Thank you, Robert, for heeding the suggestion of a reader to pay due attention to the other races which will be decided on Nov 5. Any attempt by a hopefully elected President Harris to tackle the country's most pressing and serious issues would be seriously hampered (if not stopped altogether) should MAGA remain in power in the House and/or eke out a majority in the Senate.

So a drive to vote democratic up and down the ticket (which, as various reports and surveys suggest, seems to be an issue especially with democratic voters even in 'normal' times) is more important than ever– on the national, the state and the local level.

Quite a number of republican never-trumpers and independents will vote for Kamala Harris but might be tempted to balance that choice by supporting Republican candidates for the House and state legislatures. It should be hoped that the various campaigns address that group of voters. It should be made clear to them that currently the party formerly known as the 'Grand Old Party' is firmly in the grip of MAGA militants. To crush that lethal influence and to revive a decent conservative representation in politics, reflecting the Cheneys, Kinzingers and Duncans, they have to vote democratic up and down then ticket. It is in their own interest.

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Hear, hear, Stefan! I, too, am glad Robert continues to stress all races. I am heading out in a bit to knock on doors for Averie Bishop for Texas House District 112. As you know, Texas is in the grips of Governor Abbott’s MAGA, and frankly it is hard to see the way out. (It’s also hard to see bright young people either avoid or leave the state.) Under-30 Averie is the daughter of a Filipino mother and white father, whose family needed public assistance in early years, and who worked hard in strong public schools and is now a practicing attorney. (More story at averieforall.com.)

HD112 is getting national attention as perhaps the most flippable seat in the Texas legislature!

We are leaving no stone unturned—please take a look at Averie’s website…we have such potential this November!

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Good for you!

I'm afraid my canvassing days are behind me, but I do table for voter registration, write postcards and phone bank. Starting during early in-person voting, I will be volunteering as a poll observer, taking voter protection hotline shifts and handing out blue ballots as a poll greeter! I did the latter for the first time during last year's municipal elections where we managed to block three Mom's for Liberty candidates (running under the radar as a "Unity" ticket) from capturing any of the at-large school board seats in my county!

Even if canvassing is beyond your capabililities, there IS an active role for you in this sprawling grassroots movement!! For those who haven't settled on a role yet, look around and find one!! We need EVERYONE involved in some way to keep the momentum going!!

Do you know whether Averie Bishop is a "Run for Something" candidate? I really like that group and have been supporting them with $$. They have a great article about the "reverse coattails" effect on their website. Please take a look - the bottom up approach works!! https://runforsomething.net/reversecoattails/

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Hmm…not really sure. I don’t see that mentioned on her website.

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Go for it!

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Hi All!

Robert you are spot on! We are not used to generating our own motivation and enthusiasm unless we feel spurred on by outer people and events. Right now in history, self-generation must become the norm. We have to get through the desert to the water by any inner means possible, no matter what. It’s good for us to work on that ability anyway.

My county Dem committee has been working the county Fair this week. It’s a pretty Republican attended event but we have had the largest stream of Dems and others stop by wanting info and sharing excitement and hope. We are across the tent aisle from a Trump t-shirt booth with slogans like” I vote for the convicted felon”. Our voters are showing no signs of intimidation this year…a very new posture.

One Trump man who stood by to say hi(he’s quite friendly minus his politics) shared that he loves Trump because he’s really tough and intimidating and that will protect us. That my fellow readers is what we are up against. A huge chunk of America thinks safety still lies in muscle and intimidation. This is why the Rise of the Women is finally materializing and it must. For the first time, as I talked to him, I was not intimidated, not uncertain or daunted or stripped of my resolve. Brute strength is a dying concept for leadership. Women and men alike are growing out of our need to believe that. Kamala is a seminal spark, uniting people everywhere. She holds gender and two races other than white and allows so many people to believe in something more that bar room brawls as diplomacy.

We can win this election and seriously change the course of history. And…we all have to add our “muscle” and begin to chip in, do our part, donate but even more so, donate your feet and hands and really help motivate our voters. Imagine if everyone who donated money also made calls or canvassed. Wow. The flood is upon us. No time to sit back.

I am so, so grateful to Robert’s unyielding positivity and to this community. It gives me hope every day.

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The sad part is that the Republican gentleman you spoke with, seems to truly believe that Trump is a tough guy and an intimidating leader. He'll never believe that Trump is, in reality, a weak, insecure little manchild and a sock puppet for stronger, smarter billionaires and real strongmen authoritarians.

