
More good (surprising) news: The House passed the defense appropriations bill on Thursday morning without the "culture war" provisions demanded by the Freedom Caucus. Although there was strong bipartisan support for the bill, a majority of the support came from Democrats (again)--proving that the House is effectively governed by the minority party! To say the least, the Freedom Caucus is upset.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Some days I find myself trying to decide who aggravates me the most. (Usually it’s Mike Johnson. I would be in favor of his removal just for the sake of my blood pressure, though I don’t know who they will tee up next.) On good days I try to focus on who encourages me the most. This week I felt like Jack Smith made a genius move, and Liz Cheney, with whom I have zero in common on policy, is showing us 100 percent determination in her message of Trump Cannot Be President and Republicans Cannot Be Trusted with the Constitution, and I appreciate that persistence.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Woah. This is one of the most compressed, information rich newsletters you have written. Obviously quite a bit of extremely hard work went into this derecho of a news burst.

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Just the pep talk (or less emotionally, the analysis) I needed tonight to get beyond the headline stories. Thank you.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

It was heartwarming to hear Hunter Biden's remarks at the Capitol. He was strong and direct and made it clear that he and his father love each other. I think his words enhanced his reputation which has been in shatters.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Good idea to make this short cut analysis of a complicated situation with developments on so many fronts. What I would like my country (Sweden) to do is to halt the application for NATO, while the US is voting for republic or dictatorship, and avoid being ally to Trump, best friend of Putin, America. The present bilateral agreement between the US and Sweden is OK and I suppose possible to reverse. Such a demonstration is not possible in diplomatic circumstances, and our present prime minister is not capable anyway. Sitting at the side and not have a vote in what matters a lot to all of us outside, I can only be grateful to all of you who stand up for justice and truth.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for producing a clear, beautifully referenced newsletter in the midst of an overwhelming amount of newsworthy events. It is greatly appreciated. And thumbs up for Hunter Biden.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Just by agreeing to hear the mifepristone case, SCOTUS has ensured reproductive care as a front and center issue in 2024.


Because SCOTUS and the Republican Party have lost all trust. SCOTUS said it respected precedent , but it did/does not and in fact issues condescending, gloating right-abolishing decisions. TXLEG said it would go back this special session and revise SB8 to include exceptions for rapid and incest, but it did not. BUT, they assured us, the mother’s health would be protected, but they disregarded Kate Cox’s health, and our indicted state AG threatened her doctors and hospital as they tried to save Ms. Cox’s health.

So, Dems, the message needs to be more than what bad things have already been done by SCOTUS and state legislatures. The message needs to be 1) here’s what they’ve done, 2) here’s how they’ve done it completely devoid of empathy or compassion, and 3) any assurances that they won’t go further are flat out lies.

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Yes, today was full of head spinning news...thank you, Robert, for putting it all in context. One other newsworthy event under the "Bidenomics" category was the Fed's relatively positive outlook on inflation. Hopefully, the fed can continue to chart a course toward reducing interest rates this coming Spring. Oh, and as far as the Grinch is concerned, we all know exactly who that is!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Thank you Robert, After reading Heather last night, things were looking gloomier than usual. We needed this bit of possitive reality to maybe let us get a good nights sleep. The stress makes it hard sometimes, if you are a consiouse and caring person.

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This in my opinion this was one of the best Today’s Editions Robert has written and concisely provides the facts and information on a variety of on going issues and drama.

Why it Matters. To be effective in 2024 we need to effectively communicate messages and facts framed in an easy to comprehend manner like Today’s Edition has for all us today. The “ why it matters “ needs to be connected to all the responses we make regarding Republican Legislators and what they are doing and why.

The likely outcome. If voters are given the facts about what a Republican administration looks and feels like and why it matters to them then we will be successful in 2024 as long as we stay the course and do the work.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

You don't need to know much more about Mike Johnson's morality and his support for the Biden Impeachment than: "When Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) was asked Tuesday on Capitol Hill what he's hoping to gain from an impeachment inquiry, Nehls responded: “All I can say is: Donald J. Trump 2024, baby!”

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Yesterday was a despairing, rough news day; had to walk away for the better part of it.

Thank you for the layout of this letter, Robert, it organized a lot of that chaos!

I truly believe part of the strategy republicans employ includes wearing the general population down with lies and outrage; it takes it's toll.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Mr. Hubbell, your daily letters are amazingly informative and educational. I swear I don’t know how you and your Managing Editor do this every day, but I’m so grateful to you both. I hope you’ll give yourselves a well-deserved break during the holidays. My deepest thanks to both of you.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Robert B. Hubbell

Any thoughts on the revelation that Qatar’s funding Hamas with hundreds of millions of dollars was approved by Netanyahu even though his government had knowledge of the Hamas attack months in advance? Cynics would interpret this, plus encouraging illegal expansion in the West Bank, as a desire on Netanyahu’s part to keep Hamas in power to avoid a just two state solution

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Excellent way to frame the news, so many things happening.

Tuesday I had a troubling, but enlightening conversation with a young person with whom I work with in my volunteer gig at our Botanical Gardens. She is voted for Biden, but not now, and said, among other talking points, that he is responsible for the killing in Gaza, and is building the wall. She said it not in an angry way, but surprised and sad that he is not "doing his job" that she thought he would.

I asked her where she gets her news from. It is from twitter (x), tik tok, and other very brief social media. She says that they take headlines from reputable sources like the Washington Post, and whoever is posting frames the issue (Biden is continuing Trump's building of the wall), and cites to a Washington Post article. Since it is the Post, she does not question the way something is framed in the tweet.

Most young people are like her, and get their information sporadically from sound bites on twitter-type media, and do not question the way things are framed.

I did explain to her that there were people who know how to target young people, and frame the issue so that Trump wins. I told her that Biden is not building the wall, but had to agree to finish a small portion of the wall in order to get the house to agree to fund the government.

My point here is that I think we need to launch a well thought out counter messaging strategy on the platforms that are being used by the extreme right wing, in order to change the narrative on the issues that are reaching young voters.

I do not think Facebook or substack type newsletters are doing the trick as far as reaching young voters. I wonder if there are people out there who are capable of focusing on media that reaches young people?

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