Joyce Vance can also be seen and heard on MSNBC where she frequently appears as a legal expert. A former federal prosecutor, she is now a law professor and has a great skill in explaining legal processes for the non-lawyers among us. Joyce is also a co-host of the “Sisters in Law” podcast . And yes, I admit to being a fan.
Joyce Vance can also be seen and heard on MSNBC where she frequently appears as a legal expert. A former federal prosecutor, she is now a law professor and has a great skill in explaining legal processes for the non-lawyers among us. Joyce is also a co-host of the “Sisters in Law” podcast . And yes, I admit to being a fan.
I think it drops on Mondays, weekly, but look up #SistersInLaw wherever you get your podcasts. (Sheesh, I’m starting to sound like one of those announcers myself. 😆)
Joyce Vance can also be seen and heard on MSNBC where she frequently appears as a legal expert. A former federal prosecutor, she is now a law professor and has a great skill in explaining legal processes for the non-lawyers among us. Joyce is also a co-host of the “Sisters in Law” podcast . And yes, I admit to being a fan.
She also does a podcast with Preet Bahrara on Cafe Insider
When does the podcase take place?
Joyce Vance, Civil Discourse.
A real plus is her frequent weekend tension-breaking update on her chickens and other pets!
I think it drops on Mondays, weekly, but look up #SistersInLaw wherever you get your podcasts. (Sheesh, I’m starting to sound like one of those announcers myself. 😆)
Thanks Howard, I found it.