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It's my hope that a good chunk of the the moderate GOP women will be voting (D) in the privacy of the voting booth, even if they don't announce it to their Trump-loving spouses!

Are you familiar with Galvanize Action (www.galvanizeaction.org) and their playbook (https://playbook.galvanizeaction.org/)? Their goal is to persuade moderate white women to vote their values. They have had demonstrated success in the "Blue Wall" states in previous election cycles and they be scaling up to other swing states IF they can raise sufficient funds. Another fun fact - they actively encourage you to share the short videos in their playbook within your own sphere of influence - so start your own influence campaign and help to make stuff go viral!

They are a favorite with Aaron Frank's group, Focus on Democracy, which I heard about from Robert. (See a link to an upcoming FD program in today's newsletter).

But I originally heard about them from a BigTent USA "Tent Talk". BigTent archives all their past programs, so you can find the Interview with the Founder of Galvanize Action, Jackie Payne here: https://www.bigtentusa.org/event/galvanize/

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"Trump is, in reality, a weak, insecure little manchild and a sock puppet for stronger, smarter billionaires and real strongmen Authoritarians". Brilliant!!! LMFAO!

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The "tough and intimidating" image is laughable and pitiful; it's composed of bullying, lying, cheating, stealing, racism, sexism, fear-mongering, bloviating, and deep psychological disorder. While it's shocking that a scared, vain, narcissistic traitor could convince so many Americans to follow him, it reveals the extent of toxic male culture that has swamped our country since its inception at the expense of women, minorities, immigrants, and anyone who deviates from white male pseudo-religious 'values'. There is so much good to be had from diversity, equity and inclusion, and the fair treatment of everyone, not just a privileged few. Kamala's candidacy offers an opportunity for awakening, renewal and maturity of our young Republic, a chance to grow up and take responsibility for the stewardship of our country, our planet and our place in history.

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Great and thoughtful comment--1000% agreement!

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Great comment! We men need to stand up for fairness and equity. We can move beyond machismo.

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Love this, Tom! Thanks for articulating it. Now that Harris is in the race, I think we can honestly say that Trump is a silly old man, like my grandfather was when he was past it and we all had to humor the silly things he said and did (like stubbornly eating an Easter egg that had rolled under a sofa when he found it a month later, and getting really sick) and pat down his impotent daily anger, calm him down and ignore his ineffective attempts to be foolishly hurtful to others. Harris is a tough prosecutor. She is a truly strong, tough, and intimidating force, who can truly protect America and what is right in the world. I actually know one Democrat who doesn't like her because she was "too tough" when she was the California AG! She's mellowed from those days, in my opinion, and has become, or is on the verge of becoming, a real stateswoman (if that's a word), in the mold of Joe Biden and Franklin Roosevelt but with all the vigor to act that her youth, strength, and health gives her. We are fortunate.

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"...he loves Trump because he’s really tough and intimidating and that will protect us."

That is trump's appeal in a nut shell. His supporters are all aggressive bravado when in fact they are tiny cowards afraid of just about everything. It's pathetic.

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Please ask the seniors and the comics to partner with FT 6, https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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I don't see a Zoom link or PR for Republicans for Harris. Looks like a donation portal.

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If you click on the link provided, it’ll go to a page that will let you click on a link to the Harris campaign website. The link is in a rectangular box. When you click on that link, it’ll take you to the registration page for the Republicans for Harris event sign-up.

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Despite the comment: 'Of course, expanding the Democratic margin of control in the Senate is imperative on many levels," each of candidates to be supported on August 14 are incumbents or candidates running for open Democratic seats. Protecting our 50 member majority it crucial.

I urge you to consider another effort on behalf of candidates who can flip Republican seats. Among them are Independent Labor Leader Dan Osborn of Nebraska, Democratic Congressman Colin Allred of Texas, and former Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell of Florida.

Keep up the good work. We will maintain the momentum. We will win the Presidency, make gains in the Senate, and flip the House. With your help. Thanks. Len's Political Notes. https://lenspoliticalnotes.com

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Thanks, Len !Debbie Mucurasel-Powell is gaining in the polls. Medicare fraudster Rick Scott has a history of winning razor-thin races although Amendment 4 (reproductive rights)is on the ballot.Latest poll shows nearly 70% of Floridians support Amend 4 !


