Jul 5·edited Jul 5Pinned

Hi Robert and all - A very important tool in the efforts to reduce down ballot run off is Blue Voter Guide: https://bluevoterguide.org/. Voters go to the site, and plug in their zip code. Blue Voter Guide helps them make informed, pro-democracy choices of candidates and propositions by showing what's on their ballot, with endorsements from trusted, forward-looking organizations. Spreading the word far and wide about this excellent resource will be an important way to reduce down balIot run off.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 6

Thanks, Susan,

This video tells more about BlueVoterGuide.org, a genuinely new voting tool providing fast relief for ballot roll-off: https://bit.ly/bvgintro

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Jul 5·edited Jul 6

I've been asked how thorough BlueVoterGuide.org down ballot coverage is. We cover all Congressional races, all statewide races, every state legislative race, and local races in large metropolitan and many rural areas. If you're not seeing a local race, and can give us complete information about it (office and candidates, once filing is closed) we will add.

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We can even enter a person's address/zip code for them on the Blue Voter Guide website and then send it to that person.

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This tool is AWESOME! I will share it with my friends and family. Thanks 😊

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Oh, excellent advice and thank you for this link as well, Ms. Morgan! Very useful!!

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I looked at the comments today to tell everyone about Blue Voter Guide. I'm so glad that someone has already! It's truly a great tool. I spent years not voting because I didn't want to make a mistake and didn't know how to research the candidates.

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Wow! Great voter research from Sister District!! And Robert thank you for gathering this important information! Seems like critical information to include in letter and postcards. The video was a great addition.

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I concur that Robert's video was a great addition and laughed out loud at his comment that he appeared "distracted and shifty-eyed."

The information about Sister District and the demographics of down ballot roll off (Democrats do it much more than do Republicans) was eye-opening.

I also commend Robert for redirecting the conversation to what matters most at this time--getting a Democratic victory over fascism to undo the legal coup that Heather Cox Richardson described. Maybe more short podcasts with other grassroots leaders to show the ways We The People can help save democracy.

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For mini-podcasts with grassroots leaders, I nominate Holiday Adair from Blue Voter Guide and Melissa Walker from The States Project. Who else?

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Ellie, We also need some GenZ energy!

William He from Dream for America


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Yes, William He is amazing!

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My advice to Joe Biden's campaign

You can't win with a fight over Biden's mental fitness to serve. That's entirely for Biden to decide. But you can resurrect the campaign around the horrifying threats to democracy and our nation that have been clarified in the past several weeks:

1. A partisan and corrupt supreme court is accruing more power to itself and overthrowing the Constitutional order. They are aligned with the Heritage Foundation's 2025 plan which will walk America back to early industrial times and in some ways back to pre-Revolutionary, monarchy days. Both groups seem to believe that Donald Trump will be a fine president for the America they envision. And, in their glory, they have the Democrats and the MSM embroiled in a cat fight with Joe Biden over his mental capacity.

Life is Perfect!!

Joe Biden needs to fight back against the real threat to Democracy; not the proponents of his diminished mental acuity but the right wing MAGA, Christian nationalist, proto-fascist criminals that used to be the GOP.

Joe Biden can radically change the narrative immediately from the teas leaves of senility to a knife in the heart of Democracy. No other person in America has the experience running a constitutional government that Joe Biden has . We are lucky.

Here's how to change things:

Based on the unassailable powers granted the President by SCOTUS through the newly minted "official presidential actions" doctrine Biden can act like as king.

So do these things today to save Democracy!

Act 1. Fire the 6 conservatives SCOTUS justices based on their subversion of the Constitution. Appointment 6 liberals justices so you can reverse all the illiberal decisions since Citizens United through Trump v United States.

Act 2. Arrest Trump immediately on sedition charges for J6 and treason for the Mar-a-Lago docs case. In the interest of time, appoint Jack Smith the President's special prosecutor.

The President should explain he must act to protect the Constitution when the Federal Judiciary can't.

These actions will immediately get the presidential senility stories replaced with " "SCOTUS has enabled Biden to start the 2nd American Revolution. No blood shed so far"

Sadly for them the Heritage Foundation who produced the 2025 agenda will find the 2nd American Revolution came 2 months early. And SCOTUS would find that an unconstrained POTUS is more than they cynically bargained for.

