The conversation with Drew Kromer makes me want to get on a plane from Seattle to Mecklenburg to help out! At least I will send money. Drew should be the next national Dem party chair!!!!
The conversation with Drew Kromer makes me want to get on a plane from Seattle to Mecklenburg to help out! At least I will send money. Drew should be the next national Dem party chair!!!!
ditto ... i am already over-budget for this month, but was so impressed with Drew and the organization he's built that i could not resist donating more than i've done this whole election season -- during which i've been dribbling out small amount. if i could click my heals together and fly there, i'd be canvassing in Mecklenburg. will look for othe volunteer options.
The conversation with Drew Kromer makes me want to get on a plane from Seattle to Mecklenburg to help out! At least I will send money. Drew should be the next national Dem party chair!!!!
ditto ... i am already over-budget for this month, but was so impressed with Drew and the organization he's built that i could not resist donating more than i've done this whole election season -- during which i've been dribbling out small amount. if i could click my heals together and fly there, i'd be canvassing in Mecklenburg. will look for othe volunteer options.