✍️ The Reform Movement through RAC-FL and Women of Reform Judaism is partnering with the "YES on 4, Floridians Protecting Freedom" campaign to protect reproductive freedom through a November ballot amendment.


(no donation is required)

📲 Join Yes on 4 for our weekly virtual phone bank session where you will connect to voters via phone call to invite them to take action and support Yes on 4 this election cycle


We can do this !!!💙👕🛒

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FT 6 Florida phone bank every Thursday. https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/?q=phone%20banks&tag_ids=20038

Those organizations should partner with FT 6,

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Kathy your 2nd link, The Reform Movement, said page not found. Hope you can post a correction.

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Thanks, Maureen.I just reposted the link and it appears to be working. Also sent to myself via email and it worked. I ordered and received my second batch of postcards from RAC-FL just yesterday.

Hope this works !

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If ever there was a time to stretch the support, it is now with the momentum we have and donations rolling in. Exploit this wave. We will never have another chance like the bubble we have at this moment.

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I agree with your advice, Leonard. And I feel a bit like a forlorn voice in the wilderness because I live in the Arizona congressional district that has the dangerous MAGA extremist Eli Crane representing me. I have tried to get involved in opposing him, but a very weak (but nice) Dem, Jonathan Nez from the Navajo Nation is running against him and has, I think, zero chance of winning against Crane's ill-gotten millions and consolidated MAGA base without a big-deal campaign, which isn't there. I am turning my thoughts two years ahead, when there will be another chance to oust Crane. But my question for the knowledgeable people on this blog: if I want to take the next two years to help construct a meaningful opposition to Crane, who would I talk to? The local Dems are oblivious. Is there some national group that does longer-term cultivation of candidates, contributes funds, brings attention to important races like this one, and does publicity and social media, or helps citizens set that structure up?

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I suggest you begin with Tom O'Halleran. He was defeated by Eli Crane and he is a man of substance. He was first elected to Congress in 2016. Before moving to Arizona, he retired from the Chicago Police Department. After he retired, he made himself prosperous working for the Chicago Board of Trade. See what he thinks. Is there any possibility at all to defeat Eli Crane with the districting as it is? See if you can find him. He is a pretty conservative Democrat, but he is definitely a Democrat and, I think, just from reading about him, an admirable man. According to Wikipedia, he lives in Yavapai County and has a Sedona address. (My recollection is that he has lived in Sedona for years). Wikipedia also says he was named Senior Advisor for the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the US Department of Agriculture. Good luck.

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Just now coming to light is the reporting about Trump’s corrupt $10 million campaign contribution from Egypt and his subsequent assistance to them. And his corrupt DOJ!

Will this man ever be held accountable?

Yes, we must beat him overwhelmingly on November 5th because the courts will not do it. The American people will have to do it!

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It was done after he won the election, so it was a bribe.

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According to the supreme court, bribery is now legal.

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Correct. Bribery is legal if it was a gratuity and Trump is immune even if it was a bribe.

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It would be protected now as an official core act. Even if "unofficial" as part of the campaign, evidence of bribery would not be allowed if it fell under the shade of official acts. Could not even be introduced even if it was for a corrupt purpose. This is "immunity" so precisely tailored to Trump, and psychologically is like giving a serial killer a free hand to murder at will. No limits, no consequences. Even Judge Amy balked at pieces of it. What did Justice Jackson say - the White House will become "crime central"? Deeply, deeply corrupt and probably unconstitutional. It will wind up in the pile with Dred Scott, Plessy, and Korematsu.

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If it could be proven that it occurred before he was inaugurated as president at noon on Jan. 20, 2017, it would not fall under an "official core act". But, because the investigation was cut short, we may never know. And the Statute of Limitations might apply even if it could be proven to have occurred before the inauguration. https://wapo.st/46AfgL6

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I think no matter what "the rules are" this concierge SCOMAGA will bend or break them to favor Trump. They are pretty much setting the table for Authoritarian rule. We will see this start to play out in DC case once Chutkan makes her determinations and they get run past SCOMAGA. They will always rule to protect Trump from here on out

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The part that would still be illegal is taking campaign contributions from a foreign source but probably too late to prosecute.

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So disgusting. We have crooks taking bribes on the Trump Court, so of course they legalized it.

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How convenient for them....