Go Joe ..Save American Democracy .

Merrill Weingrod

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A friend who saw the debates and I were discussing it yesterday. She felt that the problem with the debate was his discussion of Afghanistan. I assume he wanted to own something that is considered an area of weakness, but she felt it came across so poorly and that his delivery was ineffective and that many people may have tuned out after that even as it got stronger going on. I am glad I did not see the debate although it still would not make me overlook it. We are very concerned that the press has decided that they not only report new but make news, and decisions for us in this election. We discussed the effects of writing Biden in if he steps down and how detrimental that would be if everyone is writing in someone different. Biden has to stay in. She is younger than me and is more concerned about his age. I say the proof is in the pudding. Has he run things well? Yes! We also discussed that he could win and pass the baton to Harris if need be. That is a way to go to, but she only has 4 years of tutelage under him, and he is a master at foreign policy as well as domestic. I don't think many people understand how he got things done with the most obstructionist Congress that has been had in my lifetime. It is like the South's reaction to integration of schools that had to overcome. It takes persistence and staying power. Robert, thanks so much for posting this video interview of Heather Cox Richardson. She is making critical points. Particularly that SCOTUS staged a COUP. I think we have to both think of how to keep the Biden campaign going despite the horrific press, and to address SCOTUS and then insist on action from our elected representatives. They should be focusing on impeaching SCOTUS and supporting Biden.

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Whatever the outcome of the current discussion of President Biden's age, let's keep the eye on the ball. The bottomline for the November elections: choice between autocracy (or less diplomatically: avoiding to slide into fascism) and democracy.

It would be quite shocking if people would be considering writing in Biden should there be another democratic candidate. They would in fact be voting in the felon.

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Any other candidate would be divisive. And, Biden could always hand the baton to Kamala Harris, who would be a wonderful choice, and the one who is most able to have continuity. In fact, when preparing someone to take over one does not step fully back. I trust Jill to keep an eye on her husband's mental and physical well being. No way will anyone else succeed when Trumps people back him fully no matter what. He could have a stroke and be paralyzed as long as he had speech and even if he didn't and they would still vote him in. He stands in for something they want, and he could be a cardboard cutout at this point. I am very worried that in either case, whether Biden or Trump wins, there will be a Civil War in the USA. I have worried about this since Jan 6. Before that I had worried about a coup since the April before because Trump was saying he would not leave.

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It is not so simple to substitute someone for Biden.

"All 50 states have already held their primaries, and Biden has won the vast majority of their delegates. Only Biden himself can direct those delegates to vote for someone else, as they are pledged to vote for him unless he drops out before the Democratic convention this August.

This is where practical and political challenges merge: Biden is the only one who can decide if he wants to drop out before the floor vote. No secretive party apparatus or individual can direct him to do it.

The first obstacle: Presidents are chosen through elections between candidates picked through a specific, organized party process.

The Democratic presidential nominee is chosen in August at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where a candidate needs to win the support of the majority of the Democratic delegates. Those delegates are assigned proportionally based on the vote totals in a state’s primary (for any candidate who wins more than 15 percent of votes) and are then “pledged” or “bound” to that candidate in the first round of voting at the Democratic convention. Under this system, some other candidate would need to win more delegates than Biden in order to become the nominee. But Biden has not just all the delegates he needs, but essentially all the delegates, period.

Only Biden has the fundraising and money machine necessary on the Democratic side to run ads, hold events, hire staff, and, effectively, run a campaign. No other Democrat, elected or unelected, has that practical machinery in place.


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Well said, Barbara. Joe Biden knows how to pull the levers and which ones to pull. Experience matters. And nothing prepares one more successfully for the presidency, than the vice-presidency. Biden/Harris 2024

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Not my words. The source is VOX,

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Another problem that the media doesn’t seem to understand is that all the alternatives except Kamala Harris are not well known to most people, especially swing voters. They have consistently polled well behind Biden because of that.

I have concerns about people voting for a woman although Hillary did win a solid majority of the votes despite Russia, Comey and the media doing all they could to damage her.

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No civil war. Jan 6 belligerents folded quickly when confronted with credible force.

