4 texted me this morning that he will be casting his first vote in a national election for Harris/Walz. He came to this decision after reading every word of the 2025 manifesto, then giving equal time and effort to the Harris policy statements. I like to think I helped to turn his tide of First Preference by understanding him as a representative of the Sandwich Generation—responsible for the care and comfort not only of the wife and children he loves but, also (and voluntarily) the living standard of the grandmother and mother to whom he attributes his best qualities. I rise to suggest beating a drum for the importance of maintaining the social security safety net worked in this instance. Why not everywhere?

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

I just went straight to Douglas Emhoff on the video. He starts at 53 minutes and maybe 30 seconds. He goes for about half an hour. I've watched a little over half, and then I tore myself away because I wanted to post this message. He's terrific!!!

And, yes, work to get Harris elected! and Vote! When I was 7, my mother took me with her when she voted for JFK. She made it voting seem like the sacred ritual that it is. She'd taken my older brother before me, and my younger sister after me. We all feel the same way about voting.

I also realize it's time for me to stop reading every political thing I can while I wallow in my beloved espresso, and it's time for me to devote all that time to phone banking and/or post carding, and likely canvassing. There's not much time left.

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Ugh. I meant to link to the beginning of his remarks. If I failed to do so, my apologies.

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You give us so much good information, so please don't fret over this.

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Your capture of NGC 1893 is stunning.

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I was surprised. It is not an object you hear a lot about. I added it to my list to fill in a "gap" in my imaging schedule in a five-hour session. It turned out to be the best image of the night.

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Are comets an acceptable subject? Do you plan on capturing comet tsuchinshan-atlas? I assume we would see detail in your photo that we cannot see with the naked eye despite it being much promoted as a naked eye viewable object.

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Note to the New York Times: Are you at all concerned about Trump’s attack on CBS? You should be worried, shaking in in your boots and on the warpath against this wannabe dictator. Please act accordingly. NOW.

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They clearly have forgotten the familiar refrain “the failing New York Times.”

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Oct 11Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Robert, your voiceover in today's edition sounds much more animated than in yesterday's edition, so I am less concerned than I was then. Glad to hear you sound better. Thanks for today's news, and another eye-catching nebula image! Take care of yourself.

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This in my inbox from Lakota Law:

"Greetings to you, and good to meet you! I’m Zaniyan Iron Eyes, and I write to you for the first time with joy, because I’m about to turn 18 — just in time to vote in my first election! Voting means everything in our democracy. That’s why I’m not content simply to cast my own ballot. In my role as Inter-Governmental Ambassador of the Native American Youth Organization (NAYO), I’m also organizing an all-out blitz to turn out additional first-time Native voters here in Lakota Country.

"Today, I ask you to generously donate to help us make sure young, Native people can cast their ballots. Over the next week-plus, we’ll be talking to young people and passing out registration forms on the rez, in Rapid City, at my school, and at this weekend’s 36th Annual Black Hills Pow Wow. We’ll make sure new voters understand their voting plans, and we’ll deliver every form we collect to election officials by registration deadline day. Please help us raise $10,000 to cover essentials like printing, lodging, gas, food and drinks, and other costs for my team!"

Watch the 55-second video, conveniently next to the Donate button!


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Very well spoken young man.

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Will do. Thanks!

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Trump will next be going after Faux News. I’ve seen (via late -night comedy, of course) Laura Ingraham! fact check him twice. She also pointed out to the Dumpster Fire🔥 Party chair, Laura Trump, that VP Harris is leading in the polls.


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