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Bribery may be technically legal, but it’s immoral. People should support ethical and moral behavior, even if narrow legalities greenlight unethical, immoral behaviors.

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Of course bribery is immoral. So are the 6 traitorous members of the "supreme" court.

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Trump? Immoral? Are we still splitting those hairs. Like calling him "shameless"...

But agree with your broad point. Crime is not OK but has become very much normalized since 2015. It's a broader social ill.

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The original agreement was before the election but the actual payoff was either right before or after the inauguration. Trump's concessions to Egypt were post-election. By SCOMAGA new rules, this is just "a gratuity" and not a bribe. SCOMAGA is a concierge radical faction who has surgically and proactively written-off most of Trump's legal liabilities. It's rotten to the core.

It's all moot because enough obstructive delays happend that the statute of limitations has passed. Barr was deeply complicit.

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Yes, it's moot legally but not politically which is why it needs to be widely publicized.

However, if the actual payoff was before inauguration - which it appears it may have been - and can be tied to the $10 million Trump finally "loaned" to his campaign, it remains an illegal (though now moot) contribution to a political candidate by a foreign entity.

Agree wholeheartedly with your characterization of the SCOMAGA majority.

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I only refer to them as SCOMAGA. Our three justices are still fighting the magnificent battle to make the Constitution an organic and evolving document. They have written such brave and brilliant dissents, too. In time, they will be recognized for that work when future generations look back in horror, as we do now at Scott, Plessy, Korematsu, etc. To me, those heinous, racist decisions enslaved particular races; the decisions SCOMAGA is making enslave all of us, they disregard the rights of everyone and make everyone less than a full human being. Just awful. Unconstitutional. Authoritarian. They are making the illegal legal. What a legacy they will have :(

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Presidential immunity wouldn't apply until he was inaugurated as president. Prior to Jan. 20, 2017, he was president elect but had none of the powers of the president. Barack Obama remained president on Jan. 20, 2017 until the president elect was inaugurated.

It's complicated and because the investigation was cut short, we may never know the full details, but it appears as if payment may have occurred prior to the inauguration. Check out the WaPo article on this: https://wapo.st/46AfgL6

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I've said this elsewhere but my estimate is that we know only about 10% of the crimes committed by Trump and his administration thugs and cabinet creeps. Maybe 20% tops. It will take decades to recover or uncover it all. Here, Mueller let a lot of financial crimes pass, apparently. I guess Donald the Bully scared him off.

Here's one that is forgotten: Remember in about 2018/2019 when Trump was having the Air Force and other branches fly through the (tiny) airport in the Scottish town where he has his golf course? That way, the airport was getting money for servicing the planes, plus the crews were staying at his hotel -- even though their travel allowances probably didn't cover it. A flap was made and I think the planes were diverted after that, but it had gone on for months. And-- the postal crimes of Dejoy to game the election. So much...

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After the election in November 2016 doesn't count. He didn't become president until Jan. 20, 2017. It's all pretty complicated, as you can see from this WaPo article, but it appears that the cash payment may have predated his inauguration thus not fall under "presidential immunity" as defined by the Supreme Court. Because the investigation was cut short, DOJ attorneys weren't able to continue the investigation to lock down just what happened when. https://wapo.st/46AfgL6

A different question also applies which is whether this would fall beyond the Statute of Limitations.

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My guess, a sad one, is that we perhaps know about only 10% of illegal activities undertaken by Trump and his perverse administration. Upper range 25%. Either way, it would probably take a decade more for it to all be ferreted out. Truly astounding.

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That huge campaign contribution from a hostile foreign power was totally illegal, as far as I can tell. Where is the FEC? The FBI? They just lie down and let Trump roll over them. Beautifully said, Barbara--the American people will have to do it!

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Need to go further down-ticket, to help the up-ticket. The need to suppurt down-ballot is of course imperitive. And winning a Federal Trifecta is the prime goal. Yet Democratic Senate candidates are extremely well funded already. An admittedly selective example is Ohio's beloved Sherrod Bromn who raised over $12 million last quarter to his opponent's $4+ million. Meanwhile fine state legislature candidates in swing states are short of cash. We have the chance to pick up chambers in AZ, WI, PA and NH that would advance democracy in those states as Michigan and Minnesota did in the last cycle, and impact the national stage. But also crucially, these legislature campaigns provide major support for up-ballot candidates, including the backbone of the Democratic ground game. They are a much better investment.