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There probably will be a fair but spotty amount of civil "unrest" and a lot of legal challenges about vote counts, claims of illegals voting and all the rest of the whole stupid mess that Trump pulled the last time--although they likely have more MAGA loyalists "in place" this time around...but, and this is key, Biden is President and he can quash it. I can guarantee Biden won't sit around for three plus hours, gleefully watching the violence.

AND, all the tricks and cheats that Trump pulls THIS time will NOT be "official"...the "one-man-crime-wave" can be prosecuted without any kid glove bullshit.

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Dear Robert and Managing Editor,

Please kindly confirm you think. After reading Michael Moore’s diatribe for Biden to drop out, one idea that makes sense to me is if Biden continues to run for President — and fingers crossed he is reelected — then decides to retire, VP Kamala Harris steps up to become President.

The Blue Guide is excellent, Democrats need to GOTV every way they can.

Kamala has grown into her position as Vice President, she is strong on the campaign trail, international diplomacy, a powerful voice to overturn Dobbs, and with her Prosecutorial experience, could work to reform the Supreme Court.

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I agree the Afghanistan issue is one people seem to gravitate towards without mentioning the way the Trump Administration decisions contributed to the problem . My analysis is Biden was tired, had a cold, was over prepared and nervous because the media made this a make or break event. His performance opened the door for people to question his ability to do the job. It created doubt.

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Yes. In those that it created doubt in. I am not to eager to have the media manipulate me, which is also why I did not watch it. Basically I cannot bear to watch Trump. I wonder how many people transferred their feelings of upset about Trump onto Biden. Something I won't know. Basically, even though Biden verbally won for content, the media is allowed to say, and some ignorant democratic politicians that he should step down. That would be the deathknell for the Democrats and while they have done these stupid things before, this is not the time.

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Here's the Week in Review from the Finger in the Breeze Broadcasting System (FIBBS).

1. Joe Biden looked tired and was not as effective in the debate as many had hoped, though many of those who only read the transcript (i.e. paid attention to what he was saying) thought he did fine.

2. Donald Trump lied (or more precisely spread untrue propaganda and made up statistics) for 90 minutes. To say he "lied" would mean one was suggesting that he actually knew the difference between truth and falsehood. There is little evidence of that fact. ("I never slept with a porn star.")

3. The Supreme Court said that bribing a public official or accepting bribes is totally fine, as long as you pronounce the word "bribe" as "gra-tu-i-tee" and time such act as a reward for doing what you want rather than a demand to do what you want.

4. The Supreme Court removed the power of scientists and experienced civil servants to make decisions about public health (how much lead do you want. in your water?), science (should we support this cancer research or rely on prayer?), economic policy (the Federal Reserve System), and everything else in our lives or should we give those powers to the Marjorie Taylor Greenes on the national, state, and local level? The Supreme Court said the MTGs of the world know best.

5. The Supreme Court gave the President of the United States immunity from scrutiny, judgment, or prosecution in pretty much doing anything he wants, thereby ending America's experiment in democracy and our long journey toward perfecting that bold experiment, determining that the Founders really wanted an absolute monarch after all.

So to sum up. Forget about events 2-5, nothing much to report there. The only thing that matters is that Biden didn't sound so well or look so hot in the Great Debate, therefore,

A). the Democratic Pary is finished unless they get rid of Joe Biden by hook, persuasion, or crook. OR

B) Joe better spend all his time "performing" to "reassure" Democrats who don't want to be reassured but want a) Doom b) Gloom and c) Self-inflicted political wounds so they can feel morally superior when Trump wins and victims once again of bad guys in big business and the media, not to mentioned those unwashed masses out there on the landscape. AND

C. Never mind What happens with A or B because the only real power lies in the "Donor Class" who are (according to our rivals over at the NYT) meeting as we speak to throw Biden off the train.

Rest easy, America. Whether you are a Trumpian True Believer or a Ready to Be Disheartened Democrat, you will sleep better knowing that you never had a say at all and you certainly don't now. We have to wait and see what the powerful will decide. Pay no attention to what's going on, it will just break your heart.

Signing off from Finger in the Breeze Broadcasting System.

Remember, life is better when you listen to and live by FIBBS.

[I wish I didn't feel so disconsolate this morning. But I am pro-Joe Biden and I feel the air is going out of his balloon and everyone is telling us, "We'll just have to wait and see if he can right the ship, prove his worth, earn our trust." To me he has already done all of the above. Meanwhile, Trump's team is majoring drapes in the White Palace (formerly known by another name, I'll have to look it up, that was a very long week ago).}

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Very well-put indeed.