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Haven't we all seen how Republican-dominated state legislatures are the "laboratories of autocracy"? Democrats need to take them back and your dollars go so far in a state legislative race.

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Yes, as commented elsewhere today bang for buck state legislative races are most impactful.

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So true, Jim. National Democratic Senate candidates have so much money already. That’s wonderful, of course, but it’s time for Democratic donors to give to the many excellent state legislature candidates in states like PA, NC, WI, and AZ. Republicans have targeted the state legislatures for years while Democrats focused on national races. That’s why Republican-controlled legislatures in WI and OH have been able to gerrymander congressional districts to the point that the Wisconsin House delegation has 6 Republicans and only 2 Democrats! Ohio’s House delegation is 2/3 Republican. Democrats need to take back the State legislatures so we can draw congressional districts, set voting rules that help people vote, etc. it’s because Republicans control the Ohio state legislature that formerly purple Ohio has shifted so far right. Thanks for making this point, Jim!

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I also hope we can put some attention on taking back the dozen most-extreme MAGA US congressional seats. Even though they are federal and not state jobs, these dozen have done a huge amount of damage in this Congress in hamstringing, making frivolous, and subverting our normal congressional processes. They need strong, well-funded, and effectively communicating opponents in the next election cycle(s). Not sure what to do, as a lone citizen, about that.

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Republicans ran their REDMAP plan in 2010, an off-year election, that let them capture many state legislatures by investing in individual races and catching Democrats, who focus on up-ballot races, flat-footed (or catnapping, as Vance might say). This year, a presidential year with so much pent-up Dem enthusiasm, we ought to be able to reverse REDMAP if we invest in carefully-targeted state legislature races. Our dollars go much further in these races, and can have huge impact. Thanks, Jim.

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Excellent analysis from the political strategist for 31st Street Swing Left, which has been very active since 2017 in finding excellent investment opportunities with down ballot races, supporting a Power Up strategy.

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Sherrod Brown.

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State legislatures are so important, partly in the states that Jim mentioned. However, so many people only discuss Senate and House races. We need to continue to focus on all the benefits to having a family friendly legislature. State candidates need money and we need to focus our money especially in Swing States.

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A small amount of money goes much further, especially now when the big races have a lot of money.

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One thing that can be done in AZ: the Latino population is 17% in AZ. Joe Biden won the state by only 10,000 votes. If we can get more Latinos registered to vote and informed about Trump's dangerousness, I think we can get the wonderful Democratic candidate for US Senate, Ruben Gallego (a Latino) elected. A group called Somos Votantes is community organizing the Latino community in AZ. I give them $100/month to help. If you have anything to spare, consider supporting their work (they're also organizing in Nevada). I originally heard about them in a Robert Hubbell Zoom call. https://www.somosvotantes.com/

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Over the weekend hopefully many will find the time to watch and share this great zoom call initiated by the Marin and Bay Area Democrats in California. Joyce Vance shared the link in her newsletter. She is discussing Project 2025 with Congressmen Jamie Raskin and Jared Huffman.


Watch and share. Now that more and more people are aware of Project 2025 it is hilarious to watch how the felon and his handlers are trying to disavow the manual for their future administration they so painstakingly put together. I always wondered what prompted the Heritage Society to divulge their divisive plans so brazenly and proudly. Was it cockiness in the expectation of a sure victory or just utter stupidity? Probably a lethal combination of the two.

Here again is also a link to a word-searchable version of the Project. It makes navigating this frightening document much easier


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Trumpian disavowal of the project is moot.

Project 2025 aims to turn THE NEXT conservative presidency into a theocratic dictatorship.

Therefore, it should be considered poison for the next seven presidential elections.

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People should avoid applying the word “conservative” to Trump and Trump allies. Push back against it. Those people are *reactionaries*; many are anti-democratic.

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Joyce Vance made this point. Rep. Jamie Raskin suggested using "neo-monarchical' although that is kind of a mouthful. I'm sometimes like "so-called" in front of the usage, e.g., "a so-called conservative" I find implausible. https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/does-conservative-have-any-meaning?r=fuzfd&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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It’s nice to learn that Joyce Vance agrees with me. But even more seriously:

1). It’s not uncommon for more than one person to come up with (discover?) the same idea, even in the sciences.