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Stephen --- As I said above --- too much advice from the Dem politicos; too much terrible mainstream media. Biden should come out swinging, stop have all these meetings with other Dems - show endless video clips of the orange monsters mental decline (no shortage of those) and slam the supreme 6 - explaining, point by point what their judgement means - and again end with democracy on the line

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Agree but unfortunately people are doubting for the first time of Henie up for the job.

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The problem is that the media won’t bother showing most of the things he does. For example I had no idea he had just given interviews on the radio. Post-election analyses of the media coverage in 2016 showed that he media had given almost no coverage to Hillary’s proposals and did not show her speeches at rallies. In contrast they constantly showed Trump’s. CNN infamously had their screen show an empty podium with anchors shown in a smaller inset while they waited for Trump to show up at one rally.

As a result of that media coverage most voters could not name Hillary’s top priority although she had spoken about creating new, better paying jobs far more than either Trump or Bernie in the primaries. In contrast most could name Trump’s top issues (immigration, imports, jobs) as well as Bernie’s (health care).

The media which gets special constitutional protection regularly fails voters with their idiotic focus on style over substance, conflict and drama. This has been going on for a very long time. These articles from 2000 document the horrific behavior of our media towards Gore:



And Clinton:


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It surprises me that the Dems continue to underestimate Trump's command of the media & assuming he'll play by any rules except his own. Biden should have been prepped Mehdi Hasan who knows exactly how to debate Trump.

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The two minute time limit is ridiculous when you are expected to get your own message out as well as counter the flood of lies of your opponent. That made Biden rush his speech which is what caused his problems — as rushing does for many, especially someone with a stuttering problem.

We need to stop the debates. They have nothing to do with the skills and knowledge needed to govern. Imagine a president sitting down with a foreign leader and having to complete his statements within two minutes.

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Great comment, Linda! One additional point to remember is that even though VP Harris only has 4 years of tutelage under Biden, she would still have Biden's team, who seem truly excellent at working for and with the President on these huge issues we are facing: Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, jobs, finding ways to bypass Congress re: student loans, the border, etc.

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I agree, but also believe if he passed the baton to her he would be there for advice, but not to work the room, which he is obviously excellent at doing.

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I am not suggesting that Biden pass the baton. But if something were to happen to him, she would be working with his team.

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Kamala would be great if she had to step in. She is an accomplished AG, U.S.Senator, and decent human. Tired of people underestimating her.

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Me too. However, those suggesting we get rid of Biden and get behind her are mistaken. I do not see the USA voting a Black woman into power. Maybe reelecting if she does well, but it is a double whammy, and it would be better for Biden to win and pass the baton, than to step aside. Make no mistake, she is not likely to win once the rabid press goes after her, without her already having the office. Even then, she will probably not experience a good day from the press either. As was pointed out by Lucien Truscott, the press makes more money from Donald Trump than they do from Biden. They have a symbiotic relationship with Trump.

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I’ve had very similar thoughts!

The oath the military takes includes this phrase: “I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

Since the ruling states, “Such an immunity is required to safeguard the independence and effective functioning of the Executive Branch, and to enable the President to carry out his constitutional duties without undue caution.”, it appears to me that it is President Biden’s DUTY to use his core constitutional powers to protect our democracy from insurrectionists, Christo-fascists, and the Trump crime family of felons.

President Biden: direct the DOJ to transfer Bannon and Navarro to Gitmo.

President Biden: have Clarence and Ginni Thomas arrested and shipped to Gitmo to await trial.

President Biden: have Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Ron Johnson, Josh Hawley, etc, etc, etc, arrested and shipped to Gitmo to await trial.

Have coverage of the Ginni Barges as they’re towed to Gitmo for their future residents.

If he were to do any of these, I imagine the Rs would be running to courts for injunctions and argue against this ruling.

Remember, arresting people and sending them to barges off Gitmo was the subject of a Ginni text to Mark Meadows: https://www.businessinsider.com/ginni-thomas-thought-biden-crime-family-would-be-sent-to-barges-off-gitmo-2022-3

If these Christo-fascists steal the election this will probably be a fraction of what happens.