2). I’m pretty sure that, for some time, several observers have chafed at “conservative” being applied to viewpoints and actions that are radical and not conservative.

3). The point was: Don’t use “conservative” to label something that is even farther right-wing than conservative – especially views and acts that are basically totalitarian.

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Neo-monarchical is just impossible, sorry. It's arcane enough to be meaningless even if technically correctly descriptive. Someone suggested we call them regressives. Maybe throw-backs?

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Yes, I agree. It may have been said sarcastically. How about tried and true "far-right?"

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“Regressive” or “throw-back” emphasize return to an earlier time. That might also be applied to Mitch McConnell; but the descriptor for Trump needs, in a simple way, to capture his totalitarian tendency.

How about “proto-Fascist”? (“Proto-“ somewhat softens the accusation of “Fascist”.)

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Michael, I do think the MAGA people want to return--to days when women had no contraception or abortion and pregnancy made it difficult/impossible to hold good jobs; to days when there were few Latinos in the US; to days when laborers had 18-hour days seven days a week and no rights (or unions). I think it was Tim Scott who said he wished it could be 1850 again. In 1850, women did not have the right to vote and Black people were still enslaved. The MAGA people have already gone after women and Latinos; I expect they will go after Blacks next. They are regressive. We need to capture and campaign against Trump's regressive social beliefs as well as his intention to become a dictator. How about regressive dictatorship as a label, then?

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Thanks for the links! I intended to attend the IndiMarin call with Joyce Vance butI wasn't able to make it.

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Thank you, Stefen. The Dem CA call with Joyce Vance, Jamie Raskin and Jared Huffman is extraordinary and chilling at once. I will revisit for the memorable moments of exchange, which are many. And will be sharing.

I've only given the word-searchable document a glance, which is more than enough to stun one into action, and conversation. I will most certainly return to it to better understand the seriousness of the Project.

Your sharing of these links is much-needed and greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the links..I just shared the P25 discussion as I listen to it.

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Thank you for the link to a great chat with Vance, Raskin, and Huffman. Informative, galvanizing, and even fun. (Although frightening.) We know what we have to fight, and the numbers, the joy, and the likelihood of success are on our side, although as Robert says, let's not be complacent. On a side note, I am so encouraged by Heather Cox Richardson's blogs; she's a historian first and foremost, and has opened my eyes to the two or three times in our nation's history when we have faced threats just as bad as this one, when things looked dark, when powerful men with hateful designs and piles of money have tried to terminate the American experiment--and when we have come about, in each case.

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The senate is very, very important. It is the senate that recently made the up or down decisions on Kavanagh, Barrett, Gorsuch and, by extension, Trump's viability as a candidate. McConnell should be deeply ashamed but, I suspect, he is smugly gloating. He and Leonard Leo have been handmaidens in the near destruction of our democracy. This November will be critical. We'll learn in the next 3 months whether corruption or democracy is the animating power behind all that goes on in Washington.

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McConnell and Leo's tale may have unintended consequences that no amount of money can cure.

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But, for sure, not good consequences. At least good for the average Jane/Joe.

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Unintended by McConnell and Leo – so those must be positive consequences.

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Was it a MAGA Alabama congresswoman who complained, "I told them not to publish it!"

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In the Vance/Raskin/Huffman discussion, I believe one of them made a point about Project 2025 being a plan to make corruption the way America is run. I like that characterization, and fear it's accurate. It won't be law, or ethics, or even cultural norms that will govern us--it will be fealty, revenge, and sycophancy as well as who has the most billions.

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As it was under Louis XIV

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What we are up against is not merely a deranged wannabe but a “member” of international organized crime. His whole resume is about greed and grift. https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/august-2-2024?r=3hkyi&utm_medium=ios

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Yes. I read. HCR this morning and learned a lot about this. I recommend it to other readers.

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I also read the HCR post. People should read, also, the news report on which HCR based her post. It’s really shocking.

It turns out that Trump has violated a *bunch* of laws, not just the ones under which he was formally convicted. A felon, indeed!

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I have a favorite author, John Sandford. In his book The Investigator, one of the characters is describing a small-time crook involved in the bad dealings the plot covers. "Roscoe Winks. He's a crook, he surely is. Always has been. Vee tells me that Roscoe might be stealing [oil in this case], and I gotta say, the only reason that he hasn't been doing that before is that he hadn't figured out how to do it. He's been bankrupt six times, screws over people he's hired to do work for him, lies about everything, cheats at everything, been married four times, and drinks. He does tell some good stories when he's in his cups." Sound like anyone we know? Donald Trump, small-time thief and all-around crook...