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At least Lenny Leo and Harlan Crow et al subpoenaed to a grand jury.

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Sounds perfect for day two of the revolution.

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Could he?! I want this!

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SCOTUS opened the door for this type of autocratic action thinking it would help Trump tear apart the administrative state. I'm suggesting Biden use the power for a short time to right many recent wrongs. These actions would be so startling the MSM would rest their commentary on Biden's faltering speech patterns

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Merrill, what you are suggesting would be almost as catastrophic as the immunity decision itself. While the decision enables a President to violate the law without criminal liability, there remains a presumed reluctance to do so. (Obviously, there would be no reluctance on the part of Donald Trump, But that's why it's crucial he be defeated in November.)

We're trying to save our democracy here, complete with free and fair elections. If the immediate reaction to the Court's ruling on immunity by the sitting President is for him to embark on a series of illegal acts, he will have established a precedent that instantly becomes the norm.

On a more personal level, I can assure you that Joe Biden would never do this. In fact, he publicly declared so within hours of the decision being announced on July 1:

"...it will depend on the character of the men and women who hold that presidency that are going to define the limits of the power of the presidency, because the law will no longer do it. I know I will respect the limits of the presidential power, as I have for three and a half years."


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Jerry, I respectfully disagree.

We are at war; which will be bloodless if Ds don't fight. "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Roberts told Brat on Steve Bannon's War Room. https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/bloodless-if-the-left-allows-it-to?r=5k7fz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

The Christo-fascists plan to steal the election because they know they cannot win the election. The only way to get Trump vs US reversed is to get the Rs to go to court to stop King Joe. SCROTUS crowned Joe King. He best use the power to save democracy. If the Rs get POTUS they will NOT hesitate to use this power.

We Ds better wake up!

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PS: July/August 24 Rolling Stone: 2024 ELECTION: ‘ GEORGIA IS OUR LABORATORY’

Team Trump sees the state as ‘a road map’ for putting Trump’s heads-I-win-tails-you-lose philosophy of elections into practice


The presidential election this year will come down to seven states — but there’s one that Donald Trump and his most committed lieutenants see as a blueprint for corrupting future local and national elections: Georgia.


Republican source close to Trump


(All Ds have Apple News;-)

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Are you ageist? Otherwise what reason? He has proven himself. He has a stutter and does not debate well. It angers me because it seems like gross discrimination. As a former teacher I recognize the limitations, and we should not be subjecting our presidential candidates to this televised dog and pony show. Hitler won not because he was the better candidate but because he mastered the propaganda. I do not think that should be part of the job description.

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Robert what do you think?

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Amen!! Let's get it on. They want a revolution let's give them one. Go to it Joe.

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Perhaps Trump's puppetmasters feel that Trump will be a fine marionette to manipulate THEIR will on the American people.

Personally, I feel that Biden's MENTAL capacity is just fine--his physical decline is a bit more of a worry, but geez, he's chosen a VERY capable Vice President and I'm sure that if anything happened to President Biden, a new President Harris would carry on very well. Certainly better than the orange chaos machine and whoever his puppetmasters will choose for his VP.

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Yesterday I did not agree with you, Merrill, about what Biden should do. But today, after watching the interview of Heather Cox Richardson that Robert posted, I think that you're right about what should happen. The 6 conservative SCOTUS justices need to be fired for subversion of the constitution, with 6 new ones appointed, and Trump should be arrested. It's also true that two of those seats--Gorsuch and Barrett--were stolen, and arguably, the SCOTUS stole the 2000 election for Bush, which resulted in two or three conservative justices on the Court. It's time for the Biden administration to play hardball. I will write to him to that effect, and I hope others will do so, too.

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Can SCOTUS be fired or do they have to go thru impeachment?

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they probably have to be impeached, and the trouble with what I said above is that the SCOTUS justices might have final say on all of this. I don't know. I hope they don't, but I think they probably do.

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All good points but unfortunately the question many voters have is Joe Biden too old and not capable of delivering and protecting Democracy once elected. For the first time people are not questioning his experience or character but his physical and mental capabilities as he ages in office. It is a legitimate question and concern.

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Biden is able to do the job. I think he will be a good president for his next term as he has been for this one. But it matters literally *not at all* what he is. He is not simply a candidate for president; he is the off switch for Donald Trump, Leonard Leo, Project 2025, a radical Supreme Court and whatever disasters they could create. Quit fretting about Biden. Your fears are misplaced. Perhaps you are actually afraid of facing the real danger that is right in front of us—Trump, Steven Miller, Project 2025 and the radical Supreme Court gang of six. It’s autocracy versus democracy here, folks. Choose wisely. Vote for Biden and then vote Democratic up and down the ballot. The life we take for granted depends on it. United we stand; divided we fall.

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Here’s what Simon Rosenberg says in Hopium:

“In the last few weeks we’ve gotten repeated confirmation of the success of the Biden Presidency - inflation was *zero* last month and prices of many goods are failing, crime and murder rates are way down, gas prices are down, the flow to the border is down. We’ve had the strongest economic recovery of any advanced economy in the world, the best job market since the 1960s, the lowest uninsured rate in American history, the deficit is trillions less, the Dow has broken 40,000 and all three indices continue hover in record territory. Domestic oil, gas and renewable production continue to be at all time highs leaving America more energy independent than it has been in decades. The Wall Street Journal called the American economy the “envy of the world,” and the Economist just wrote about the unprecedented start up boom America is experiencing right now. Biden’s big three investment bills have dramatically accelerated the energy transition necessary to combat climate change and will be creating opportunities and jobs for our workers for decades to come.“

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All of these good things you cited, William, need to be raised and touted again and again by the Biden campaign and compared in stark contrast to the horrors that Project 2025 will unleash if tRump is elected. Give voters a personal incentive, in the form of what they themselves stand to lose under tRump, as motivation to get registered and VOTE! Then make it easy for them to do so!

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I do not think Project 2025 will go away when trump is no longer on the political stage. Trump is currently useful to the Leonard Leos and Charles Kochs of the far right. However, they don't recognize that if trump were president now that the death squad opinion has been handed down, he could dissolve a court he didn't think was useful to him. They have been playing the long game for far longer than trump has been in politics, but their time might have run out.

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I agree with you. I’m hoping that electing Biden and a Democratic House and Senate means we have four years more to appoint Supreme Court Justices, pass laws, and otherwise hobble those who are behind the Project 2025 insurrection.

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The outcome of the discussion and handwringing about Biden's debate performance seems to me to be that being older is worse than being a lier. There’s barely a peep in the media about Trumps continuous stream of lies. Very sad.

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it's more than sad! It is dereliction of duty in the most egregious manner possible

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It’s been a tough week especially when you consider how SCROTUS (sic) is interacting with the election and Project 2025 and demonstrated that they are firmly in the Cristo-Fascist camp.

We are not just voting for Joe Biden; we are voting for his team! Here’s how I’m framing this battle:

Team Biden vs Team Trump

Team Democracy vs Team Autocracy

Team Competency vs Team Felony

Team Secularism vs Team Christian Nationalism (Team Christian Nazism? Team Christo-Facists?)

Team Labor vs Team Management

Team Rule of Law vs Team Pardon Supporters

Team 99% vs Team 1%

Team Rainbow vs Team White Male

Team Science vs Team Magical Thinking

Team NATO vs Team Putin

Team Legal Immigration vs Team Undocumented, Underaged Labor

Team Roe vs Team Forced Birth

Team Level Playing Field vs Team Corporate Socialism: Privatize Profits, Socialize Losses

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I assume the "R" in SCROTUS stands for "Republican", but I also like the humor of the toung-in-cheek and not-so-subtle implications of the revised acronym.

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Dusty - SCROTUS is from Giordano at TheJuiceMedia in Melbourne Australia who two years ago wrote and produced an excellent view of how SCOTUS could undermine our 2024 election: Honest Government Ad | The Supreme Court: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL5LaLT2BJM&list=LL&index=108&t=44s>


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I like HCR’s admonition to think bigger than two individuals. Still looking for “No, SCOTUS, we don’t want a king. Vote DEM up and down the ballot” t-shirts.

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I recommned movie-maker and radical thinker's take on "the debate" https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AOut7Fst9yUPZoct5wKzaNgEtM0 where he asks why Biden's handlers made him sit for hours rehearsing wonky policy details instead of attacking Trump, why no one checked the stage, lighting or podium sight lines, choice of left or right, etc. Who were these handlers and will Biden now take charge of his own destiny? Sad to see the school teacher Jill saying, "He answered all the questions." That showed how badly Biden was served (and did his chief-of-staff have anything to say?)