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I've chosen to contribute substantially to Gallego's, Tester's, and Alsobrooks's candidacies. I began with monthly donations in the Spring, and have recently quadrupled the amounts. All are terrific people, and to the best of my understanding, all face tough races. I've also donated a great deal to Kamala Harris's candidacy. My thoughts, when I began, were "if this nation is to become a fascist dictatorship, my money will be worthless. Best to spend it now, while it may have value." As an "elder" with Parkinson's + multiple broken ribs at the moment, I can't do door-to-door canvassing (as I did in the George McGovern days), or sign up voters. At my age, helping with funds is what I can do to help, and I do so with joy (even if it does mean my retirement accounts are drying up a bit :-) ).

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Love this. It's Americans like you who will save this country. What spirit! Thank you.

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Oh, thank you Christina! It's so frustrating not to be able to go out there are share my energy with other people. I think ahead to future generations and know that they deserve EVERY good thing that I've been blessed to enjoy.

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I think the MAGA dam is breaking. More and more Rs are speaking out against the Mandarin Mussolini. My personal, unscientific observations follow.

Last week I attended Airventure, Oshkosh’s annual Experimental Aircraft Association’s airshow. Approximately 868,000 attended over the week. I saw NO MAGA hats. In the campgrounds I only saw two flags supporting Donald Grump. I only saw one vendor selling anything supporting the Christofascists.

I was pleasantly surprised.

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I like the way you have sketched out the landscape - and I like the landscape, too! I hope that we don't ignore what Biden is doing, as he is still the President and he is still busy, and I believe he still should get credit. How he continues to work on his agenda while all of the hoopla is going on is also an art and a tribute to his vision and commitment.

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I agree that people need to realize there are other races! There are also other states. I am in a red controlled state and very little is happening. No one of major importance from the Democratic Party comes here to try to energize voters. We are left out. How can we change our states if no one tries? Please don’t leave us out. Our votes count too.

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A gentle reminder that national polls, although they may make us feel good, we do not have a natuonal popular election. The important elections are state by state, battleground by battleground, blue or red. The get out the vote effort must be precinct by precinct, state by state.

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Robert, I love to listen to your voice, information, insight, and positivity every morning as I drink my first cup of coffee. It's become a ritual. I also love your astronomy pictures. I appreciate that you mention (warn?) that there will be some challenges to face in Kamala's race. She may stumble because she's only human. She may say something we wish she hadn't. Biden's stumble caused him to fall. Even so, I will look to you to help me keep a perspective, reach beyond what I usually do, and stay strong through these next stressful weeks. Thank you.

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Betsy, you make a very rational comment about Harris. But I have this counter: Trump has stumbled a million times and has not fallen. He should have. But I don't agree Biden stumbled, and I don't agree he fell. We are watching the Democrats like a cat watches a mouse, but are ignoring the 600 pound gorilla called Trump, rampaging around out of control, destroying our country and attempting to destroy our future. Why not turn our laser-beam focus on Trump's multiple, daily, serious stumbles and amplify those, so that he rightly falls, instead of waiting to catch one of our own out on some tiny thing?

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I have been thinking how you can leverage your community to expand its impact up and down the ticket. Join forces with other newsletter writers and create a coalition. “United Funding” is such a way. (It does not exist yet. I just made that up. That moniker might help change the focus from yes or no to is that the right name for it.) Of import is Hopium Chronicles which has focused solely on House races, leaving little room for Simon’s constituency to donate to Senate races. You offer them a way and conversely.

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Wherever possible candidates for national office should join forces and include state and local candidates in their events and campaign ads.

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Newsletter writers are leading their communities along a narrow path. They aggregate donations for THAT chosen path and hand off the funds under their banner. A coalition of newsletter writers might sponsor together a single donation portal, was my thought, to tap into demand within their communities for broader contributions. I was writing to and handing off this idea to Robert to see if it is interesting for him to pursue.

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Take a look at the DNC Social Ambassador program. https://democrats.org/share/

In most states, the Democratic Party has data teams doing just that.

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“United Funding”: a joint contributions portal, promoted by each newsletter author-member of the coalition. Has nothing to do with content sharing.

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