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Movie maker MIchael Moore, I meant.

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In the same context, I *strongly* recommend Charles Blow’s column, “Forcing Biden Out Would Have Only One Beneficiary: Trump” (July 4 NY Times print edition).

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inquiring minds want to know... actually and sincerely... hopefully some changes/discussions have taken place, are taking place

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Thank you Robert for including the link to HCR's interview with Amanpour! EVERYONE should watch this!

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What we must realize (and get across to others) is that a Republican victory wouldn’t be part of the normal rotation between parties, but the equivalent of an electoral coup. They want to do what they tried to do on January 6, seize power, make the country a White-wing Christian nation, and hold onto power by any means necessary, including violence and “favorable “ SCOTUS decisions. If they win House, Senate, and presidency, they would have a quadri-fecta when you include the Supreme Court. It’s up to us to prevent that.

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Correct. Don’t assume that the bad guys can be voted out of office if Trump wins the upcoming election. Take v-e-r-y seriously their admiration for Victor Orban, who, voted into office, has re-engineered Hungary’s political system to throttle opposition.

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Might I add: All Americans who are living abroad should also take the time to get the ballot and vote! If Connecticut goes for Biden by one vote, it will be Me (from Canada...saving democracy single-handed Again!)...

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Dear Robert: please please please don’t give up your written columns … I want to READ not listen.

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Is that a possibility?? I dislike listening. I read much faster than I can listen.

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If you live in an area with a lot of MAGA voters, it is important to educate them about the gun laws in Viktor Orban's Hungary (aka The Promised Land). All these MAGA folks that value their Second Amendment rights had better do some research. Assault style weapons are definitely NOT allowed!

Here is what my AI "copilot" came up with:

Are centerfire rifles and handguns legal in Hungary?

Sent by Copilot:

Yes, centerfire rifles and handguns are legal in Hungary, but their ownership is highly regulated. Here are some key points:


Bolt-action rifles and semi-automatic rifles are allowed.

Magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds.

Assault rifles are prohibited for civilian ownership.


Semi-automatic handguns are permitted.

Magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds.

Concealed carry permits are available but require a valid reason (e.g., self-defense).

Licensing Process:

Applicants must pass background checks, training, and mental health evaluations.

Licenses are issued by the police.

I am working on a letter to the editor with a friend that who is very passionate about this. She wants to warn folks in our rural area to be careful what they wish for.

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It is so good to read your newsletter today. I loved the video podcast you did with the woman from sister district. What an important issue! And I was very impressed with what they are doing. I hope you can do more of those. And the interview of Heather Cox Richardson with Amanpour is very important and very good. I urge people, if they can find the time, to watch it. She talks about what happened last Thursday night, the distorted emphasis since then and points out that in history, whenever Democrats try to change the nominee at this point, the candidate loses. She also talks about what a great president Biden has been and her personal interactions with him, while also acknowledging that his debate performance was disappointing. I am so glad you enjoyed yourself with your family. Sounds like fun.

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Thank you, Robert and Jill, for spending your July 4th time off in support of our democracy.

I want to ask how SisterDistrict is different from the StatesProject for taking care of down ballot runoff. Apologies if the answer is obvious!

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Hi Lynell and Cathy. Sister District https://sisterdistrict.com/ is dedicated to working with red/purple states to turn their legislatures blue. We concentrate on the state rep races (WI Assembly, VA House of Delegates, etc) because that's what is really important.

We phone bank for our candidates to find voters in their district to 1) tell them about their candidate 2) ask if they will support by voting for them or volunteering 3) have really good conversations with Americans about the process. Our calling weeds out those who don't want to be contacted so the candidate can canvas more efficiently. We donate to them so they can add staff (and then that staff can canvas).

SD have chapters in many states. Check the website for one that's local to you. I am so glad that I can be part of their organization and urge folks to vote.

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Thank you, Carmie, for this explanation. It really helps!

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Lynell, I have the same question.

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Heather Cox Richardson interview is excellent!! I have passed in on to fellow democrats as well as others who haven't seen the light! Thank You

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